A reasonable
question which might be asked is, "Why magnify a gemstone"?
After all, we don't go around with magnifiers looking at our gems
and jewelry, we just view them with the naked eye. There are several
very good reasons, though, why it's desirable and in some cases,
necessary, to get an interior view :
1. Appraisal/Insurance/Repair :
When you take gems or jewelry items to get them officially evaluated,
perhaps due to an inheritance or insurance issue, or for investment
reasons, there must be a way for the appraiser to both justify their
analysis of the gem, and to document that particular stone, so that
its identity can be verified in the future.
In order to assign a value to any gem, it must be graded, that is,
a determination must be made as to how fine, and how rare it is,
and what its "market" or "replacement" value
would be. Part of the grading process which determines these values,
especially in diamonds, is done under magnification.
The magnified view of any gem, plotted onto a diagram, can then
serve as its "fingerprint". It is about as unlikely that
two gems will have the same number, location, and type of inclusions
and internal growth features, as it is that two people will have
the same fingerprints, or the same DNA.
Such a drawing will also give the jeweler who is receiving a valuable
jewelry item for cleaning or repair, and the customer, a way to
verify that the gem taken in is, in fact, the same one which is
2. Gem Identification/Gem History :
In general, the three questions a gemologist or appraiser (or a
savvy buyer!) has to ask about an unknown gem are :
What is it? Although this question can usually be answered by tests
of those physical and optical properties discussed in Lessons 3
and 4, finding certain inclusions can make the job easier, and in
some cases eliminate the need for further tests. In addition, some
optical and physical properties are best revealed under magnification.

characteristic growth tubes inside this gem narrow the most likely
identification possibilites to beryl and tourmaline (it's a tourmaline)

doubled facet reflections seen under magnification in this sphene
and zircon, serve as clues to gem identity : few species have birefringence
this high
Is it natural
or synthetic? Once the question of the species or variety has
been answered, then it is necessary to know whether the gem is
natural or synthetic. (Remember, synthetics are the gem, and,
therefore, have all the chemical, physical and optical properties
of the natural version). One of the best tools at a gemologist's
disposal, in trying to make this call, is magnification.
are certain inclusions found only in natural stones, and others
found only in synthetics. In many cases, then, seeing a certain
inclusion is definitive. Unfortunately, there are also inclusions
which can be found in either type, and some gems that are so totally
clean, there are no inclusions to use.

triangular platinum Crystals which were eroded from the crucible
in which this synthetic Alexandrite was formed, give proof of its
man-made origin
it been enhanced, and if so, how? Certain enhancements (and imitations)
can be most easily detected by a magnified view of the surface,
or the interior, of a gem.

intact "silk" (rutile needles) in this sapphire proves
that it has not been subjected to high heat, and is of natural color,
whereas the stress fractures in this heated sapphire give evidence
of its treated state
specifically, did it come from? Though not a factor in most cases,
there are a few important instances where the geographic location
of a gem's origin is crucial in setting its value. In those situations,
it is often possible by seeing diagnostic inclusions or growth features
to specify the location. Only peridot from Arizona shows a characteristic
stress fracture/included crystal combination known as a "lily
pad", and only demantoid garnet from Russia, shows microscopic
curving fibers of bryssolite asbestos known as a "horsetail".

pads in Arizona Peridot

horsetail inclusion in Russian Demantoid Garnet
You can see very cool things :
Looking into a gem can reveal a world of beauty and complexity that
just isn't apparent from a surface view.
two tools most often employed in gemstone magnification are the
loupe and the gem microscope.
loupe: A loupe is a small magnifying device, which, most commonly,
magnifies the object to be viewed to ten times its size (10x). There
are five major types used by those observing gems: handheld, eye
socket, headpiece, eyeglass, and darkfield. Each has its advantages
and particular best use. The handheld version is the most versatile,
and the darkfield type supplies a source of specialized lighting
important in some aspects of gem identification and/or grading.
The eyesocket, headpiece and eyeglass types have the advantage in
situations where leaving the hands free is important.





