of Vedic Bharat

of Vedic Bharat
formed one of the sixteen so-called Mahajanpads (Sanskrit, 'great
country') or regions in ancient India. The core of the kingdom was
the portion of Bihar lying south of the Ganges, with its capital
at Rajagriha (modern Rajgir).
Magadh expanded to include Eastern Uttar Pradesh most of Bihar and
Bengal with the conquest of Licchavi and Ang respectively. The ancient
kingdom of Magadh is mentioned in Ramayan, Mahabharat, Purans, and
heavily mentioned in Buddhist and Jain texts. The first reference
to the Magadh occurs in the Atharv Ved where they are found listed
along with the Angs, Gandharis and the Mujavats as a despised people.
Two of India's major religions started from Magadh; Two of India's
greatest empires, the Mauryan Empire and Gupta Empire, along with
others, originated from Magadh. They advanced ancient India's science,
mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy and were considered
the Indian "Golden Age". The Magadh kingdom included republican
communities such as Rajkumar. Villages had their own assemblies
under their local chiefs called Gramaks. Their administrations were
divided into executive, judicial and military functions.
Mention by Panini :
Magadh is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.
Magadh is a name of Country mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under
Gahadi (4.2.138) group.
Man is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.
Magadhi is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.

Indian Kingdoms in 600 BC
The kingdom of the Magadh roughly corresponded to the modern districts
of Patna and Gaya in southern Bihar, and parts of Bengal in the
east. It was bounded on the north by river Ganga, on the east by
the river Champa, on the south by Vindhya mountains and on the west
by river Son. During Buddha’s time and onward, its boundaries
included Ang.
V. S. Agrawala writes that Ashtadhyayi of Panini mentions Janpad
Magadh (IV.1.170) - It was an important Janpad. A kshatriya descendant
of the Magadh tribe was called Magadh.
is little certain information available on the early rulers of Magadh.
The most important sources are the Buddhist Chronicles of Sri Lanka,
the Purans, and various other Jain and Buddhist texts. Based on
these sources, it appears that Magadh was ruled by the Sisunag dynasty
for some 200 years, c. 550 BC - 350 BC. The Sisunag dynasty was
overthrown by Ugrasen Mahapadma Nand, the first of the so-called
nine Nands (a.k.a. the Nand or Nav Nand dynasty). He was followed
by his eight sons, whose names were (according to the Mahabodhivams)
Panduk, Pandugati, Bhutpal, Ratthpal, Govisanak, Dasasiddhak, Kevatt,
and Dhan Nand. According to the Sri Lankan Chronicles, the Nand
dynasty was in power for mere 22 years, while the Puranas state
that Mahapadma ruled for 28 years and his eight sons for only 12.
Bimbisar of the Hariyank dynasty led an active and expansive policy,
conquering Ang in what is now West Bengal.
Gautam himself was born a prince of Kapilavastu in Kosal around
563 BC. As the scene of many incidents in his life, Magadh was a
holy land.
the death of Bimbisar at the hands of his son, Ajatashatru, the
widowed princess of Kosal also died of grief, causing King Prasenajit
to revoke the gift of Kashi and triggering a war between Kosal and
Magadh. Ajatashatru was trapped by an ambush and captured with his
army; but in a peace treaty he, his army, and Kashi were restored
to Magadh, and he married Prasenajit's daughter.
differ slightly as to the cause of Ajatashatru's war with the Licchavi
republic. It appears that Ajatashatru sent a minister, who for three
years worked to undermine the unity of the Licchavis at Vaishali.
To launch his attack across the Ganga River, Ajatashatru had to
build a fort at a new capital called Pataliputra, which the Buddh
prophesied would become a great center of commerce. Torn by disagreements
the Licchavis were easily defeated once the fort was constructed.
Jain texts tell how Ajatashatru used two new weapons – a catapult
and a covered chariot with swinging mace that has been compared
to modern tanks.
326 BC, the army of Alexander the Great approached the boundaries
of the Magadhn Empire. The army, exhausted and frightened by the
prospect of facing another giant Indian army at the Ganges River,
mutinied at the Beas River (Hyphasis) and refused to march further
East. Alexander, after the meeting with his officer, Coenus, was
convinced that it was better to return, and turned south, conquering
his way down the Indus to the Ocean.
