of Rajputs towards the Culture of India :
the post-Harsha period and the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate
extremely wide ranging source material comprising epigraphic and
literary is available to reconstruct the society of the period in
general and that of the Rajputs in particular.
the literary works, Kalhana’s Rajatarangini, Prahandhachintamani
of Merutunga, Soudhala’s Udayasundarikatha and Adipurana of
jinasena, the ‘Dohas’ of Siddhas and many more are useful
for reconstructing the social matrix of India.
it is generally agreed that this society was based on Vamasrama
model, the social relations underwent changes due to the changing
material base and the emergence of new social groups, vying for
space in hierarchical order.

have to take cognizance of the fact that no Varna seemed to have
remained homogenous but underwent fragmentation on account of territorial
affiliation, purity of ‘Gotras’ and pursuance of specific
crafts, professions and vocations.
Gujarat and Rajasthan, the Brahmins were identified in terms of
their Mula or original place of habitation and divided into Madha,
Udichya, Nagara, etc., while intermediary Varnas of the Kshatriyas
and the Vaisyas were absent in Bengal and in South India.
ranks of Kshatriyas multiplied during this period in North India.
Many literary works and bardic recitations provide varying lists
of 36 clans of Rajputs in North India and it is agreed upon that
they arose out of different strata of population of tribal’s,
foreign invaders, Kshatriyas and Brahmans.
appears that some among the captured respectable men were enrolled
as the Shekhawat and the Wadhela tribes of Rajputs, while the lower
categories were constituted to the castes of Kolis, Khantas and
Mers. The political annals of the Rajput dynasties such as the Chahamanas
of Rajasthan and the Paramaras of Southern Rajasthan, Gujarat and
Malwa offer examples of the clan-based distribution of political
bardic chronicles of Marwar testify to the fact that Dharanivaraha
of the Paramara dynasty of Abu first made himself the master of
the Navakot Marwar which he afterwards divided between his nine
brothers. We have besides the Paramaras of Malwa, the Paramaras
of Abu, Bhinmal, Jalor and Vagoda.
have Chahamanas of Bhroach as well that of Pratapgarh. Further Chahamanas
of Shakambhari were divided into Chahamanas of Nadol, Jalor, Satyapura
and Abu. Likewise, the Chapas ruled over small areas like Bhillamala,
Vadhiyar in Kathiawad and Anhilapataka in Gujarat. Thus, the new
clans and subdivision of earlier clans were drawn into the Rajput
political network in a variety of ways.
also notice the process of caste proliferation among the Vaishyas
and the Sudras. The Vaishyas were also identified with regional
variations and they are called Shrimals, Palliwals, Nagars and Disawats
among others. We also witness the crystallization of the professions
of artisans into castes.
this period more and more land was brought under cultivation and
relations in society revolved around land grants. It also means
the use of advanced agricultural techniques of plough cultivation
and irrigation. Institutional management of agricultural process
sometime, led to social tensions in rural set-up.
regional variations and ecological factors are to be taken into
consideration before we assess the impact of expansion of agriculture.
Land grant system began in western Indian regions of Gujarat and
Rajasthan between the 5th and the 7th centuries AD. In Rajasthan
water-lifting devices such as Araghatta and big ploughs were in
use. As Rajasthan and Gujarat were having less rainfall, the agriculturists
must have depended on age-old practice of depending on wells.
and commerce also flourished. Nagarams or markets in those days
were located on trade routes at points of exchange. In Rajasthan,
where the exchange centres were located on the basis of agrarian
production, the rural settlements clustered. These also acted as
centres of traffic of varying origins.
also witness a certain measure of hierarchy among merchant families
of the 11th and the 12th centuries. The important merchant families
based on the origin of place are Osawal (Osia) Shrimalis (Bhinmal),
Palliwalas and Khandelwalas.
merchant families integrated the resource bases or rural production
centres, the main routes for the flow or resources or urban centres
and centres of exchange; or Nagarams. Rajasthan provided the necessary
commercial links between Gujarat, Central India and the valley of
Ganges. The traders maintained links through towns like Pali between
the coast and towns like Dwaraka and Brigukachcha or Broach with
central and north India. Bayana in Rajasthan was such a crucial
market junction.
Rajput rulers patronized arts and literature. Paramara rulers Munja
and Bhoja are well-known scholars of great repute. The following
are the works of Bhoja – Ayurvedasarvasva, Rajamriganka, Vyavaharasamuchchaya,
Sabdanusasana and Yuktikalpataru. Bhoja patronized literary giants
such as Padmagupta, Dhanika, Halayudha, Dhananjaya and Amitragati.
Rajasekhara, the author of the drama of Karpuramanjari in Prakrit
was patronized by Mahendrapala of Kanauj.
the author of Gita Govinda was patronized by King Lakshmana Sena
of Bengal. Kalhana, the author of Rajtarangini, Somadevasuri, the
author of Kathasaritsagara, Chand Bardai, the author Prithiviraj
Raso and Brihatkathamanjari, belonged to this period. Vernacular
literature also made a beginning in this period. Hemachanda Suri,
a great Jain poet deserves to be remembered for his services.
Rajputs were also great builders. Art historians divide their period
into two halves, the first part from AD 600-900 and the second part
from AD 900-1200. We notice more of ornamentation in the second
period. Their important specimens of secular art are the fortresses
located at Chittorgarh, Ranathanbhor and Kumbalgarh in Rajasthan
along with Mandu, Gwalior, Chandai and Asirgarh in Madhya Pradesh.
palaces in Rajasthan are also beautiful examples of art and architecture
they fostered. The Rajputs also constructed a number of temples.
The Khajuraho group of temples numbering 80, built by the Chandella
rulers stand in good testimony to the artistic excellence of
the Rajput artists and craftsmen, where each temple exhibits individual
architectural character. These temples are famous for elegant proportions,
graceful contours and rich surface treatment. The Sikharas of these
temples are most refined and elegant. We have both Brahmanical and
Jaina temples.
Jaina complex at Mount Abu is very remarkable for its marble halls,
a central dome of 11 concentric rings and richly carved vaulted
ceiling and pillars. They also built Siva temples at Nemavar and
Udaipur. It is said that Rudramala temple is one of the largest
and most decorated religious monuments in India.
Rajputs by their individual courage, valour and spirit of liberty
played the role of defenders of Indian culture from the inroads
of ruthless invaders like Ghajni and Ghori, leading to the postponement
for the establishment of Muslim power in India. But, the Rajputs
failed in preventing the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate by
their narrow and clannish outlook, lack of foresight and failure
to realize the impending danger knocking at their gates and importance
of burying mutual jealousies for a common good.