P 448502

Primary publication
RIME composite
Frayne, Douglas R.
Publication date
Secondary publication(s)
Thureau-Dangin, CRAIBL 43, 1942, 239-41 (partial T, Tr); Sollberger, RA 63,1969, 29-40, Akkadian Text A; cf Borger, Lesestuecke 2, 48f; 3, 32f; cfWeidner, OLZ 17, 1914, 501 n2; YOS 09, 035
Museum no.
Accession no.
Kish (mod. Tell Uhaimir)
Excavation no.


Findspot square
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Period remarks
Date remarks
Dates referenced
Object type
other (see object remarks)
composite text
Measurements (mm)
x x 
Join information
Royal / Monumental
Sub-genre remarks
CDLI comments
Catalogue source
20130120 cdliadmin
ATF source
Foxvog, Daniel A.
Foxvog, Daniel A.
UCLA Library ARK
Composite no.
Seal no.
CDLI no.
Acquisition history
Date of Origin
Dates referenced

Composite text :


Surface A :

1. {d}en-lil2 sza be-lu-su2

en : Enlil, whose lordship

2. a-na i3-li2 szu-ur2-ba-at

en : is the greatest among the gods,

3. _sipa_ mu-szi-im szi-ma-tim

en : the shepherd who determines the destinies,

4. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna

en : Zababa and Ištar,

5. qar-du-tim i-na i-gi-gi

en : the warriors among the Igigi gods,

6. in bu-ni-szu el-lu-tim

en : with his pure face

7. i-mu-ur-szu-nu-ti-ma

en : he regarded them, and

8. _iri_ kisz{ki} ma-ha-za-am re-esz-ti-a-am

en : the city Kiš, the foremost cult site,

9. szu-ba-at-su2-nu s,i-ir-tam

en : their exalted residence,

10. _bad3_-szu e-pe2-sza-am

en : to built its wall,

11. re-szi-szu e-li sza pa-na

en : and its top more than before

12. ul-la-a-am

en : to raise up,

13. li-ib-ba-szu ki-ni-isz ub-lam-ma

en : his heart truly moved him.

14. {d}en-lil2 be-lum ra-bi-um

en : And Enlil, the great lord,

15. sza qi2-bi2-su2

en : whose utterance

16. la usz-te-pe-el-lu

en : cannot be overturned -

17. szi-ma-at i-szi-im-mu

en : the destiny which he determines

18. la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru

en : cannot be altered -

19. {d}za-ba4-ba4 a-pil2-szu

en : at Zababa his heir,

20. dan-nam

en : the mighty,

21. ka-szi-id ir-ni-ti-szu

en : who achieves his victories,

22. {d}inanna ma-ar-tam

en : (and) Inanna, the daughter

23. na-ra-am-ta-szu

en : whom he loves,

24. be-el-tam sza i-lu-sa3

en : the lady whose divinity

25. la isz-sza-an-na-nu

en : is unrivaled,

26. in bu-ni-szu sza hi-du-tim

en : with his face of happiness

27. ip-pa-li-su2-nu-ti-ma

en : he regarded them, and

28. a-wa-at t,u2-ub li-ib-bi-im

en : words of heart-felt happiness

29. it-ti-szu-nu i-ta-a-wu

en : he spoke with them:

30. sa-am-su-i-lu-na

en : Samsu-iluna,

31. na-asz-pa-ri dan-nam

en : my envoy, mighty

32. la a-ni-ha-am

en : and untiring,

33. sza bi-bil li-ib-bi-ia

en : who how the desire of my heart

34. a-na asz-ri-im

en : to accomplish

35. sza-ka-nam mu-du-u2

en : does know,

36. lu nu-ur2-szu na-aw-ru-um

en : his shining light

37. at-ta-nu-ma

en : may you both be.

38. it-ta-ku-nu

en : May your omen

39. da-mi-iq-tum

en : be favorable

40. li-ib-szi-szum-ma

en : for him.

41. a-a-bi-szu na-e-ra

en : Kill his enemies,

42. za-e-ri-szu a-na qa2-ti-szu

en : his foes into his hands

43. mu-ul-li-a-ma

en : put fully, that

44. _iri_ kisz{ki} _bad3_-szu li-pu-usz

en : the city Kiš's wall he may build.

45. e-li sza pa-na li-sza-te-er

en : Let him make it greater than ever before

46. in szu-ba-at t,u2-ub li-ib-bi-im

en : (and so) in a residence of heart-felt happiness

47. li-sze-szi-ib-ku-nu-ti

en : may he let you both dwell.

48. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna

en : Zababa and Ištar,

49. be-lu gi-it-ma-lu-tum

en : the most perfect lords

50. sza-ga-pu-ru-tum in i3-li2

en : the most powerful among the gods,

51. a-na a-wa-at a-bu-szu-nu

en : at the words which their father

52. {d}en-lil2

en : Enlil

53. iq-bu-szu-nu-szi-im

en : had spoken to them

54. li-ib-ba-szu-nu

en : their hearts

55. ri-szi-isz ih-du-ma

en : rejoiced wholeheartedly, and

56. a-na sa-am-su-i-lu-na

en : to Samsu-iluna,

57. _lugal_ da-an-nim

en : the mighty king,

58. _sipa_ qar-ra-dim

en : the heroic shepherd,

59. li-pi2-it qa2-ti-szu-nu

en : the creation of their hands,

60. bu-ni-szu-nu sza ba-la-t,im

en : their faces of life

61. na-aw-ri-isz isz-szu-szum-ma

en : they raised shiningly to him and

62. el-s,i2-isz it-ti-szu i-ta-wu-u2

en : spoke joyfully with him:

63. sa-am-su-i-lu-na

en : O Samsu-iluna,

64. _numun_ i3-li2 da-ri2-um

en : eternal seed of the gods,

65. wu-sum sza-ru-tim

en : one fit for kingship,

66. {d}en-lil2 szi-ma-ti-ka

en : Enlil your destiny

67. u2-szar-bi2

en : has magnified.

