routes between Mesopotamia and the Indus would have been significantly
shorter due to lower sea levels in the 3rd millennium BCE

of a cylinder seal of the Akkadian Empire, with label: "The
Divine Sharkalisharri Prince of Akkad, Ibni-Sharrum the Scribe his
servant". The long-horned water buffalo depicted in the seal
is thought to have come from the Indus Valley, and testifies to
exchanges with Meluhha, the Indus Valley civilization. Circa 2217–2193
BCE. Louvre Museum, reference AO 22303.
relations are thought to have developed during the second half of
3rd millennium BCE, until they came to a halt with the extinction
of the Indus valley civilization after around 1900 BCE. Mesopotamia
had already been an intermediary in the trade of lapis lazuli between
South Asia and Egypt since at least about 3200 BCE, in the context
of Egypt-Mesopotamia relations.
expansion (9000–6500 BCE) :
Neolithic fertility figurines :

figurine of the Halaf culture, Mesopotamia, 6000–5100 BCE.

figurine from Mehrgarh, Indus Valley, c.3000 BCE
Neolithic fertility goddesses in Mehrgarh are similar to those of
the Near-East. They are all part of the Neolithic ‘Venus figurines’
tradition, the abundant breasts and hips of these figurines suggest
links to fertility and procreation.
A first period of indirect contacts seems to have occurred as a
consequence of the Neolithic Revolution and the diffusion of agriculture
after 9000 BCE. [a] The prehistoric agriculture of South Asia is
thought to have combined local resources, such as humped cattle,
with agricultural resources from the Near East as a first step in
the 8th–7th millennium BCE, to which were later added resources
from Africa and East Asia from the 3rd millennium BCE. Mehrgarh
is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding
in South Asia. [b] At Mehrgarh, around 7000 BCE, the full set of
Near Eastern incipient agricultural products can be found: wheat,
barley, as well as goats, sheep and cattle. The rectangular houses
of Merghah as well as the female figurines are essentially identical
with those of the Near East.
Near-Eastern origin of South Asian agriculture is generally accepted,
and it has been the "virtual archaeological dogma for decades".
Gregory Possehl however argues for a more nuanced model, in which
the early domestication of plant and animal species may have occurred
in a wide area from the Mediterranean to the Indus, in which new
technology and ideas circulated fast and were widely shared. Today,
the main objection to this model lies in the fact that wild wheat
has never been found in South Asia, suggesting that either wheat
was first domesticated in the Near-East from well-known domestic
wild species and then brought to South Asia, or that wild wheat
existed in the past in South Asia but somehow became extinct without
leaving a trace.
Jarrige argues for an independent origin of Mehrgarh. Jarrige notes
"the assumption that farming economy was introduced full-fledged
from Near-East to South Asia," [c] and the similarities between
Neolithic sites from eastern Mesopotamia and the western Indus valley,
which are evidence of a "cultural continuum" between those
sites. But given the originality of Mehrgarh, Jarrige concludes
that Mehrgarh has an earlier local background," and is not
a "'backwater' of the Neolithic culture of the Near East."
and maritime relations :
sea levels and vegetation during the Last Ice Age. The coastline
was still roughly similar in about 10,000 BCE
Indus Valley Civilization extended westward as far as the Harappan
trading station of Sutkagan Dor
Sea levels have been rising about 100 meters over the last 15,000
years until modern times, with the effect that coast lines have
been receding vastly. This is especially the case of the coast lines
of the Indus and Mesopotamia, which were originally only separated
by a distance of about 1000 kilometers, compared to 2000 kilometers
today. For the ancestors of the Sumerians, the distance between
the coasts of the Mesopotamian area and the Indus area would have
been much shorter than it is today. In particular the Persian Gulf,
which is only about 30 meters deep today, would have been at least
partially dry, and would have formed an extension of the Mesopotamian

