Lagesh |
Location |
Shatrah, Dhi Qar Province, Iraq |
Region |
Mesopotamia |
Coordinates |
N 46°24'26 E |
Type |
Settlement |
Area |
to 600 ha |
History |
Founded |
millennium BCE |
(cuneiform: LAGAŠKI; Sumerian: Lagaš), or Shirpurla, was
an ancient city state located northwest of the junction of the Euphrates
and Tigris rivers and east of Uruk, about 22 kilometres (14 mi)
east of the modern town of Ash Shatrah, Iraq. Lagash (modern Al-Hiba)
was one of the oldest cities of the Ancient Near East. The ancient
site of Nina (modern Surghul) is around 10 km (6.2 mi) away and
marks the southern limit of the state. Nearby Girsu (modern Telloh),
about 25 km (16 mi) northwest of Lagash, was the religious center
of the Lagash state. Lagash's main temple was the E-Ninnu, dedicated
to the god Ningirsu. Lagash seems to have incorporated the ancient
cities of Girsu, Nina, Uruazagga and Erim.
From inscriptions found at Girsu such as the Gudea cylinders, it
appears that Lagash was an important Sumerian city in the late 3rd
millennium BCE. It was at that time ruled by independent kings,
Ur-Nanshe (24th century BCE) and his successors, who were engaged
in contests with the Elamites on the east and the kings of Kiengir
and Kish on the north. Some of the earlier works from before the
Akkadian conquest are also extremely interesting, in particular
Eanatum's Stele of the Vultures and Entemena's great silver vase
ornamented with Ningirsu's sacred animal Anzû: a lion-headed
eagle with wings outspread, grasping a lion in each talon. With
the Akkadian conquest Lagash lost its independence, its ruler or
ensi becoming a vassal of Sargon of Akkad and his successors; but
Lagash continued to be a city of much importance and above all,
a centre of artistic development.

of Lagash before the expansion of the Akkadian Empire (in green).
The territory of Sumer appears in orange. Circa 2350 BCE

name Lagash Ki ("Country of Lagash") on inscriptions of
Gudea, in monumental linear script and cuneiform script on clay
the collapse of Sargon's state, Lagash again thrived under its independent
kings (ensis), Ur-Baba and Gudea, and had extensive commercial communications
with distant realms. According to his own records, Gudea brought
cedars from the Amanus and Lebanon mountains in Syria, diorite from
eastern Arabia, copper and gold from central and southern Arabia,
while his armies were engaged in battles with Elam on the east.
His was especially the era of artistic development. We even have
a fairly good idea of what Gudea looked like, since he placed in
temples throughout his city numerous statues or idols depicting
himself with lifelike realism, (Statues of Gudea). At the time of
Gudea, the capital of Lagash was actually in Girsu. The kingdom
covered an area of approximately 1,600 square kilometres (620 sq
mi). It contained 17 larger cities, eight district capitals, and
numerous villages (about 40 known by name). According to one estimate,
Lagash was the largest city in the world from c. 2075 to 2030 BC.
after the time of Gudea, Lagash was absorbed into the Ur III state
as one of its prime provinces. There is some information about the
area during the Old Babylonian period. After that it seems to have
lost its importance; at least we know nothing more about it until
the construction of the Seleucid fortress mentioned, when it seems
to have become part of the Iranian kingdom of Characene.
dynasty of Lagash (c.2500 - 2300 BCE) :

of Ur-Nanshe. At the top he creates the foundation for a shrine,
at the bottom he presides over the dedication (Louvre)

King of Lagash, riding a war chariot (detail of the Stele of the
Vultures). His name "Eannatum" is written vertically in
two columns in front of his head. Louvre Museum

