Relationship Between the Autonomous Saka and Iran-Shahr's Overlords
Northern Khorasani nomads. Image Credit: Khoosheh-Chin

Northern Khorasani nomads. Khorasan is modern Parthava (Parthia).
Note poppies. Image Credit: Khoosheh-Chin
While some Saka became part of the Iranian-Aryan mainstream and
a part of the Iranian-Aryan federation of nations, others choose
to stay as autonomous as possible. Those Saka who became part of
the Iranian mainstream, themselves had problems with the Saka who
chose to stay autonomous. Regardless of their autonomy, when Ira-Shahr
was threatened by external forces, it was often the Saka who came
to the rescue. The relationship between the autonomous Saka and
with those Saka who chose to remain in the Iranian federation as
well as with the overlords of the Iranian federation, the king-of-kings
or emperor, as well as the relationship between the settled Aryan
peoples and the predatory or nomadic groups, can best be described
as a love-hate relationship.
the one hand, the Saka gave sanctuary and protection to Persians
fleeing Alexander's army, and helped free Sughdha and Bakhdhi from
the regime left behind by Alexander.
the other hand, Achaemenian Persian Emperor Cyrus the Great and
two Saka Parthava (Parthian) kings of Iran-Shahr, Frahata (Phraates)
II, (c.138-127 BCE) and Ardaban (Artabanus) I (c.127-124 BCE) lost
their lives in quick succession battling the Saka. Amongst the Parthian
kings, the former perished at the hands of Saka in his army who
revolted demanding more pay, while the latter died attacking the
Tochari Saka who inhabited some areas north of the Kopet Dag mountains
- mountains that today form the border between Iran and Turkmenistan.
To add confusion to the story.
we had a third hand, we would say that on yet another hand, the
former Parthian Ardaban's successor, Ardaban (Artabanus) II was
supported by a strong army of Dahae Saka (see below) in putting
down a revolt.
reader will appreciate why we describe the relationship as that
of family members who alternate between loving and hating one another.
When hate took over, they were not beyond killing one-another. This
relationship is typified in legend between the kings of the Iranian-Aryan
land of Sistan, Sam and Rustam, and the king-of-kings, the emperors
of the Iranian-Aryan lands, to Sistan's north - Balkh (Bakhdhi).
Sam and Rustam were pahlavans, champions of Iran, a name shared
by the Parthians.
Herds-People / Nomadic Aryans :
Central Asian nomadic encampment with yurts and sheep. Note
the sparse grass
That groups employed in nomadic herding were also part of the Aryan
family is indicated by Herodotus in 1.125. Here, he divides the
Persian tribes that supported Cyrus into the settled and nomadic
tribes: "The Persian nation contains a number of tribes, and
the ones which Cyrus assembled and persuaded to revolt were the
Pasargadae, Maraphii, and Maspii, upon which all the other tribes
are dependent. Of these, the Pasargadae are the most distinguished;
they contain the clan of the Achaemenids from which spring the Perseid
kings. Other tribes are the Panthialaei, Derusiaei, Jermanii, all
of which are attached to the soil, the remainder - the Dai, Mardi,
Dropici, Sagarti, being nomadic." (Translation by Aubrey de
stands to reason, that people living in arid lands or mountain valleys
not suitable for agriculture, would breed herds of cattle, sheep
and horses instead. These people would have to move constantly in
order find fresh pastures for their herds. However, their kinfolk
who lived beside rivers in lands suitable for agriculture, would
need to stay in one place and build settlements.
11.13.6, Strabo states, "Nearchus says that there were four
predatory tribes and that of these the Mardi were situated next
to the Persians... ." Here Strabo equates the nomadic Mardi
mentioned by Herodotus as a predatory tribe as well. Nevertheless,
we should equate nomadic with been predatory. Nomads were not necessarily
Herodotus describes the five tribes (Busae, the Paretaceni, the
Struchates, the Arizanti, the Budii, and the Magi) of the Medes
in 1.101, we find that the Medes and by extension the Aryans, consisted
of the Magi, civil, nomadic and predatory groups. Presumably, the
settled and nomadic Iranian-Aryans were not just neighbours - they
were in all likelihood intermingled communities living side-by-side.
That phenomenon can be observed in Iran and central Asia even today.
An example are the cave-dwelling residents of Maymand, Kerman in
Central Iran, they would have moved with their herds during the
summer but returned to permanent homes during the winter - living
therefore a fusion of nomadic and settled lives.
the two groups, the nomadic and the settled, would have developed
different values, and their societies can therefore expected to
have come into conflict from time to time.