A short while later, Magadh was the seat of the powerful Mauryan
Empire, founded by Chandragupt Maurya, which extended over most
of Southern Asia under Ashok; and, later, of the powerful Gupta
Empire. The capital of the Mauryan Empire, Pataliputra (modern Patna),
was begun as a Magadh fortress and became the capital sometime after
Ajatashatru's reign. Chandragupt destroyed the Nanda dynasty around
321 BC, and became the first king of the great Mauryan Empire.
Mahabharat :
Military Campaign of Karna: Mahabharat, Book 3, Chapter 252. Then
descending from the mountain and rushing to the east, he reduced
the Angs, and the Bangs, and the Kalings, and the Mandiks, and the
Magadhs. the Karkakhands; and also included with them the Avasirs,
Yodhyas, and the Ahikshatras. Having (thus) conquered the eastern
quarter Karn then presented himself before Batsa-bhumi.
of Magadh :

of Magadh Kings
Brihadratha Dynasty (c. 1700–799 BC) :
Semi-legendary rulers in Purana accounts.
Susharma Chand
• Porus
• Brihadrath
• Jarasandh
• Sahdev
• Somapi (1678-1618 BC)
• Srutasravs (1618-1551 BC)
• Ayutayus (1551-1515 BC)
• Niramitra (1515-1415 BC)
• Sukshatra (1415-1407 BC)
• Brihatkarman (1407-1384 BC)
• Senjit (1384-1361 BC)
• Srutanjay (1361-1321 BC)
• Vipra (1321-1296 BC)
• Suchi (1296-1238 BC)
• Kshemya (1238-1210 BC)
• Subrat (1210-1150 BC)
• Dharma (1150-1145 BC)
• Susum (1145-1107 BC)
• Dridhasen (1107-1059 BC)
• Sumati (1059-1026 BC)
• Subhal (1026-1004 BC)
• Sunit (1004-964 BC)
• Satyajit (964-884 BC)
• Biswajit (884-849 BC)
• Ripunjay (849-799 BC)
Trigarta (Trigart Raje) Dynasty (BC unknown) :
• Katoch Clan Kings & Emperors
• Jaswal Clan Kings & Emperors
• Guleria Clan Kings & Emperors
• Sibaia Clan Kings & Emperors
• Dadwal Clan rulers
• Pradyota dynasty
ancestry :
Ruling 799-684 BC according to calculations based on the Vayu Puran.
• Palak
• Visakhayup
• Ajak
• Varttivarddhan
• Hariyank dynasty (545 BC-346 BC) and Shishunag
dynasty (430-364 BC)
• Bimbisar (545-493 BC), founder of the first
Magadhn empire
• Ajatashatru (493-461 BC)
• Darshak (from 461 BC)
• Udayin
• Anirudh
• Mund
• Shishunag (430 BC), established the kingdom
of Magadh
• Kakavarna Kalashok (394-364 BC)
• Kshemadharman (618-582 BC)
• Kshatraujas (582-558 BC)
• Nandivardhan
• Mahanandin (until 424 BC), his empire is
inherited by his illegitimate son Mahapadma Nand
Nand Dynasty (424-321 BC) :
• Mahapadma Nand (from 424 BC), illegitimate
son of Mahanandin, founded the Nand Empire after inheriting Mahanandin's
• Pandhuk
• Panghupati
• Bhutapal
• Rashtrapal
• Govishanak
• Dashasidkhak
• Kaivart
• Dhan (Agrammes, Xandrammes) (until 321 BC), lost
his empire to Chandragupt Maurya after being defeated by him
Maurya Dynasty (324-184 BC) :
• Chandragupt Maurya (Sandrakottos) (324-301 BC),
founded the Mauryan Empire after defeating both the Nand Empire
and the Macedonian Seleucid Empire, claimed descent from Shakya
• Bindusar Amitraghat (301-273 BC)
• Ashok Vardhan (Ashok the Great) (273-232 BC), considered
the greatest ancient Indian emperor, first emperor to unify India
(after conquering most of South Asia and Afghanistan), adopt Buddhism,
grant animal rights and promote non-violence
• Dasarath (232-224 BC)
• Samprati (224-215 BC)
• Salisuk (215-202 BC)
• Devavarman (202-195 BC)
• Satadhanvan (195-187 BC), the Mauryan Empire had
shrunk by the time of his reign
• Brhadrath (187-184 BC), assassinated by Pusyamitra
Shung,a brahman
Shunga Dynasty (185-73 BC) :
• Pusyamitra Shung (185-149 BC), founded the dynasty
after assassinating Brhadrat
• Agnimitra (149-141 BC), son and successor
of Pusyamitra
• Vasujyeshth (141-131 BC)
• Vasumitra (131-124 BC)
• Andhrak (124-122 BC)
• Pulindak (122-119 BC)
• Ghosh
• Vajramitra
• Bhagbhadra, mentioned by the Purans
• Devabhuti (83-73 BC), last Sunga king
Kanva Dynasty (73-26 BC) :
• Vasudev (c. 75 – c. 66 BCE)
• Bhumimitra (c. 66 – c. 52 BCE)
• Narayan (c. 52 – c. 40 BCE)
• Susarman (c. 40 – c. 26 BCE)
Western Kshatrapas (35–405 AD) :
• Nahapan (119–124 AD)
• Castanafl (c. 120)
• Rudradaman I (c. 130–150)
• Damajadasri I (170–175)
• Jivadaman (175, d. 199)
• Rudrasimha I (175–188, d. 197)
• Isvardatt (188–191)
• Rudrasimha I (restored) (191–197)
• Jivadaman (restored) (197–199)
• Rudrasen I (200–222)
• Samghadaman (222–223)
• Damasen (223–232)
• Damajadasri II (232–239) with
• Viradaman (234–238)
• Yasodaman I (239-240)
• Yasodaman II (240)
• Vijaysen (240–250)
• Damajdasri III (251–255)
• Rudrasen II (255–277)
• Visvasimh (277–282)
• Bhartridaman (282–295) with
• Visvasen (293–304)
• Rudrasimha II (304–348) with
• Yasodaman II (317–332)
• Rudradaman II (332–348)
• Rudrasen III (348–380)
• Simhasen (380–?)
