publication |
RIME composite |
Frayne, Douglas R. |
date |
1990 |
publication(s) |
CRAIBL 43, 1942, 239-41 (partial T, Tr); Sollberger, RA 63,1969,
29-40, Akkadian Text A; cf Borger, Lesestuecke 2, 48f; 3,
32f; cfWeidner, OLZ 17, 1914, 501 n2; YOS 09, 035 |
Collection |
Museum no. |
no. |
(mod. Tell Uhaimir) |
no. |
square |
Period |
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) |
remarks |
remarks |
referenced |
type |
other (see object remarks) |
Remarks |
text |
Material |
composite |
(mm) |
x x |
information |
Language |
Akkadian |
Royal / Monumental |
Sub-genre |
witness |
remarks |
composite |
comments |
source |
20130120 cdliadmin |
source |
Daniel A. |
Translation |
Daniel A. |
Library ARK |
21198/zz002fwn3v |
no. |
Q002224akk |
no. |
no. |
P448502 |
history |
Catalogue |
Transliteration |
of Origin |
Samsu-iluna.00.00.00 |
referenced |
Samsu-iluna.00.00.00 |
text :
A :
1. {d}en-lil2 sza be-lu-su2
en : Enlil, whose lordship
2. a-na i3-li2 szu-ur2-ba-at
en : is the greatest among the gods,
3. _sipa_ mu-szi-im szi-ma-tim
en : the shepherd who determines the destinies,
4. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna
en : Zababa and Ištar,
5. qar-du-tim i-na i-gi-gi
en : the warriors among the Igigi gods,
6. in bu-ni-szu el-lu-tim
en : with his pure face
7. i-mu-ur-szu-nu-ti-ma
en : he regarded them, and
8. _iri_ kisz{ki} ma-ha-za-am re-esz-ti-a-am
en : the city Kiš, the foremost cult site,
9. szu-ba-at-su2-nu s,i-ir-tam
en : their exalted residence,
10. _bad3_-szu e-pe2-sza-am
en : to built its wall,
11. re-szi-szu e-li sza pa-na
en : and its top more than before
12. ul-la-a-am
en : to raise up,
13. li-ib-ba-szu ki-ni-isz ub-lam-ma
en : his heart truly moved him.
14. {d}en-lil2 be-lum ra-bi-um
en : And Enlil, the great lord,
15. sza qi2-bi2-su2
en : whose utterance
16. la usz-te-pe-el-lu
en : cannot be overturned -
17. szi-ma-at i-szi-im-mu
en : the destiny which he determines
18. la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru
en : cannot be altered -
19. {d}za-ba4-ba4 a-pil2-szu
en : at Zababa his heir,
20. dan-nam
en : the mighty,
21. ka-szi-id ir-ni-ti-szu
en : who achieves his victories,
22. {d}inanna ma-ar-tam
en : (and) Inanna, the daughter
23. na-ra-am-ta-szu
en : whom he loves,
24. be-el-tam sza i-lu-sa3
en : the lady whose divinity
25. la isz-sza-an-na-nu
en : is unrivaled,
26. in bu-ni-szu sza hi-du-tim
en : with his face of happiness
27. ip-pa-li-su2-nu-ti-ma
en : he regarded them, and
28. a-wa-at t,u2-ub li-ib-bi-im
en : words of heart-felt happiness
29. it-ti-szu-nu i-ta-a-wu
en : he spoke with them:
30. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
en : Samsu-iluna,
31. na-asz-pa-ri dan-nam
en : my envoy, mighty
32. la a-ni-ha-am
en : and untiring,
33. sza bi-bil li-ib-bi-ia
en : who how the desire of my heart
34. a-na asz-ri-im
en : to accomplish
35. sza-ka-nam mu-du-u2
en : does know,
36. lu nu-ur2-szu na-aw-ru-um
en : his shining light
37. at-ta-nu-ma
en : may you both be.
38. it-ta-ku-nu
en : May your omen
39. da-mi-iq-tum
en : be favorable
40. li-ib-szi-szum-ma
en : for him.
41. a-a-bi-szu na-e-ra
en : Kill his enemies,
42. za-e-ri-szu a-na qa2-ti-szu
en : his foes into his hands
43. mu-ul-li-a-ma
en : put fully, that
44. _iri_ kisz{ki} _bad3_-szu li-pu-usz
en : the city Kiš's wall he may build.
45. e-li sza pa-na li-sza-te-er
en : Let him make it greater than ever before
46. in szu-ba-at t,u2-ub li-ib-bi-im
en : (and so) in a residence of heart-felt happiness
47. li-sze-szi-ib-ku-nu-ti
en : may he let you both dwell.
48. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna
en : Zababa and Ištar,
49. be-lu gi-it-ma-lu-tum
en : the most perfect lords
50. sza-ga-pu-ru-tum in i3-li2
en : the most powerful among the gods,
51. a-na a-wa-at a-bu-szu-nu
en : at the words which their father
52. {d}en-lil2
en : Enlil
53. iq-bu-szu-nu-szi-im
en : had spoken to them
54. li-ib-ba-szu-nu
en : their hearts
55. ri-szi-isz ih-du-ma
en : rejoiced wholeheartedly, and
56. a-na sa-am-su-i-lu-na
en : to Samsu-iluna,
57. _lugal_ da-an-nim
en : the mighty king,
58. _sipa_ qar-ra-dim
en : the heroic shepherd,
59. li-pi2-it qa2-ti-szu-nu
en : the creation of their hands,
60. bu-ni-szu-nu sza ba-la-t,im
en : their faces of life
61. na-aw-ri-isz isz-szu-szum-ma
en : they raised shiningly to him and
62. el-s,i2-isz it-ti-szu i-ta-wu-u2
en : spoke joyfully with him:
63. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
en : O Samsu-iluna,
64. _numun_ i3-li2 da-ri2-um
en : eternal seed of the gods,
65. wu-sum sza-ru-tim
en : one fit for kingship,
66. {d}en-lil2 szi-ma-ti-ka
en : Enlil your destiny
67. u2-szar-bi2
en : has magnified.
