Malav were originally an ancient tribe of Mahabharat period, neighbouring the Madra kings in Punjab province of Pakistan. They have been mentioned as Mallians by Arrian, the historian of Alexander.


Variants of name :

Malav Mahabharat (II.29.6), (II.48.14), (VI.47.16), (VI.83.6), (VI.83.6), (VI.112.109), (VIII.4.46)




Mallians Arrian (The Anabasis of Alexander, Ch-5.22,6.4,6.5,6.6,6.7,6.8,6.9,6.11,6.12,6.14)

Jat clans :






Malloi (Greek)


Mention by Panini :

Kshudrak-Malav is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.


Malav, a tribe, is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.


Malavk is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi.


History :

V. S. Agrawala writes about Art of war – The Ayudhajivins were warrior tribes organized on a military basis into Sanghs, occupying mostly the Vahik or Punjab. Their member were known as Ayudhiya, ‘making a living by the profession of arms’ (Ayudhena jivati, IV.4.14). We know that these soldiers put up the stoutest resistance against the Greeks in the 4th century BC.


The Ashvakayanas of Masakavati and the Malavs, all ayudhajivins, constituted the finest soldiery, which extorted the admiration of foreigners. The Kshudraks and Malavs (Ganpath of IV.2.45), we are informed by Katyayan, (p.422) pooled their military strength in a confederate army called the Kshudrak-Malavi sena. The foot soldiers (padati) of the Salva country have been specially noted (IV.2.135). (p.423)


V S Agarwal writes about State emblem – Ank and Lakshnan– As mentioned in Sutra IV.3.127, a Sangh had its Ank and Lakshnan. The Lakshnan denoted the heraldic symbols or marks of a Sangh which they employed on their coins, seals and banners. The Mahabharat takes Ank as a symptom of Lakshnan in describing the census of the royal cattle by branding them with proper marks (Vanparv, 240.5), But in Panini’s sutra, ank seems to stand for the legend adopted by the states, like Malavnam jayah, or Yaudheya ganasya jayah, as found on their coins. Lakshnan is the same as lañchhan or heraldic crest of later Sanskrit.


V S Agarwal writes about Ayudhajivi Sanghas – [p.434]: Panini refers to a number of Sanghs as Ayudhajivin (V.3.114-117), meaning those who lived by the profession of arms. Kautilya refers to two kinds of Janpads,


1. Ayudhiya prayah, those mostly comprising soldiers, and

2. Shreni prayah, comprising guilds of craftsmen, traders and agriculturists. The former (and also his sastropajivins) correspond to Panini’s Ayudhajivi Sanghs, which were the same as Yodhajiv of Pali literature.

Four kinds of Ayudhajivins – Panini classified his material of the Ayudhajivin Sanghas under several heads, viz.


1. Sanghas in Vahik (V.3.114),

2. Sanghas of Parvat (IV.3.91),

3. Pugs, organized under their Gramani in to some form of Sangha Govt (V.3.112), and lastly

4. Vrats living by depredation and violence (V.3.113, V.2.21), and having only semblance of Sangh.

The most advanced Ayudhajivin Sanghs belonged to the Vahik Country (V.3.114), which comprised the region from Indus to the Beas and and the Sutlej (Karnparv, 44.7; Hindu polity, 1.34). These are the Yaudheyas, Kshudrakas and Malavs, etc.


V S Agarwal writes names of some important tribes in the Ganpath, which deserve to be mentioned as being of considerable importance. We are indebted to the Greek historians of Alexander for the information that most of these were republics. These tribes include - Malav – (Greek: Malloi). According to the Greek writers both these communities were settled in the region where the Ravi River joins the Chenab. They are said to have offered the stoutest resistance to the Greek invaders.


Malav Kingdom :

There kingdom was corresponding to the Malwa region. Sometimes Avanti and Malav were described to be the same country. They were originally a western tribe, in Punjab (Pakistan) province of Pakistan. Later they migrated to Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh states of India. In recorded history of India, there were a royal tribe called Malavs. They were believed to be the descendants of the Malavs.