vessel with direction finding birds to find land. Model of Mohenjo-Daro
seal, 2500-1750 BCE
The westernmost Harappan city was located on the Makran coast at
Sutkagan Dor, near the tip of the Arabian peninsula, and is considered
as an ancient maritime trading station, probably between India and
the Persian Gulf.
vessels were known in the Indus region, as shown by seals showing
ships with land-finding birds (disha-kaka), dating to 2500-1750
BCE. When a boat was lost at sea, with land beyond the horizon,
birds released by the mariners would securely fly back to land,
and therefore show the boats the way to safety. Various stamp seals
are known from the Indus and the Persian Gulf area, with depictions
of large ships pertaining to different shipbuilding traditions.
Sargon of Akkad (c. 2334–2284 BCE) claimed in one of his inscriptions
that "ships from Meluhha, Magan and Dilmun made fast at the
docks of Akkad".
and cultural exchanges :
Many archaeological finds suggest that maritime trade along the
shores of Africa and Asia started several millennia ago. Indus pottery
and seals have been found along the sea routes between the Indus
and Mesopotamia, as in Ras al-Jinz, at the tip of Arabia.
imports into Mesopotamia :
etched carnelian beads in this necklace from the Royal Cemetery
dating to the First Dynasty of Ur (2600-2500 BCE) were probably
imported from the Indus Valley
Clove heads, thought to originate from the Moluccas in Maritime
Southeast Asia were found in a 2nd millennium BCE site in Terqa.
Evidence for imports from the Indus to Ur can be found from around
2350 BCE. Various objects made with shell species that are characteristic
of the Indus coast, particularly Trubinella Pyrum and Fasciolaria
Trapezium, have been found in the archaeological sites of Mesopotamia
dating from around 2500-2000 BCE. Carnelian beads from the Indus
were found in Ur tombs dating to 2600–2450. In particular,
carnelian beads with an etched design in white were probably imported
from the Indus Valley, and made according to a technique of acid-etching
developed by the Harappans. Lapis Lazuli was imported in great quantity
by Egypt, and already used in many tombs of the Naqada II period
(circa 3200 BCE). Lapis Lazuli probably originated in northern Afghanistan,
as no other sources are known, and had to be transported across
the Iranian plateau to Mesopotamia, and then Egypt.
Indus seals with Harappan script have also been found in Mesopotamia,
particularly in Ur, Babylon and Kish. The water buffalos which appears
on the Akkadian cylinder seals from the time of Naram-Sin (circa
2250 BCE), may have been imported to Mesopotamia from the Indus
as a result of trade.
Empire records mention timber, carnelian and ivory as being imported
from Meluhha by Meluhhan ships, Meluhha being generally considered
as the Mesopotamian name for the Indus Valley.
ships from Meluhha, the ships from Magan, the ships from Dilmun,
he made tie-up alongside the quay of Akkad’
Inscription by Sargon of Akkad (ca.2270-2215 BCE)
After the collapse of the Akkadian Empire, Gudea, the ruler of Lagash,
is recorded as having imported "translucent carnelian"
from Meluhha. Various inscriptions also mention the presence of
Meluhha traders and interpreters in Mesopotamia. About twenty seals
have been found from the Akkadian and Ur III sites, that have connections
with Harappa and often use Harappan symbols or writing.

of an Indus cylinder seal discovered in Susa, in strata dated to
2600-1700 BCE. Elongated buffalo with line of standard Indus script
signs. Tell of the Susa acropolis. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 2425.
Indus script numbering convention per Asko Parpola.

Valley "Unicorn" seal and etched carnelian beads excavated
in Kish by Ernest J. H. Mackay, Mesopotamia, early Sumerian period
stratification, circa 3000 BCE

seal impression discovered in Telloh, Mesopotamia

seal found in Kish by S. Langdon. Pre-Sargonid (pre-2250 BCE) stratification

round seal with impression. Elongated buffalo with Harappan script
imported to Susa in 2600-1700 BCE. Found in the tell of the Susa
acropolis. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 5614

carnelian beads with white design, etched in white with an alkali
through a heat process, imported to Susa in 2600-1700 BCE. Found
in the tell of the Susa acropolis. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 17751.
These beads are identical with beads found in the Indus Civilization
site of Dholavira.

bracelet, front and back, made of Fasciolaria Trapezium or Xandus
Pyrum imported to Susa in 2600-1700 BCE. Found in the tell of the
Susa acropolis. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 14473. This type of
bracelet was manufactured in Mohenjo-daro, Lothal and Balakot. The
back is engraved with an oblong chevron design which is typical
of shell bangles of the Indus Civilization.
Civilisation Carnelian bead with white design, ca. 2900–2350
BCE. Found in Nippur, Mesopotamian

carnelian beads excavated in the Royal Cemetery of Ur, tomb PG 1133,
2600-2500 BCE

Valley Civilization weight in veined jasper, excavated in Susa in
a 12th-century BCE princely tomb. Louvre Museum Sb 17774

Harappan weights found in the Indus Valley. New Delhi Museum

rare etched carnelian bead found in Egypt, thought to have been
imported from the Indus Valley Civilization through Mesopotamia.
Late Middle Kingdom. London, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,
ref. UC30334.
imports into the Indus :
Master of Animals :
period Mesopotamian king as Master of Animals on the Gebel el-Arak
Knife, dated circa 3300-3200 BCE. Louvre Museum, reference E 11517
valley civilization seal, with man fighting two tigers (2500-1500
fighting beast :