general, the advantage of a loupe over a microscope is its portability
and low cost. On the other hand, the loupe's capabilities of magnification
and lighting are limited compared to most microscopes.
Warning :
Some of you probably already own a loupe or have taken the advice
from the course syllabus and recently acquired one. So, before we
get any further into the technical aspects of magnifying tools and
techniques, let me give a warning: Use this tool with caution the
view can be scary sometimes! The first time a new loupe-user looks
at their favorite piece of gemstone jewelry at 10x, they are in
for for a rude awakening.
A piece of gemstone jewelry which has been worn to any extent (and
which looks perfectly fine to the naked eye) shows, to the examiner
with a loupe, scratches and gouges in the metal, and glaring manufacturing
flaws like incomplete solder joints. Upon turning his/her attention
to the gem, what meets the eye is globs of dirt and grime surrounding
the gem, and in most cases startlingly visible "crud"
inside the gem, and/or worrisome chips, scratches or fractures on
its surface.
By way of demonstration, let's look at a couple of perfectly lovely
gemstones: a (rather expensive) Tsavorite garnet, and a modestly
priced bicolored tourmaline cabochon.

Tsavorite gem has no visible problems and looks great, completely
transparent and full of sparkle and color. The tourmaline, as is
the case with most cabochon gems, is of lower quality than a piece
that would have been faceted, and is translucent, but still very
view using our loupe, is somewhat different :

OK, now that
I've properly warned you, let's look on the bright side and view
some of the "very cool" things mentioned above :
for fun :
a nice dendritic chalcedony which at 10x really shows the three
dimensional nature of the dendrites and gives some insight into
their growth pattern as well.

Two interesting
drusy gems, but at 10x we can actually tell that their surfaces
are lined with real crystals (albeit small).


Drusy Vanadinite


quartz at 10 X
The pair of
pictures below is of the same inclusion within a gem the gem has
been tilted about 30 degrees in the second shot. What you are
seeing is the movement of a gas bubble within a pool of liquid
within a cavity in the gem. The first time you look inside a rock
and see something moving it's quite a thrill! Such a moveable
bubble is referred to as an "enhydro" and is much sought
after by collectors.

"enhydro" inclusion in Quartz
Hand Loupe :
Loupes :
The highest quality (and most expensive) loupes actually consist
of a set of three glass lenses fitted together, and are referred
to as "triplets". Together, the set of lenses corrects
for the inevitable distortion introduced when a single lens is used.
distortion is of two types : chromatic and spherical, and both types
are caused by the curved shape of the lens, particularly at the
edges where the curvature is the greatest. In chromatic distortion,
the unequal bending of the different color wavelengths creates dispersive
color fringes at the edges of view. In spherical distortion, a similar
mechanism causes the image itself to curve and be out of focus in
those areas.
Single lens loupes are available at very low cost, and are just
fine for non-professional applications. If your loupe is not a triplet
type, no need to worry all you need to do to compensate, is to confine
your observations to the central area under view, and things will
be fine.
loupes can be found from 2x to 30x magnification. It might seem
a good choice to purchase the one with the highest power, but typically
that is not the case. There are three reasons :
1. The higher the power of magnification, the shorter the "focal
length" the distance from the lens to the object so that it
is in focus. For a 10x lens that distance is one inch, (20x = 1/2
inch, and 30x = 1/3 inch). It is difficult enough to work with a
1" clearance, let alone any of those shorter distances!
2. The shorter the focal length (higher power) the less light can
enter the gem. Again, getting proper lighting at a distance of 1"
can be a challenge, but it is very much more difficult at the shorter
distances available at higher magnifications.
3. The higher the power of magnification, the smaller the "focal
area" the size of the patch that you are magnifying. It can
take quite a while to throughly examine all areas of a gem while
using 10x, the job becomes harder, the smaller the "patches"
you are looking at.
should not be surprising then, that the vast majority of loupes
in use are 10x.
loupes come with a metal cover that doubles as a "finger hold"
or handle. The correct technique for using a loupe is pictured and
described below :

