venturing into a summary of the ways in which gems are formed, it
would be good background to review where those processes are occurring.
A crude geological model of our Earth can be made by using an apple.
The Earth's crust or top layer (ranging from 3 - 25 miles deep,
only 1% of the Earth's volume) is represented by the thin skin,
its mantle accounting for over 80% of the volume is represented
by the flesh (over 1800 miles thick), and the core is represented
by, what else?, the core.
size relationship of Earth's three layers : crust (peel), mantle
(flesh), core (seeds and surrounding core)
core has a solid inner, and liquid outer, portion, and is the least
known and studied part of the Earth. Most of the mantle consists
of melted rock (magma) and giant segments of the Earth's crust along
with the solid upper mantle, called "tectonic plates",
float on this fluid rock and move slowly over it. The movement normally
occurs at about the same rate your fingernails grow, but can be
substantially faster when one plate suddenly slips in relation to
another. The various ways in which these plates encounter each other,
are responsible for many of the momentous events that shape our
Earth, such as volcanism, earthquakes, and periods of mountain building.
all gems of mineral origin form in the Earth's crust, with the notable
exceptions of peridot and diamond, which form in the mantle, and
all of them are mined in or on the Earth's crust. This gemiferous
crust is made up of three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic, which differ in their origin and characteristics. Igneous
rocks are those which solidify from a molten state, sedimentary
rocks form due to consolidation of layered sediments , evaporates,
or precipitates, and metamorphic rocks result when great temperature
and pressure change the crystal structure of either igneous, sedimentary,
or other metamorphic rocks. (Recall from Lesson One, that minerals
are composed of a single substance, like quartz, and rocks are made
of more than one mineral, like granite, for example, which consists
of quartz, mica and feldspar.)
: basalt from lava flow
Sedimentary : sandstone hills
Metamorphic : rocks in Switzerland
Rock Cycle :
rocks that we find on, and under, the Earth's surface are involved
in an age-old, and continuing, recycling program of Nature called
the "Rock Cycle".
Rock Cycle
start with the red area at the bottom of the diagram: magma, molten
rock. When magma rises through cracks and cools slowly underground,
it forms igneous rocks composed of minerals with fairly large crystal
sizes, these are known as intrusive igneous rocks. When the magma
erupts onto the surface, as through a volcano, it is termed lava,
and depending on the rate of cooling, the extrusive igneous rocks
which form have medium to very small mineral crystals. (Review the
concept of temperature and crystal size from Lesson Three, if necessary).
Some lava cools so rapidly that it forms an amorphous material without
a crystalline structure. Granite and basalt are examples of larger
and smaller grained igneous rocks, respectively, and obsidian (volcanic
glass) is amorphous.
: note coarse texture
the igneous rock is on the surface, the forces of erosion and weathering
produce smaller particles which accumulate on the surface, and/or
are moved by wind and water. As time proceeds, layers of these sediments
build up (on land or under water). The pressure from upper layers
causes compaction in the lower layers along with various chemical
and physical changes (lithification), which lead to the creation
of sedimentary rock.
Evaporation is an alternate factor which also produces sedimentary
rocks, as when dripping mineral-laden waters leave behind stalactites
or stalagmites. Likewise, surface or subterranean waters carrying
dissolved minerals may evaporate or precipitate those minerals within
the cracks in other rocks, or between rock layers. Sandstone and
limestone are familiar sedimentary rocks formed by lithification.
Opal and turquoise illustrate the evaporative mode of formation.
The presence of intrusive magma in a local region (contact metamorphism),
or of tectonic plate interactions on a larger scale (regional metamorphism)
puts the igneous and sedimentary rocks and minerals under heat and/or
pressure which may cause changes in their chemistry and crystal
structure. The result is the creation of metamorphic rocks. Thus
is limestone turned into marble, sandstone into quartzite, and serpentine
into nephrite jade.
As with most cycles in Nature there are sub-cycles and cross interactions.
