The past Karma (deeds) cannot be changed, but the present Karma can be controlled through certain remedies. By analysing ones birth chart we identiy the area of strengths and weaknesses of planets and advice suitable remedial measure which may help to lessen the intensity of a tough planetary period or malefic planetary effect. This may help to overcome the obstacles and difficult situations.


Remedial Measures :


Remedial measures are in many forms of which we advice :


Planet Mantra chanting, fasts, temple visits, charity, havan and poojas.


Mantra Chanting :


The Vedic syllables when chanted in specific rythmn with specifc sounds the sound waves help in soothng the nerves and relax muscles. Regular chanting helps to touch the deepest level of oneself thereby bring him close to his aim or attainment of said desires. Mantras chanted soulfully and sincerely help to derive best results.


Fasting :


This helps to increase energy, calmness, improved concentration and a feeling of well-being.


Food and Herbs :


By intake of certain food and herbs it helps increase energy and releases negative effects of certain planets.


Temple Visits :


Temples are places of abundance of positive energy which helps in all angles.


Donation :


Donor who benefits from the act of giving. Donation yields benefits in the present life and in lives to come whether or not we are aware of this fact, but when action is accompanied by understanding, we can greatly increase the merits earned by our donation.


Havan :


Havan gives benefits like good health, wealth prosperity, longevity, food, wealth, fame, success, strength etc., Removal of fear ailment, danger, defeat in the hand of adversaries etc., By performing Havan, evil planetary influences are removed.

Navgrah Havan : To appease the malegfic effect of nine planets.
Mrityunjay Havan : To avoid untimely deaths & to improve longevity.
Putra Kameshwar Havan : For blessings of progeny for childless couples.
Kaal Sarp Dosh Niravan Havan : For removal of Kaal sarp dosh.
Shaneshwara Dosh Niravan Havan : For removal of Saturn dosh.
Pitru Havan : For upliftment of ancestors soul.