Note :
I have purposely removed many of the false things written about
Marutts (Amorites) in Wikipedia because not everything written in
Wikipedia is true and people need to also do their own research
by reading various books written by genuine researchers whose "pen
is not for sale".
what the Wikipedia volunteers forget to read is the Vedas, especially
Rig Ved where many Hymns are written about Marutt (Amorites) and
by reading the Vedic Hymns written by Vedic Aryan Brahmins (Priests)
we come to know that Marutts were not as what the Wikipedia volunteers
have written and tried to portray.
Vedic Aryans knew Marutts and have praised them in Veds in form
of Vedic Hymns.
here it becomes important to read books written by Lieutenant Colonel
Laurence Austine Waddell to know more about Marutts (Amorites).
1. |
download some of the books written by Lieutenant Colonel Laurence
Austine Waddell containing information about Marutts (Amorites) |
2. |
download Veds written by Vedic Aryan Brahmin (Priests) containing
Hymns about Marutts (Amorites) |

clay tablets from the Amorite Kingdom of Mari, 1st half of the 2nd
millennium BC
Amorites (Sumerian : MAR.TU; Akkadian : Amurrum or Tidnum; Egyptian
Amar; Hebrew: 'Emori; Ancient) were an ancient Northwest Semitic-speaking
people from the Levant who also occupied large parts of southern
Mesopotamia from the 21st century BC to the end of the 17th century
BC, where they established several prominent city-states in existing
locations, such as Isin, Larsa and later notably Babylon, which
was raised from a small town to an independent state and a major
city. The term Amurru in Akkadian and Sumerian texts refers to the
Amorites, their principal deity and an Amorite kingdom.
Amorites are also mentioned in the Bible as inhabitants of Canaan
both before and after the conquest of the land under Joshua.

of a couple, Girsu, Amorite period, 2000 - 1600 BC. Louvre Museum
AO 16676
In the earliest Sumerian sources concerning the Amorites, beginning
about 2400 BC, the land of the Amorites ("the Mar.tu land")
is associated not with Mesopotamia but with the lands to the west
of the Euphrates, including Canaan and what was to become Syria
by the 3rd century BC, then known as The land of the Amurru, and
later as Aram and Eber-Nari.
ethnic terms Mar.tu ("Westerners"), Amurru (suggested
in 2007 to be derived from aburru, "pasture") and Amor
were used for them in Sumerian, Akkadian, and Ancient Egyptian respectively.
From the 21st century BC, possibly triggered by a long major drought
starting about 2200 BC, a large-scale migration of Amorite tribes
infiltrated southern Mesopotamia. They were one of the instruments
of the downfall of the Third Dynasty of Ur, and Amorite dynasties
not only usurped the long-extant native city-states such as Isin,
Larsa, Eshnunna, and Kish, but also established new ones, the most
famous of which was to become Babylon, although it was initially
a minor insignificant state.
Amorites wrote in a dialect of Akkadian found on tablets at Mari
dating from 1800 - 1750 BC. Since the language shows northwest Semitic
forms, words and constructions, the Amorite language is a Northwest
Semitic language, and possibly one of the Canaanite languages. The
main sources for the extremely limited knowledge about Amorite are
the proper names, not Akkadian in style, that are preserved in such
texts. The Akkadian language of the native Semitic states, cities
and polities of Mesopotamia (Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia, Isin, Kish,
Larsa, Ur, Nippur, Uruk, Eridu, Adab, Akshak, Eshnunna, Nuzi, Ekallatum,
etc.), was from the east Semitic, as was the Eblaite of the northern
There is a wide range of views regarding the Amorite homeland. One
extreme is the view that kur mar.tu/mat amurrim covered the whole
area between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian
Peninsula included. The most common view is that the “homeland”
of the Amorites was a limited area in central Syria identified with
the mountainous region of Jebel Bishri. Since the Amorite language
is closely related to the better-studied Canaanite languages, both
being branches of the Northwestern Semitic languages, as opposed
to the South Semitic languages found in the Arabian Peninsula, they
are usually considered native to the region around Syria and the
In the earliest Sumerian texts, all western lands beyond the Euphrates,
including the modern Levant, were known as "the land of the
mar.tu (Amorites)". The term appears in Enmerkar and the Lord
of Aratt, which describes it in the time of Enmerkar as one of the
regions inhabited by speakers of a different language. Another text
known as Lugalbanda and the Anzud bird describes how, 50 years into
Enmerkar's reign, the Martu people arose in Sumer and Akkad (southern
Mesopotamia), necessitating the building of a wall to protect Uruk.
are also sparse mentions in tablets from the East Semitic-speaking
kingdom of Ebla, dating from 2500 BC to the destruction of the city
c. 2250 BC: from the perspective of the Eblaites, the Amorites were
a rural group living in the narrow basin of the middle and upper
Euphrates in northern Syria. For the Akkadian kings of central Mesopotamia
Mar.tu was one of the "Four Quarters" surrounding Akkad,
along with Subartu/Assyria, Sumer, and Elam. Naram-Sin of Akkad
records successful campaigns against them in northern Syria c. 2240
BC, and his successor, Shar-Guni
/ Shar-Kali-Sharri, followed suit.

