is Alkaline Water ? :
A water ionizer (also known as alkaline ionizer) is a home appliance
which claims to raise the pH of drinking water via ionization;
in order to achieve a variety of health benefits. Such claims
contradict laws of chemistry and physiology and are unfounded.
alkaline water has a higher pH level than does plain tap water,
proponents say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream,
boost your metabolism and help your body absorb nutrients more
effectively. Some even say that alkaline water can help prevent
disease and slow the aging process.
Ved Mantra No. 248
the 1930's, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed
as a simple, effective answer to cancer – almost any cancer.
This treatment approach is not well known because it is considered
alternative or experimental - or even dangerous - by the medical
and scientific community and hence has been referenced primarily
in obscure publications outside the mainstream press.
treatment approach is called alkaline therapy or pH therapy, and
is based in part on observations of cultures without significant
incidence of cancer and in part on scientific observations of
and experimentation with cellular metabolism.
principles of pH therapy are very simple. The metabolism of cancer
cells has a very narrow pH tolerance for cellular proliferation
(mitosis), which is between 6.5 and 7.5. As such, if you can interfere
with cancer cell metabolism by either lowering or raising the
internal cancer cell pH, you can theoretically stop cancer progression.
While lowering cancer cell pH (increasing acidity) is effective
against cancer cell mitosis in the lab, increasing acid levels
in the live body of a cancer patient puts stress on normal cells
and causes a lot of pain. So the proposed alkaline therapy for
people is a "high pH therapy" and has been developed
to normalize the intracellular pH of the cancer patient's body
through elimination of latent acidosis, while increasing the pH
of cancer cells to a range above 7.5. According to published research,
it is at that pH they revert to a normal cellular apoptosis cycle
(programmed cell death).
this approach begins with an alkaline diet. There is general agreement
amongst natural healers and medical professionals alike, that
changing a cancer patient's diet is extremely helpful when someone
is confronted with a cancer diagnosis.
There is a chance to heal from and prevent future recurrences
of cancer using alkaline diet principles.
alkaline diet, which is primarily plant-based and avoids sugar,
dairy, wheat and other high-gluten grains as well as an excess
consumption of fruits, while emphasizing fresh vegetables and
vegetable juices along with cruciferous vegetables and greens,
changes the body's intracellular pH to come close to the ideal
blood pH of 7.3/7.41- a key metabolic accomplishment on the path
to longevity whether you have cancer or not! An alkaline diet
based on vegetables and fruits create a less-than-optimal environment
for cancer proliferation, while at the same time strengthens the
immune function and supports healthy cells in the body through
improved nutrition.
second step is to use some nutritional mechanism to move the internal
cancer cell pH from the optimal mitosis range of pH 6.5 to 7.5,
to above 8, which shortens the life of the cancer cell. As described
by its proponents, alkaline therapy neutralizes the acid waste
of the cancer which causes so much pain, interferes with the anaerobic
fermentation of glucose that starts the self-feeding acidic cancer
wasting cycle called cachexia and in time, can induce remission.
If this theory of alkaline therapy holds true, it should be possible
to address cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery and
use alkaline therapy as a primary cancer treatment.
bold statement comes from a somewhat abstruse body of research.
In the 1880's, Louis Pasteur published his work on cellular aerobic
respiration and glycolysis. In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel
Prize for his work on the metabolism of tumors and the respiration
of cells, which was later summarized in his 1956 paper, On the
Origin of Cancer Cells. His work on cancer expanded upon Pasteur's
findings and described respiratory insufficiency and a cellular
metabolism of glucose fermentation as the primary trigger for
cancer progression.
conclusions on cancer were much discussed in scientific circles,
as they are academically elegant, but were not accepted by most
members of the scientific community engaged in cancer research.
Most cancer researchers in the late 1950's believed that the anaerobic
metabolism of cancer cells and their accompanying output of lactic
acid was a side effect or an adjunct effect of cancer, not a cause.