Dr Pema Ram writes that after the invasion of Alexander in 326 BC, the Jats of Sindh and Punjab migrated to Rajasthan. They built tanks, wells and Bawadis near their habitations. The tribes migrated were: Shivis, Yaudheyas, Malavs, Madras etc. The Shivi tribe which came from Ravi and Beas Rivers founded towns like Sheo, Sojat, Siwana, Shergarh, Shivganj, etc. This area was adjoining to Sindh and mainly inhabited by Jats. The descendants of Malavs are: Mal, Madra, Mandal, Male, Malloi, etc.


Jat History :

Hukam Singh Pawar (Pauria) states: The companion princes of Harshvardhan, i.e. Kumargupt III and Madhavgupt belonged to the Mallav tribe (Malloi) and Bhandi was a Poni. Mahasengupt, the mother of Prabhakarvardhan, the grand-mother of Harsh, was a princess of the Gupta (Dharana) lineage. King Grahvarman, husband of Rajyashri was a Maukhari. The Jats have among them the Kuntals, Mall or Malli; Poni or Punia or Paunyas, Dharanas as well as Mukharis or Mokharis. This does not seem to be a mere coincidence.


Variant of Malloi is Mandloi/Mandolia gotra Jats live in Jaipur district in Rajasthan. Found in Jaipur city at Bhatton Ki Gali, Sanganer.


Jat rulers in Malwa :

According to Thakur Deshraj Malwa gets its name from Mall republics who were famous during Mahabharat and Bhuddhist periods. There Mall tribe was known as Malloi at the time of Alexander. Mall tribe is found in Jats and Brahmans. According to Katyayan they became Malwi in Brahmans and Mali in Jat Kshatriyas. Both these words have been derived from Sanskrit word Malav. Mall tribes were in the neighbourhood of Videhi tribe and came to this area in later periods. Earlier this country was known as Avanti. Vikramditya was ruler of this country. Malwa was a fertile and wealthy country. Like Punjab and Sindh it was abode of Jats. Jats ruled this country.


The history of Malwa prior to 4th century BC is in dark. Malwa region was inhabited by Dasharn, Dasharh, Kuntal and Charman tribes. Bhoj tribes were in and around Dharanagri. Dasharn and Dasharh tribes ruled at Mandsaur, which was earlier known as Dashpur or Dashaur. Charman tribes ruled on the banks of Chambal River.


Apart from these tribes this country was also ruled by Mauryans, Guptas, Andhak and Panwar. These groups from outside the Malwa and had destroyed the Republics of Malwa. Prior to these groups from outside Malwa, Mallois were the rulers of these Republics. During Alexander’s period Kshudrak tribes were reported in their neighbourhood.


Out of these castes some are found in Jats and Rajputs. Dashpuri, Bhoj and Kuntal are found in Jats only. Bangari tribes also ruled Malwa and one area of Malwa region is known as Bangar after them. Traces of Bangars are found in Brahmans and Jats both.


In Mahabharat :

Malav have been mentioned at many places in Mahabharat (II.29.6), (II.48.14), (VI.47.16), (VI.83.6), (VI.112.109), (VIII.4.46).


Malavnak is mentioned in Mahabharat (VI.10.58).


Military Campaign of Nakul : Sabha Parv, Mahabharat/Book II Chapter 29 mentions that Nakul subjugated Western Countries. Malav is mentioned in verse (II.29.6). ....And the illustrious Nakul subjugated the whole of the desert country and the region known as Sairishak (Sirsa) as also that other one called Mahett. He subjugated Shibis, Trigarts, Ambashts, Malavs, the five tribes of the Karpats.


Sabha Parv, Mahabharat / Book II Chapter 48 mentions Kings who presented tributes to Yudhishthir. Malav is mentioned in verse (II.48.14) along with Kshudrak.


Wife of a Madra King from Malav: Mahabharat, Book 3, Chapter 291 - There was a king among the Madra, named Aswapati, who was virtuous and highly pious. And then, by the grace of goddess Savitri, the embryo in the womb of the princess of Malav (wife of Aswapati) increased like the lord of stars in the heavens during the lighted fortnight. And when the time came, she brought forth a daughter furnished with lotus-like eyes. She was the famous Savitri, who became wife of the prince Satyavan of Salwa Kingdom.


