Diji Map
: Khairpur District, Sindh, Pakistan
: Indus Valley Civilization
ancient site at Kot Diji was the forerunner of the Indus Civilization.
The occupation of this site is attested already at 3300 BCE. The
remains consist of two parts; the citadel area on high ground (about
12 m), and outer area. The Pakistan Department of Archaeology excavated
at Kot Diji in 1955 and 1957.
Located about 24 kilometers south of Khairpur in the province of
Sindh, Pakistan, it is on the east bank of the Indus opposite Mohenjo-daro.
site is situated at the foot of the Rohri Hills where a fort (Kot
Diji Fort) was built around 1790 by the Talpur dynasty ruler of
Upper Sindh, Mir Suhrab, who reigned from 1783 to 1830 AD. This
fort built on the ridge of a steep narrow hill is well-preserved.
significance :
Early Harappan towns (4000–3000 BCE) :
The development of these farming communities in different parts
of Baluchistan and Lower Sind ultimately led to urbanization. The
earliest fortified town to date is found at Rehman Dheri, dated
4000 BCE in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa close to River Zhob Valley. Other
fortified towns found to date are at Amri (3600–3300 BCE)
and Kot Diji in Sindh and at Kalibangan (3000 BCE), India at the
Hakra River.
Diji culture (3300–2600 BCE) :
The site covers 2.6 ha. The earliest occupation of this site is
termed 'Kot Dijian', which is pre-Harappan, or early formative
the earliest layer, Kot Diji I (2605 BC), copper and bronze were
not used. The houses and fortifications were made from unbaked mud-bricks.
Lithic material, such as leaf-shaped chert arrowheads, shows parallels
with Mundigak layers II-IV. The pottery seems to anticipate Harappan
Ware. Later, bronze was used, but only for personal ornaments. Also,
use of the potters wheel was already in evidence.
Early Harappan phase construction consists of two clearly defined
areas. There is a citadel on high ground for the elites separated
by a defensive wall with bastions at regular intervals. This area
measures about 500 ft x 350 ft. The Outer area, or the city proper,
consisted of houses of mud bricks on stone foundations.
found from this site has designs with horizontal and wavy lines,
or loops and simple triangular patterns. Other objects found are
pots, pans, storage jars, toy carts, balls, bangles, beads, terracotta
figurines of mother goddess and animals, bronze arrowheads, and
well-fashioned stone implements. A particularly interesting find
at Kot Diji is a toy cart, which shows that the potter’s wheel
permitted the use of wheels for bullock carts.
towards Harappa Phase :
Glazed steatite beads were produced. There was a clear transition
from the earlier Ravi pottery to what is commonly referred to as
Kot Diji pottery. Red slip and black painted designs replaced polychrome
decorations of the Ravi Phase. Then, there was a gradual transformation
into what is commonly referred to as Harappa Phase pottery.
Indus script may have appeared at Kot Diji on pottery and on a sealing.
The use of inscribed seals and the standardization of weights may
have occurred during the Kot Diji period.
Kot-Diji type pots were found as far as Burzahom in Jammu and Kashmir.
burning :
There are obvious signs of extensive burns over the entire site,
including both the lower habitation area and the high mound (the
fortified town), which were also observed at other Early Harappan
sites: Period III at Gumla, Period II at Amri, Period I at Naushero.
Signs of cleavage were observed at Early Harappan phase Period
I at Kalibangan. The cause of the disruptions and/or abandonment
of these sites toward the end of the Early Harappan phase remains

of Rani Kot
According to legends, the wall existed during Umayyad rule and later
under the Abbasid rule. The Soomro tribe inhabited the fort and
later the Samma tribe positioned large infantry formations inside
the fort.
Mughal Emirs armed the walls of the fort with cannons and muskets.
They were the first to renovate the entire structure. The Kalhora
tribe later gained control of the fort, and finally the Talpurs
saw the fort as a strategic asset especially during the reign of
Mir Fatih Ali Khan Talpur, until they were defeated and overthrown
by the British Empire, in 1843 AD.
Source :