Cancer research since the 1960's has focused primarily on genetic
aberrations as causative for cancer, and has ignored the body
of research on cancer pH and its implications for therapeutic
work was a catalyst for yet another research effort on the nature
of cancer cells, beginning in the 1930's. A. Keith Brewer, PhD
(physicist) performed experiments on the relationship between
energized, oxygenated cell membrane and elemental uptake, vs.
cellular membranes in an un-energized state such as cancer cells
exhibit. He wrote a number of papers discussing the cellular mechanisms
of cancer cells and the changes in metabolism induced or indicated
by the lack of or presence of oxygen in combination with other
elements, particularly potassium and calcium. He noted that cancer
cells share one characteristic no matter what type of cancer:
they have lost their pH control mechanism.
summary conclusion regarding cancer was that by changing the pH
of cancer cells to alkaline (above 7.5), they will cease to function
as they need an acidic, anaerobic environment to thrive. In other
words, he proposed that cancer cells will die if they can be pushed
into an alkaline, oxygenated state.
Brewer's work cites areas in the world where cancer incidents
are very low. These areas contain concentrations of alkalizing
minerals in the soil and water, which are greater than in other
parts of the world. For example, the Hunza of northern Pakistan
and the Hopi Indians of the American West share both similar soil
and water conditions and diet. The alkaline elemental minerals
of cesium chloride, germanium and rubidium are heavily present
in the soil and water. Ingestion of these elements is correspondingly
high. These peoples also live in similar high, dry climates and
grow apricot orchards, traditionally eating the fresh or dried
fruit and the seeds each day.
should be noted that apricot seeds are the source of the controversial
cancer treatment Laetrile or B-17/Amygdalin. Apricot seeds contain
trace amounts of cyanide, which has long been identified as a
potential chemotherapeutic agent against cancer proliferation.
Other similarities in the diet include a low consumption of dairy
products, meat and wheat, as these foodstuffs are difficult to
farm in high, arid climates and a correspondingly greater consumption
of millet, buckwheat, nuts, dried fruits and berries in their
traditional diets, all of which contain a similar enhanced (though
sill minute) concentration of cyanide.
is all very interesting, but what does it really mean for cancer
patients who wish to avoid the pain of cancer and the typical
course of treatment using surgery, chemotherapy and radiation?
What are the conditions that will force cancer cells to change
their pH?
chemotherapeutic agents such as Cytoxan usually cause more damage
to normal cells than to cancer cells, because cancer cells have
a very thick, unenergized cellular membrane that essentially protects
them from absorbing many drugs. Normal cells have no such protection.
cancer cells have no way to normalize their internal pH, where
normal cells are relatively unaffected by high concentrations
of alkalizing minerals. However cancer cells take up primarily
two elements: glucose and potassium.
practical application, then, it is necessary to find a way to
guide alkalizing elements - such as cesium, germanium or rubidium
- into cancer cells, without impacting normal cells. It turns
out this can be done using a transport agent that penetrates the
bone/blood barriers, then relying on the normal uptake of alkalizing
elements that follow the potassium pathway. Cancer cells appear
to have preferential uptake of cesium chloride in particular,
but also take up germanium, rubidium, selenium, etc. all through
the potassium pathway.
is a compound that is frequently applied to the skin by arthritis
sufferers for relief of inflammation, used in brain surgery to
relieve intracranial pressure and topically used in sports medicine
and veterinary medicine, also for reducing inflammation. This
compound is called DMSO and it is formed in the slurry created
from soaking wood chips in water that is a bi-product of the paper
making industry.
has it that workers in the paper making industry were observed
to have their hands in water continuously, but they never developed
arthritis and had rapidly healing skin and strong nails. Experimentation
with DMSO as a medical treatment began in the 1800's and continues
to the present day. DMSO is medically approved in the United States
only for the treatment of interstitial cystitis, a type of inflammation
of the bladder.
Ash and Alkaline Water :
In our recearch which we conducted on 19 December 2014
we took pH strips to measure the pH value in water.
Strips |
Value of Tap Water |
Value of Agnihotra Ash Water |
we took the sample of tap water which our government gives us
[Note : The water given by Ahmedabad municipality water services
as on 19 December 2014 (State : Gujarat, Country : India)] which
came between 7 and 7.5 (We did not purify the water with any water
purifier nor did we boil the water).
After this we took one spoon of Agnihotra Ash and added it in
one glass of water (same tap water). We waited for some time so
that the ash in water can settle down, we took the water carefully
to avoid ash as much as we can and then we again filtered the
Agnihotra Ash water and checked its pH value. To our surprise
the pH value came to Approx. 10.5.
Agnihotra Ash water :
candle water filter comes with steel and plastic body but prefer
to use steel body because plastic has many disadvantages.
This sort of candle water filter does not reduce the pH value
in water but some water purifiers reduces the pH value in water.
It is advised to check the pH value of candle filtered water because
the making of candle differs from company to company.