Put the index finger of your non-preferred hand (left hand for righties,
and vice versa) through the loupe cover and bring the loupe to rest
against your thumb which is resting on your cheekbone. (This gives
you just about the right eye-to-loupe distance.
2. In your other hand are your tweezers with the stone (either a
girdle to girdle, or a table to culet hold is fine). The tips of
the tweezers are between your middle and fourth finger. This allows
you to easily and stably pivot the stone forward and back (with
the hand holding the tweezers) to adjust the focal length to the
1" required.
3. Once you have mastered the basic "hold" you can actually
focus on different "depths" within the gem by slightly
increasing or decreasing the gem's distance from the loupe. First
bringing the surface into focus, for example, then moving the focal
area into the interior and finally to the bottom of the gem.
4. Unless you have severe astigmatism you do not need to wear your
5. Keep both eyes open. If you haven't used magnifying devices before,
this takes some discipline to do, as your natural inclination is
to close one eye. You can view comfortably for a much longer period
of time with the "two eye" technique, and as a bonus,
you usually don't end up with a headache.
Darkfield Loupe :
The ideal lighting condition for revealing inclusions in a gem is
known as: "darkfield illumination". In this situation
the gem is viewed against a black background with the light coming
through it only from the side. The effect is to make any interior
features stand out sharply in relief, and to be much more noticeable
than with ordinary lighting. Although gem microscopes provide this
lighting choice, most loupes do not. The exception is a device known
as a darkfield loupe. The housing into which the gem is placed for
viewing has a central, black baffle which prevents light from the
source (usually a small "maglite" type of flashlight)
from shining straight into the gem. Instead the light is reflected
from the shiny sides of the housing to enter the gem sideways.

technique for using a darkfield loupe, couldn't be simpler: the
gem, in its tweezers, is simply rested in the opening and viewed
at a comfortable distance. These are much more expensive than hand
loupes, but for those who need to grade gem clarity on a regular
basis, are well worth it.
Microscope :
gem microscope is similar to a biological or medical microscope
in that it is binocular, and uses compound lenses. A binocular magnifying
device has two eyepieces so that both eyes are used at once. This
is ideal for getting a good three dimensional view. In a compound
scope, there is a set of lenses close to the object being magnified
(objective lenses) and a set in the eyepieces (ocular lenses). With
this set-up, magnification is compounded, meaning that, for example,
if the objective lens is 5x and the ocular lens is 10x, the total
magnification is 50x.
scopes differ from biological scopes in that the total maximum magnification
is usually lower (about 70x as compared to as much as 1000x) and
there are more lighting options. For example, a good gem microscope
has: brightfield illumination, darkfield illumination, oblique lighting,
overhead lighting, a light diffusing system, a system for immersing
the object in liquid in a well for viewing, and a light polarizing
set up. They also generally come fitted with a pivoting stone holder.

typical gemological microscope

eyes open is best
the diagrams of the under stage areas of the microscopes below,
you can see a comparison of brightfield and darkfield illumination.
With brightfield lighting the light entering the gem comes from
below as well as from the side. The amount of light entering the
viewing area is manually controlled by an iris diaphragm, and frequently
diffused with a special frosted glass coverplate. This type of lighting
is ideal for seeing color zoning, dye concentrations, and the curved
growth bands indicative of certain types of synthetic gems.

important is overhead lighting (sometimes called reflected or incident
lighting). In this case the light source in the well of the microscope
is turned off, and an overhead light used instead. Such illumination
is excellent for examining the surface of the gem for blemishes,
and for details of the finish, such as polish and facet meets.
the two pictures below taken of the same gem (at 10x magnification)
under reflected light and darkfield. Notice how the surface features
are so much more noticeable in the first instance, and the internal
features better displayed in the second.

