was king of Lagash, at the extreme south of Mesopotamia
: c. 2260 BCE
by : Lugal-usum-gal
by : Ur-Utu
titles of Puzur-Mama : King of Lagesh
: 2nd Dynasty of Lagash
or Puzur-Mama (puzur4-Dma-ma) was a ruler of Lagash before Gudea,
circa 2200 BCE. Though he adopted the title of King (lugal), Puzer-Mama
shows kinship with future Lagashite kings in the religiosity of
his inscriptions.
took control of Lagash during Shar-kali-sharri's reign, when troubles
with the Guti left the Sargonic king with only "a small rump
state whose center lay at the confluence of the Diyala and Tigris
river." (Frayne 1993 p. 186).
royal inscription — wherein he receives the various gifts
of the gods appropriate to rulership: power by Ningirsu, intelligence
by Enki, and position by Inanna, (Frayne 1993 p. 272) — may
be contrasted with the contemporary religious element in Shar-kali-sharri's
various inscriptions: a call for the gods to punish any who alter
his inscriptions, and specifically to "tear out his foundations
and destroy his progeny" (one of a number of curses for protection
found in royal inscriptions starting with the reign of Sargon.)
appears in Babylonian inscription (BM 2310) as one of the ancient
rulers of Lagash, particularly the list of "The rulers of Lagaš"
scribe of Ninki: his god was Zazaru: he acted for .. years."
"The rulers of Lagaš"
According to other inscriptions however, his tutelary god was Shulutula.
also appears in a letter about territorial disputes between two
Governors, apparently sent to Shar-Kali-Sharri:
to my Lord): This is what Puzur-Mama, Governor of Lagash, said:
Sulum and e-apin since the time of Sargon belonged to the territory
of Lagash. Ur-Utu, when he served as Governor of Ur for Naram-Sin,
paid 2 minas of gold for them. Ur-e, Governor of Lagash, took them
back. The consequence is that Puzur-Mama should (....)
Letter about Puzur-Mama.
Puzer-Mama also appears as "King of Lagash" in a document
also naming the Elamite ruler Puzur-Inshushinak, suggesting the
synchronicity of the two rulers.