showing the migrations of the Alans
Languages : Scythian
Related ethnic groups : Ossetians
Alans (Latin: Alani) were an Iranian nomadic pastoral people of
name Alan is an Iranian dialectal form of Aryan. Possibly related
to the Massagetae, the Alans have been connected by modern historians
with the Central Asian Yancai and Aorsi of Chinese and Roman sources,
respectively. Having migrated westwards and become dominant among
the Sarmatians on the Pontic Steppe, they are mentioned by Roman
sources in the 1st century AD. At the time, they had settled
the region north of the Black Sea and frequently raided the Parthian
Empire and the Caucasian provinces of the Roman Empire. From
215–250 AD, their power on the Pontic Steppe was broken by
the Goths.
the Hunnic defeat of the Goths on the Pontic Steppe around 375 AD,
many of the Alans migrated westwards along with various Germanic
tribes. They crossed the Rhine in 406 AD along with the Vandals
and Suebi, settling in Orléans and Valence. Around 409 AD,
they joined the Vandals and Suebi in the crossing of the Pyrenees
into the Iberian Peninsula, settling in Lusitania and Carthaginensis.
The Iberian Alans were soundly defeated by the Visigoths in 418
AD and subsequently surrendered their authority to the Hasdingi
Vandals. In 428 AD, the Vandals and Alans crossed the Strait of
Gibraltar into North Africa, where they founded a powerful kingdom
which lasted until its conquest by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian
I in the 6th century AD.
Alans who remained under Hunnic rule founded a powerful kingdom
in the North Caucasus in the Middle Ages, which ended with the Mongol
invasions in the 13th century AD. These Alans are said to be the
ancestors of the modern Ossetians.
Alans spoke an Eastern Iranian language which derived from Scytho-Sarmatian
and which in turn evolved into modern Ossetian.
The various forms of Alan – Greek: Alanoi; Chinese: Alanliao
(Pinyin) in the 2nd century, Alan in the 3rd century and later
Alanguo – are derived from Iranian dialectal forms of Aryan.
This word was preserved in the modern Ossetian language in the form
of Allon. These and other variants of Aryan (such as Iran) were
common self-designations of the Indo-Iranians, the common ancestors
of the Indo-Aryans and Iranian peoples to whom the Alans belonged.
spellings include Alauni or Halani. The Alans were also known
over the course of their history by another group of related names
including the variations Asi, As, and Os (Romanian Iasi or Olani,
Bulgarian Uzi, Hungarian Jász, Russian Jasy, Georgian Osi).
It is this name that is the root of the modern Ossetian.
Alans :

extent of Scythia within the area of distribution of Eastern Iranian
languages (shown in orange) in the 1st century BC

