of Uruk, in the Near East, modern Iraq
: c. 2200 BCE
Succeeded by : Ur-gigir
titles of Ur-ningin : Governor of Uruk
: Fourth Dynasty of Uruk
Ur-nigin, also Ur-nigina (ur-ninin) or Ur-nigar (ur-ni-gar) was
a Governor (ensi) of Uruk who lived in 22nd century BCE.
to the Sumerian King List, Ur-Nigin destroyed the Akkadian Empire,
which had probably already be weakened by the Gutians, and established
a short-lived Fifth Dynasty of Uruk.
Sumerian King List, describing the confusion of the decline of the
Akkadian Empire after the death of Shar-kali-shari, mentions the
rule of several kings, among them Ur-Nigin :
was king? Who was not king? Irgigi the king; Nanum, the king; Imi
the king; Ilulu, the king—the four of them were kings but
reigned only three years. Dudu reigned 21 years; Shu-Turul, the
son of Dudu, reigned 15 years. ... Agade was defeated and its kingship
carried off to Uruk. In Uruk, Ur-ningin reigned 7 years, Ur-gigir,
son of Ur-ningin, reigned 6 years; Kuda reigned 6 years; Puzur-ili
reigned 5 years, Ur-Utu reigned 6 years. Uruk was smitten with weapons
and its kingship carried off by the Gutian hordes."
Sumerian King List.
Ur-Nigin is also mentioned in several votive inscriptions by his
son Ur-gigir. One of them reads:
governor-general of the god Dumuzi, son of Ur-nigar, the mighty
man, king of Uruk, and Ama-lagar his mother, for the goddess Ninšešegara
his lady, the Ešešegara temple, her beloved temple in
Patibira he built for her.
Inscription of Ur-gigir.
The Fourth Dynasty of Uruk was finally destroyed by the Gutian Dynasty.