So, for example, sedimentary rocks which are subducted through tectonic
action may melt and form magma which produces igneous rocks. Or
metamorphic rocks, which have been uplifted and exposed at the surface,
will erode to form sedimentary deposits.
and Where Gems Form :
specific, and unlikely, combination of five factors: temperature,
pressure, space, chemical elements, and time, are required for the
formation of each kind of gem. This is why gems are, in general,
rare but some are rarer than others. Silicon and oxygen are the
two most abundant elements of the Earth's crust, and the conditions
for the formation of quartz (SiO2) are relatively common, so it
is understandable that quartz is found widely. Axinite on the other
hand, which is also a silicate gem, requires (in addition to silicon
and oxygen) calcium, iron, magnesium, boron and aluminum for its
formation, and is much rarer.
of Earth's Crust Composed of Various Elements :
Oxygen : 46.60%
Silicon : 27.72%
Aluminum : 8.13%
Iron : 5.00%
Calcium : 3.63%
Magnesium : 2.09%
Boron : 0.0010%
Beryllium : 0.00026%
in Nature form: 1. from solutions by precipitation, 2. from melts
by crystallization, or 3. from vapors by condensation. (when Man
synthesizes gems, these are also the three possible modes of production.)
Gem Formation :
near-surface, cooler waters, and warmer waters from lower depths
in the Earth, can dissolve certain minerals from rocks or sediments,
and carry, mix, and concentrate them until conditions change, ultimately
precipitating them as solids (crystals or amorphous materials).
Near surface environments: Near surface waters, like rainwater,
move down or up, through soil or rock, as the local cycles of precipitation
and evaporation dictate. Such water has carbon dioxide from the
air dissolved in it, which creates a weak acid solution (carbonic
acid) in which many minerals are soluble. If the environment contains
sandy soils or sandstone rock, then silica will be dissolved, and
certain silicate gems such as aggregate quartzes, like agates, or
amorphous opals may form as the water evaporates.
Commonly, layered or banded patterns are seen in the agates indicating
cycles of formation from waters of slightly different chemistries.
The botryoidal habit is also frequently seen in gems formed under
near surface conditions. Likewise ocean water or other brines can
evaporate as climate changes leaving behind dissolved minerals,
like halite (the mineral name for sodium chloride, table salt).
Other waters containing sulfur may evaporate, and leave behind sulfate
minerals like gypsum.
If the rocks or soils contain aluminum and copper in addition to
silica, then copper containing minerals like azurite, malachite
and turquoise may form.
Cabochon showing layered structure
Botryoidal Carnelian
Opal in rock seam
Opal nodule
stalactite : note layered structure of both aggregate and single
halite" from Nevada
Halite from Australia (color is due to pigments from crustaceans
and microorganisms that lived in the salty water)
bearing rock, from Nevada
occurence of single Turquoise crystals from Virginia 50x
and Chrysocolla veins in an Arizona rock
Slice of a Malachite and Chrysocolla Stalactite
about where you imagine miners finding agates, opals, and copper
minerals you probably already know that the best deposits occur
in rocky, sandy areas with an arid or semiarid climate. (Most of
the world's precious opal, for example, comes from the Australian
desert, and the Western USA and Mexico, are well known sites of
turquoise and agate deposits).
Map of some of the major turquoise mines in the Southwest (photo
taken at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum)
Sometimes the hard, organic remains of plants such as wood or cones,
or the bones or shells of animals are buried in lava or sediments
before they can decay. Such burial restricts oxygen supply, and
decomposition processes slow to a snail's pace. Silica laden waters
can, ever so slowly, fill and replace any cavities or structures
that are present with agate or opal, preserving a replica of the
original form in solid rock. Many fossils are the result of this
process, known as petrifaction.
of Fossil Palmwood
of Fossil Palmwood from Texas
of Fossilized Dinosaur Eggshell
with red Spinel
Agate and Fossilized Dinosaur Eggshell, Fossil wood slices from
clam Fossil (opal solution filled the cavity of the clam shell and
solidified before the shell decayed. Remnants of the fossil shell
were then cut and polished away, revealing a perfect "cast"
of the original shape
Deeper Environments :
Waters from deeper in the Earth are often heated from contact with
hot rock, and are sometimes highly acidic or alkaline, making an
even better solvent for more types of minerals. Environments where
water of this type is found are termed "hydrothermal".
