shown within Iraqi Kurdistan
: Iraq
Region : Duhok Governorate
Coordinates : 36°45'51.5 N 42°45'06.1 E
(probably the ancient city of Zakhiku) is an archeological site
discovered in the reservoir of the Mosul Dam in the Kurdistan region
of Iraq in 2010, and first excavated by German and Kurdish archaeologists
in 2019. It was originally a palace constructed on the banks of
the Tigris River during the days of the Mitanni Empire.
The remains of the palace conserved to a height of about seven meters.
According to Dr. Ivana Puljiz, the two usage phases are clearly
noticeable, indicating that the building has been in use for a very
long time. Archaeologists unearthed several rooms inside the palace
and partially reviewed eight of them. They also uncovered big, fired
bricks that were used as floor slabs in some places. Ten cuneiform
clay tablets belonged to Mittani people and were translated by Betina
Faist of Heidelberg University. According to one of the tablets,
Kemune was probably the ancient city of Zakhiku. Well-preserved
wall paintings were also found in some rooms, which are two meters
thick and more than two meters high.