There is a simple secret to success. There is no meditation, books, seminars; etc required the only thing you need to do is stay alone. Honestly just try this for a week or month and see the result.

Keep yourself away from outside world, friends, mobile, etc. Sit in a room alone and be with yourself. Rather than talking to others talk to yourself and slowly you will realize that not only negative but positive emotions will also come out of you. This may sound like becoming a cave man and its true “everything is inward” it’s just there inside us we just need to explore it.

First try this for an hour, when this becomes as a habit gradually only positive and creative thoughts will be in your mind developing your intuition power. We have that power to connect directly with the energy source. The more you be with yourself and away from the outside world the more you get connected to that source of energy.

You yourself will start to get answers to all questions and things will start to work by itself. This may sound something impossible but try this for a week and see the result yourself.

There is nothing much to write about it because it’s an experience which cannot be expressed in words.