Usually, rates of cooling and/or evaporation are slower than in
near surface environments giving time for single, larger crystals
to form. Many of the world's highest quality mineral specimens and
metal ores have come from such hydrothermal sources. Emeralds, rock
crystal quartz, amethyst, and fluorite are gems commonly formed
when hydrothermal fluids solidify (as veins or crystals) in the
cracks or pockets within rocks, or between rock layers.
Hydrothermal Amethyst crystals from Mexico
veins in quartz
copper veins in Arizona rock
Fluorite crystals
silver in quartz
Hydrothermal Emerald crystals in matrix
Geodes :
Cavities dissolved into sedimentary rock, or gas pocket cavities
in igneous rock, are prime sites where crystallization from hydrothermal
solutions occur. The results, known as geodes, usually contain agate
or quartz, and are one of the favorite finds of rock hounds.
quartz Geodes
Amethyst "cathedrals"
outside and inside of a rare Azurite Geode from Arizona
Formation :
magma cools, various minerals form, depending on the temperature
and pressure at a particular location and time. As each type of
mineral forms it reduces concentration of, or removes, some of the
elements required for its formation. Thus as the mix of elements
present, and the physical conditions change, so do the minerals
which form.
Gems usually form in intrusive igneous rocks where the slow rate
of cooling favors larger crystals. Generally, though, we do not
mine the original formation sites of these gem-containing rocks,
but instead gather the weathered-out gems which have been released
when these intrusive rock bodies are uplifted to the surface, or
erosional processes reveal them. Corundum and topaz are examples
of gems which form in intrusive rocks.
Extrusive igneous rocks would generally not be expected to hold
large crystals. Occasionally, though, some large crystals will form
deep underground, but before crystallization of other minerals is
complete and a typically large grained intrusive rock is produced,
the magma suddenly finds its way to the surface. Under these new
conditions, the rest of the magma (carrying the large crystals from
below) quickly solidifies to becomes fine grained rock. In such
extrusive igneous rocks we find larger gem crystals in a matrix
of finer grained rock. (See mantle gems, below). Corundum, moonstone,
garnet and zircon are examples of gems that can be formed and brought
to, or near, the surface in this way.
crystal from China
Garnet crystals in Microcline matrix from China
huge, non-gem quality Garnet crystal in host rock
formed in the mantle :
crystals form in magma from the upper mantle (20 to 55 miles deep),
and are brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic activity
where we find them in extrusive igneous rocks. Diamonds were formed
many millions of years ago, deeper in the mantle (around 100 - 150
miles below the surface), at extreme temperatures and pressures.
These diamond forming magmas would later erupt (still holding the
diamonds) to form rocks called kimberlites and lamproites.
courtesy of The International Gem Society and Don Clark
scenario goes something like this: 1. magma, containing diamond
crystals, suddenly and explosively finds a path to the surface.
2. As the lava (orange) rises, some of it cools and solidifies underground
forming a carrot shaped formation of kimberlite rock, in which the
diamond crystals are "frozen". 3. & 4. The volcanic
cone has eroded away leaving diamonds at the surface, and underground
in the kimberlite (or lamproite) "pipe" (gray).
crystal in Kimberlite rock from Russia
crystals in basalt from Arizona
As magma, which contains dissolved minerals in water under pressure,
begins to rise through cracks and cool down, crystallization begins.
The magmatic water, along with the dissolved minerals which require
lower temperatures for their crystallization, becomes more and more
concentrated. In the end phases of crystallization of the magma,
the water is expelled as vapor, and the highly concentrated magma
remnants crystallize near the surface in a distinctive geologic
formation known as a pegmatite. The magmas from which pegmatites
form often contain high concentrations of rarer elements like beryllium
and boron. Gems commonly found in pegmatites are emerald, topaz,
tourmaline, rose quartz, chrysoberyl and spodumene, and they can
be very large.
crystals from N. Pakistan pegmatite
tourmaline rough from a pegmatite formation in the Stewart Mine
in California
Emerald crystals
quartz from a Brazilian pegmatite mine
Vapor/Condensation Formation :
might be a little difficult to imagine vapors condensing to form
crystals, as it seems somewhat foreign to every day experience.