Dynasty (c. 240-550 AD) :
• Sri-Gupta I (c. 240-290)
• Ghatotkach (290-305)
• Chandra Gupt I (305-335), founder of the Gupta
Empire, which is often regarded as the golden age of Indian culture
• Samudra Gupt (335-370)
• Ram Gupt (370-375)
• Chandra Gupt II (Chandragupt Vikramaditya) (375-415),
son of Samudra Gupta, the Gupta Empire achieved its zenith under
his reign, the Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hsien describes Indian culture
during his reign
• Kumara Gupt I (415-455)
• Skanda Gupt (455-467)
• Kumara Gupt II (467-477)
• Buddh Gupt (477-496)
• Chandra Gupt III (496-500)
• Vainya Gupt (500-515)
• Narasimha Gupta (510-530)
• Kumara Gupta III (530-540)
• Vishnu Gupta (c. 540-550)
Visit by Xuanzang in 637 AD :
Alexander Cunningham writes that From Nepal, Hwen Thsang returned
to Vaisali, and then proceeding to the south, crossed the Ganges
and entered the capital of Magadh. He notes that the city was originally
called Kusumapura, that it had been deserted for a long time, and
was then in ruins. It was 70 li, or 11-2/3 miles, in circuit, exclusive
of the new town of Pataliputra-pura. This name the Greeks slightly
altered to Palibothra on the authority of Megasthenes, whose account
is preserved by Arrian."The capital city of India is Palibothra,
in the confines of the Prasii, near the confluence of the two great
rivers Erannoboas and Ganges. Erannoboas is reckoned the third river
throughout all India, and is inferior to none but the Indus and
the Ganges, into the last of which it discharges its waters. Megasthenes
assures us that the length of this city is 80 stadia, the breadth
15; that it is surrounded with a ditch, which takes up 6 acres of
ground and is 30 cubits deep ; that the walls are adorned with 570
towers and 64 gates." According to this account the capital
of Magadh in the time of Seleukos Nikator was 220 stadia, or 25-1/4
miles, in circuit. This is about the size of the modern city of
Patna, which when surveyed by Buchanan was 9 miles in length by
2-1/4 miles in breadth, or 22½ miles, in circumference. In
seventh century, therefore, we may readily admit that the old city,
of Kusumapur may have been about half this size, or 11 miles in
circuit, as stated by Hwen Thsang.
attributes the foundation of the city to Herakles, by whom he may
perhaps mean Balram, the brother of Krishna, but this early origin
is not countenanced by the native authorities. According to the
Vayu Puran the city of Kusumapur or Pataliputra was founded by Raja
Udayaswa, the grandson of Ajatasatru, who was the well-known contemporary
of Buddh ; but the ' Mahawanso' makes Uddaya the son of Ajatasatru.
According to the Buddhist accounts, when Buddh crossed the Ganges,
on his last journey from Rajagrih to Vaisali, the two ministers
of Ajatasatru, king of Magadh, were engaged in building a fort at
the village of Patali as a check upon the Wajjians, or people of
Vriji. Buddha then predicted that it would become a great city.
From these concurring authorities I conclude that the building of
the city of Pataliputra was actually begun in the reign of Ajatasatru,
but was not finished until the reign of his son, or grandson, Udaya,
about B.C. 450.
position of the city at the junction of the Ganges and Erannoboas
was formerly supposed to refer to the confluence of the Gandak or
Hiranyavati, which joins the Ganges immediately opposite Patna.
