Shalya was king of Madras called Madraraj, whose modern descendants are the Madern Jats. Shalya was king of Bahik Jats of Punjab, who used to take one sixth of the income as tax. He was the brother of Madri. Pandu got married to Madri and had from Madri two sons: Nakul and Sahdev. Sakal was the city of the Madras (II.29.13).


Variants :


Madraraj = The King of Madras

Jat Gotras :


History :

In the epic Mahabharat, King Shalya was the brother of Madri (mother of Nakul and Sahdev), as well as the ruler of the Madra kingdom. Shalya, a powerful Spear fighter and a formidable charioteer, was tricked by Duryodhan to fight the war on the side of the Kauravs.


Becoming Pandu's brother-in-law: On his way to Hastinapur, King Pandu encountered Shalya's army. At parlay, Shalya and his general met with Pandu; Pandu was very impressed by Shalya's slight general. Shalya proposed that they could either decide the victor by war, or, by marriage. He then revealed that his general was none other than his sister Madri. Looking at her beauty, Pandu accepted the lady willingly and took her to Hastinapur, and Shalya bent the knee to Hastinapur.


Jat History :

Ram Swarup Joon writes In the Sabha Parv, Mahabharat / Book II Chapter 48, while describing various Kings who attended a ceremony in the Durbar (court) of Maharaj Yudhisthir, seventeen names are mentioned which are today found as Jat gotras. These are Malhi, Mylaw, Sindhar, Gandhar, Mahity, Mahe, Savi, Bath, Dharan, Virk, Dard, Shaly, Matash, Kukar (Khokar) Kak, Takshak, Sand, Bahik (Bathi) Bije (Bijenia), Andhra, Sorashtra (Rathi) Mann, Ar, Sohat, Kukat, Othiwal (Othval).


Bhim Singh Dahiya writes that they are frequently mentioned in the epics and the Purans. Their king, Salya, fought in the war. Madri, mother of Nakul and Sahdev was a Madra Princess. Sabha Parv Shows that “Jatasur Madra Kanam” (i.e. Asra and Madra Jats) brought presents for the Pandavs, who were their relations. They are also called Mad or Madh (Madhan) as well as Madern nowadays. In Kurukshetra alone, they have twelve village. Many Madhan Jats are now Muslims also. They are recorded in the Bible as Madai. In Prakrit, the name Madra, becomes Madda. Their deity at Sakal, is called Kharapost, which is and Iranian form. They ate pork beef, drank rum with milk, (136-MBT,VII,44,28,36) Their strange dress, banners, arms and chariots are also noted. They came from the Iranian side.


In Mahabharat :

Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (I.61.6), (I.177.13), (II.29.13), (II.31.7), (V.19.16), (VI.47.17), (VI.52.5), (VIII.4.3), (VIII.23.2).


Adi Parv, Mahabharat / Book I Chapter 61 gives genealogy of the Danavs, Asurs, Kauravs, Pandavs, Gandharvs, Apsaras, Rakshash. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (I.61.6). He who had been known as Samhlad, the younger brother of Prahlad, became among men the famous Shalya (I.61.6), that bull amongst Valhiks.


Adi Parv, Mahabharat / Book I Chapter 177 mentions Kshatriyas who came on Swayamvar of Draupadi. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (I.177.13). The mighty car-warrior Shalya (I.177.13), the king of Madra, with his son, the heroic Rukmangad, Rukmarath, Somadatt of the Kuru race with his three sons.


Sabha Parv, Mahabharat / Book II Chapter 29 mentions the Countries subjugated by Nakul in West. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (II.29.13). And the mighty hero, proceeding thence to Sakal, the city of the Madras, made his uncle Shalya accept from affection the sway of the Pandavs.


Sabha Parv, Mahabharat / Book II Chapter 31 mentions the Kshatriyas who brought tributes on Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthir. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (II.31.7) and Achal, and Vrishak, and Karn that foremost of all charioteers; and Shalya endued with great might and the strong Valhik.


Udyog Parv / Mahabharat Book V Chapter 19 mentions Kings and tribes Who joined Yudhishthir for war. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (V.19.16). And so the valiant Bhurisravs, and Shalya, O son of Kuru, came to Duryodhan, with an Akshauhini of troops each.


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 47 describes immeasurable heroes assembled for battle. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (VI.47.17). And Bhurisravs, and Shal and Shalya, and Bhagadatt, O sire, and Vind and Anuvind of Avanti, protected the left flank.


Bhisma Parv, Mahabharat / Book VI Chapter 52 describes the order of army in Mahabharat War. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (VI.52.5). And Bhurisravs and Sal, and Shalya and Bhagadatt, O sire, and the Madraks, the Sindhu-Sauvirs, and they that were called the Panchanadas, together with Jayadrath, were placed on its neck. And on its back was king Duryodhan with all his followers.


Karna Parv / Mahabharat Book VIII Chapter 4 mentions the warriors who are dead amongst the Kurus and the Pandavs after ten days. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (VIII.4.3).


Karna Parv / Mahabharat Book VIII Chapter 30 mentions the tribes who are not followers of Brahmanism. Shalya is mentioned in Mahabharat (VIII.23.2).


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