Can Be Seen? :
clarity characteristics of a gemstone are divided into those that
are seen on the surface (blemishes) and those in the interior (inclusions).
Blemishes and other surface features: In this category are chips,
scratches, knicks and abrasions, as well as attributes of the faceting
or lapidary process such as degree of polish, or shape and placement
of facets. A survey of the outside of the gem can yield several
important results.
1. Gems are graded for color, clarity and cut. Some of the surface
features are used in setting the gem's clarity and/or cut grades.
Surface features, in general, affect the clarity grade less than
do inclusions, but there are some important exceptions. A surface-reaching
fracture, for example, is considered a blemish, but it greatly diminishes
a gem's clarity grade because it decreases durability.
2. The surface view can yield important gem identification information.
Examples would be abraded facet junctions which give hardness clues,
or characteristic surface features like the "engine-turned"
effect that is diagnostic for elephantine ivories.
3. Telltale signs of imitation gems or gem enhancement are often
observable on a gem's surface. This would include concave facets
or mold marks as seen on glass and plastic, and dye concentrations
in surface reaching fractures.
are some examples of important surface features :

unpolished area of a Diamond girdle (a "natural") showing
"trigons" : Triangular growth marks that prove Diamond

"engine-turned" effect proving natural, specifically elephantine

surface reaching fracture in a Sapphire which substantially lowers
its clarity grade
and other internal features :
Internal clarity characteristics of a gemstone are represented by
four major groups: solids, cavities, cracks and growth phenomena.
1. Solids :
Solid material seen inside a gem is usually some type of included
Crystals can be large or small, they can have an RI similar to,
or quite different from, their host, and they can be many different
species, including the same species as the host.
Not only are the crystals likely to affect the clarity grade of
the gem, they also can be suggestive or diagnostic of its species,
enhancement status, or location of origin. Included crystals with
rounded, rather than sharp edges, can be indicative of high temperature
heating for example which might occur naturally or during certain
types of treatments.
The majority of crystals are either formed at the same time as the
gem, from other minerals present in the melt, vapors or fluids,
or pre-existing ones which the growing gem captures. Less frequently,
the crystals appear after the gem is first formed.
A noteworthy process, in this regard, is "exsolution".
It occurs after the initial formation of the gem, and involves re-crystalization
of materials which may, initially, have been dissolved in the gem.
Gems may have several stable points of temperature and pressure
at which they can crystallize. Picture a gem forming at one set
of conditions and then later being partially, or wholly, remelted
and subjected to new conditions. Rutile, for example, can be dissolved
in corundum, or exsolved. When it exsolves it crystallizes as discrete
needles. This phenomenon is used by gem treaters to add or subtract
rutile needles from sapphire at will, respectively ehancing the
potential star in a gem, or clarifying a cloudy one.
Another "after the fact" way in which crystals get into
a gem is by invasion of cracks by fluids. This is the mechanism
by which the dendrites in chalcedony form, as well as that which
is responsible for the seams of precious opal in a matrix rock.

Crystals in Spinel

Crystal in Diamond

"sheaf" in Citrine

and Prismatic Crystals in Beryl

hematite cyrstals in strawberry quartz
Cavities :
Voids within a gem can contain liquid, gas (bubbles) or solids,
and as remnants of the gem formation process, are quite often important
in determining identity or the location of origin. Since bubbles
are extremely rare in natural crystalline gems, they are very good
indicators of either amorphous gems like glass, or synthetics.
usually can be distinguished by their rounded or oblong shapes,
and their very high relief. In cases of doubt as to whether something
is a bubble or a rounded off crystal, polarized light can generally
be used to discriminate.

