Quf, ancient Dur-Kurigalzu (monumental ziggurat remnant, west of
: x - 1375 BC
Preceded by : Kadashman-Kharbe
I / Kadašman-Harbe I
Succeeded by : Kadashman-Enlil
I / kadašman-Enlil I
titles of Kurigalzu I : King of Babylon
House : Kassite
I (died c. 1375 BC), usually inscribed ku-ri-gal-zu but also sometimes
with the m or d determinative, the 17th king of the Kassite or 3rd
dynasty that ruled over Babylon, was responsible for one of the
most extensive and widespread building programs for which evidence
has survived in Babylonia. The autobiography of Kurigalzu is one
of the inscriptions which record that he was the son of Kadašman-Harbe.
Galzu, whose possible native pronunciation was gal-du or gal-šu,
was the name by which the Kassites called themselves and Kurigalzu
may mean Shepherd of the Kassites (line 23. Ku-ur-gal-zu = Ri-'-i-bi-ši-i,
in a Babylonian name-list).
was separated from his namesake, Kurigalzu II, by around forty-five
years and as it was not the custom to assign regnal numbers and
they both had lengthy reigns, this makes it exceptionally difficult
to distinguish for whom an inscription is intended. The later king
is, however, better known for his military campaign against the
Assyrians than any building work he may have undertaken. It is now
thought, however, that it was he who was the Kurigalzu who conquered
Susa and was perhaps instrumental in the ascendancy of the Igehalkid
dynasty over Elam, ca. 1400 BC.
of Elam :
When Hur-batila, possibly the successor of Tepti Ahar to the throne
of Elam, began raiding the Babylonian Empire, he taunted Kurigalzu
to do battle with him at Dur-Šulgi. Kurigalzu launched a campaign
which resulted in the abject defeat and capture of Hur-batila, who
appears in no other inscriptions. He went on to conquer the eastern
lands of Susiana and Elam, recorded in the Chronicle P out of sequence
and credited to his later name-sake. This took his army to the Elamite
capital, the city of Susa, which was sacked, celebrated in two inscriptions
found there bearing his name. It is thought that he may have installed
as his vassal, Ige-Halki, the founder of the new dynasty. A small
agate tablet, bored lengthways to make a pendant, is engraved with
nine lines of Sumerian on one side, the other side bearing an older
dedication of the mother of king Šulgi of Ur (2029 –
1982 BC, short chronology) to Ninlil:
the king of Karduniyas, conquered the palace of the city of Šaša
in Elam and gave (this object) for the sake of his life as a gift
to Ninlil, his lady.
Kurigalzu, tablet CBS 8598, University Museum, Philadelphia
The tablet was recovered from Elam during Kurigalzu’s campaign
and discovered in a cache of votive inscriptions at Nippur, but
was ascribed to Kurigalzu II by earlier historians.
Through correspondence :

with cuneiform inscription of Kurigalzu I
Prior diplomatic correspondence is evident, from study of the Amarna
letters and includes evidence of dialogue between Thutmose IV and
Kurigalzu as attested to by Amenhotep III in his letter, designated
EA 1 (EA for El Amarna), to Kadašman-Enlil. Burna-Buriaš
II reminded Akhenaten in his letter, EA 11, that Kurigalzu had been
sent gold by one of his ancestors, and, in EA 9, reminded Tutankhamen
that Kurigalzu had turned down a request from the Canaanites to
form an alliance against Egypt.
He gave his daughter to Amenhotep III, who was a serial practitioner
of diplomatic marriages with two Mitannite princesses and one from
Arzawa in his harem, and who would even later go on to wed Kurigalzu's
granddaughter, the daughter of Kadašman-Enlil.
Neo-Babylonian copy of a literary text which takes the form of a
letter, now located in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin, is
addressed to the Kassite court by an Elamite King and details the
genealogy of the Elamite royalty of this period. Apparently, he
married his sister to the Elamite king Pahir-iššan, the
son of Ige-Halki, and a daughter to his successor, Humban-numena.
This may have been Mishim-ruh, who is cited in royal inscriptions.
The princess went on to bear Untash-Napirisha, the next king who
subsequently married Burna-Buriaš’ daughter. The author
of the letter is thought to be Shutruk-Nahhunte, ca. 1190-1155 BC,
who claims descent from Kurigalzu’s eldest daughter and also
wed the eldest daughter of Meli-Šipak, the 33rd Kassite king.
Unfortunately the letter inserts Nabu-apla-iddina (888 – 855
BC) “an abomination, son of a Hittite”, into the narrative
in the place one might have supposed that Marduk-apla-iddina I was
to appear, the substitution of dAMAR.UTU by dAG being an unlikely
slip of the stylus, making a chronological conundrum and this may
be the purpose of the “letter”, to denigrate the later
king through the tongue of the earlier one.
works :
Kurigalzu’s construction efforts are attested to at no less
than eleven Babylonian cities. He was responsible for rebuilding
the Ningal Temple at Ur, incorporating fragments of the Ur-Nammu
Stela in buildings on the ziggurat terrace, the Edublal-Ma? of
Sîn buildings, or “house for hanging up the exalted
tablets”, and the building of the gateway.