Predatory Aryans Living Amongst Civil Aryans
Parataceni / Paretaceni / Paraetaceni :
The classical writers write about predatory tribes living amongst
the Median & Persian peoples, By extension, these tribes are
part of the Iranian-Aryan family. one such tribe that they speak
of in some detail is the Paraetaceni.
calls the Paraetaceni, a predatory tribe. In 11.13.6 he states:
Greater Media is bounded on the east by Parthia and the mountains
of the Cossaei (Kassite, today's Bakhtiari region), another predatory
people, who once supplied the Elymaei (Elamites), with whom they
were allies in the war against the Susians and Babylonians, with
thirteen thousand bowmen. Nearchus says that there were four predatory
tribes and that of these the Mardi were situated next to the Persians;
the Uxii and Elymaei next to the Mardi and the Susians; and the
Cossaei next to the Medians; and that whereas all four exacted tribute
from the kings (ransom in reverse*), the Cossaei also received gifts
at the times when the king, after spending the summer in Ecbatana,
went down into Babylonia; but that Alexander put an end to their
great audacity when he attacked them in the winter time. So then,
Greater Media is bounded on the east by these (predatory) tribes,
and also by the Paraetaceni, who border on the Persians and are
themselves likewise mountaineers and predatory... .
these predatory tribes were able to exact tribute from the imperial
government that surrounded them is a reversal in roles, since vassal
states normally paid tribute to the dominant kingdom of the empire.
Strabo in 11.13.6, and Diodorus Siculus (1st cent. BCE) in 19.19.2-3,
add that the Cossaea/Kassites collected tolls for road passage on
the route between Ecbatana and Mesopotamia and the mountain shortcut
from Susiana to Ecbatana!
states that the Paraetaceni were a Median clan. In 1.101, he states
that the Medes consisted of "the Busae, the Paretaceni, the
Struchates, the Aryzanti, the Budii, and the Magi." Further,
in 7.62, Herodotus states, "These Medes were called anciently
by all people Aryans." The name Ary-zanti may also indicate
Aryan descent. If the Paretaceni are a tribe of the Medes and if
the Medes were Aryans, then it follows that the Paretaceni were
also Aryans. Paraetaceni may be broken down to Parae-tak-(eni) giving
us Paraetak as the Iranian name.
to Arrian in Anabasis 3.19.2, Diodorus Siculus at 19.34.7, the land
of the Parataceni (Paraetacae), that is, Paraetacena (cf. Ptolemy,
6.4.3), occupied the mountains of western and northern Persia. The
Parataceni held the shorter but more mountainous road from Persia
into Media. Compared to the Cossaea and the other Saka or Saka-like
tribes, the Parataceni were more settled and practiced farming.
in 15.2.14 states that Carmania (Kerman) has a desert which extends
to Parthia and to Paraetacena.
in 6.29.113 sees Persian Paraetacena as extending eastward between
Parthia (Khorasan) and Carmania (Kerman), an area either bordering
on or including Sistan. Isidorus in 18 introduces us to the land
of the Saka which had moved to Sistan (Sakastan) by his time. That
land included the Paraetacena: "Beyond is Sacastana of the
Scythian Sacae (Saka), which is also Paraetacena, 63 schoeni (378-508
km) [a comparatively large district]. There are the city of Barda
and the city of Min and the city of Palacenti and the city of Sigal;
in that place is the royal residence of the Sacae." We are
not sure if we can read into this account by Isidorus, that the
Paraetacena were simply living amongst the Saka or were a Saka people.
geographical location for the Paraetacena given by Strabo, Arrian
and Diodorus, is east of Media and Persia, i.e., the mountainous
areas of Isfahan, Yazd and Kerman. However, the accounts of Pliny
and Isidorus place the Paraetacena further east and cross the great
deserts of the Iranian plateau arriving at the mountains of Sistan,
Khorasan and Afghanistan (which would imply that Media and Persia
stretched all the way east to these mountains). Arrian in Anabasis
in 4.22.1 moves the Paraetacena even further east - as far east
as the mountainous area in eastern Sogdiana and appears to use the
name for all predatory Saka who lived in the mountains of the Iranian
we have included a discussion on the Paraetacena in this page on
the Saka, and while some may believe the Paraetacena model stereotype
Saka behaviour, at this point we do not find a strong connection
between the Paraetacena and the Saka.
Predatory Saka :
Strabo in 11.8.3 relates his views on the predatory practices of
(some) Saka: "Between them (Sacae) and Hyrcania and Parthia
and extending as far as the Arians is a great waterless desert,
which they (the Sacae) traversed by long marches and then overran
Hyrcania, Nesaea, and the plains of the Parthians. And these people
agreed to pay tribute, and the tribute was to allow the invaders
at certain appointed times to overrun the country and carry off
booty. But when the invaders overran their country more than the
agreement allowed, war ensued, and in turn their quarrels were composed
and new wars were begun. Such is the life of the other nomads also,
who are always attacking their neighbours and then in turn settling
their differences."
11.8.4: "The Sacae, however, made raids like those of Cimmerians
and Treres, some into regions close to their own country, others
into regions farther away. For instance, they occupied Bactriana,
and acquired possession of the best land in Armenia, which they
left named after themselves, Sacasene (cf. Sacasan / Sakastan);
and they advanced as far as the country of the Cappadocians, particularly
those situated close to the Euxine, who are now called the Pontici.
But when they were holding a general festival and enjoying their
booty, they were attacked by night by the Persian generals who were
then in that region and utterly wiped out."
Saka (and the other Aryans as well) travelled far from the original
eastern lands, naming some of the lands they settled after them.
In talking about Sacasene, Strabo could well be taking about Sakastan
(derived from Sakasan cf. Khorasan, and described on this page)
that later became Sistan, the home of Rustam, pahlavan and protector
of the Iranian throne - allied but autonomous, and fiercely independent
when so inclined.]