dynasty :
century – 7th century

The original territory of the Pushyabhutis was
located around modern Thanesar. (Top map)
Empire of Harsh at its maximum extent. (Bottom map)

: Sthanvishvara (modern Thanesar) Kanyakubj (modern Kannauj)
Government : Monarchy
History :
• Established : 6th century
• Disestablished : 7th century
Later Gupta dynasty
Gaud Kingdom
Gurjar-Pratihar dynasty
vardhan dynasty, also known as the Pusyabhuti dynasty, ruled parts
of northern India during 6th and 7th centuries. The dynasty reached
its zenith under its last ruler Harsh-Vardhan, whose empire covered
much of north and north-western India, and extended till Kamrup
in the east and Narmada River in the south. The dynasty initially
ruled from Sthanvishvar (modern Thanesar, Haryana), but Harsh eventually
made Kanyakubj (modern Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh) his capital, from
where he ruled until 647 CE.
and name :
According to Harsh-charita, composed by the court poet Bana, the
family was known as Pushyabhuti dynasty, or Pushpabhuti dynasty.
The manuscripts of Harsh-charit use the variant "Pushpabhuti",
but Georg Bühler proposed that this was a scribal error, and
that the correct name was Pushyabhuti. Several modern scholars now
use the form "Pushpabhuti", while others prefer the variant
"Pushyabhuti". Pushya refers to the constellation of stars
and Vibhuti means the sacred ash or blessing, thus Pushyabhuti literally
means "the blessings of auspicious star constellation"
enoting the "divine/heavenly blessings" or "the fulfillment
of prophecy".[citation needed]
modern books describe the dynasty as "Vardhan", because
the names of its kings end with the suffix "-vardhan".
However, this may be misleading as the names of kings of other dynasties
also end with this suffix.
No concrete information is available about the origins of the dynasty.
Harshcharit by the 7th century poet Bana gives a legendary account
of their origin, naming Pushyabhuti as the dynasty's founder. According
to this legend, Pushyabhuti lived in the Srikanth janapad (modern
Kurukshetra district), whose capital was Sthanvishvar (modern Thanesar).
A devotee of Shiv, Pushyabhuti became involved in a tantric ritual
at a cremation ground, under the influence of Bhairavacharya, a
teacher from "the South". At the end of this ritual, a
goddess (identified with Lakshmi) anointed him the king and blessed
him as the founder of a great dynasty.
Pushyabhuti mentioned in Bana's account appears to be a fictional
character, as he is not mentioned in the dynasty's inscriptions
or any other source.
The Pushyabhuti dynasty originally ruled a small area around their
capital Sthaneshvara (Thanesar). According to Hans T. Bakker, their
ruler Aditya-Vardhan (or Aditya-Sen) was probably a feudatory to
Sharv-Varman, the Maukhari king of Kannauj. His successor Prabhakar-Vardhan
may have also been a feudatory to the Maukhari king Avanti-Varman
in his early days. Prabhakar's daughter Rajyashri married Avanti-Varman's
son Graha-Varman. As a result of this marriage, Prabhakar's political
status increased significantly, and he assumed the imperial title
Param-bhattarak Maharajadhiraj. ("the one to whom the other
kings bow because of his valour and affection").
to the Harshcharit, after Prabhakar's death, the king of Malav attacked
Kannauj, supported by the ruler of Gaud. The Malav king killed Grah-Varman,
and captured Rajyashri. Bana does not mention this king, but historians
speculate him to be a ruler of the Later Gupta dynasty. Prabhakara's
elder son Rajya-Vardhan defeated the Malav ruler, but was killed
by the Gaud king.
Harshcharit further states that Prabhakara's younger son Harsh-Vardhan
then vowed to destroy the Gaud king and their allies. Again, Bana
does not mention the name of the Gaud king, but historians identify
him with Shashank-Dev, a Maukhari vassal (mahasamant). Harsh formed
an alliance with Bhaskar Varman, the king of Kamrup, and forced
Shashank to retreat. Subsequently, in 606 CE, Harsh was formally
crowned as an emperor. He captured a large part of northern India.
There are different assessments of the exact extent of Harsh's empire,
but he controlled major parts of northern India; his overlordship
was accepted by the king of Vallabhi in the west and the Kamrup
king Bhaskaravarman in the east; in the south, his empire extended
up to the Narmada River.
eventually made Kanyakubj (modern Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh) his
capital, and ruled till c. 647 CE. He died without an heir, leading
to the end of the Pushyabhuti dynasty.

Coin of Harshvardhana, circa 606-647 CE
The following are the known rulers of the Pushyabhuti or
Vardhana dynasty, with estimated period of reign :
Pushyabhuti, possibly mythical
• Naravardhan c. 500-525 CE
• Rajyavardana 1 c. 525-555 CE
• Adityavardhan (Adityvardhan or Adityasen),
c. 555-580 CE
• Prabhakar-vardhan (Prabhakarvardhan), c.
580-605 CE
• Rajya-vardhan (Rajyavardhan 2), c. 605-606
• Harsh-vardhan (Harsavardhana), c. 606-647