Tribes :
Incorporating the Dnieper Balts :
The Balts were a north-western division of Indo-Europeans. They
originated along the Pontic-Caspian steppe prior to the Yamnaya
horizon event which saw the widespread outwards migration of Indo-Europeans
(IEs). Eventually arriving at the south-eastern shore of Mare Suebicum,
the Baltic Sea, around 2500-2000 BC, they spread out to form several
later groupings. These can largely be categorised as Lithuanians
and most Latvians, plus Couronians, Samogitians, two groups of Galindians,
the theorised Dnieper Balts (Eastern Balts), the Pomeranian Balts,
the Old Prussians, and the Yotvingians/Sudovians (Western Balts).
The Neuri are a more complicated question but are most probably
Eastern Balts.
The original spur for this sudden expansion lay in the Near East,
somewhere between south-eastern Anatolia (today's Turkey) and northern
Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), where cattle herding was invented when
wild aurochs were tamed. This new economy quickly proved its worth
and soon spread in all directions in which cattle could graze, along
with the people who invented it. Some of them crossed the Caucasian
Mountains (the western end on the Black Sea coast would be a favourite
location for such a tricky crossing), and spread out amongst the
steppe-dwelling proto-Indo-Europeans to the north of the mountains.
This cattle herding technology was eventually augmented there by
the use of the horse, vital for herding on the vast, open plains
of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. The newcomers adopted the local language,
and this appears to have formed the basis for centum-speaking
Indo-Europeans (involving western Indo-European language groups).
the forests to the north of this steppeland, relatively untouched
groups of forager IEs slowly adapted to the new technology without
being subsumed by the newcomers, probably via contact with their
steppe-dwelling cousins; these were the satem variety of
IE speakers (the later eastern language groups). They were the ancestors
of Indo-Iranians, Indo-Aryans, Slavs, and Balts and they also provided
part of the ancestry of Germanics (which explains why Germanics
were notably different from their Celtic neighbours). Once the horse
was introduced, the great steppe nomad expansion soon occurred -
known as the Yamnaya horizon - with IEs entering central Europe,
Anatolia, the Near East, and Central Asia. Eventually, India, the
Iranian highlands, and eastern Asia would follow.
proto-Balts seem to have been relatively slow to move, or at least
they don't seem to have moved too far at first. They preserved archaic
forms of Indo-European language, living a secluded life in the forests
where they were removed from the major routes of many of the migrations.
They and the proto-Slavs were probably indivisible at first, occupying
territory along the northern Pontic coast (the Black Sea). Some
drift or migration eventually occurred, possibly due in part to
the divergent migratory route of the proto-Germanics which may have
interrupted their isolation. Even so, the proto-Germanics seem not
to have had much to do with them, not culturally or linguistically,
at least. This can be proved by the lack of a presence of the cult
of Rte in Baltic and Slavic culture. The Germanics themselves may
not yet have received their own Rte influence (see the feature link
for more details), hence the possibility of some admixture, but
nothing that has left a trace in any of the three groups. The cult
of Rte was widespread in Indo-Iranians, and the Germanics received
a heavy dose of it themselves, but seemingly after their migration,
not before, which explains the lack of it amongst the proto-Balts
and proto-Slavs. That doesn't explain why these two groups, R1a
Y-chromosome satem speakers just like the Indo-Iranians,
did not have it anyway. The only reasonable explanation is their
isolation in the forests.
Eventually the proto-Balts and the closely-related proto-Slavs divided
around 2500 BC, with the former heading towards the Baltic coast.
Once there, and pushing the already-present Uralic-speaking Finno-Ugric
tribes northwards by their arrival, they spread out westwards along
what is now the Polish coast and eastwards as far as the area around
Moscow. The Fatyonovo culture is the localised archaeological expression
of their settlement here, part of the greater Corded Ware horizon.