Enkidu fighting a lion, Akkadian Empire seal, Mesopotamia, circa
2200 BCE

scene between a beast and a man with horns, hooves and a tail, who
has been compared to the Mesopotamian bull-man Enkidu. Indus Valley
Civilization seal
Possible iconographical influences :
Various authors have described possible iconographical influences
from Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley. Gregory Possehl notes "Mesopotamian
themes in Indus iconography", particularly designs related
to the Gilgamesh epic, suggesting that "some aspects of Mesopotamian
religion and ideology would have been accepted at face value is
a reasonable notion". Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi also describes
the presence of Gilgamesh on Indus seals. In the archaeological
sites of the Indus valley civilization, twenty-four stone haematite
weights of the Mesopotamian barrel-shaped type were found at Mohenjo-daro
and Harappa.
are also many instances influence the other way round, in which
Indus Valley seals and designs have been found in Mesopotamia.
Valley stamp seals :
Some Indus seals seem to show possible Mesopotamian influence, as
in the "Gilgamesh" motif of a man fighting two lions (2500-1500
Indus Valley seals show a fighting scene between a tiger-like beast
and a man with horns, hooves and a tail, who has been compared to
the Mesopotamian bull-man Enkidu, also a partner of Gilgamesh, and
suggests a transmission of Mesopotamian mythology.
seals :
A few rare cylinder seals have been found in Indus valley sites,
which suggest Mesopotamian influence: they were probably made locally,
but they use Mesopotamian motifs. One such cylinder seal, the Kalibangan
seal, shows a battle between men in the presence of centaurs. Other
seals show processions of animals.
have noted the cylinder seals showing Indus valley's influence on
Mesopotamia. On other hands, they were in response to the overland
trade between the two cultures.
cylinder seal with two long-horned antelopes with a tree or bush
in front, excavated in Kish, Mesopotamia
rare Indus Valley civilization cylinder seal composed of two animals
with a tree or bush in front. Such cylinder seals are indicative
of contacts with Mesopotamia

deity with one-horned attendants on an Indus Valley seal. Horned
deities are a standard Mesopotamian theme. 2000-1900 BCE. Islamabad
genes in ancient Mesopotamia :
It has long been suggested that the Sumerians, who ruled in Lower
Mesopotamia from circa 4500 to c. 1900 BCE and who spoke a non-Indo-European
and non-Semitic language, may have initially come from India and
may have been related to the original Dravidian population of India.
This appeared to historian Henry Hall as the most probable conclusion,
particularly based on the portrayal of Sumerians in their own art
and "how very Indian the Sumerians were in type". Recent
genetic analysis of ancient Mesopotamian skeletal DNA tends to confirm
a significant association. The Sumerians progressively lost control
to Semitic states from the northwest, starting with the Akkadian
Empire, from circa 2300 BCE.

population sizes circa 2500 BCE
A genetic analysis of the ancient DNA of Mesopotamian skeletons
was made on the excavated remains of four individuals from ancient
tombs in Tell Ashara (ancient Terqa) and Tell Masaikh (near Terqa,
also known as ancient Kar-Assurnasirpal), both in the middle Euphrates
valley in the east of modern Syria. The two oldest skeletons were
dated to 2,650-2,450 BCE and 2,200-1,900 BCE respectively, while
the two younger skeletons were dated to circa 500 AD. All the studied
individuals carried mtDNA haplotypes corresponding to the M4b1,
M49 and/or M61 haplogroups, which are believed to have arisen in
the area of the Indian subcontinent during the Upper Paleolithic,
and are absent in people living today in Syria. These haplogroups
are still present in people inhabiting today's Tibet, Himalayas
(Ladakh), India and Pakistan, and are restricted today to the South,
East and Southeast Asia regions. The data suggests a genetic link
of the region with the Indian subcontinent in the past that has
not left traces in the modern population of Mesopotamia.
studies have also shown connections between the populations of Mesopotamia
and population groups now located in Southern India, such as the

of the head of Sumerian ruler Gudea, c. 2150 BC
The genetic analysis suggests that a continuity existed between
Trans-Himalaya and Mesopotamia regions in ancient time, and that
the studied individuals represent genetic associations with the
Indian subcontinent. It is likely that this genetical connection
was broken as a result of population movements during more recent
fact that the studied individuals comprised both males and a female,
each living in a different period and representing different haplotypes,
suggests that the nature of their presence in Mesopotamia was long-lasting
rather than incidental. The close ancestors of the specimens could
fall within the population founding Terqa, a historical site that
probably constructed during the early Bronze Age, at a time only
slightly preceding the dating of the skeletons.
studied individuals could also have been the descendants of much
earlier migration waves who brought these genes from the Indian
subcontinent. It cannot be excluded that among them were people
involved in the founding of the Mesopotamian civilizations. For
instance, it is commonly accepted that the founders of Sumerian
civilization may have come from outside the region, but their exact
origin is still a matter of debate. The migrants could have entered
Mesopotamia earlier than 4,500 years ago, during the lifetime of
the oldest studied individual. Alternatively, the studied individuals
may have belonged to groups of itinerant merchants moving along
a trade route passing near or through the region.