And it's true that at normal atmospheric pressures, and common ambient
temperatures, this doesn't happen very often. But there's one good
example that we can all look to: frost which forms on our windowpanes
or car windshields, is, in fact, precisely a situation of a vapor
(water vapor) condensing to a solid crystal (ice). The next time
you get a chance use your loupe to example that frost: beautiful!
Given the extreme environments created by some geological events,
such as an eruption of magma, conditions can be ideal for such condensation
processes, and they are relatively common events.
Vugs :
When magma (a fluid with dissolved liquids and gases) is suddenly
released from the pressures containing it (as when it erupts or
spreads into surface fissures), gases are freed and liquids quickly
vaporize to gas, which creates gas-filled bubbles and pockets in
the lava called "vugs". (We experience a similar phenomenon
every time we open a carbonated beveridge).
Gems cans crystallize from these vapors which are trapped and concentrated
inside the openings. Often they form singly, without attachment
to the surrounding surface. When we see a doubly terminated crystal,
or one that is perfectly formed with no attachment point (called
a "floater"), often it has formed in just a such a gas
pocket. One of the most famous deposits of these doubly terminated
crystals is the rock crystal quartzes formed in Herkimer, NY, and
known as "Herkimer Diamonds".
Other pockets which do not produce crystals from gases, may later
be invaded by surface water, or hydrothermal fluids, and become
filled or lined with small or large crystals forming geodes or other
similar formations.
garnet "floater" crystal from Namibia
terminated rock Crystal quartz ("Herkimer Diamond") from
New York
vug lined with hydrothermally derived Quartz crystals
from Germany, containing stalagtites covered with tiny Quartz crystals
growth from solutions or vapors can also exploit fortuitous openings
as seen below. This ancient clam's death, and subsequent fossilization,
created a space in the surrounding rock which later became home
to the beautifully formed calcite crystals in this prize specimen.
clam shell with calcite crystals, from Okeechobee County, Florida
after Formation (Metamorphosis) :
mentioned previously, heat and pressure from contact or regional
sources can cause one mineral to metamorphose into another. This
frequently occurs with gem minerals. Marble and lapis lazuli are
gem rocks formed metamorphically, and rubies, spinels and garnets
are gem minerals are often crystallized within rocks that are undergoing
metamorphic changes, due to heat and pressure.
in metamorphic Quartzite rock
Lazuli mosaic bust
Marble "egg" from metamorphosed limestone from Arizona
a Few Words About Organics :
Thus far only those originally organic gems that have become fully
mineralized through petrifaction, have been referred to in this
lesson. Another lesson of equal length could be written about the
precise mechanisms by which the various true organic gems come to
be. Such coverage is beyond the scope of this course, however; so
the following inadequate summary must suffice. (Review the definition
of mineral vs organic gems from Lesson One, if necessary).
Organic gems are derived from either :
1. The secretory activities of organisms that were living (or recently
dead) at the time of the harvest of the gem material.
Examples would include pearl, bone, horn, ivory, tortoiseshell and
coral. Such secretions might be entirely mineral, as with the calcareous
corals, for example, or entirely organic as with tortoise shell,
or a combination of both mineral and organic components as with
pearl, proteinaceous corals, and ivories.
Tusk (ivory)
Ivory brooch
natural Tortoise shell brooch
Black Coral branches (proteinaceous type)
Polished Black Coral branch pin with Tahitian Pearl
The secretions and structures of organisms long dead which have,
over time, undergone geological and/or chemical changes from their
original state.
Examples include amber, copal, jet, and bog oak. Chemical oxidation
or reduction, compression, dehydration, or polymerization, have
changed their original properties, but these materials still consist,
at least partially, of organic molecules.
1880 "bog oak" brooch (a semi-fossilized wood from ancient
peat bogs, similar to, and used as a simulant for, jet)
rough : "Burmite" very rare Burmese variety, noted for
its cherry red color, typical Baltic Amber
Gems are Found and How they are Mined :
important distinction must be made between the place where a gem
forms, and where it is mined or collected (these two, most often,
are not the same). The places where we mine or collect gems are
known as gem deposits, and these are classified as either primary
or secondary.