Late to unite into organised states, they did so in the face of
outside pressure (and see the map at the foot of the page for tribal
The Dnieper Balts (or Dniepr) are a theoretical grouping
of Eastern Baltic tribes. They are presumed to have occupied territory
along the River Dnieper during the Bronze Age (from the mid-second
millennium), and were later assimilated by Slavs. The river itself
was probably the route followed in the Baltic migration from the
Black Sea coast into what is now Belarus and then towards the Baltic
coast. The Dnieper Balts are known only through the study of names
of bodies of water in this region (hydronyms), with a Baltic influence
being discernable from the later Slavic influence or adoption. They
have been studied by various experts on the subject which include
the renowned archaeologist, Marija Gimbutas, the Lithuanian linguist,
Kazimieras Būga, and Russian scientists Vladimir Toporov and
O Trubachev, who analysed hydronyms around the higher Dnieper basin.
By the 1960s, almost eight hundred hydronyms had been found which
could have a Baltic origin.
(Information by Peter Kessler and Edward Dawson, with additional
information by Gediminas Kiveris, Yury Kanavalau, and Leitgiris
Living History Club, from The History of the Baltic Countries,
Zigmantas Kiaupa, Ain Mäesalu, Ago Pajur, & Gvido Straube (Eds,
Estonia 2008), from The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age
Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World, David
W Anthony, from the Encyclopaedia of Indo-European Culture,
J P Mallory & D Q Adams (Eds, 1997), from Mes Baltai
(We, the Balts), A Sabaliauskas (Lithuania, 1995), from Encyclopedia
Lituanica, Sužiedėlis Simas (Ed, Boston, 1970-1978), from
Lithuania Ascending: A Pagan Empire Within East-Central Europe,
1295-1345, S C Rowell (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and
Thought: Fourth Series, Cambridge University Press, 1994), and from
External Links: Massive migration from the steppe was a source
for Indo-European languages in Europe,, and Indo-European
Chronology - Countries and Peoples, and Indo-European Etymological
Dictionary, J Pokorny, and The Balts, Marija Gimbutas (1963, previously
available online thanks to Gabriella at Vaidilute, but still available
as a PDF - click or tap on link to download or access it), and Leitgiris.)
BC :
date of around 3000 BC is generally used as the probable point at
which Indo-Europeans begin to separate into definite proto languages
which are not intelligible to each other. A western group will evolve
into Celtic, Italic, and other possible minor branches, while a
proto-Germanic branch heads towards the north-west and the Baltic
coastline. Perhaps initially part of the same movement, or a second
wave of movement, the proto-Balts and proto-Slavs form a 'North
Indo-European' group which largely remains in what is now Ukraine
and south-western Russia.
An eastern branch - or perhaps a branch that stays in the steppe
homeland for another millennium or so and which therefore becomes
an eastern branch by default because the rest have headed off west
- apparently calling themselves Arya or something similar eventually
form the ancestors of much of India's modern population, plus the
various branches of Indo-Iranians.

around 3000 BC the Indo-Europeans had begun their mass migration
away from the Pontic-Caspian steppe, with the bulk of them heading
westwards towards the heartland of Europe
BC :
Corded Ware culture (or Boat Axe culture) arrives in southern Finland,
along the coastal regions, as well as in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Belarus, western Russia, Poland, northern Germany, Denmark, and
southern Sweden. These new, probably early Indo-European, arrivals
also have some domesticated animals and bring agriculture with them,
although they continue to exist alongside universally-practised
hunter-gather activities for some time. Both of these groups - foragers
and farmers - form the proto-Baltic ancestors of the later Latvians
and Lithuanians, plus various other groups which are later subsumed
or extinguished.
The Corded Ware culture is essentially a westwards expression of
the Yamnaya horizon of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. In central Europe
it replaces the earlier Lengyel culture. However, the concept of
Corded Ware isn't as simple as a straightforward replacement of
one culture by another. In fact, this physical culture appears to
span numerous different ethnicities, not just Indo-Europeans. Perhaps
called it a melting pot culture wouldn't be far from the truth.
