P 346198


P 346198 (click on image to enlarge)

Primary publication CDLI Literary 000750, ex. 016
Author(s) CDLI
Publication date 2014ff.
Secondary publication(s)
Gadd, Cyril J. & Shaffer, Aaron, UET 6 (1963, 1966, 2006) 0113; TCS 3, 015
British Museum, London, UK
Museum no. BM —
Accession no.  
Provenience Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar) 
Excavation no. U — 
Period Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Dates referenced  
Object type tablet
Material clay
Language Sumerian
Genre Literary
Sub-genre ETCSL 4.80.01 Temple Hymns (witness)
Sub-genre remarks  
CDLI comments  
Catalogue source 20061205 cdliadmin_veldhuis
ATF source Peterson, Jeremiah
Translation Peterson, Jeremiah
UCLA Library ARK 21198/zz001wnr6q
Composite no. Q000750
Seal no.  
CDLI no. P346198
Acquisition history  
Date of Origin  
Dates referenced  

Tablet :


Obverse :



Reverse :


Column 1 :

beginning broken

1'. dumu#? [{d}]en#-[lil2-la2 ...]

en : Son of Enlil, lord Ningirsu

2'. e2#?-[...]

en : Eninnu temple

n lines broken

3'. x [...]

en : ...

4'. e2-[...]

en : Egalgasud temple, storehouse that makes silver and lapis

5'. gi-sa#-[sze3 ...]

en : Into treasure

6'. tar-sirx(SUD)-sirx(SUD) esz#-[...] mes-e# [...]

en : Etarsirsir temple, enunciating/effecting(?) decisions and the cosmic powers, the hero who strokes the nose (in submission)

7'. nun-zu sza3-la2 tuku#? [...]

en : Your prince, possessed of pity ...

8'. nin# a-[zu ...]

en : Lady, great physician of the black headed

rest broken


Column 2 :

beginning broken

1'. {d}[szara2 ...]

en : Šara, ... a good thing

2'. dumu ama-ni-ir# [...]

en : Who allocates the cosmic power to his mother

3'. e2 umma[{ki}]

en : Temple of Umma

4'. musz-za e2 bi2#-[in-gub]

en : He erected a temple in your sacred space

5'. bara2-za dur2 bi2-[in-gar]

en : He sat on your dais

double ruling

6'. E2-sze-er!-zi#-[...]

en : Ešerzidguru temple

7'. unu szuba la2# [...]

en : Inner sanctum hung with šuba stones

8'. idim gal nigar{gar}-ra x x

en : Great spring(?), the nigar sanctary of ...

9'. me zi me ak? szu dagal# x

en : Adorning/touching the true me, the exercised(?) me broadly

10'. zabalax(|MUSZ3.ZA.UNUG|){ki} esz3 MUSZ3#? [...]

en : Zabalam, shrine ...

11'. esz3-zu u4 [...]

en : Your shrine at daybreak(?)

12'. kurku2 ad mi-[...]

en : She has found the voice of(i.e. found expression for?) the wish(?)

13'. unu2 zi-zu nu-gig#-[...]

en : (In) your true sanctum, the nugig midwife

14'. kurku2# ma#-ra#-ni#-[...]

en : Laid down the wish

15'. nin-zu {d}inanna MUNSZUB#? x x

en : Your lady Inanna, ...

16'. uszumgal lu2 dili# ur2#? dab5#?-ba#? x

en : ušumgal creature grabbing the limbs(?) of the single(?) man

17'. nig2-babbar2 sag mu2-mu2# [...]

en : Shining as something white

18'. ki-bala-sze3 sag ga2#-[...]

en : Advancing toward the rebel land

19'. gesz#?-he#? ni2#?-te#?-[...]

en : By her own doing the firmament is made beautiful(?)

20'. dumu {d}suen-na {d#}[inanna-ke4]

en : The child of Suen, Inanna

21'. e2 ki zabalax(|MUSZ3.ZA.UNUG|)#[{ki}]

en : Temple of Zabalam

22'. musz-za e2 bi2#-[in-gub]

en : She erected a temple in your sacred space

23'. bara2-za dur2 bi2-in#-gar#

en : She sat on your dais

double ruling

24'. e2 u6 gal-gin7 su-<lim> husz ni2 guru3

en : Temple bearing a reddish aura like great awe(?)