inscribed Silver Vase, c. 2400 BCE (Louvre)
dynasties of Lagash are not found on the Sumerian King List, although
one extremely fragmentary supplement has been found in Sumerian,
known as The Rulers of Lagash. It recounts how after the flood mankind
was having difficulty growing food for itself, being dependent solely
on rainwater; it further relates that techniques of irrigation and
cultivation of barley were then imparted by the gods. At the end
of the text is the statement "Written in the school",
suggesting this was a scribal school production. A few of the names
from the Lagash rulers listed below may be made out, including Ur-Nanshe,
"Ane-tum", En-entar-zid, Ur-Ningirsu, Ur-Bau, and Gudea.
First dynasty of Lagash is dated to the 26th century BCE. En-hegal
is recorded as the first known ruler of Lagash, being tributary
to Uruk. His successor Lugal-sha-engur was similarly tributary to
Mesilim. Following the hegemony of Mesannepada of Ur, Ur-Nanshe
succeeded Lugal-sha-engur as the new high priest of Lagash and achieved
independence, making himself king. He defeated Ur and captured the
king of Umma, Pabilgaltuk. In the ruins of a building attached by
him to the temple of Ningirsu, terracotta bas reliefs of the king
and his sons have been found, as well as onyx plates and lions'
heads in onyx reminiscent of Egyptian work. One inscription states
that ships of Dilmun (Bahrain) brought him wood as tribute from
foreign lands. He was succeeded by his son Akurgal.
grandson of Ur-Nanshe, made himself master of the whole of the district
of Sumer, together with the cities of Uruk (ruled by Enshakushana),
Ur, Nippur, Akshak, and Larsa. He also annexed the kingdom of Kish;
however, it recovered its independence after his death. Umma was
made tributary—a certain amount of grain being levied upon
each person in it, that had to be paid into the treasury of the
goddess Nina and the god Ningirsu. Eannatum's campaigns extended
beyond the confines of Sumer, and he overran a part of Elam, took
the city of Uru'az on the Persian Gulf, and exacted tribute as far
as Mari; however, many of the realms he conquered were often in
revolt. During his reign, temples and palaces were repaired or erected
at Lagash and elsewhere; the town of Nina [citation needed]—that
probably gave its name to the later Niniveh—was rebuilt, and
canals and reservoirs were excavated. Eannatum was succeeded by
his brother, En-anna-tum I. During his rule, Umma once more asserted
independence under Ur-Lumma, who attacked Lagash unsuccessfully.
Ur-Lumma was replaced by a priest-king, Illi, who also attacked
son and successor Entemena restored the prestige of Lagash. Illi
of Umma was subdued, with the help of his ally Lugal-kinishe-dudu
or Lugal-ure of Uruk, successor to Enshakushana and also on the
king-list. Lugal-kinishe-dudu seems to have been the prominent figure
at the time, since he also claimed to rule Kish and Ur. A silver
vase dedicated by Entemena to his god is now in the Louvre. A frieze
of lions devouring ibexes and deer, incised with great artistic
skill, runs round the neck, while the Anzû crest of Lagash
adorns the globular part. The vase is a proof of the high degree
of excellence to which the goldsmith's art had already attained.
A vase of calcite, also dedicated by Entemena, has been found at
Nippur. After Entemena, a series of weak, corrupt priest-kings is
attested for Lagash. The last of these, Urukagina, was known for
his judicial, social, and economic reforms, and his may well be
the first legal code known to have existed.
Ruler |
reign |
(En-hegal) |
2570 BCE |
2550 BCE |
(Ur-nina) |
2500 BCE |
2500 BCE |
Eannatum |
25th century BCE |
Enannatum I |
25th century BCE |
Entemena |
25th century BCE |
Enannatum II |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Urukagina |
2300 BCE |
Ruler |
Notes |
(En-hegal) |
inscription known, recording a purchase of land. |
priest or ensi. Mentioned as Ensi of Lagash
in a unique inscription on the macehead of Mesilim:
“Mesilim, king of Kish, builder of the temple of
Ningirsu, brought [this mace head] for Ningirsu,
Lugalshaengur [being] prince of Lagash”. |
(Ur-nina) |
("Lugal") |
son of Ur-Nanshe. |
Eannatum |
of Ur-Nanshe, king, took Sumer away from Enshagkushana
of Uruk and repulsed the armies of Kish, Elam and
Mari . |
Enannatum I |
to Eanatum, high priest, Ur-Luma and Illi of Umma,
as well as Kug-Bau of Kish gained independence from
him. |
Entemena |
of Enanatum I, king, contemporary with Lugal-ure
(or Lugalkinishedudu) of Uruk and defeated Illi
of Umma. |
Enannatum II |
of Entemena, last member of the dynasty of Ur-Nanshe.
priest of Lagash. |
--- |
Urukagina |
defeated by Lugalzagesi of Uruk, issued a proclamation
of social reforms. |

cuneiform text states that Enannatum I reminds the gods of his prolific
temple achievements in Lagash. Circa 2400 BCE. From Girsu, Iraq.
The British Museum, London

name "Lagash" in vertical cuneiform of the time of Ur-Nanshe

Anzû, symbol of Lagash, in a Master of Animals motif, at the
time of Entemena
conflict with Umma (c. 2500 - 2300 BCE) :