AD 117–138. The Alani at the time were concentrated north
of the Caucasus Mountains (centre right)
The first mentions of names that historians link with the Alani
appear at almost the same time in texts from the Mediterranean,
Middle East and China.
the 1st century AD, the Alans migrated westwards from Central Asia,
achieving a dominant position among the Sarmatians living between
the Don River and the Caspian Sea. The Alans are mentioned in the
Vologeses inscription which reads that Vologeses I, the Parthian
king between around 51 and 78 AD, in the 11th year of his reign
(62 AD), battled Kuluk, king of the Alani. The 1st century AD Jewish
historian Josephus supplements this inscription. Josephus reports
in the Jewish Wars (book 7, ch. 7.4) how Alans (whom he calls a
"Scythian" tribe) living near the Sea of Azov crossed
the Iron Gates for plunder (72 AD) and defeated the armies of Pacorus,
king of Media, and Tiridates, King of Armenia, two brothers of Vologeses
I (for whom the above-mentioned inscription was made) :
Now there was a nation of the Alans, which we have formerly mentioned
somewhere as being Scythians, and living around Tanais and Lake
Maeotis. This nation about this time laid a design of falling upon
Media, and the parts beyond it, in order to plunder them; with which
intention they treated with the king of Hyrcania; for he was master
of that passage which king Alexander shut up with iron gates. This
king gave them leave to come through them; so they came in great
multitudes, and fell upon the Medes unexpectedly, and plundered
their country, which they found full of people, and replenished
with abundance of cattle, while nobody dared make any resistance
against them; for Pacorus, the king of the country, had fled away
for fear into places where they could not easily come at him, and
had yielded up everything he had to them, and had only saved his
wife and his concubines from them, and that with difficulty also,
after they had been made captives, by giving a hundred talents for
their ransom. These Alans therefore plundered the country without
opposition, and with great ease, and proceeded as far as Armenia,
laying waste all before them. Now, Tiridates was king of that country,
who met them and fought them but was lucky not to have been taken
alive in the battle; for a certain man threw a noose over him and
would soon have drawn him in, had he not immediately cut the cord
with his sword and escaped. So the Alans, being still more provoked
by this sight, laid waste the country, and drove a great multitude
of the men, and a great quantity of the other booty from both kingdoms,
along with them, and then retreated back to their own country.
fact that the Alans invaded Parthia through Hyrcania shows that
at the time many Alans were still based north-east of the Caspian
Sea. By the early 2nd century AD the Alans were in firm control
of the Lower Volga and Kuban. These lands had earlier been occupied
by the Aorsi and the Siraces, whom the Alans apparently absorbed,
dispersed and/or destroyed, since they were no longer mentioned
in contemporaneous accounts. It is likely that the Alans' influence
stretched further westwards, encompassing most of the Sarmatian
world, which by then possessed a relatively homogenous culture.
135 AD, the Alans made a huge raid into Asia Minor via the Caucasus,
ravaging Media and Armenia. They were eventually driven back
by Arrian, the governor of Cappadocia, who wrote a detailed report
(Ektaxis kata Alanoon or 'War Against the Alans') that is a major
source for studying Roman military tactics.
215 to 250 AD, the Germanic Goths expanded south-eastwards and broke
the Alan dominance on the Pontic Steppe. The Alans however seem
to have had a significant influence on Gothic culture, who became
excellent horsemen and adopted the Alanic animal style art. (The
Roman Empire, during the chaos of the 3rd century civil wars, suffered
damaging raids by the Gothic armies with their heavy cavalry before
the Illyrian Emperors adapted to the Gothic tactics, reorganized
and expanded the Roman heavy cavalry, and defeated the Goths under
Gallienus, Claudius II and Aurelian).
the Gothic entry to the steppe, many of the Alans seem to have retreated
eastwards towards the Don, where they seem to have established contacts
with the Huns. Ammianus writes that the Alans were "somewhat
like the Huns, but in their manner of life and their habits they
are less savage." Jordanes contrasted them with the Huns, noting
that the Alans "were their equals in battle, but unlike them
in their civilisation, manners and appearance". In the late
4th century, Vegetius conflates Alans and Huns in his military treatise
– Hunnorum Alannorumque natio, the "nation of Huns and
Alans" – and collocates Goths, Huns and Alans, exemplo
Gothorum et Alannorum Hunnorumque.
4th century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus noted that the
Alans were "formerly called Massagetae," while Dio Cassius
wrote that "they are Massagetae." It is likely that the
Alans were an amalgamation of various Iranian peoples, including
Sarmatians, Massagetae and Sakas. Scholars have connected the Alans
to the nomadic state of Yancai mentioned in Chinese sources. The
Yancai are first mentioned in connection with late 2nd century BC
diplomat Zhang Qian's travels in Chapter 123 of Shiji (whose author,
Sima Qian, died c. 90 BC). The Yancai of Chinese records has again
been equated with the Aorsi, a powerful Sarmatian tribe living between
the Don River and the Aral Sea, mentioned in Roman records, in particular
to Yancai / Alanliao :
The Later Han dynasty Chinese chronicle, the Hou Hanshu, 88 (covering
the period 25–220 and completed in the 5th century), mentioned
a report that the steppe land Yancai had become a vassal state of
the Kangju and was now known as Alanliao.
A. Zadneprovskiy suggests that the Kangju subjugation of Yancai
occurred in the 1st century BC, and that this subjugation caused
various Sarmatian tribes, including the Aorsi, to migrate westwards,
which played a major role in starting the Migration Period. The
3rd century Weilüe also notes that Yancai was then known to
be Alans, although they were no longer vassals of the Kangju.
to Gaul :

