Basic Kundli

Kundli and Karmas
Life is divided in 3 parts :
1. Yourself
2. Parents
3. Karmas
Out of 100% life if we divide it by 3 then following ratio
we obtain :
Life = 100 / 3 = 33.33 %
1. Yourself 33.33
2. Parents 33.33 (Father 16.665 + Mother 16.665 = 33.33%)
3. Karmas 33.33 (Past Life 16.665 + Present Life 16.665 = 33.33%)
Your past life karmas and Present life karmas effect you
33.33 %, the karmas of your parents effect you 33.33 %, hence
the total comes to 66.66 %. We only have 33.33 % of our own which
we can call our will power, our decisions, our self, etc. This
33.33 % is in our hands and rest 66.66 % is Bhagya (fate).
If you see your past and present life’s karmas overtakes
your spouse i.e. 7th house which means that who so ever is your
life partner is pre-decided by your fate.
The 50% which is not occupied is the fate which your spouse
brings with him/her and it directly affects you because 1st house
is yourself.
Hence 33.33% is in your hands and 50% (karmas and herself)
is in the hands of your spouse making total of 83.33%. Your spouse
has the power to change your fate positively or negatively.
This is the reason why match making is very important before
marriage. The 7th house is not only the house of spouse but it
is also the house of Kundalini Shakti and if this house is affected
then a person this and coming many births are also affected and
hence a person should be very careful.

The starting
of life i.e. prithvi (earth) is mother and the end i.e. Akash
tatva (space) is father. Starting - Ending and in between what
we live is life. Life also means children’s. If prithiv
(mother) or akash tatva (father) is not in alignment then in
between (children’s) is also effected and the alignment
of every thing is imbalanced).

Vishnu and Mahesh
means creator the female is responsible for giving birth to child
the prithvi tatva.
means upbringing (palan) the children’s upbringing is depended
on the Vishnu tatva.
means moksh the sahashtra chakra you are on your own responsible
for the moksh.
any of the three is disturbed then life becomes burden.
Analysis of Shri Yantra :

Shri Yantra upward triangles

Shri Yantra downward triangles

Shri Yantra

Shri Yantra
The Shri Yantra which people think is external is not the
fact the Shri Yantra is inside a person. It concentrates from
huge to minute gains. It emphasis on all the parts of kundlis
bhavs. The 4 triangles are focusing on the upper direction and
5 on the down direction. In middle is the soul of the person.
Here the grace flows from up to down and the kundalini shakti
rises in a person from bottom to top.
But the concept of Shri Yantra is not as easy as it is
thought because it is inside our body.
There are total 33 triangles in the Shri Yantra, 8 petals and
then 16 petals after that 2 rings and 3 borders.
33 triangles - This shows that we only have 33.33 % power
over our life. This concept is explained in my notes.
8 petals - This symbolizes the 8 chakras.
16 petals - This symbolizes the 16 kalas of the moon.
2 rings - The 2 rings are the boundaries of Dharma and
3 borders - Actually it is tri dev (Brahma, Vishnu and

and Chakras
Yantra means a complete person. To be a complete person first
a person has to balance his kundli and for that he has to have
total control on his garhs and for that he has to speak the beej
mantra of the grahs and if there is any bad effect of planet then
he has to clear it and increase the power of the good planets.
this process He has to activate all his 8 chakras this process
cannot be completed without clearing the first process.
this there are 16 kalas and he has to be master in those 16 kalas.
Which are as follows :
1. Anna Maya (with cereals)
2. Pranamaya (with breath)
3. Mano Maya (with mind)
4. Vigyanamaya (with knowledge)
5. Anandamaya (with joy)
6. Atishayini
7. Viparinabhimi
8. Sankramini
9. Prabhvi
10. Kunthini
11. Vikasini
12. Maryadini
13. Sanhaladini
14. Ahladini
15. Paripurna
16. Swarupavasthit
It is said that Lord Krishna was master in the above 16 kalas.
mastering these 16 kalas there are 2 boundaries of Dharma and
Karma. When a person has control on his karmas and has more substance
of Dharma then he can move forward to the 3 border (Brahma, Vishnu
and Mahesh).
concept of Shri Yantra can be taught be it’s you who has
to master it. Shri Yantra does not mean a instrument for attracting
wealth but it is the instrument of developing the wealth which
you have inside you.