depicted on the Stele of Ushumgal as official of the Great Assembly
of Umma
of the First dynasty of Kish
Reign : EDI (2900 - 2700 BC)
Preceded by : Enmebaragesi
Succeeded by : End of Kishite hegemony Gilgamesh
(Uruk Dynasty)
Father : Enmebaragesi
titles of Agga : King of Kish, Ruler of Sumer, Governor
of Umma and Governor of Zabala
/ Agga commonly known as Aga of Kish, was the twenty-third and
last king in the first dynasty of Kish during the Early Dynastic
I period. He is listed in the Sumerian King List and many sources
as the son of Enmebaragesi. The Kishite king ruled the city
at its peak, probably reaching beyond the territory of Kish,
including Umma and Zabala.
Sumerian poem Gilgamesh and Aga records the Kishite siege of
Uruk after its lord Gilgamesh refused to submit to Aga, ending
in Aga's defeat and consequently the fall of Kish's hegemony.
The name of Aga is Sumeriana and a relatively rarely attested
personal name in Early Dynastic times, making his identification
in royal texts spottable. His name appears in the Stele of Ushumgal,
as the gal-ukkin ("Great Assembly official").
was likely an Early Dynastic spelling of Akka, (the past particle
of the Sumerian verb "to make"). The name in question
is to be interpreted as a Sumerian genitival phrase, Akka probably
means "Made by [a god]" (ak + Divine Name.ak).
forms attested of Aga's name
Transliteration |
inscription |
Period |
Ag/Ak |
of Ushumgal
Gem of King Aga |
- 2700 BC |
Ag-ga/Ak-ka |
and Aga
Tummal Inscription |
- 1600 BC |
Ag-ga3/Ak-ka3 |
King List |
- 1600 BC |
king :
from Aga on the Stele of Ushumgal, his name appears as the Great
is attested in two compositions of an historiographical nature,
the Sumerian King List and the Tummal Inscription, both as the
son of Enmebaragesi, who has been verified through archaeological
inscriptions; these sources may confirm Aga and Gilgamesh's
existence. Aga's name appears in the Stele of Ushumgal and the
Gem of King Aga, both showing influence over Umma.
the king in this very city (Nippur),
built the House of Enlil,
Agga the son of Enmebaragesi,
made the Tummal pre-eminent.
Old Babylonian tablet Tummal Inscription (1900-1600 BCE)
Reign :
of King Aga

of unknown provenance mentioning Ak, an alternate naming for
Aga. The gem has four columns of text on its faces, and reads
"For Inanna, Aga King of Umma" (dinanna ak lugal ummaki)
According to the Sumerian King List (ETCSL 2.1.1), Kish had
the hegemony of Sumer where he reigned 625 years, succeeding
his father Enmebaragesi to the throne, finally ending in defeat
by Uruk.
use of the royal title King of Kish expressing a claim of national
rulership owes its prestige to the fact that Kish once did rule
the entire nation. His reign probably covered Umma, and consequently
Zabala, which was a dependent of it in the Early Dynastic Period;
this can be supported on his appearance in the Gem of King Aga,
where he is mentioned as the king of Umma. There is some scant
evidence to suggest that like the later Ur III kings, the rulers
of ED Kish sought to ingratiate themselves to the authorities
in Nippur, possibly to legitimize a claim for leadership over
the land of Sumer or at least part of it. Archeological evidence
from Kish shows a city flourishing in ED II with its political
influence extending beyond the territory, however in ED III
the city declined rapidly.
and Aga :
In the poem Gilgamesh and Aga (ETCSL, Aga of Kish sends
messengers to his vassal Gilgamesh in Uruk with a demand to
work on the irrigation of Kish as slaves. Gilgamesh repeats
the message before the "city fathers" (ab-ba-iri)
to suggest rebelling against Aga, however, his proposition is
rejected. Gilgamesh, not satisfied with the answer given, proposes
the same to the guruš (lit. the able-bodied man) who would
have to work themselves as slaves. They refer to Aga as the
"son of the king"; suggesting that he is still young
and immature. The guruš accept Gilgamesh's call to revolt
and declare him lugal (king).
are wells to be finished.
There are wells in the land to be finished.
There are shallow wells in the land to be completed.
There are deep wells and hoisting ropes to be completed.
Aga commanding Uruk to work for the irrigation of Kish.
After ten days Aga lays siege to the walls of Uruk, whose citizens
are now confused and intimidated. Gilgamesh asks for a volunteer
to stand before Aga; his royal guard Birhurtura offers himself.
On leaving the city gates, he is captured and brought before
Aga himself, who interrogates and tortures him. However it did
not last until a soldier leaned against the wall; in bewilderment,
Aga asks the soldier if that is his king. Birhurtura denies
this, replying that when their true king appears Aga's army
will be beaten to dust and himself captured; this angers Aga,
who continues to torture him.
Gilgamesh leans to the wall; his divine radiance does not frighten
Aga but is beheld by the Kishite army. Enkidu and the guruš
take advantage of the confusion of the enemies and advance through
them; Aga is captured in the middle of his army. Gilgamesh addresses
Aga as his superior, remembering how Aga saved his life and
gave him refuge; Aga withdraws his demand and begs his favor
to be returned. Gilgamesh, before Utu, sets Aga free to return
to Kish.
of Gilgamesh and Aga
of Gilgamesh and Aga. Old Babylonian period. Sulaymaniyah Museum,
Story of Gilgamesh and Aga. Old Babylonian period. Sulaymaniyah
Museum, Iraq
Replacement in the poem :
The Shulgi Hymn O (ETCSL 2.1.1) of the Ur III ruler Shulgi (c.
2094 BC – 2047 BC) praises Gilgamesh for defeating Enmebaragesi
of Kish instead of his son. While in the historical scene of
the Early Dynastic period this is quite conceivable,d the assumption
of two different wars is difficult to uphold because Gilgamesh
emerges as victorious in both; his first victory would imply
defeat and submission by the kingdom of Kish.
Gilgamesh addresses Aga denoting military relations between
them in the past and indebtedness to him for saving his life,
which leads to Gilgamesh being dependent on Aga previously,
this conflicts with the assumption that he won a previous war
against Kish.
theory is that since Enmebaragesi established the hegemony of
Kish, defeating Aga would be less impressive than his powerful
father, who therefore served the purpose of the hymn and portrays
Gilgamesh as a mighty figure. Since Enmebaragesi was inserted
to replace Aga, the hymn does not reflect a separate but rather
one literary tradition from the tale.