Pirak Sibi
is an archaeological site belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization
located in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is 20 km south of Sibi east
of the Nari River. The mound is 8m high and covers approximately
12 acres (49,000 m2). The site of Pirak was first reported by Robert
Raikes in 1963. It was excavated, between 1968 and 1974, before
the well known sites of Mehrgarh or Nausharo by the French archaeological
mission team led by Jean Marie Casal. According to the excavator,
this site was occupied from c.1800 BCE to 800 BCE.
significance :
The historical importance of this site in the South Asia is because
of its very early horse remains. Also, the site has some very early
ironwork and iron artefacts. The ironwork seems to have had a gradual
and material culture :
The excavator records three phases of unbroken occupation in Safi
the first period, structures of unburnt brick associated with a
large platform were found. A major part of the pottery was a coarse
ware decorated with applique bands and fingertip impressions. Both
terracotta and unburnt clay figurines of horses and camels were
found, along with numerous bones of both the species. The earliest
indubitable evidence of domestic horse comes from Safi Pirak, during
period I (c.1700 BC), well after Mature Harappan period. Terracota
button seals of circular, square or curved forms were common.
The second period also showed a similar assemblage with large numbers
of terracota and clay figurines, which include not only Bactrian
camels and horses but also human figures, including riders. Along
with numerous tools of copper and bronze, first pieces of iron are
also found.
The third period (c.1000-800 BCE) produced a greater quantity of
iron and a continuation of all the elements of the earlier periods.
Along with three varieties and two varieties of barley, rice and
sorghum were also found here, which is the first recorded appearance
of these two cereals in this region.
Artefacts found :
In addition to pottery items, wheeled camel figures (terracotta)
as per Harappan tradition were also found at Pirak. Items made of
Iron were also present in this site. Different seals were also found.
Rice was cultivated as main crop in Post urban Pirak and the Kachi
Plain was irrigated. A canal was constructed alongside the settlement
of Pirak shows continuation of irrigation facility in the region.
Grapes, oats and chickpeas were also grown at Pirak.