But it has been conclusively shown by Mr. Eavenshaw that the Son
river formerly joined the Ganges
just above the city of Patna. As the Sona, or "golden"
river, is also called the Hiranya-bah, ox the golden, on account
of its broad yellow sands, its identification with the Erannoboas
is complete both as to name and position.
and Pliny agree with Arrian in calling the people of Palibothra
by the name of Prasii, which modern writers have unanimously referred
to the Sanskrit prachya, or "eastern". But it seems to
me that Prasii is only the Greek form of Palasiya or Parasiya, a
"man of Palasa or Parasa," which is an actual and well-known
name of Magadh, of which Palibothra was the capital. It obtained
this name from the Palasa, or Butea frondosa, which still grows
as luxuriantly in the province as in the time of Hwen Thsang. The
common form of the name is Paras, or when quickly pronounced Pras,
which I take to be the true original of the Greek Prasii. This derivation
is supported by the spelling of the name given by Curtius, who calls
the people Pharrasii, which is an almost exact transcript of the
Indian name Parasiya. The Praxiakos of Aelian is only the derivative
form Palasak.
to Hwen Thsang's estimate the province of Magadh was about 5000
li, or 833 miles, in circuit. It was bounded by the Ganges on the
north, by the district of Banaras on the west, by Hiranya Parvat,
or Mongir, on the east, and by Kirana Suvarna, or Singbhum on the
south. It must, therefore, have extended to the
Karmnasa river on the west, and to the sources of the Damuda river
on the south. The circuit of these limits is 700 miles measured
direct on the map, or about 800 miles by road-distance.
Magadh was the scene of Buddh's early career as a religious reformer,
it possesses a greater number of holy places connected with Buddhism
than any other province of India. The chief places are. Baudh-Gaya,
Kukhutapad, Rajagrih, Kusagarapur, Nalanda, Indrasilaguh, and the
Kapotik monastery, all of which will be described separately, whilst
the smaller places will be noticed in the account of Hwen Thsang's
route to the more important localities.
Gotras associated with Magadh :
Moond :
Bhim Singh Dahiya has mentioned about the rule of Mund people in
Magadh. The inscriptional evidences show that Jat rulers and tribes
in north India from Kabul to Cuttack, in the period following the
disintegration of Kushanas empire. Particularly Magadh area was
under the rule of people who had the title, Murunda. They are admitted
to be Sakas or Scythians.
Geographike of Ptolemy says that in 140 AD, the Murundas were established
in the valley of the river Sarabos or Sarayu. Half a century later,
Oppien mentions the "Muruandien" as a Gangetic people.
S R Goyal quotes several other Jain authorities to show that Patliputra
in particular, as well as Kanyakubj were ruled by Murundas/Sakas.
The Jain ascetic, Padlipta Suri, cured the Murunda ruler of Patliputra
of terrible headache and converted him to Jainism. During the reign
of Wu dynasty (220 - 227 AD) Fan Chen, the King of Kambodia, according
to PC Bagchi sent his relative as ambassdor to the Indian King of
Patliputra. The ambassador was heartily welcomed and the gesture
was returned by the Indian king who sent two men as ambassador as
well as four horses of the Yue-chi i.e. the Jat country, as presents
to the King of Kambodia. According to this account Buddhism was
in prosperous state at that time in Magadh and the title of the
king was Meouloun. This title has been identified with Murunda and
this shows that in the middle of third century AD the Murundas were
still ruling over Patliputra. These Murunda rulers of Patliputra
had special relations with Peshawar. It was but natural, for, after
all Murundas and Kushans both belonged to the same Scithian stock.
this it is clear that racially the rulers of Magadh in the third
century AD were identical with Kushans, ruling Afghanistan. In the
Purans they are mentioned as ruling India after the Tukhars (Takhar
Jats) and Purans also say that 13 kings of Murunda dynasty ruled
India. It is significant that the Purans also mention that these
Murunda rulers destroyed the caste system and, in the language of
Purans, they raised "low caste people" to high offices
and all these people were of "Malech" origin. The Vishnu
Puran correctly gives the clan name of these people as Munda - a
still existing Jat clan. The title Murunda means "Lord",
in Saka language, as per Sten Konow.
the literary evidence and evidence of Purans shows that immediately
before the Guptas, the Mundas were ruling over Magadh and their
rule lasted for about two centuries, by taking 15 years for one
rule. It is unfortunate that none of the thirteen rulers, is even
named in the Indian history. This is really a pity for the Indian
historians. Apparently, all this was deliberately done to remove
all traces of the rule of the Jats which lasted for many centuries
in all parts of India. It is possible that the Purans, which were
revised during or after the Gupta age, deliberately excluded details
of these Jat rulers.
inscriptional as well as the literary and Puranic evidence shows
that various Jat clans ruling in North India. The Varikas, the Mauryas,
the Mundas, the Kushanas, the Taanks, etc. are of them. Various
other clans having republic governments, mentioned in the Allahabad
Pillar inscription of Samudragupta, are still existing Jat clans.