BC :
Corded Ware culture gradually gives way to the Bell Beaker horizon.
This had started out in Iberia and had spread to central Europe
where it has been picked up with enthusiasm by West Indo-Europeans
who turn it into a true culture rather than the cultural influence
of an horizon. Elements of Bell Beaker reach the Balts, but how
influential they are is unclear. Cultures of the eastern Baltic
region between this time and the beginning of the Bronze Age around
the middle of the second millennium BC remain relatively obscure.
BC :
this time the copper industry in the western Carpathian and eastern
Alpine zone makes remarkable progress, but the metal products of
central Europe are not immediately transmitted to the Baltic area.
In metallurgy, it remains peripheral, undoubtedly because the entire
region between the Baltic Sea and Russia is lacking any local sources
of copper. The development of a Baltic metal culture depends entirely
upon imports from central Europe to the Baltic Sea area and from
the Caucasian and southern Ural metallurgical centres to central
BC :
now the people of the central European Unetice culture have established
commercial relations with the Mycenaeans. A transcontinental amber
trade has already begun at about the same time as the Baltic Bronze
Age, and amber has already been in some demand by the Uneticians
themselves. Now, though, the amber trade reaches an amazing volume.
The Uneticians import their amber from the Balts and from the Germanic
peoples in Jutland, and it is estimated that at least eighty per
cent of the graves of classical Unetice contain amber beads.

Unetice daggers shown here are typical of the later stages of this
culture, by which time it was an enthusiastic member of the European
amber trade with the Balts and Germanics of the north
BC :
Western Balts of the Bronze Age seem to cover the whole of Pomerania
to the lower Oder, and what is now eastern Poland to the Bug and
upper Pripet basins in the south. Archaeology later shows that the
same culture can be found here as the one that is widespread in
ancient Prussian lands. The southern extent of the Prussians along
the River Bug, a tributary of the Vistula, is indicated by the Prussian
river names. Towards its end the neighbouring Unetice culture grows
progressively in wealth and power, until its influence reaches all
of continental Europe. Around 1400 BC it expands into the Middle
Danube basin and Transylvania, and its military power controls a
great part of the European continent. Baltic borders are pushed
inwards somewhat at this expansion, but not to any dramatic extent.
The proto-Baltic sphere itself becomes divided into several zones
of influence during the Bronze Age. The western zone, covering eastern
Poland, eastern Prussia, and western parts of Lithuania and Latvia,
is under the influence of the central European metallurgical centre.
Throughout the Bronze Age its culture progresses with the same rhythm
as in central Europe. In the eastern or continental zone, amid the
forests which extend from eastern Lithuania and Latvia to the upper
Volga basin, the people retain an archaic character, with some influence
from their Slav neighbours in southern Russia. This division continues
throughout the remaining prehistoric period: the western Balts,
ancestors of the Prussians and Couronians of history, are culturally
similar to the people of central Europe, to the culture created
by Illyrians and Celts, and to their western neighbours, the Germanic
peoples. The eastern Balts are in active contact with the Finno-Ugrics,
Cimmerians, proto-Scythians, and early Slavs.
BC :
appearance and rapid expansion of the central European Lusatian
culture around this time seems to do more than its predecessor when
it comes to squeezing the territory of the Baltic tribes. It very
quickly takes over the entire south-western corner of Baltic dominance
- central, eastern, and southern Poland, areas that the Balts never
Uralic-speaking Finno-Ugrics living in the neighbourhood of the
Balts become to a certain degree Indo-Europeanised. Over the course
of several millennia, particularly during the Early Iron Age and
the first centuries AD, Finno-Ugric culture in the upper Volga basin
and north of the River Daugava-Dvina becomes adapted to food production,
and even the habitat pattern - arranging villages on hills and the
building of rectangular houses - is borrowed from the Balts.
large proportion of the early Slavs in the Middle Dnieper basin
fall under the rule of the Scythians, but the Finno-Ugric tribes
and the eastern Balts living in the forested areas remain outside
the orbit of strong Scythian influence.