migrations of the Alans during the 4th–5th centuries AD, from
their homeland in the North Caucasus
Around 370, according to Ammianus, the peaceful relations between
the Alans and Huns were broken, after the Huns attacked the Don
Alans, killing many of them and establishing an alliance with the
survivors. These Alans successfully invaded the Goths in 375
together with the Huns. They subsequently accompanied the Huns in
their westward expansion.
the Hunnic invasion in 370, other Alans, along with other Sarmatians,
migrated westward. One of these Alan groups fought together with
the Goths in the decisive Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD, in which
emperor Valens was killed. As the Roman Empire continued to decline,
the Alans split into various groups; some fought for the Romans
while other joined the Huns, Visigoths or Ostrogoths. A portion
of the western Alans joined the Vandals and the Suebi in their invasion
of Roman Gaul. Gregory of Tours mentions in his Liber historiae
Francorum ("Book of Frankish History") that the Alan king
Respendial saved the day for the Vandals in an armed encounter with
the Franks at the crossing of the Rhine on December 31, 406). According
to Gregory, another group of Alans, led by Goar, crossed the Rhine
at the same time, but immediately joined the Romans and settled
in Gaul.
Beorgor (Beorgor rex Alanorum), they moved throughout Gaul, till
the reign of Petronius Maximus, when they crossed the Alps in the
winter of 464, into Liguria, but were there defeated, and Beorgor
slain, by Ricimer, commander of the Emperor's forces.
442, after it became clear to Aetius that he could no longer rely
upon the Huns for support, he turned to Goar and convinced him to
move some of his people to settlements in the Orleanais in order
to control the bacaudae of Armorica and to keep the Visigoths from
expanding their territories northward across the Loire. Goar settled
a substantial number of his followers in the Orleanais and the area
to the north and personally moved his own capital to the city of
Goar, they allied with the Burgundians led by Gundaharius, with
whom they installed the Emperor Jovinus as usurper. Under Goar's
successor Sangiban, the Alans of Orléans played a critical
role in repelling the invasion of Attila the Hun at the Battle of
Châlons. In 463 the Alans defeated the Goths at the battle
of Orléans, and they later defeated the Franks led by Childeric
in 466. Around 502–503 Clovis attacked Armorica but was defeated
by the Alans. However, the Alans, who were Chalcedonian Christians
like Clovis, desired cordial relations with him to counterbalance
the hostile Arian Visigoths who coveted the land north of the Loire.
Therefore, an accord was arranged by which Clovis came to rule the
various peoples of Armorica and the military strength of the area
was integrated into the Merovingian military.
and Africa :

of the Alans in Hispania (409–426 AD)
Following the fortunes of the Vandals and Suebi into the Iberian
peninsula (Hispania, comprising modern Portugal and Spain) in 409,
the Alans led by Respendial settled in the provinces of Lusitania
and Carthaginensis. The Kingdom of the Alans was among the first
Barbarian kingdoms to be founded. The Siling Vandals settled in
Baetica, the Suebi in coastal Gallaecia, and the Asding Vandals
in the rest of Gallaecia. Although the newcomers controlled Hispania
they were still a tiny minority among a larger Hispano-Roman population,
approximately 200,000 out of 6,000,000.
418 (or 426 according to some authors), the Alan king, Attaces,
was killed in battle against the Visigoths, and this branch of the
Alans subsequently appealed to the Asding Vandal king Gunderic to
accept the Alan crown. The separate ethnic identity of Respendial's
Alans dissolved. Although some of these Alans are thought to have
remained in Iberia, most went to North Africa with the Vandals in
429. Later the rulers of the Vandal Kingdom in North Africa styled
themselves Rex Wandalorum et Alanorum ("King of the Vandals
and Alans").

Kingdom of the Vandals and Alans in North Africa (526 AD)
There are some vestiges of the Alans in Portugal, namely in Alenquer
(whose name may be Germanic for the Temple of the Alans, from "Alan
Kerk", and whose castle may have been established by them;
the Alaunt is still represented in that city's coat of arms), in
the construction of the castles of Torres Vedras and Almourol, and
in the city walls of Lisbon, where vestiges of their presence may
be found under the foundations of the Church of Santa Luzia.
the Iberian peninsula the Alans settled in Lusitania (Alentejo)
and the Cartaginense provinces. They became known in retrospect
for their massive hunting and fighting dog of Molosser type, the
Alaunt, which they apparently introduced to Europe. The breed is
extinct, but its name is carried by a Spanish breed of dog still
called Alano, traditionally used in boar hunting and cattle herding.
The Alano name, however, has historically been used for a number
of dog breeds in a few European countries thought to descend from
the original dog of the Alans, such as the German mastiff (Great
Dane) and the French Dogue de Bordeaux, among others.
Alania :
The Alans who remained in their original area of settlement north
of the Caucasus (and for a time east of the Caspian Sea as well),
came into contact and conflict with the Bulgars, the Gökturks,
and the Khazars, who drove most of them from the plains and into
the mountains.
Alans converted to Byzantine Orthodoxy in the first quarter of the
10th century, during the patriarchate of Nicholas I Mystikos. Al-Mas‘udi
reports that they apostasized in 932, but this seems to have been
short-lived. The Alans are collectively mentioned as Byzantine-rite
Christians in the 13th century. The Caucasian Alans were the ancestors
of the modern Ossetians, whose ethnonym derives from the name As
(very probably the ancient Aorsi; al-Ma'sudi mentions al-Arsiyya
as guards among the Khazars, and the Rus' called the Alans Yasi),
a sister tribe of the Alans. The Armenian Geography uses the name
Ashtigor for the most westerly located Alans, a name which survives
as Digor and still refers to the western division of the Ossetians.
Furthermore, in Ossetian, Asi refers to the region around Mount
Elbrus, where they probably formerly lived.