in Moldavite (a natural glass)

in Cubic Zirconia (a synthetic)
with both a liquid and a gas trapped inside are called "two
phase" inclusions, and those that also contain a solid crystal
are termed "three phase"inclusions. In the vast majority
of cases, two and three phase inclusions are indicative of natural

three phase inclusions in Emeralds from Chivor, Colombia

phase inclusion in Emerald
Cracks :
It's time to learn a new euphemism! Cracks, which can be either
fractures or cleavages, are, in the gem world, given the disarmingly
attractive name of "feathers". It does sound nicer, doesn't
it, to say that your gem has several feathers, rather than using
harsher (but more realistic) language?
can occur during the formation of a gemstone, perhaps as a result
of rapid heating or cooling, or through pressure or mechanical stress.
They can also occur long after the formation process, for the same
reasons. They can be entirely within the gem or can reach the surface.
some conditions such a break within a gem can act as a diffraction
grating and create a small dispersive rainbow of color, known as
a "cleavage rainbow".

rainbows in a quartz specimen with an internal fracture
rainbows in a piece of diamond rough with an internal fracture
fractures not only impair durability, they also are portals for
fluids to enter which may cause stains or, in the case of enhancement,
accept and concentrate dyes.

non-surface reaching feather within a Tourmaline

surface reaching crack in a Sapphire showing natural staining material

The fractures in these Indonesian chalcedonies have allowed iron
staining to create fortuitously meaningful patterns
that exist within a still-forming gem, can be partially healed by
penetration of growth fluids, or later by partial remelting of the
material. Such partially healed cracks often show up under magnification
as a series of tiny dots in rows or arcs. They look quite a bit
like their namesake: "fingerprints".

natural Ruby containing multiple fingerprints

of fingerprints in Kunzite

of fingerprints in Tsavorite garnet
healing process, in essence, acts like a set of tiny "spot
welds" which hold the sides together, and prevent the crack
from enlarging. For this reason, the presence of fingerprints in
a gem does not negatively affect its durability, and usually, unless
there are so many of them that they impede light, have little effect
on the gem's transparency.
knowledgeable observers are happy to see at least a small fingerprint
in a gem, as it is very strong evidence that a gem is natural rather
than synthetic! There are some inclusions in synthetic gems which
superficially look like fingerprints, but close examination by a
trained eye can usually identify them not as fingerprints, but as
remnants of the solid fluxes used in the synthesizing process.
gem ehancement processes exist whereby surface reaching feathers
in a gem can be "filled" with oils, resins or glass. The
goal here is to disquise the crack by replacing the air in it with
something closer to the gem's RI, thereby reducing its relief. This
is a standard practice for emeralds, and occasionally seen in rubies
and diamonds. Similar techiques are in use to fill the cracks caused
by "crazing" in opals. In diamonds, lasers have been used
to tunnel inside to reach internal feathers and treat them.

fractures in Emerald
Growth Phenomena :
This "catch-all" category includes visible evidence of
twinning, and other features of the gem's growth . Examples include
"swirl marks" which occur in amorphous materials, primarily
glasses, and either curved or straight growth or color zoning patterns
which may help distinguish natural from synthetic gems.
single crystal gems, curved growth lines (striae) or color patterns
always mean synthetic, whereas straight ones can be found in either
natural or synthetic gems. Growth and color zones are best observed
with diffused light or under immersion in a liquid.

marks in Moldavite, indicating glass

growth striae proving the synthetic origin of this Ruby

growth zoning in synthetic flux grown Ruby

color zoning in natural Sapphire
columnar or "chickenwire" pattern of color blocks in opal
is a sure sign of a man-made product.

