On the 18th day, Yudhishthir killed king Shalya, Sahdev killed Shakuni, and Bhim killed Duryodhan's remaining brothers. Realizing that he has been defeated, Duryodhan fled the warzone and took refuge in the lake. However Pandav's caught up with him. Under the supervision of the now returned Balram, a mace battle took place between Bhim and Duryodhan in which Duryodhan was mortally wounded. Later Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritvarma met Duryodhan on his deathbed and promised to avenge him. They attacked Pandav's camp later that night and killed all Pandav's son, including Dhristadyumn and Shikhandi.


Aftermath of the War :

At the end of the 18th day, only ten warriors survived the war – The Five Pandavs, Krishna, Satyaki, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritvarma. Yudhisthir was crowned king of Hastinapur. He renounced the throne after ruling for more than 30 years, passing on the crown to Arjun's grandson Parikshit. He then left for the Himalayas with Draupadi and his brothers in what was to be their last journey. Draupadi and four Pandavs – Bhim, Arjun, Nakul, and Sahdev– died during the journey. Yudhisthir, the lone survivor and being of pious heart, was invited by Dharma to enter the heavens as a mortal.


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