appearance of ferocious mounted Scythian warriors in the lands to
the south of the Balts must have instilled a sense of worry and
fear in many groups, but the Balts always managed to remain independent
of their control (although armour such as that pictured here certainly
did not appear so early), while above is a map showing the Scythian
lands at their greatest extent
BC :
Iron appears in central Europe, but not until the eighth century
does it revolutionise men's lives and only then does it reach northern
Europe. Even then iron is still extremely rare in the Baltic area
(until the sixth century BC), and the general cultural level continues
to have an almost pure Bronze Age character. The dividing line at
about the end of the eighth century BC signifies a change in culture
due not so much to technological innovations as to new historical
events - the Scythians suddenly expand out of the Pontic steppe
Bronze Age is still a rather obscure period in the area between
eastern Lithuania and Latvia and the Oka river basin in central
Russia. From pottery remains in fortified hill top villages it can
be seen that, during the end of the second millennium BC and the
beginning of the first, a cultural differentiation gradually takes
place, and before the beginning of the Early Iron Age several local
groups have formed. One is known as the Brushed Pottery group of
eastern Lithuania, southern Latvia, and north-western Belarus (known
in Lithuania as the Kernavė group). Another, which is closely
related to the Brushed Pottery, is the Milograd group in southern
Belarus and the northern fringes of western Ukraine. A third is
known as the Plain Pottery group which occupies the Desna, upper
Dnieper, upper Oka, and upper Don basins in central Russia. The
last of those, in the basins of the Desna and upper Don, is known
more specifically as the Bondarikha for the Late Bronze Age centuries
and Jukhnovo for the Early Iron Age and the first centuries AD.
- 600 BC :
is the period of Scythian expansion from the Black Sea area into
central Europe. These steppe horsemen who appear in Moravia (now
eastern Czechia), and what is now Romania and Hungary must be early
Scythians, the successors of the south Russian Srubna culture of
the Bronze Age which itself had constantly been pushing towards
the west. They introduce eastern types of horse gear, oriental animal
art, timber graves, and inhumation rites. Before entering Central
Europe, they conquer the Cimmerians on the northern shores of the
Black Sea and in the northern Caucasus, driving them out and dominating
the northern Black Sea region.
There they acquire much of the Caucasian and Cimmerian cultural
legacy and mix them with their own Ponto-Caucasian cultural elements.
These oriental influences appreciably change the material culture
of central Europe. The Baltic and Germanic cultures in northern
Europe remain untouched by the Scythian incursions, but the new
cultural elements reached them through continuous commercial relations
with central Europe.
- 500 BC :
Lusatian culture still persists in the first centuries of the Early
Iron Age. The amber trade is not cut off and the Lusatians continue
to be mediators between the Baltic and Germanic amber gatherers
and the Hallstatt culture in the eastern Alpine area and, beginning
in the seventh century, the Etruscans in Italy. Novelties such as
bronze horse-gear comprising bridle-bits, cheek-pieces and ornamental
plates, as well as the initial iron objects, are transmitted into
the Baltic area by the Lusatians.
Again, as during the Bronze Age, hoards and the most richly furnished
graves are concentrated in the source area of amber: on the Samland
peninsula and on both sides of the lower Vistula. Under great pressure
due to Scythian raids, the Lusatian eventually gives way to the
Pomeranian Face-Urn culture. The Western Balts of this period are
sometimes labelled a cairns culture, although they share elements
of the Face-Urn culture too, perhaps even being a driving force
in its southwards expansion.

