To understand Entangled Quantum Souls first we need to understand Quantum Entanglement.


Quantum Entanglement :


If you bring 2 objects (usually photons) so close together that their Quantum wave overlap then they can only be described as a single to object quantum wave function and if we bring them very far apart and don't disentangle them then they remain connected.


So, something done on one end shows up on the other end. Even though they could be on opposite ends of the earth or solar system they would still be communicating to each other because they are still described by one single wave functions.


Scientists are using this property of Entangled Quantum states to try to see if they can develop superior computers.


Quantum entanglement occurs when a system of multiple particles in quantum mechanics interact in such a way so that the particles cannot be described as independent systems but only as one system as a whole. Measurement (e.g. of the spin of an entangled electron) may instantaneously affect another electron's spin at an arbitrarily distant location, apparently (but not actually) faster than the lightspeed limit of special relativity. The fact that electron spin measurements can be highly correlated, violating Bell's inequality, is one of the cornerstone experimental results in the modern theory and interpretation of quantum mechanics.


The properties of quantum entanglement may engender quantum teleportation, where the state of one entangled particle is sent from one location to another without moving the particle. This phenomenon may prove extremely useful in the nascent field of quantum computing, where manipulating quantum states without losing information by exposing them to the environment is highly valued.

In quantum entanglement, measurements of the spin state of one particle influence the spin state of another arbitrarily distant particle with which the first is entangled.


Photons :

Imagine a shaft of yellow sunlight beaming through a window. According to quantum physics that beam is made of zillions of tiny packets of light, called photons, streaming through the air. But what exactly is a photon?


Definition :

A photon is the smallest discrete amount or quantum of electromagnetic radiation. It is the basic unit of all light.


Photons are always in motion and, in a vacuum, travel at a constant speed to all observers of 2.998 x 108 m/s. This is commonly referred to as the speed of light, denoted by the letter c.


As per Einstein’s light quantum theory, photons have energy equal to their oscillation frequency times Planck’s constant. Einstein proved that light is a flow of photons, the energy of these photons is the height of their oscillation frequency, and the intensity of the light corresponds to the number of photons. Essentially, he explained how a stream of photons can act both as a wave and particle.


Photon properties :

The basic properties of photons are :

Photon Properties
They have zero mass and rest energy. They only exist as moving particles.
They are elementary particles despite lacking rest mass.
They have no electric charge.
They are stable.
They are spin-1 particles which makes them bosons.
They carry energy and momentum which are dependent on the frequency.
They can have interactions with other particles such as electrons, such as the Compton effect.
They can be destroyed or created by many natural processes, for instance when radiation is absorbed or emitted.
When in empty space, they travel at the speed of light.

History :

The nature of light — whether you regard it as a particle or a wave — was one of the greatest scientific debates. For centuries philosophers and scientists have argued about the matter that was barely resolved a century ago.


The disciples of a sixth century BC branch of Hindu philosophy called Vaisheshika had a surprising physical intuition about light. Like the ancient Greeks, they used to believe the world was based on ‘atoms’ of earth, air, fire, and water. Light itself was thought to be made of such very fast-moving atoms called tejas. That’s remarkably similar to our modern theory of light and its composing photons, a term coined thousands of years later in 1926 by a chemist named Gilbert Lewis and an optical physicist called Frithiof Wolfers.


What a photon looks like :

Have you ever wondered what shape does a photon have? Scientists have been pondering this question for decades and, finally, in 2016, Polish physicists created the first ever hologram of a single light particle. The team at the University of Warsaw made the hologram by firing two light beams at a beamsplitter, made of calcite crystal, at the same time. The beamsplitter is akin to a traffic light intersection so each photon can either pass straight through or make a turn. When a photon is on its own, each path is equally probable but when more photons are involved they interact and the odds change. If you know the wave function of one of the photons, it’s possible to figure out the shape of the second from the positions of flashes appearing on a detector. The resulting image looks a bit like a Maltese cross, just like the wave function predicted from Schrödinger’s equation.


Hologram of a single photon reconstructed from raw measurements seen in the left-hand side versus the theoretically predicted photon shape on the right-hand side. Credit: FUW

Facts about photons :

Photon Facts
Not only is light made up of photons, but all electromagnetic energy (i.e. microwaves, radio waves, X-rays) is made up of photons.
The original concept of the photon was developed by Albert Einstein. However, it was scientist Gilbert N. Lewis who first used the word “photon” to describe it.
The theory that states that light behaves both like a wave and a particle is called the wave-particle duality theory.
Photons are always electrically neutral. They have no electrical charge.
Photons do not decay on their own.

Quantum Entanglement Videos :

Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action at a Distance

Quantum Teleportation is real here show it works

Entangled Quantum Souls :

To understand Entangled Quantum Souls imagine a scenario where two people are connected together either because of immense of love or hate towards each other.


In this case following situations arise when two people are connected because of immense love :

1. Both persons are alive
When person A is thinking about person B, Person B starts to feel that someone is thinking about him/her.
One person is alive and another is no more
Assuming Person A is dead and Person B is still alive :
Person B feels that someone is trying to communicate with him/her
Person B sees Person A in his dream or in real for few seconds
It can happen that Person B can see Person A but he/she is not saying anything. This is because sound cannot travel in universe but light can hence Person A can see image of Person B. It is also possible that Person B is on some another parallel universe.
Whenever something bad is going to happen to Person B he/she sees Person A either in dream or standing infront of him/her for sometime as a indication that something bad is going to happen and it can also be possible that Person A protects Person B from any harm.
There is a possiblity that Person A is trying to search for a medium to communicate with Person B.
3. Both persons are dead
It is possible that they meet each other in paralled universe and after their time is over they take birth and even meet each other in their next birth if their Quantum wave is still Entangled (emotionally attached).

In this case following situations arise when two people are connected because of immense hatred :

Both persons are alive
When person A is thinking about person B, Person B starts to feel that someone is thinking about him/her or that something wrong is going to happen.
One person is alive and another is no more
Assuming Person A is dead and Person B is still alive :
Person B feels that someone is trying to communicate, scare, harm, haunt or take revenge with him/her
Person B sees Person A in his dream or in real for few seconds
It can happen that Person B can see Person A but he/she is not saying anything. This is because sound cannot travel in universe but light can hence Person A can see image of Person B. It is also possible that Person B is on some another parallel universe.
Negative events start to happen in Person B life because of Person A and when Person B goes to any psychic they tell him about Person A or how he person looked.
Both persons are dead
It is possible that they try to settle their score in parallel universe and still if they are attached to each other due to hatred than they meet each other in their next birth and again start fighting without knowing the reason.

The thing with Entangled Quantum Souls is that they are connected with each other but are not able to understand who they are connected with once they are born. They all the time feel the connection but are not able to express it. If these people take help of Astrologers or Psychic's than it is possible that they can get answers or the best thing to do is meditation.


Whether they will meet the person who they are entangled with or not depends on how strong the connection is.


Entangled Quantum Souls concept also works when one person is connected to many people.

Understanding through frequency :

Experiment with 512 Hz and 440 Hz

Those people who our frequency matches with, we understand some people very easily and those people with whom our frequency does not match, just by looking at some people we have a bad feeling.


There is an effect of frequency on our mind and soul. Some souls who match our frequency may try to communicate with us but, we don't understand because our conscious mind is not aware about it and to understand this the best thing to do is meditation.