Enthroned Sumerian king of Ur, with attendants. Standard
of Ur, c. 2600 BCE

prisoners on a victory stele of Akkadian king Sargon, circa 2300
BCE. Louvre Museum

of Summerian ruler Ur-Ningirsu, son of Gudea, c.2100 BCE. Louvre

princess of the time of Gudea circa 2150 BCE
and languages :
"Meluhha" seal :


Akkadian Empire cylinder seal with inscription: "Shu-ilishu,
interpreter of the language of Meluhha" (Me-luh-haKI, "KI"
standing for "country"). Louvre Museum, reference AO 22310.
Similarities between Proto-Elamite (circa 3000 BCE) and especially
Linear Elamite (2300-2000 BCE) scripts with the Indus script have
been noted, although it has not been possible to decipher any of
them. Proto-Elamite only starts to be readable from around 2300
BCE, when Elamite adopted the cuneiform system. These Elamite scripts
are said to be "technically similar" to the Indus script.
On comparing the Linear Elamite to the Indus script, a number of
similar symbols have also been found.
Meluhhan language was not readily understandable at the Akkadian
court, since interpretators of the Meluhhan language are known to
have resided in Mesopotamia, particularly through an Akkadian seal
with the inscription "Shu-ilishu, interpreter of the Meluhhan
Linear Elamite inscription the "Table of the Lion",
time of king Kutik-Inshushinak, Louvre Museum Sb 17

of the "Table of the Lion" Linear Elamite text

seal with an inscription in the Indus script

statuette, found in Susa in the 2600-1700 BCE site of the Tel of
the Acropolis at Susa. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 80
Etched carnelian beads :

valley civilization etched carnelian bead, Mohenjo-daro
carnelian bead excavated in Susa, dated 2600-1700 BCE
Sargon of Akkad (circa 2300 or 2250 BCE), was the first Mesopotamian
ruler to make an explicit reference to the region of Meluhha, which
is generally understood as being the Baluchistan or the Indus area.
Sargon mentions the presence of Meluhha, Magan, and Dilmun ships
at Akkad.
dates correspond roughly to the Mature Harappan phase, dated from
around 2600 to 2000 BCE. The dates for the main occupation of Mohenjo-Daro
are about Mohenjo-daro from 2350 to 2000/1900 BCE.
has been suggested that the early Mesopotamian Empire preceded the
emergence of the Harappan civilization, and that trade and cultural
exchanges may have facilitated the emergence of Harappan culture.
Alternatively, it is possible that the Harappan culture had already
emerged by the time trade with Mesopotamia started. Uncertainties
in dating make it impossible to establish a clear order at this
seem to have been most significant during the Akkadian Empire and
Ur III periods, and to have waned afterwards together with the disappearance
of the Indus valley civilization.
sizes :
The Indus Valley Civilization only flourished in its most developed
form between 2500 and 1800 BCE until it became extinct, but at the
time of these exchanges, it was a much larger entity than the Mesopotamian
civilization, covering an area of 1.2 million square kilometers
with thousands of settlements, compared to an area of only about
65.000 square kilometers for the occupied area of Mesopotamia, while
the largest cities were comparable in size at about 30–40.000
were altogether about 1,500 Indus valley cities, amounting to a
population of perhaps 5 million at the maximum time of their florescence.
In contrast, the total population of Mesopotamia in 2,500 BCE was
around 290,000.
exchanges recovered with the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley,
circa 500 BCE.
of cultural diffusion :
Many scholars have pointed towards exaggerated notions of cultural
diffusions from Western Asia to South Asia, such as when overlinking
Vedic astronomy and mathematics to Sumerian origins. Likewise scholars
have questioned the supposed borrowings of Western Asian motifs
without the evidence of any actual artifact and trade contacts.
Recent archaeogenetic research based on DNA samples collected from
the Harappan site of Rakhigarhi suggests that Western Asian migration
to northern India occurred as early as 12,000 years ago, but that
the rise of agriculture in India was a later phenomenon, probably
due to cultural exchanges around 2,000 years later, rather than
direct migration. According to Richard H.Meadow, evidence gathered
from Mehrgarh points towards domestication of sheep, cattle and
goats as a separate local phenomenon in South Asia around 7,000
Source :