urns of the Kashubian Group, part of the Lusatian culture, which
was the predominant method of disposing of the dead during the entire
culture period
Scythians reach the southern borders of the western Baltic lands,
but apparently do not succeed in penetrating farther north. Only
a few arrowheads of Scythian type have been found in East Prussia
and southern Lithuania. A chain of western Baltic strongholds in
northern Poland and in the southern part of East Prussia arise which
very probably are built for resisting the southern invaders. The
Scythian high tide lasts only until the end of the fifth century
BC. After that they no longer appear in the north, and possibly
it is Baltic resistance which helps to end the Scythian threat.
- 512 BC :
the centuries have gone by, the Scythians have become involved in
wars against the invading Persians. Thanks to this the northern
tribes are also disturbed. Herodotus describes these wars in Book
IV of his history, these being the earliest surviving written records
concerning the history of Eastern Europe at the end of the sixth
century BC. Herodotus mentions and approximately locates the seats
of the Androphagi, Budini, Melanchlaeni, Neuri, and other tribes
living to the north of Scythia.
BC :
Celts of the La Tène culture arrive in Bohemia and southern Poland,
the northern limit of Celtic expansion, although there remains the
question of where the Belgae and Venedi are located. This La Tène
expansion is led by the Boii tribe which makes Bohemia its home
for the next three centuries, but the same expansion also stops
the Pomeranian Face-Urn culture from expanding any further south.
Western and southern Poland have also been disrupted by Scythian
raids, but these suddenly drop off around 400 BC, leaving the Face-Urn
culture free to expand instead across the entire Vistula basin and
to reach the upper Dniester in Ukraine, thereby bypassing the La
Tène Celts.
century BC :
changeless life of the eastern Baltic tribes in the Dnieper basin
is disturbed by the appearance of the Zarubintsy, assumed to be
Slavs (the name originates in Zarubinec cemetery to the south of
Kiev on the River Dnieper, excavated in 1899). The Zarubintsy invade
the lands of the the Milograd people along the River Pripet, up
the Dnieper and its tributaries, and in the southern territories
which are inhabited by the people of the Plain Pottery culture.
A peasant folk on a cultural level which is similar to that of the
eastern Balts, Zarubintsy archaeological remains contrast in every
detail with those of the older population. Their intrusion must
be interpreted as the first Slavic expansion northwards from the
lands lying in the immediate neighbourhood. Their movements may
have been prompted by the early expansion of the western Baltic
tribe which is a carrier of the Face-Urn culture and the subsequent
Celtic expansion into Eastern Europe.

Pomeranian/Face-Urn culture tomb chest constructed at a time of
greater metallurgy skills but with weaker ceramic skills when compared
to the previous Lusatian culture
50 - 150 :
arrival on the southern Baltic coastline of the Gothic people in
the first and second centuries AD has a great impact on the Baltic
population there. The strongest tribe of the western Baltic bloc
which had previously manifested itself in face and pot-covered urn
graves of the Face-Urn culture eventually disintegrates due to this
and the preceding Celtic expansion. The other Baltic tribes have
been less touched by outside influences and have conservatively
preserved their local character.
It is generally thought that the Gothic arrival now results in the
western Balts retreating towards eastern Lithuania, but perhaps
the previously mentioned tribal disintegration is the true reason
for the disappearance of Baltic culture along the coast at this
time. It is also apparent from Celtic influence on the early Goths
(in the form of the first king's name, at least) that the 'Eastern
Celts' in the form of the Venedi already control the mouth of the
Vistula. In all probability though, due to the ethnic affinity of
these peoples, peaceful relations are still established. The appearance
of various new groups of pottery, part of the Oxhöft and Willenberg
cultures, testifies to the further merging of these ethnic groupings.