25'. esz-bar an-edin#-na u4-te GALAM e3

en : Decision (renderer?), in(?) the plain an attacking(?) storm

26'. e2 {d}iszkur-ra# igi-zu-sze3 he2-gal2 aga-zu-sze3 giri17-zal#

en : Temple of Iškur, before you is abundance, behind you is joy

27'. temen gal2-zu |NINDA2xU| si pirig x?

en : Your intact(!?) foundation(?) is a ... with the horn of a pirig creature(?)

28'. alal# ku3 ubur an-na szegx(|IM.A|) sze# [...]

en : Pure drainpipe, breast/nipple of heaven, rain producing ...(?) barley

29'. dub-la2-za e2-za am-si# idim#

en : At your pilaster, at your temple, (you are) a wild elephant

30'. szeg12 zi temen e2-gar8 ni2 il2-zu#

en : True brickwork, your foundation (with?) a wall that bears an aura(?)

31'. x? x x dungu#? sirx(SU3)-ra x musz gir2

en : ... thick(?) clouds(?), ... snakes and scorpions/GIRI snake(?)

32'. [...] iti6

en : ... moonlight

33'. [...] x nam?-gu7 {d}iszkur a-mar?-GAR3?

en : ... oppression(?), Iškur, a flood(?)

34'. [...] {tu15}ulu3{+lu} {tu15}mir imin

en : The seven ... southern and northern winds

35'. [...] {tu15}mir dal-ha

en : ... the northern wind, the dust storm

36'. [...]-ta# im-ma

en : ... running from the horizon

37'. [...] {na4}esi {na4}x

en : ... the mountain of diorite and ... stone

38'. [...] x x x [...]

rest broken


Column 3 :

beginning broken

1'. {d#}en#-lil2# [{d}en]-ki-da nam# tar#-x

en : Both(?) Enlil and Enki determine her(?) destiny

2'. e2-sug4-ga#? giri2 sar-sar

en : Esuga temple, sharpened dagger(?)

3'. zi sag-gig2#-ga me mah-am3

en : (At?) the throat of the black headed, the me that are great

4'. an-e an-sza3-ta mu-ra-an-szum2

en : An gave to you from the midst of heaven

5'. e2-mah e2 a12-ra2-bu

en : Emah temple, the temple of Adab

6'. e2-zu a#? zal-le

en : (In?) your temple, (in which there is?) flowing water(?)

7'. uz-<ga> ku3#?-ga esz3 ga2-ga2-zu

en : The holy shrine/treasury, your established shrine

8'. {d}nin#-[hur]-sag#-ga2-ke4 kesz3{ki}-ra

en : Ninhursaga for Keš

9'. du10-bi# [...]-x-an-na-na

en : Establishes(?) sweetly

10'. me gal#-[...] sikil#-la szu-luh dadag

en : The great me, the pure ruin mound, the pure cleansing

11'. {d}{asz}asz7#-[gi4 ...] adab#{ki}-ke4

en : Ašgi, the god of Adab

12'. adab#[{ki} ...] i7#?-de3 la2-a

en : Adab, (possessing) a temple attached to the river/canal

13'. musz#-[za e2 bi2]-in#-gub

en : He erected a temple in your sacred space

14'. bara2#-[za dur2 bi2]-in#-gar

en : He sat on your dais

double ruling

15'. [... an]-e ki gar-ra

en : Isin, city founded by An

16'. [...]-un#?-DU

en : He has built(?) it on a low center

17'. [...] x x-am3

en : Its front is a flood, its midst is skillfully knotted(!?)

n lines broken

18'. [...]-x imin#-e ad ga2#?-[ga2]

en : Resounds(?) with the seven wishes(?)

19'. nin a-zu gal kalam-ma

en : Lady, great physician of the land

20'. {d}nin-i3-si-in-na dumu an-na-ke4

en : NinIsina, child of An

21'. e2 i3-si-in{ki}

en : The temple of Isin

22'. musz-za e2 bi2-in-gub

en : She erected in your sacred space

23'. bara2-za dur2 bi2-in-gar

en : She sat on your dais

double ruling

24'. e2-igi-kalam-ma usz ki gar-ra

en : Eigikalam temple, (its) foundation set upon the earth

25'. hur-sag mu2-a dagal ki us2-sa

en : Growing mountain range, set on the ground broadly(?)

