every deity there is a different mantra and for every purpose
there is a different mantra. People might think that why there
are many different deities and mantras in Hinduism? This is because
what we think as deities is nothing but energy and there are many
different energy forms like mild, medium and high.
If we chose a deity according to our vibrations we get fast results
because the energy is compatible.
Every mantra produces a vibration which affects our brain.
Not only this, there are many different paths in achieving our
goals and out of all of them only one is best for us. For example
there is Jap Marg, Tap Marg, Yagna Marg, Bhakti Marg, Karma Marg,
Gyan Marg, Dharma Marg, Daan Marg and a lot more. Out of many
paths I will explain these 8 in detail and how it works.
1. Jap Marg :

Here a mantra is chosen and is repeatedly spoken and because of
that it creates a vibration and a person starts to get benefit
according to that mantra.
the mantras work on different parts of brain and chakras hence
it is very important to study first the mantra and its meaning
along and the Beej given in that mantra along with its meaning
and which deity it represents.
Marg consists of Anushthan that is repeating a mantra 125000 times
or as per mentioned in texts. This creates a vibration in our
body and our certain senses at subconscious level develop. During
Jap celibacy is very important because there is a vibration being
created in your body and if you involve in sexual activities then
those vibrations gets disturbed and you do not get desired results.
Tap Marg :

Here only focus is there in connecting to the supreme god or what
we call energy. A selected beej, mantra or god’s name is
uttered in mind and total focus of mind is on Pineal Gland (third
Eye) because of which our soul / vibrations / atoms become pure
and merge in the supreme itself therefore there is no rebirth.
Yagna Marg :

This is totally at sansarik level. Yagnas are done for a specific
purpose like to nullify the bad effects of planets, achieve a
specific object like job, success in business, etc. This is on
sansarik level as the objective is only to fulfill a specific
goal. Here you ask God to give you what you want.
Yagna there are 3 things which are very important 1. The Yagna
samagri, 2. Mantras spoken should be perfectly spoken and 3. Intention.
All these 3 together creates vibrations at higher level and gets
your objective fulfilled.
Important note :
In all these 3 paths the most important thing is your karmas which
are at sukshma level. A person’s bad karmas stand as a block
between a person and his desires hence it is very important to
first clear bad karmas.
person can clear bad karmas in many ways. Study his astrology
chart and do vidhi of bad planets, nakshatras and yogas which
hinders his progress. Bad nakshatras, planets and yogas keep on
producing negative vibrations in a person’s mind and body
which in turn makes him take wrong decisions and hinders his/her
progress in many ways.
4. Bhakti Marg :

Bhakti Marg does not have any rules its totally between a deity
and his/her worshipper. Bhakti Marg is of total faith and devotion.
Here a person completely surrenders himself in front of his/her
deity and whatever comes in his life he accepts it in a positive
a person accepts what God gives to him.
5. Karma Marg :

Karma Marg is to do work with complete honesty and without any
expectation in return. Karma Marg is of service and sacrifice.
Here a person gives importance to other people’s pain rather
than his/her and helps as much as he/she can.
Tap, Bhakti and Karma Marg all 3 can provide salvation (moksh)
but, in all the above Karma Marg is considered as the best path
because it is the path of service to mankind without any expectation
in return.
6. Gyan Marg :

This is the path of knowing the supreme energy (God) through knowledge
but the fact is that God is a energy which cannot be described
in words or through any sort of knowledge. God is a energy which
can only be felt.
Dharma Marg :

means duty. This is the path as decribed in religious text on
which a person walks. A important fact to note here is that the
defination of Dharma changes according to time and situation e.g.
when Ravan kidnapped Sita it was the Dharma of Ram to fight for
his wife. When Ram attacked Lanka it was the Dharma of Kumbhkaran
(brother of Ravan) and others to fight for Lanka.
8. Daan Marg :

(charity) can be of anything. Now a day’s personally I don’t
recommend charity of money but charity of food is best, giving
knowledge for free, guiding people in right direction of life
without any expectation, etc. all these things increase your positive
vibration in you which in turn cuts the negative vibrations.