The Pontic steppe in c. 650
Some of the other Alans remained under the rule of the Huns. Those
of the eastern division, though dispersed about the steppes until
late medieval times, were forced by the Mongols into the Caucasus,
where they remain as the Ossetians. Between the 9th and 12th centuries,
they formed a network of tribal alliances that gradually evolved
into the Christian kingdom of Alania. Most Alans submitted to the
Mongol Empire in 1239–1277. They participated in Mongol invasions
of Europe and the Song dynasty in Southern China, and the Battle
of Kulikovo under Mamai of the Golden Horde.
1253, the Franciscan monk William of Rubruck reported numerous Europeans
in Central Asia. It is also known that 30,000 Alans formed the royal
guard (Asud) of the Yuan court in Dadu (Beijing). Marco Polo later
reported their role in the Yuan dynasty in his book Il Milione.
It is said that those Alans contributed to a modern Mongol clan,
Asud. John of Montecorvino, archbishop of Dadu (Khanbaliq), reportedly
converted many Alans to Roman Catholic Christianity in addition
to Armenians in China. In Poland and Lithuania, Alans were also
part of the powerful Clan of Ostoja.
the Alans and the Cumans (Kipchaks), the Mongols used divide-and-conquer
tactics by first telling the Cumans to stop allying with the Alans
and, after the Cumans followed their suggestion, the Mongols then
attacked the Cumans after defeating the Alans. Alans were recruited
into the Mongol forces with one unit called "Right Alan Guard"
which was combined with "recently surrendered" soldiers,
Mongols, and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of the former
Kingdom of Qocho and in Besh Balikh the Mongols established a Chinese
military colony led by Chinese general Qi Kongzhi (Ch'i Kung-chih).
Alan and Kipchak guards were used by Kublai Khan. In 1368 at the
end of the Yuan dynasty in China Toghan Temür was accompanied
by his faithful Alan guards. Mangu enlisted in his bodyguard half
the troops of the Alan prince, Arslan, whose younger son Nicholas
took a part in the expedition of the Mongols against Karajang (Yunnan).
This Alan imperial guard was still in existence in 1272, 1286 and
1309, and it was divided into two corps with headquarters in the
Ling pei province (Karakorúm). In 1254 Rubruquis found a
Russian deacon amongst the other Christians at Karakorum. The reason
why the earlier Persian word tersa was gradually abandoned by the
Mongols in favour of the Syro-Greek word arkon, when speaking of
Christians, manifestly is that no specifically Greek Church was
ever heard of in China until the Russians had been conquered; besides,
there were large bodies of Russian and Alan guards at Peking throughout
the last half of the thirteenth and first half of the fourteenth
century, and the Catholics there would not be likely to encourage
the use of a Persian word which was most probably applicable in
the first instance to the Nestorians they found so degenerated.
The Alan guards converted to Catholicism as reported by Odorico.
They were a "Russian guard".

