of Shiv - Shakti
means that which is not. It is a cosmic man lying down all around
cosmos and he is not physical matter, he is opaque and then Shakti
came and she danced around a certain level of energy around Shiv.
modern science is saying that there are virtual protons and neutrons
in vacuum spaces and wherever Electromagnetic forces apply they
organize themselves into electrical order. So, when Shakti danced
around Shiv, Shiv got irritated and woke up from his sleep and
when he woke up from sleep he roared so we call him Rudra. Rudra
means “roar”.
are many bang in the universe but it can’t be called roar.
When Shiv roared he spat out galaxies which are not real. They
are non-material galaxies then, Shakti came and touches Shiv.
When shakti touched Shiv she gathered Inertia (ability to remain
still or move in constant direction at constant speed) till then
she was Aesthetic (sense of beauty / giving or designed to give
beauty through pleasure). You cannot gather Inertia without Mass.
So, before Shakti didn’t have mass. She touched Shiv and
gathered Mass and she became more stable. This is what creation
is today.
Shiva's statue also symbolizes the dance of sub- atomic particles
in an atom. An atom is the net work of its sub-atomic particles-
electron, neutron and proton.
sub-atomic particles cannot be separated. They are performing
energy dance in an atom. If this atomic energy dance is disturbed
by destroying it, enormous energy is released.
Shiv's dance is the dance of cosmic energy. It is a dance of sub-atomic
is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the
entire Cosmos.
Hiranyagarbh, meaning the "golden fetus" or "golden
womb". In Rig Ved it is a name for the source of the creation
of the Universe.
to Upanishads Hiranyagarbh floated around in water in the emptiness
and the darkness of the non-existence for about a year, and then
broke into two halves which formed the Swarg and the Prithvi.
Ved's say that there is a single creator (god) existing before all
other gods and is considered to be God of Gods and none beside him.