P 251775


P 251775 (click on image to enlarge)

Primary publication CUSAS 43, 05a
Author(s) George, Andrew R. & Spada, Gabriella
Publication date 2019
Secondary publication(s)  
Collection Schøyen Collection, Oslo, Norway
Museum no. MS 2748
Accession no.  
Provenience uncertain (mod. uncertain)
Excavation no.  
Period Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Dates referenced  
Object type tablet
Material clay
Measurements (mm) 91 x 52 x 28
Language Akkadian
Genre School
Sub-genre Letter
Sub-genre remarks  
CDLI comments  
Catalogue source 20041215 schoeyen_catalogue
ATF source Foxvog, Daniel A.
Translation no translation
UCLA Library ARK 21198/zz001tc0z2
Composite no.  
Seal no.  
CDLI no. P251775
Acquisition history  
Date of Origin  
Dates referenced  

Tablet :


Obverse :


1. a-na s,i-li2!-{d}utu

2. qi2-bi2-ma

3. um-ma ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4-ma

4. a-nu-um-ma

5. {disz}a-pil2-{d}da-mu

6. a-na s,e-ri-ka

7. at-t,a2-ar-dam

8. ap-pu-tum

9. ku-nu-uk-ki an-ni-a-am

10. i-na a-ma-ri-ka

11. na-asz-pa-ka-am a-hi-a-am

12. sza _3(disz) szu-szi gur_

13. at-ta u2 szu-u2

14. pi-te-a-am

15. _8(asz) gur sze-ba engar_

16. _1(u) 8(asz) gur sze-ba 3(disz) erin2 sza3-gu4_

17. _3(u) 2(asz) gur sze-ba erin2 lu2-ma2-tur_

18. _8(asz) gur sze-ba sipa u8-udu-hi#-a_

19. _7(asz)# 1(barig) gur sze-ba sipa gu4-hi-a_

20. id#-na-a-ma

21. sza#-pe-el-tam szu-un-ni-a-ma


Reverse :

1. [a-na] _sza3-gal gu4-hi-a#_

2. [u3] ki#-is-SU2-at _u8-udu-hi-a_

3. [i]-na# qa2-ti-ka li-ib-szi

4. u3# a-pil2-{d}da-mu

5. sza-ni-a-am u4-um-szu

6. mah-ri-ka la i-bi-it-tam

7. t,u3-ur-da-asz-szu

8. an-ni-ki-a-am szi-ip-ru-um na-di

9. la ta-ka-al-la-asz-szu

10. ap-pu-tum


Source :

