What are the beej mantras? A beej mantra is a sacred vowel to resonate with a chakra. beej means seed and you can see the beej mantra as seed sound.


Each chakra has its own beej-mantra. Below is the list :

Crown : OM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation as a subtly audible whisper, allowing the sound and breath to resonate in the cranial area.

Third Eye : SHAM

Pronounced shum , this sound is formed in the later part of the palate.

Throat : HAM

Pronounce it by inhaling noiselessly through your mouth, and pronounce the sound like the word yum (as in yummy); allow the sound along with your breath to fill your mouth and throat cavity.

Heart : YAM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your mouth, and pronounce the word hum (as in humming); allow the breath to extend beyond the resolution of the consonant.

Navel : RAM

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the front section of the upper palate, roll the r like in Spanish, and pronounce the mantra like the first part of the word rum-ble.

Sacral : VAM

Place the upper set of teeth on the inner section of your lower lip and begin with a breathy consonant to imitate the sound of a fast car. Pronounce the mantra like "fvam"

Base : LAM

Curve the tip of your tongue up and back, and place it on the rear section of the upper palate to pronounce a sound like the word alum without the initial a.

beej Mantra have their root in the Hindu monist tradition, they are learned better with the help of a guru for initiation.