Vivaswat’s son, Yam, the dispenser of justice, untied his noose, and with cheerful heart said these words to Savitri, ‘Thus, O auspicious and chaste lady, is thy husband freed by me! Thou wilt be able to take him back free from disease. And he will attain to success! And along with thee, he will attain a life of four hundred years. And celebrating sacrifices with due rites, he will achieve great fame in this world. And upon thee Satyavan will also beget a century of sons. And these Kshatriyas with their sons and grandsons will all be kings, and will always be famous in connection with thy name. And thy father (Aswapati, the king of Madra Kingdom also will beget a hundred sons on thy mother Malavi. And under the name of the Malavs, thy Kshatriya brothers, will be widely known along with their sons and daughters.


According to the Mahabharat (Book 3, Chapter 295), the Malavs were a small unknown tribe near Madra Kingdom, who later became the powerful Malavs in Madhya Pradesh state in India, near Avanti Kingdom (having Ujjayani or Ujjain as its capital).


Kingdoms under Yudhisthir's sway: Mahabharat, Book 3, Chapter 51 ...The words of Vasudev Krishna to king Yudhisthir: That prosperity which the Pandavs had acquired at Indraprasth, and which, unobtainable by other kings, was beheld by me at the Rajsuya Yagya, at which, besides, I saw all kings, even those of the Vangs and Angs and Paundrs and Odras and Cholas and Dravids and Andhaks, and the chiefs of many islands and countries on the sea-board as also of frontier states, including the rulers of the Sinhals, the barbarous malechs, the natives of Lanka, and all the kings of the West by hundreds, and all the chiefs of the sea-coast, and the kings of the Pahlavs and the Darads and the various tribes of the Kirats and Yavans and Sakras and the Harahuns and Chinas and Tukhars and the Sindhavs and the Jaguds and the Ramaths and the Mundas and the inhabitants of the kingdom of women and the Tangans and the Kekayas and the Malavs and the inhabitants of Kashmira, afraid of the prowess of your weapons, present in obedience to your invitation, performing various offices,--that prosperity, O king Yudhisthir, so unstable and waiting at present on the foe, I shall restore to thee.


Military Campaign of Karna: Mahabharat, Book 3, Chapter 252....


Having conquered the entire earth—east, west, north and south—that hero Karn, without any aid brought under subjection all the nations of the Malechs, the mountaineers, the Bhadras, the Rohitaks, the Agneyas and the Malavs.


Malavs in Kurukshetra War: Mahabharat, Book 3, Chapter 295 ....


And those mighty bowmen, the five royal brothers of Kekaya, will put forth their strength in battle, accepting the Kekaya warriors on Duryodhan’s side as antagonists. They will also fight against the Malavs also, and the Salwaks, as also, the two famous warriors of the Trigart host on the side of Duryodhan.


The above extract indicate that the Malavs allied with Duryodhan.


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 10 describes geography and provinces of Bharatvarsh. Malavnak is in the list of provinces in south mentioned in verse (VI.10.58) along with Chola and Konkan.


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 47 describes immeasurable heroes assembled for battle. Malavs (VI.47.16) along with Kshudraks fought for Duryodhana and against Pandavs....."And then king Duryodhan, united with all his brothers, with the Aswalaks, the Vikarns, the Vamans, the Kosals, the Darads, the Vriks, as also the Kshudraks and the Malavs advanced cheerfully against the Pandav host."


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 83 mentions that Bhishma, the son of Santanu, proceeded in the van of the whole army, supported by the Malavs (VI.83.6), and the inhabitants of the southern countries, and the Avantis.


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 112 mentions tribes in war: Malavs are mentioned in verse (VI.112.109).


Karn Parv / Mahabharat Book VIII Chapter 4 tells us about the Warriors who are dead amongst the Kurus and the Pandavs after ten days. Malavs have been mentioned in verse (VIII.4.46). ...."Kaikeyas, Malavs, Madraks, Dravids of fierce prowess, Yaudheyas, Lalittyas, Kshudraks, Mavellaks, Usinars, have all been slain by Savyasachi".


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