26'. kur# gu2-erim2-gal2-e

en : The enemy land

27'. [...] kin2#-ga2#?

en : Seeking? ...

28'. [...] x {d}nin-x

en : ...

rest broken


Column 4 :

beginning broken

1'. x [...] x [...]

2'. musz-za# e2 bi2-ib-gub

en : He erected a temple in your sacred space

3'. bara2-za dur2 bi2-in-gar

en : He sat on your dais

double ruling

4'. der{ki} esz-bar-e gal kin2-ga2 HI KA#-e gi-ba

en : Der, greatly(?) effecting a decision, blocking(?) ...

5'. ka2 ni2 me-lam2 gal2-la-za

en : At your gate which possesses an aura and radiance

6'. gesz-bur2-zu#? musz#-sza3-tur3 musz-husz gu2-da#? [ba]-an-la2

en : Your(?) ornament/trap(?) embraced (i.e., catches?) the muššatur and mušhuš creatures

7'. nun-zu mas-su# [dingir] gal#-gal-e-ne

en : Your ruler, the leader of the gods

8'. sa ba-de3 mah#-di-bi he2-du7

en : Exalted one of issuing advice, ornament(?)

9'. me zi nam-galam#-ma

en : Of the true cosmic power of cleverness

10'. gal-zu {d}isztaran# lugal x [an]-na-ke4

en : The wise one, Ištaran, king of the foundation(?) of heaven

11'. e2-dim-gal-[kalam]-ma#

en : Edimgalkalam temple

12'. musz-za e2 bi2#-[in-gub]

en : He erected a temple in your sacred space

13'. bara2-za dur2 bi2#-[in-gar]

en : He sat on your dais

double ruling

14'. e2-sikil me sikil-[...]

en : Esikil temple, its pure me are surpassing in the lands

15'. me-bi galam#? [...]

en : Its me are elaborate(?) and mighty

16'. x x [...]

n lines broken

17'. [... nu]-e3#

en : When he opens his knees (as a predatory bird?), the evildoer does not escape

18'. [...] ki-bala-a [...]-gul

en : When he establishes a triumph, rebel lands and cities(?) are destroyed

19'. [...] ug3#-bi [...]-BI

en : When he frowns, the people are gathered(?) into sand dunes(?)

20'. [... szu]-bi-sze3 la2

en : Your ruler is a great lion who binds the enemy to his hand

21'. [...] me3#

en : Your king is a reddish storm, a flood in the middle of battle

22'. [...] x

rest broken


Column 5 :

beginning broken

1'. [...] x x [...]

2'. zi-da-bi kur du

en : Your(!?) right arm makes the mountain tremble

3'. ga-bu-zu erim2# sal-e?

en : Your left arm spreads out(?) (over) the enemy/spreads out the enemy (like sheaves?)

4'. nun-zu uru16 mah u4 ki us2-sa3

en : Your ruler, supreme flood, storm touching the earth

5'. ni2# husz# gal ri-a

en : Exuding a great reddish/furious aura

6'. [...] lugal#-zu

en : Eduba temple, your king

7'. x x gal {d}za-ba4-ba4

en : Great ... Zababa

8'. [musz]-za e2 bi2-in-gar

en : He erected a temple in your sacred space

9'. bara2#-za dur2 bi2-in-gar

en : He sat on your dais

double ruling

10'. [e2]-gesz-kesz2#!?-kalam-ma

en : Egeškešedakalam temple

11'. [...] nun#?-gi4#!?-a# dingir-re-e-ne

en : (Bull) whose horn cannot be turned back(?) of the gods

12'. immal2#-am3 e te-en-te

en : The wild cow ... relaxing

13'. gu4#-dam e-nir ga2-ga2

en : Wild bull establishing a lament(?)

14'. gu3#?-de2?#-a kar-zu kar sig a na8-na8

en : Kutha(!), your harbor is a clear harbor, (enough so) to drink water (from)

15'. [sza3]-zu# galam#? ka-ad

en : Your interior is skillfully knotted

16'. [... {gesz}]mitum2#? an-ta bar-ra

en : Your mitum weapon is released(?) from heaven

17'. [... me]-es3#-lam# la2-a

en : Your sacred space is a lapis pectoral(?) attached to the Meslam temple

18'. [... me]-es3#-lam

en : Your prince is Erra, king/god of the Meslam temple

19'. [...] x

en : ...

rest broken


Source :