68. a-na ra-bi-s,u2-ti-ka in szu-ul-mi-im

en : Guardianship over you in well-being

69. e-pe2-szi-im

en : to exercise

70. u2-wa-'i3-ra-an-ni-a-ti

en : he has instructed us.

71. in im-ni-ka

en : At your right side

72. ni-il-la-ak

en : we will go,

73. za-i-ri-ka ni-na-a-ar

en : we will kill your enemies,

74. a-a-bi-ka a-na qa2-ti-ka

en : and your foes into your hands

75. nu-ma-al-la

en : we will put fully.

76. _iri_ kisz{ki} ma-ha-az-ni ra-asz-ba-am

en : The city Kiš, our awe-inspiring cult site,

77. _bad3_-szu bi-ni

en : built its wall!

78. e-li sza pa-na

en : More than before

79. szu-te-er-szu

en : make it greater!

80. sa-am-su-i-lu-na

en : Samsu-iluna,

81. _lugal_ le-iu-um

en : the capable king,

82. sze-mu _dingir gal-gal_

en : one who heeds the great gods,

83. a-na a-wa-at {d}za-ba4-ba4

en : the word which Zababa

84. u3 {d}inanna iq-bu-szum

en : and Ištar had spoken to him

85. ra-bi2-isz it-kal-ma

en : he trusted completely, and

86. _{gesz}tukul-{gesz}tukul_-szu

en : his weaponry

87. a-na na-ar a-a-bi

en : for the killing of his enemies

88. usz-te-sze-er

en : he prepared.

89. _kaskal_-am a-na sza-ka-asz

en : On a campaign to slay

90. za-i-ri-szu

en : his enemies

91. u2-sze-er-di

en : he set forth.

92. sza-at-tum la im-szu-lam

en : The year was not half over

93. ri-im-{d}suen

en : when Rim-Sîn,

94. mu-usz-ba-al-ki-it

en : who had caused to rebel

95. _ki-en-gi-sag-6(disz)_

en : Emutbala,

96. sza a-na szar-ru-ut larsa{ki}

en : (and) who to the kingship of Larsa

97. in-na-szi-u3

en : had been elevated,

98. i-na-ar-ma

en : he slew, and

99. in er-s,e-et kisz{ki}

en : in the territory of Kiš

100. dam-tam e-li-szu isz-pu-uk

en : he heaped up a burial mound over him.

101. 2(u) 6(disz) _lugal_ ha-am-ma-i

en : Twenty-six rebel kings,

102. za-i-ri-szu i-na-ar

en : his foes, he slew;

103. gi-me-er-szu-nu isz-ki-isz

en : he slaughtered them all.

104. _dingir_-ni _lugal_ isz-nun-na{ki}

en : Iluni, the king of Ešnunna,

105. la sze-mu a-wa-ti-szu

en : who did not heed his words,

106. i-ik-mi

en : he defeated,

107. in {gesz}si-gar

en : in a neck-stock

108. u2-ra-asz-szu-ma

en : he led him away, and

109. na-pi2-isz-ta-szu

en : his life

110. u2-sza-ri-ih

en : he devoured.

111. _szunigin kalam_ szu-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im

en : The totality of the country of Sumer and Akkad

112. usz-te-esz-mi

en : he caused to be of one mind.

113. ki-ib-ra-at er-be2-tim

en : The four world quarters

114. a-na qi2-bi2-ti-szu

en : under his command

115. u2-sze-szi-ib

en : he caused to dwell.

116. i3-nu-mi-szu

en : At that time,

117. sa-am-su-i-lu-na da-num2

en : Samsu-iluna, the mighty,

118. in e-mu-uq um-ma-ni-szu-ma

en : through the strength of his army

119. _iri_ kisz{ki} ib-ni

en : built the city of Kiš.

120. hi-ri-su2 ih-ri

en : He dug its canal,

121. _ambar_ usz-ta-as2-hi-ir-szu

en : surrounded it with a reed marsh,

122. in e-pe2-ri ra-bi-u3-tim

en : (and) with much earth

123. _suhusz-suhusz_-szu ki-ma _sa-tu_-im u2-ki-in

en : made its foundations as firm as a mountain.

124. _szeg12_-szu u2-sza-al-bi-in

en : He had the bricks for it formed

125. _bad3_-szu i-pu-usz

en : and built its wall.

126. in _sza3 mu 1(disz)-a-kam_ re-szi-szu

en : Within one year its top

127. e-li sza pa-na u2-ul-li

en : he raised up more than before.

128. a-na szu-a-ti

en : For this,

129. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna

en : Zababa and Ištar

130. a-na sa-am-su-i-lu-na

en : to Samsu-iluna,

131. ru-be2-em ta-li-mi-szu-nu

en : their prince and close brother

132. szu-ul-ma-am u3 ba-la-t,am

en : well-being and life,

133. sza ki-ma {d}suen

en : which like Sîn

134. u3 {d}utu da-ri2-um

en : and Šamaš is eternal,

135. a-na qi2-isz-tim

en : for a gift

136. li-qi2-szu-szum

en : may they bestow upon him,

137. a-na sze-ri-ik-tim

en : and as a present

138. li-isz-ru-ku-szum

en : may they present to him.


Source :