Deposits :
primary deposit is one in which the sought-after material is still
held within the original site of its formation. These "lode"
deposits are often located deep underground, and encased in solid
rock (pegmatites, veins, pipes, etc.) They are, in general, likely
to require substantial monetary outlay in personnel and equipment
for recovery.
metal ores (does the famous Comstock Lode come to mind?), are frequently
mined from primary deposits, it is rarer with gemstones. In certain
locations, though, diamonds, and colored gemstones can be profitably
mined from such sites. Techniques involve either tunneling deep
into the Earth, or using open pit technology necessitating removal
of massive amounts of "overburden" to get to the deeper
gem bearing layer.
consideration which is important in this type of gem mining is that
the typical blasting and crushing done with metal ore materials
can harm fragile gem crystals, so that much of the work must be
done by slower and more labor intensive hand work. Sapphires in
the US, have been "hard-rock" mined, off and on (depending
on economic factors) in Montana, primarily at Yogo Gulch. The deposit
there consists of sapphire cyrstals in a lamproite pegmatite dike.
Although they are some of the highest quality blue sapphires in
the world, lacking color zoning, and possessing an "out of
the ground" cornflower blue color that requires no heating,
the extreme prices necessary to repay their mining costs, limit
their marketability.
Sapphires : before and after faceting. Yogos are among the most
beautiful and expensive in the world
Deposits :
a primary deposit may have been formed deep in the Earth, uplift,
crust folding, or other geologic events can bring it to, or very
near, the surface. All exposed surface features are subject to erosion
and weathering, and this is true of gem deposits as well. The agents
of erosion will then act to release the gems from their primary
sites, and they collect in new secondary deposits. Secondary deposits
are classed as either eluvial or alluvial depending on their relationship
to the original source.
the softer more easily weathering primary structures simply release
the harder and tougher gem materials, and the gems can be found
at the site of decomposition, the deposit is eluvial. The gems can
then be located within the debris, and generally it will be a relatively
inexpensive process to gather and remove them. Additionally, the
host rocks, which may contain valuable primary deposits can usually
be easily located for other types of mining.
Eluvial gem rough, although often large in size, tends to be internally
fractured, and quite angular and irregular in shape, which can limit
its potential as faceting material.
The world's largest peridot mine, located on the San Carlos Apache
Reservation in Arizona, is an eluvial deposit where the peridot
is weathering out of the volcanic basalt primary source.
peridot eluvial rough, note fractured area and angularity of pieces
common, and in most cases, more desirable, are alluvial (also known
as "placer") deposits. The gems in these have been transported
from the original site of their release, usually by water, but also
possibly by wind or ice. As most gems are both denser and harder
than most rocks, they accumulate on the bottom along with gravel,
sand and mud, in eddies and pools in streams, rivers and along coastlines.
(They can also be found in sites that had flowing water in the past,
but have long since dried up).
The abrasive and frictional forces that occur as the gems are moved
downstream cause the weakest parts to break off, and the edges to
become more smooth and rounded. Alluvial rough, though usually relatively
small, is often of high clarity, and superior faceting quality.
The longer the distance the rough has traveled, the smaller and
more rounded it becomes. Alluvial diamonds are an exception to this
rule, in that they are harder than the surrounding rocks, and unless
fractured or cleaved retain their original structure and size.
Australian spinel rough from an Alluvial deposit
far, the greatest amount of economically profitable gem mining is
done by exploiting secondary deposits. Techniques range from simple
one person panning and screening operations, to large scale dredging
and hydraulic washing/sorting by big companies.
Diamond miners in Sierra Leone
A collection of Diamond rough from Arkansas, (the largest piece
is under one carat) hand dug and screened from an Eluvial deposit
Tan Huong, Vietnam, ruby and spinel mine. Back hoes remove about
six feet of soil then high pressure water is used to loosen the
old buried stream bed so the miners can use screens and sluices
alluvial "gem gravels" several different types of gems
may be found together, reflecting the various eroding primary sites
within the local drainage area. Tracking back to the primary source
of a particular gem ("Mother Lode") is usually very difficult,
if not impossible.