of King Gishakidu, king of Umma, and son of Ur-Lumma, giving the
city of Umma's account of its long-running border dispute with Lagash.
The vase redefines the frontier by recording the locations of stelae
to the god Shara, as well as the distances between them. Circa 2350
BCE. From Umma, Iraq. Ref. 140889, British Museum, London.
In c. 2450 BCE, Lagash and the neighbouring city of Umma fell out
with each other after a border dispute. As described in Stele of
the Vultures the current king of Lagash, Eannatum, inspired by the
patron god of his city, Ningirsu, set out with his army to defeat
the nearby city. Initial details of the battle are unclear, but
the Stele is able to portray a few vague details about the event.
According to the Stele's engravings, when the two sides met each
other in the field, Eannatum dismounted from his chariot and proceeded
to lead his men on foot. After lowering their spears, the Lagash
army advanced upon the army from Umma in a dense phalanx. After
a brief clash, Eannatum and his army had gained victory over the
army of Umma. Despite having been struck in the eye by an arrow,
the king of Lagash lived on to enjoy his army's victory. This battle
is one of the earliest organised battles known to scholars and historians.
armies of Lagash led by Eannatum in their conflict against Umma
of the army of Lagash against Umma
of Lagash by the Akkadian Empire (circa 2300 BCE) :
of the Victory Stele of Rimush. The Victory Stele also has an epigraphic
fragment, mentioning Akkad and Lagash. It suggests the stele represents
the defeat of Lagash by the troops of Akkad.
In his conquest of Sumer circa 2300 BCE, Sargon of Akkad, after
conquering and destroying Uruk, then conquered Ur and E-Ninmar and
"laid waste" the territory from Lagash to the sea, and
from there went on to conquer and destroy Umma, and he collected
tribute from Mari and Elam. He triumphed over 34 cities in total.
son and successor Rimush faced widespread revolts, and had to reconquer
the cities of Ur, Umma, Adab, Lagash, Der, and Kazallu from rebellious
introduced mass slaughter and large scale destruction of the Sumerian
city-states, and maintained meticulous records of his destructions.
Most of the major Sumerian cities were destroyed, and Sumerian human
losses were enormous: for the cities of Ur and Lagash, he records
8,049 killed, 5,460 "captured and enslaved" and 5,985
"expelled and annihilated".
of the victory of Rimush over Lagash :
A Victory Stele in several fragments (three in total, Louvre Museum
AO 2678) has been attributed to Rimush on stylistic and epigraphical
grounds. One of the fragments mentions Akkad and Lagash. It is thought
that the stele represents the defeat of Lagash by the troops of
Akkad. The stele was excavated in ancient Girsu, one of the main
cities of the territory of Lagash.

victory stele of king Rimush (front) Generally attributed to Rimush
on stylistic grounds

of Lagash, circa 2270 BCE, from the Victory Stele. The same hairstyle
can be seen in other statues from Lagash
dynasty of Lagash (c. 2230 – 2110 BCE) :

of Lagash (ruled c. 2144 – 2124 BCE). Diorite statue found
at Girsu (Louvre Museum)
period lasted c. 2230–2110 BCE (Middle chronology).
These rulers achieved a Sumerian revival, following the rise and
fall of the Semitic Akkadian Empire, and the conquests of the Gutian
dynasty. The Second dynasty of Lagash rose at the time the Gutians
were ruling in central Mesopotamia. The rulers of Lagash, only taking
the title of Ensi, or Governors, achieved to maintain a high level
of independence from the Gutians in the southernmost areas of Mesoptamia.
Under Gudea, Lagash had a golden age, and seemed to enjoy a high
level of independence from the Gutians.
Ruler |
reign (short chronology) |
reign (middle chronology) |
(Lugal-ushumgal) |
- 2146 BCE |
- 2210 BCE |
(Puzer-Mama) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Ur-Ningirsu I |
--- |
--- |
or Ugme |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Lugula |
--- |
--- |
or Kakug |
--- |
--- |
--- |
- 2080 BCE |
- 2144 BCE |
- 2060 BCE |
- 2124 BCE |
Ur-Ningirsu |
- 2055 BCE |
- 2119 BCE |
--- |
- 2049 BCE |
- 2113 BCE |
Nam-mahani |
- 2046 BCE |
- 2110 BCE |
Ruler |
Notes |
(Lugal-ushumgal) |
of Akkadian Empire rulers Naram-Sin and Shar-Kali-Sharri.
(Puzer-Mama) |
independence from the Akkadian Empire. |
Ur-Ningirsu I |
--- |
or Ugme |
of Ur-Ningirsu I. |
--- |
Lugula |
--- |
or Kakug |
--- |
--- |
of Ur-baba. |
Ur-Ningirsu |
of Gudea. |
--- |
Nam-mahani |
of Kaku, defeated by Ur-Namma. |

the time of Hammurabi, Lagash was located near the shoreline of
the gulf

Nisaba with an inscription of Entemena, ruler of Lagash (2430 BCE),
steatite, Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin
Lagash is one of the largest archaeological mounds in the region,
measuring roughly 3 by 1.5 km (2 by 1 mi). Estimates of its area
range from 400 to 600 hectares (990 to 1,480 acres). The site is
divided by the bed of a canal/river, which runs diagonally through
the mound. The site was first excavated, for six weeks, by Robert
Koldewey in 1887. It was inspected during a survey of the area by
Thorkild Jacobsen and Fuad Safar in 1953, finding the first evidence
of its identification as Lagash. The major polity in the region
of al-Hiba and Tello had formerly been identified as ŠIR.BUR.LA
(Shirpurla). Tell Al-Hiba was again explored in five seasons of
excavation between 1968 and 1976 by a team from the Metropolitan
Museum of Art and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University.
The team was led by Vaughn E. Crawford, and included Donald P. Hansen
and Robert D. Biggs. The primary focus was the excavation of the
temple Ibgal of Inanna and the temple Bagara of Ningirsu, as well
as an associated administrative area.
team returned 12 years later, in 1990, for a final season of excavation
led by D. P. Hansen. The work primarily involved areas adjacent
to an, as yet, unexcavated temple. The results of this season have
apparently not yet been published.
March–April 2019, field work resumed under the University
of Cambridge Lagash Archaeological Project.