The ancestors of the Galindians, Lets, Lithuanians, Natangians,
Sambians, and Semigallians continue throughout the entire Early
Iron Age to build stone cists in which they place urns of a family
or kin, covering them with an earth barrow secured by a stone pavement
from above and stone rings around. While available, Middle and Late
La Tène fibulae are also imported and imitated. In marked contrast
to Celtic and Germanic graves, however, weapons are extremely rare
in Baltic graves. The inland Prussian tribes seem to live a rather
peaceful life.
Other Baltic tribes are now developing their own distinctive burial
rites. Sudovians build stone barrows, Couronians place their dead
in stone circles or rectangular walls, while their neighbours in
central Lithuania use flat graves supporting tree-trunk coffins
with stones. The differentiation of local burial rites from around
this time permits modern scholars the chance of perceiving tribal
borders between the various Baltic tribes, which thereafter remain
unchanged in this region until the coming of the Germans. Until
then, there is no evidence of migrations, shifts of population,
or invasions of the Baltic lands by foreign peoples.

mouth of the Vistula in the first century AD was an ideal route
for settlement for groups coming south from Scandinavia, but also
for groups migrating along the coast such as the speculated movement
of Venedi Celts, while above is a map showing the locations of European
tribes around the first centuries BC and AD
who writes in the mid-second century, records the existence of the
Galindai and Soudinoi tribes, the later Galindians and Sudovians
(the latter also known as Yotvingians). Both of these are Western
Balts, but not Old Prussians, although they do closely border the
Old Prussians to the south. The fact that these names already exist
shows that Prussian tribes (and probably the other Baltic tribes)
have their own names and that they survive virtually unchanged for
the next millennium.
- 200 :
from remaining settled where they are in Poland, the Goths gradually
renew their migration, now moving slowly southwards from the Oder
and Vistula, heading on a path that will eventually take them into
Ukraine. The migration could be caused by pressure from the Baltic
tribes, early segments of the later Old Prussians and Lithuanians
who are expanding back into territory they had lost to the Germanic
tribes in the first century AD. The Prussians hold onto their newly-regained
territory for the next millennium or so.
- 400s :
the second and fifth centuries AD the material standards of the
Baltic culture rise tremendously, due to intensive amber trade with
the provinces of the Roman empire. The eastern Baltic area becomes
a strong cultural centre, and its influences extended across north-eastern
Europe. This is the Baltic culture's 'golden age', according to
Marija Gimbutas.
Archaeological finds demonstrate how for centuries bronze and iron
tools and ornaments are exported from the Balts to Uralic-speaking
Finno-Ugrian lands. The western Finnic, Mari, and Mordvin areas
are flooded with or strongly influenced by ornaments that are typical
of the Baltic culture. Where the long history of Baltic-Finno-Ugric
relations is concerned, language and archaeological sources go hand-in-hand,
and Baltic loan words into Volga-Finnic languages pay witness to
The Baltic golden age begins to fade from around the end of the
fourth century or in the early part of the fifth century, as eastern
Slav expansion reaches the Baltic lands in what is now western Russia.
The gradual influx of Slavs continues into the twelfth century and
century :
the first half of the fifth century, there is some evidence of a
new wave of invaders in Lithuania. There is every reason to believe
that nomadic hordes (either the Huns or a fringe group related to
or vassals of them) carry out raids on the forts of southern and
eastern Lithuania. Traces of fires and three blade spearheads are
later uncovered at the forts of Aukstadvaris, Kernave, Pasvonis,
and Vilnius to support the idea. An increase in fortifications around
hill forts and their associated villages, with the use of timber
constructions and tamped clay for building ramparts, can be observed
from the fifth century onwards, probably as a reaction to these
raids and also to Slavic pressure (probably one and the same thing).