and columnar opal color blocks proving man-made opal
Clarity Grading of Gems :
reality is that the clarity of gems runs as a continuum from completely
flawless to extremely highly included. Humans, though, always like
to make boundaries and put things into discrete categories, and
so it is with clarity grading of gems. Grading systems, especially
for colored stones vary widely in the exact terminology they use,
but all such systems describe at least four major categories of
clarity :
1. Flawless :
No inclusions can be seen, even at 10x magnification. Very few gems
are in this category as the geological and biological processes
which create gems usually leave some visible evidence. Some types
of laboratory synthesis processes routinely produce flawless stones,
while others yield gems with inclusions. (Flawless natural-origin
gems come at a premium price, and it would be prudent for anyone
contemplating a high value purchase of a gem without inclusions,
to have the gem certified as natural by a gemological laboratory,
as there will be no visible internal evidence as to origin.)
2. Eyeclean :
In this category, gems, as seen under the normal viewing conditions:
face up, in normal lighting, and about 12-14 inches from the viewer,
look clean. Increasing the light or turning the gem on its side
or bottom (which cuts down on reflections) may reveal visible inclusions,
though. When viewed at 10x, gems in this category range from having
few and hard to find inclusions, to having large, rather obvious
ones. To many, this is the ideal condition for a gem--> the reason
being that there are internal signs of its natural origin, yet it
still looks great.
3. Slightly Included :
Gems given this description, or some variant of it, have eye visible
inclusions or blemishes, but they do not notably spoil the beauty
of the gem, nor markedly degrade its durability. Some types of gem
materials are rarely found with greater clarity than this: examples
would be emeralds and many red and pink tourmalines. Often gems
with visible inclusions are good bargains as they can still look
very nice, but are usually available for lower per carat prices
than those of higher clarity.
4. Included :
This category covers the gems with such overtly visible or numerous
inclusions as to moderately to severely impair beauty or durability.
Usually only very rare collector gems, or extremely inexpensive
pieces are acceptable in this condition.
These four main groupings can be subdivided into a larger number
of groups by using terms and phrases like: "very slightly",
"moderately", "almost", "better than",
just short of", etc., to modify the main terms. So, for example,
a colored gem that has few and tiny eye visible inclusions might
be called "very, very, slightly included" while one that
has only one or two barely findable inclusions under 10x might be
termed "better than eyeclean" or perhaps "just short
of flawless at 10x".
Colored Stones vs Diamonds :
Colored stones are frequently clarity graded with the naked eye,
and to less exacting standards than are diamonds. GIA, for example,
uses seven categories for colored stone grading, while with diamonds,
which are clarity graded at 10x, eleven different clarity groupings
are made.
Within colored stones, the standards for clarity vary by species.
Some types of gems occur commonly with few inclusions, while other
types generally have many. Emeralds are an example of a gem that
rarely, if ever, is found in clarity greater than eyeclean, while
amethyst is often quite clean, even at 10x. Emerald clarity, therefore,
is usually graded on a less rigorous scale than that used for amethyst.
The inclusions that rate a clarity of: slightly included for an
emerald, might generate a grade of "moderately included"
for an amethyst.
a species, then, the grade is set, by the overall number, position
and type of inclusions. Those that affect beauty or durability will
be the most important. Examples of inclusions or blemishes which
have a minor impact on grade would be: a group of tiny crystals
located under a bezel facet where reflections make them hard to
see, a poorly polished table, or color zoning which cannot be seen
face up. (In general, blemishes have slight impact on the clarity
grade due to the fact that a gem can be repolished or recut to remove
them). Examples of serious inclusions would be: a surface reaching
fracture, especially on the girdle or crown (where the gem is subject
to the greatest stresses), a "reflector inclusion" (one
whose position causes light reflections to create multiple images
of it) or a "stab in the heart" (an inclusion clearly
visible through the table of the gem).

single "reflector" inclusion which appears, by reflection,
to be many, in a Diamond

black "stab in the heart" inclusion visible through this
Sunstone's table. (near center, right)
Exception to the Rules :
A notable exception to the way in which gems are clarity graded
would be in the case of those gems whose visible inclusions create
its value, rarity, or beauty. In that case, only the surrounding
gem material is clarity graded. In the photos below, we see two
such cases: the "trapiche" emeralds with their black "cog-wheel"
inclusions are rare collectors items, and so the clarity grading
would be done in regards to the green areas only, the "confetti"
sunstone is desirable primarily due to its glittery hematite particles
which flash gold, red and blue, so the clarity grade speaks to only
other, extraneous, inclusions that might be present.