socket from Dur-Kurikalzu
He was the first king to build a royal residence bearing his name,
a new capital city founded over an older settlement and built around
1390 BC, named Dur-Kurigalzu, or 'fortress of Kurigalzu', in the
far north of Babylonia (modern ‘Aqar Quf). It was positioned
to protect an important trade route that led east across the Iranian
plateau to Afghanistan, the source of lapis lazuli. The 170-foot-high
ziggurat of Enlil can still be seen on the western outskirts of
Baghdad, with its reinforcing layers of reed matting and bitumen
and the remains of three temples at its foot. Rawlinson first identified
the site in 1861 from the brick inscriptions. Excavated in 1942–45
by Seton Lloyd and Taha Baqir, the city covered 225 hectares and
included the Egal-kišarra, or “Palace of the Whole World”,
a vast palatial and administrative complex.
an adoption contract which sternly warns the adoptee, “If
[Il]i-ippašra says, ‘you are not my father’, they
shall shave his head, bind him and sell him for silver,” the
date formula used, “in the month of Šabatu, the 19th
day, the year Kurigalzu, the king, built the Ekurigibara,”
predates that which was introduced during the reign of Kadašman-Enlil
I and that had become de rigueur by the later reign of Kurigalzu
II. The Ekurigibara of Enlil was a temple in Nippur.
the excavation of Dur-Kurikalzu 5 fragments of a larger than life
size statue were discovered. They contain the longest yet found
Kassite Sumerian inscriptions.
autobiography of Kurigalzu :

of Kurigalzu
A neo-Babylonian copy of a text recording the endowment by Kurigalzu,
son of Kadašman-?arbe, of a temple of Ištar with an estate
situated on the Euphrates near Nippur, is known as the autobiography
of Kurigalzu and comes in the form of a small hexagonal prism of
light-yellow baked clay and a fragmentary cylinder. In it, he takes
credit for being the
of the wall, kišuru, and the one who completed the Ekur, provider
for Ur and Uruk, the one that assures the integrity of the rites
of Eridu, the constructor of the temple of An and Inanna, the one
who ensures the integrity of the Sattukku (food allowance) offerings
of the great gods.
Autobiography of Kurigalzu, Prism BM 108982 and Cylinder NBC 2503
He “caused Anu the father of the great gods to dwell in his
exalted sanctuary”, which is suggested to be referring to
the restoration of the Anu cult. The text lacks the linguistic features
and script characteristics which would bring one to suppose it is
a genuine copy of an ancient inscription and was probably created
in late Babylonian times to enhance the prestige of the Ištar
cult. The extent to which it preserves tradition from the actual
events of the reign of Kurigalzu cannot as yet be determined.
sources :
Kurigalzu is mentioned in a hieroglyphic inscription on a carnelian
cylinder seal that was found in a tomb at Metsamor in the Ararat
valley of Armenia, providing evidence for the extent of Kassite
influence during his reign. Metsamor was an important Hurrian center
for metal forging.
seal is inscribed nur-[d]-x, son of Kurigalzu, and claims the title
NU.ÈŠ [d]en.líl, nišakku-priest, which is
shared with others, including three governors of Nippur and other
princes. He rewarded an individual with this title in a dedicatory
cone known as the Enlil-bani land grant kudurru. The precise meaning
of this title and the identity of the Kurigalzu, I or II, are uncertain.