approach of the Huns into central Europe spread terror and fear,
and not without good reason as their unfamiliar battle tactics defeated
opponent after opponent
Prussian tribes have returned westwards to reoccupy some of the
lands previously lost to East Germanic tribes, they start to come
under pressure from Slavs who are now migrating into central Poland
towards the later part of the same century, in regions such as Galicia,
Lusatia, and Silesia. This migration is a product of the Hunnic
invasion of their traditional lands. Masuria is also reoccupied,
by the West Baltic tribe of the Galindians, after parts of it have
been abandoned by the Vidivarii and their preceding Willenberg culture
the east, however, it is still largely a case of Balts integrating
with Finno-Ugric tribes. Many barrows in these areas yield purely
Baltic finds of the Let type. These date from the fifth to twelfth
centuries AD. Even to the south of Smolensk, Moscow, and Kaluga,
along the tributaries of the River Zhizdra and upper Desna, a number
of excavated barrow cemeteries and hill forts of the Baltic type
yield finds which are related or identical to those in eastern Latvia,
and which can be dated up to the twelfth century. The archaeological
finds also fully confirm a dating up to the twelfth century for
the remnants of those Balts who live to the west of Moscow, in the
area between Smolensk, Kaluga and Brjansk, the Galindians.
century :
Baltic tribes enjoy what could be termed a 'second golden age',
buoyed by rapidly-expanding Viking trade networks which are reaching
far to the west and deep into Eastern Europe to establish contacts
with the Byzantine empire at Constantinople. It's not all peaceful
trade, however. The Vikings see the Balts as a viable target for
raids, little realising at first how good are the Balts at defending
their territories and even striking back at Viking targets. To the
south the Slavs also pose a threat, but the well-equipped cavalry
of the southern Baltic tribes, especially it must be assumed the
Galindians and Yotvingians, serves to prevent the Slavs from penetrating
into Baltic lands.
The numerous Baltic tribes are currently ruled by powerful chieftains
and landlords, a system which remains in place until the beginning
of recorded history in the region. Among the Baltic tribes the Prussians
and Couronians continue to play leading roles. In the previous century
or so, the Lets have expanded their territory to cover much of northern
Latvia, replacing the previously dominant Finno-Ugric tribes there,
the early Estonians.

gods of the Old Prussians were Patrimps, Parkuns, and Patolls (sounding
like modern Latvian names in the near-compulsory 's' at the end
of each name) who were related to the principle cycles of human
life - birth and growth, maturity, and ageing and death, while above
is a map covering the creation of the Rus principalities in AD 862
and 882
century :
this century, small Slavic states are beginning to emerge in the
region of Poland, and these expand and coalesce over the course
of the next century. Western Balts also still occupy regions of
Poland, mostly around the lower Vistula. Two tribes named by Ptolemy
in the mid-second century, the Galindai and Soudinoi, survive as
the Galindians (in Masuria and the northern fringes of Mazovia)
and the Sudovians/Yotvingians into the eleventh century, before
being absorbed into the duchy of Poland. These Western Balts are
survived by their kinfolk, the Old Prussians, although remaining
groups of independent Western Galindians do eventually become classed
as Old Prussians themselves.
century :
the beginning of the Slavic expansion to the formation of the three
Slavic states, Novgorod, Ryazan, and Kiev, in the ninth century
and even several centuries later, there are considerable numbers
of Balts in what is now Belarus and in the west of greater Russia.
The process of Slavicisation which had begun in prehistoric times
continues into the nineteenth century. Belarussians borrow many
words, most of them in daily usage, from the Lithuanian peasant
vocabulary. The ethnography in the districts of Kaluga, Moscow,
Smolensk, Vitebsk, Polotsk, and Minsk to the middle of the nineteenth
century is highly indicative of the Baltic character. Indeed, Slavicised
eastern Balts make up much of the population of modern Belarus and
part of greater Russia.