Jazygia, inhabited by the Jassic people, in the 18th century within
the Kingdom of Hungary
It is believed that some Alans resettled to the North (Barsils),
merging with Volga Bulgars and Burtas, eventually transforming to
Volga Tatars. [not specific enough to verify] It is supposed
that the Iasi, a group of Alans founded a town in the northeast
of Romania (about 1200–1300), near the Prut river, called
Iasi. The latter became the capital of ancient Moldavia in the Middle
mercenaries were involved in the affair with the Catalan Company.
history :
Descendants of the Alans, who live in the autonomous republics
of Russia and Georgia, speak the Ossetian language which belongs
to the Northeastern Iranian language group and is the only remnant
of the Scytho-Sarmatian dialect continuum, which once stretched
over much of the Pontic steppe and Central Asia. Modern Ossetian
has two major dialects: Digor, spoken in the western part of North
Ossetia; and Iron, spoken in the rest of Ossetia. A third branch
of Ossetian, Jassic (Jász), was formerly spoken in Hungary.
The literary language, based on the Iron dialect, was fixed by the
national poet, Kosta Khetagurov (1859–1906).
appearance :
The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that
the Alans were tall, and blond :
all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty; their hair is
somewhat yellow, their eyes are terribly fierce.

In a study conducted in 2014 by V. V. Ilyinskyon on bone fragments
from 10 Alanic burials on the Don River, DNA could be abstracted
from a total of seven. Four of them turned out to belong to yDNA
Haplogroup G2 and six of them had mtDNA I. The fact that many of
the samples share the same y- and mtDNA raises the possibility that
the tested individuals belonged to the same tribe or even were close
relatives. Nevertheless, this is a strong argument for direct Alan
ancestry of Ossetians, competing with the hypothesis that Ossetians
are alanized Caucasic speakers, since the major Haplogroup among
Ossetians is G2 also.
2015 the Institute of Archaeology in Moscow conducted research on
various Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki culture Kurgan burials.
In this analysis, the two Alan samples from the 4th to 6th century
AD had yDNAs G2a-P15 and R1a-z94, while from the three Sarmatian
samples from 2nd to 3rd century AD two had yDNA J1-M267 and one
possessed R1a. Also, the three Saltovo-Mayaki samples from 8th to
9th century AD turned out to have yDNAs G, J2a-M410 and R1a-z94
genetic study published in Nature in May 2018 examined the remains
of six Alans buried in the Caucasus from ca. 100 AD to 1400 AD.
The sample of Y-DNA extracted belonged to haplogroup R1 and haplogroup
Q-M242. One of the Q-M242 samples found in Beslan, North Ossetia
from 200 AD found 4 relatives among Chechens from the Shoanoy Teip.
The samples of mtDNA extracted belonged to HV2a1, U4d3, X2f, H13a2c,
H5, and W1.
section does not cite any sources.
Archaeological finds support the written sources. P. D. Rau (1927)
first identified late Sarmatian sites with the historical Alans.
Based on the archaeological material, they were one of the Iranian-speaking
nomadic tribes that began to enter the Sarmatian area between the
middle of the 1st and the 2nd centuries.
The ancient language of the Alans was an Eastern Iranian dialect
either identical, or at least closely related, to ancient Eastern
Iranian languages. This is confirmed by comparison of the word for
horse in various Indo-Iranian languages and the reconstructed Alanic
word for horse :
Language |
Affiliation |
Horse |
Alanic |
* aspa |
Khotanese |
Iranian |
assa |
Ossetian |
Iranian |
efs |
Wakhi |
Iranian |
yaš |
Yaghnobi |
Iranian |
asp |
Avestan |
Iranian |
aspa |
Balochi |
Iranian |
asp |
Kurdî |
Iranian |
hesp, hasp |
Median |
Iranian |
aspa |
Old Persian |
Iranian |
asa |
Persian |
Iranian |
asp |
Persian |
Iranian |
asb |
Sanskrit |
Indo-Aryan |
ásva |

church in North Ossetia-Alania
Prior to their Christianisation, the Alans were Indo-Iranian
polytheists, subscribing either to the poorly understood Scythian
pantheon or to a polytheistic form of Zoroastrianism. Some traditions
were directly inherited from the Scythians, like embodying their
dominant god in elaborate rituals.
the 4th–5th centuries the Alans were at least partially Christianized
by Byzantine missionaries of the Arian church. In the 13th century,
invading Mongol hordes pushed the eastern Alans further south into
the Caucasus, where they mixed with native Caucasian groups and
successively formed three territorial entities each with different
developments. Around 1395 Timur's army invaded the Northern Caucasus
and massacred much of the Alanian population.
time went by, Digor in the west came under Kabard and Islamic influence.
It was through the Kabardians (an East Circassian tribe) that
Islam was introduced into the region in the 17th century. After
1767, all of Alania came under Russian rule, which strengthened
Orthodox Christianity in that region considerably. A substantial
minority of today's Ossetians are followers of the traditional Ossetian
religion.[citation needed]