68. a-na ra-bi-s,u2-ti-ka in szu-ul-mi-im
en : Guardianship over you in well-being
69. e-pe2-szi-im
en : to exercise
70. u2-wa-'i3-ra-an-ni-a-ti
en : he has instructed us.
71. in im-ni-ka
en : At your right side
72. ni-il-la-ak
en : we will go,
73. za-i-ri-ka ni-na-a-ar
en : we will kill your enemies,
74. a-a-bi-ka a-na qa2-ti-ka
en : and your foes into your hands
75. nu-ma-al-la
en : we will put fully.
76. _iri_ kisz{ki} ma-ha-az-ni ra-asz-ba-am
en : The city Kiš, our awe-inspiring cult site,
77. _bad3_-szu bi-ni
en : built its wall!
78. e-li sza pa-na
en : More than before
79. szu-te-er-szu
en : make it greater!
80. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
en : Samsu-iluna,
81. _lugal_ le-iu-um
en : the capable king,
82. sze-mu _dingir gal-gal_
en : one who heeds the great gods,
83. a-na a-wa-at {d}za-ba4-ba4
en : the word which Zababa
84. u3 {d}inanna iq-bu-szum
en : and Ištar had spoken to him
85. ra-bi2-isz it-kal-ma
en : he trusted completely, and
86. _{gesz}tukul-{gesz}tukul_-szu
en : his weaponry
87. a-na na-ar a-a-bi
en : for the killing of his enemies
88. usz-te-sze-er
en : he prepared.
89. _kaskal_-am a-na sza-ka-asz
en : On a campaign to slay
90. za-i-ri-szu
en : his enemies
91. u2-sze-er-di
en : he set forth.
92. sza-at-tum la im-szu-lam
en : The year was not half over
93. ri-im-{d}suen
en : when Rim-Sîn,
94. mu-usz-ba-al-ki-it
en : who had caused to rebel
95. _ki-en-gi-sag-6(disz)_
en : Emutbala,
96. sza a-na szar-ru-ut larsa{ki}
en : (and) who to the kingship of Larsa
97. in-na-szi-u3
en : had been elevated,
98. i-na-ar-ma
en : he slew, and
99. in er-s,e-et kisz{ki}
en : in the territory of Kiš
100. dam-tam e-li-szu isz-pu-uk
en : he heaped up a burial mound over him.
101. 2(u) 6(disz) _lugal_ ha-am-ma-i
en : Twenty-six rebel kings,
102. za-i-ri-szu i-na-ar
en : his foes, he slew;
103. gi-me-er-szu-nu isz-ki-isz
en : he slaughtered them all.
104. _dingir_-ni _lugal_ isz-nun-na{ki}
en : Iluni, the king of Ešnunna,
105. la sze-mu a-wa-ti-szu
en : who did not heed his words,
106. i-ik-mi
en : he defeated,
107. in {gesz}si-gar
en : in a neck-stock
108. u2-ra-asz-szu-ma
en : he led him away, and
109. na-pi2-isz-ta-szu
en : his life
110. u2-sza-ri-ih
en : he devoured.
111. _szunigin kalam_ szu-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im
en : The totality of the country of Sumer and Akkad
112. usz-te-esz-mi
en : he caused to be of one mind.
113. ki-ib-ra-at er-be2-tim
en : The four world quarters
114. a-na qi2-bi2-ti-szu
en : under his command
115. u2-sze-szi-ib
en : he caused to dwell.
116. i3-nu-mi-szu
en : At that time,
117. sa-am-su-i-lu-na da-num2
en : Samsu-iluna, the mighty,
118. in e-mu-uq um-ma-ni-szu-ma
en : through the strength of his army
119. _iri_ kisz{ki} ib-ni
en : built the city of Kiš.
120. hi-ri-su2 ih-ri
en : He dug its canal,
121. _ambar_ usz-ta-as2-hi-ir-szu
en : surrounded it with a reed marsh,
122. in e-pe2-ri ra-bi-u3-tim
en : (and) with much earth
123. _suhusz-suhusz_-szu ki-ma _sa-tu_-im u2-ki-in
en : made its foundations as firm as a mountain.
124. _szeg12_-szu u2-sza-al-bi-in
en : He had the bricks for it formed
125. _bad3_-szu i-pu-usz
en : and built its wall.
126. in _sza3 mu 1(disz)-a-kam_ re-szi-szu
en : Within one year its top
127. e-li sza pa-na u2-ul-li
en : he raised up more than before.
128. a-na szu-a-ti
en : For this,
129. {d}za-ba4-ba4 u3 {d}inanna
en : Zababa and Ištar
130. a-na sa-am-su-i-lu-na
en : to Samsu-iluna,
131. ru-be2-em ta-li-mi-szu-nu
en : their prince and close brother
132. szu-ul-ma-am u3 ba-la-t,am
en : well-being and life,
133. sza ki-ma {d}suen
en : which like Sîn
134. u3 {d}utu da-ri2-um
en : and Šamaš is eternal,
135. a-na qi2-isz-tim
en : for a gift
136. li-qi2-szu-szum
en : may they bestow upon him,
137. a-na sze-ri-ik-tim
en : and as a present
138. li-isz-ru-ku-szum
en : may they present to him.
Source :