Adalbert of Prague, sent by the Pope into Prussian lands to convert
the pagans, is escorted by soldiers granted to him by Boleslaw I
the Brave, duke of Poland. The twelfth century bronze door of the
cathedral in Gniezno in northern Poland depicts scenes of Adalbert's
Prussians, showing them with spears, swords, and shields. They are
beardless but with moustaches, have trimmed hair, and are wearing
kilts, blouses, and bracelets. Adalbert refuses to heed warnings
to stay away from the sacred oak trees (it is customary for sacred
oaks to be cut down by missionaries to show that Christianity is
stronger than any spirits they are supposed to contain). Instead,
Adalbert is executed for sacrilege. Boleslaw begins a series of
unsuccessful attempts at conquering the Prussians.
annals of the town of Quedlinburg in Germany report the arrival
of Saint Brunon, known more normally as Bonifatius, on missionary
work among the Prussians. His attempt ends in failure, and it is
believed he is killed together with his eighteen companions somewhere
in the vicinity of the Lithuanian border (the first mention of 'Lithuania'
in written sources).

around AD 1000 the south-eastern Baltic coast contained a host of
known tribes which can be collected into three major groups - Prussians,
Latvians, and Lithuanians
German Christian missionaries arrive, converting small numbers of
Balts and probably establishing nascent congregations. On the whole
the Balts appear reluctant to convert, perhaps fervently so, which
means that German Crusaders are sent to the Lats and their neighbouring
tribes to convert the pagan population - a pretext for a grab for
land and resources which is supported by the Pope. They are strongly
opposed, although extremely little is known about the Liv native
leaders who lead that opposition.
In the east, the Eastern Galindians have already been recorded by
Russian chroniclers as the Goliadj (in 1058), and have been the
target of a Rus campaign (in 1147). There appear to be no further
mentions of them by the Rus but their eventual absorption into later
Russian society probably takes several more centuries.
- 1241 :
Order of the Knights are decimated by the Samogitians and Semigallians
at the Battle of Schaulen (Saule). The defeat allows the Lithuanians
to consolidate their territories and form a single state which will
stand against the invaders in the future. The following year, what
remains of the Order joins the Teutonic Knights as an autonomous
branch in Livonia, now known as the Livonian Order, or Livonian
Knights. While being subject to the grand master of the Teutonic
Knights, the Livonian Knights continue to operate on their own behalf.
The Teutonic Knights pursue their own goals in Prussia. By 1237-1238,
Pamedė (of the Pomesanians) and Pagudė (of the Pogesanians)
are already under the Order's rule. Next, the Teutons push on along
the Frisches Haff and in 1240 defeat the united Bard (Bartians),
Natangians, and Warmians. In 1241 the conquered and newly-baptised
Prussians, no longer able to stand the oppression of the conquerors,
rise up in revolt, but they are defeated by 1249. Following this
interruption, the Order continues its advance to the north, intent
on forming its own military-religious state (known as the Ordenstaat)
which it governs for the next three hundred years.
- 1280s? :
Yotvingians lead the raid on the Teutonic Knight stronghold of Chełmno
in 1263, during the Great Prussian Uprising (1260-1274).
Later, with Lithuanian support, they form a principle part of four
thousand men who fight against the Teutonic Knights, but in the
end they are defeated and subjugated.
At the same time, in 1283, the Knights continue to advance north.
Having already conquered the lands of the Skalvs and part of that
of the Yotvingians, they now drive the Nadruvians to the River Nemunas,
right on the border with Lithuania. The population of these areas
is killed off, with only a few managing to escape across the border.

about AD 1000 the final locations of the Baltic tribes were well
known by the Germans who were beginning their attempts to subdue
and control them, although the work would take a few centuries to
complete and the Lithuanians would never be conquered by them
fact, although the arrival of the Germans had started off as a trickle,
it had soon became a flood in the twelfth century. This marks the
gradual end of Baltic tribal existence and the start of larger states
which are created by the Germans themselves (in Livonia and Prussia).
The Lithuanians manage to forge an independent state of their own
which survives to this day, and they are joined in that independence
in 1918 by the Latvian state. Kaliningrad marks the remnants of
Old Prussia.