from Amorite Kingdom of Mari, 1st half of 2nd millennium BC
By the time of the last days of the Third Dynasty of Ur, the immigrating
Amorites had become such a force that kings such as Shu-Sin were
obliged to construct a 270-kilometre (170 mi) wall from the Tigris
to the Euphrates to hold them off.
the centralized structure of the Third Dynasty slowly collapsed,
the component regions, such as Assyria in the north and the city-states
of the south such as Isin, Larsa and Eshnunna, began to reassert
their former independence, and the areas in southern Mesopotamia
with Amorites were no exception. Elsewhere, the armies of Elam,
in southern Iran, were attacking and weakening the empire, making
it vulnerable.
of the Ramesses III prisoner tiles, speculated by some scholars
[who?] to represent an Amorite man
Many Amorite chieftains in southern Mesopotamia aggressively took
advantage of the failing empire to seize power for themselves. There
was not an Amorite invasion of southern Mesopotamia as such, but
Amorites ascended to power in many locations, especially during
the reign of the last king of the Neo-Sumerian Empire, Ibbi-Sin.
Leaders with Amorite names assumed power in various places, usurping
native Akkadian rulers, including in Isin, Eshnunna and Larsa. The
small town of Babylon, unimportant both politically and militarily,
was raised to the status of a minor independent city-state, under
Sumu-abum in 1894 BC.
Elamites finally sacked Ur in c. 2004 BC. Some time later, the Old
Assyrian Empire (c. 2050 - 1750 BC) became the most powerful entity
in Mesopotamia immediately preceding the rise of the Amorite king
Hammurabi of Babylon. The new Assyrian monarchic line was founded
by c. 2050 BC; their kings repelled attempted Amorite incursions,
and may have countered their influence in the south as well under
Erishum I, Ilu-shuma and Sargon I. However, even Assyria eventually
found its throne usurped by an Amorite in 1809 BC: the last two
rulers of the Old Assyrian Empire period, Shamshi-Adad I and Ishme-Dagan,
were Amorites who originated in Terqa (now in northeastern Syria).
The era ended in northern Mesopotamia, with the defeat and expulsion
of the Amorites and Amorite-dominated Babylonians from Assyria by
Puzur-Sin and king Adasi between 1740 and 1735 BC, and in the far
south, by the rise of the native Sealand Dynasty c. 1730 BC. The
Amorites clung on in a once-more small and weak Babylon until the
Hittites' sack of Babylon (c. 1595 BC), which ended the Amorite
presence, and brought new ethnic groups, particularly the Kassites,
to the forefront in southern Mesopotamia. From the 15th century
BC onward, the term Amurru is usually applied to the region extending
north of Canaan as far as Kadesh on the Orontes River in northern
their expulsion from Mesopotamia, the Amorites of Syria came under
the domination of first the Hittites and, from the 14th century
BC, the Middle Assyrian Empire (1365 - 1050). They appear to have
been displaced or absorbed by a new wave of semi-nomadic West Semitic-speaking
peoples, known collectively as the Ahlamu during the Late Bronze
Age collapse. The Arameans rose to be the prominent group amongst
the Ahlamu, and from c. 1200 BC on, the Amorites disappeared from
the pages of history. From then on, the region that they had inhabited
became known as Aram ("Aramea") and Eber-Nari.
(god) :

Worshipper of Larsa", a votive statuette dedicated to the god
Amurru for Hammurabi's life, early 2nd millennium BC, Louvre
and Martu are names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the
god of the Amorite/Amurru people, often forming part of personal
names. He is sometimes called Ilu Amurru (DMAR.TU). He was the patron
god of the Mesopotamian city of Ninab, whose exact location is unknown.
He was occasionally called "lord of the steppe" or "lord
of the mountain".
Amurru/Martu was probably a western Semitic god originally. He is
sometimes described as a 'shepherd' or as a storm god, and as a
son of the sky-god Anu. He is sometimes called bêlu šadi
or bêl šadê, 'lord of the mountain'; dúr-hur-sag-gá
sikil-a-ke, 'He who dwells on the pure mountain'; and kur-za-gan
ti-[la], 'who inhabits the shining mountain'. In Cappadocian Zincirli
inscriptions he is called ì-li a-bi-a, 'the god of my father'.
Šadê could also have become the fertility-god 'Ba'al',
possibly adopted by the Canaanites, a rival and enemy of the Hebrew
God YHWH, and famously combatted by the Hebrew prophet Elijah.
also has storm-god features. Like Adad, Amurru bears the epithet
raman 'thunderer', and he is even called bariqu 'hurler of the thunderbolt'
and Adad ša a-bu-be 'Adad of the deluge'. Yet his iconography
is distinct from that of Adad, and he sometimes appears alongside
Adad with a baton of power or throwstick, while Adad bears a conventional
Amurru's wife is usually the goddess Ašratum (Asherah) who
in northwest Semitic tradition and Hittite tradition appears as
wife of the god El which suggests that Amurru may indeed have been
a variation of that god. If Amurru was identical with El, it would
explain why so few Amorite names are compounded with the name Amurru,
but so many are compounded with Il; that is, with El.
tradition about Amurru's wife (or one of Amurru's wives) gives her
name as Belit-Sheri, 'Lady of the Desert'.
third tradition appears in a Sumerian poem in pastoral style, which
relates how the god Martu came to marry Adgar-kidug the daughter
of the god Numushda of the city of Inab. It contains a speech expressing
urbanite Sumerian disgust at uncivilized, nomadic Amurru life which
Adgar-kidug ignores, responding only: "I will marry Martu!".