Param Kamboj Kingdom was mentioned in the epic Mahabharat to be on the far north west along with the Bahlik, Uttar Madra and Uttar Kuru countries. It was located in parts of modern-day Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


Param Kambojs in Kurukshetra War :

Dron Parv of Mahabharat refers to 6000 soldiers from the Param Kamboj group who had sided with the Pandavs against the Kauravs in the Kurukshetra war. They have been described as "very fortunate Kambojs" (prabhadrakastu Kambojah), extremely fierce, 'Personification of Death' (samanmrityo), fearful like Yam, the god of death and rich like Kuber i.e. god of treasure (Kambojh.... Yam. vaishravan.opamah: 7.23.42-44).


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