This clear picture of different Jat clans ruling in different parts
of north India is striking and can not be ignored by any writer
of Indian history.
Manghat gotra of Jats has originated from place called Magadh.
Kasya or Kashya is gotra of Jats were Suryavansh people, who ruled
in Kashi. When they lost their kingdom of Kashi to the Magadh, moved
from there to else where. Since they had com from Kashi hence known
as Kashya or Kashiwat. Kasya gotra Jats live in Mandsaur district
in Madhya Pradesh.
Mangadh gotra of Jats originated from Magadh Janpad.
Mahendra Singh Arya et all consider Burdaks to be the descendants
of Maharaj Bahuk, the ruler of Magadh.
Burdak gotra of Jats are probably related with Virudhaka also. Virudhaka
was son of Raja Prasenjit and king of Kashi. Soon after usurping
the prosperous kingdom built up by his father Bimbisar, the parricide
Ajatashatru went to war with his aged uncle Prasenjit, and gained
complete control of Kashi. Just after this Prasenjit, like Bimbisar,
was deposed by his son Virudhak, and died. The new king, Virudhak,
then attacked and virtually annihilated the little autonomous tribe
of Shakyas, in Himalyan foothills, and we hear no more of the people
which produced the greatest of Indians, the Buddha. Probably Virudhak,
like Ajatashatru of Magadh, had ambitions of empire, and wished
to embark on a career of conquest after bringing the outlying peoples,
who had paid loose homage to his father, more directly under the
control of the centre; but his intentions were unfulfilled, for
we hear no more of him except an unreliable legend that he was destroyed
by a miracle soon after his massacre of Shakyas. A little later
his kingdom was incorporated in Magadh. Alexander Cunningham found
a sculpture of Virudhaka at Bharhut stupa in Satna district in Madhya
Pradesh. There is an inscription in a scene at Bharhut which reads
as under :
dohati nadode pavate - This long label inscription shows a curious
scene but could not be made out by historians. Infact Vaduko has
been used for Burdak in prakrit language.
Dhillon :
Dhillons are linked to the royal house of the Pandavs. Yudhishthir
was ruler of Hastinapur and Indraprasth, later known as Delhi. The
third ruling Jat dynasty in this line was Dhillon whose descendants
are the present Jat gotras. Dhillon, Dhilwal and Dhill. Swami Dayanand
Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj, has written in his book
"Satyarth Prakash" ("The Light of Truth"), quoted
from the famous book "Chadrik Pushtik" that from Yudhishtra
to Harsh Vardhan, 124 rulers ruled for 4257 years 9 months and 14
Days. Six dynasties ruled during this period. The first three dynasties
had their capitals in Hastinapur, Indraprasth and Kausambi. During
the reign of the fourth generation, the capital was changed to Magadh.
It is also mentioned that during the reign of the fourth generation
of Yudhishthir, Hastinapur was destroyed due to changes in the course
of the River Ganga.
Prodyot was a king of Avanti, now known as Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh.
Podoth gotra of Jats have originated from King Prodyot of Avanti.
The inscriptions of Buddhists and Jains give us information on the
events which took place after the death of founders of these two
religions. We know scarcely anything about the latter part of Ajatashatru's
reign. There is evidence that he fought Prodyot, the king of Avanti,
and that for a time at least the fortunes did not favour him.
Lamboria, Chavel, Talan, Chakora
• Lamboria - Originated from Lambodar, the
king in line of Krishna.
• Chavel - Originated from Chivilaka son
of Lambodar, the king in line of Krishna.
• Talan - Originated from Talaka in sixth
generation of Lambodar, the king in line of Krishna.
• Chakor - Originated from Chakor in nineth
generation of Lambodar, the king in line of Krishna.
Palasi :
Palasi - gotra Jats are found in Sikar district of Rajasthan.
(Trigart Raj) Dynasty (BC unknown) :
Katoch Clan Kings & Emperors
• Jaswal Clan Kings & Emperors
• Guleria Clan Kings & Emperors
• Sibaia Clan Kings & Emperors
• Dadwal Clan rulers
These clans are found in Jats.