word Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning "wheel" or "disc".
In the ancient Yog systems of India, the word Chakra described
a spinning vortex of energy in the subtle body. Although, generally
it is believed that there are seven Chakras, according to Kundalini
meditation and Aghori theory, there are nine Chakras.
nine Chakras are arranged vertically along the spine and abundant
energy pathways or channels are present, called Nadis (from the
term nad which means a hollow stalk) that intersect at these Chakras.
are a total of 72000 Nadis or subtle channels of energy coming
out from the spinal cord. The main Nadis among them are the Surya
Nadi, Chandra Nadi, Ida, Pingla and the Susushmna. The Ida Nadi
runs adjoining to the left side of the spinal cord and the Pingala
Nadi runs close to the right side of it. The third major Nadi
is the Sushumna flows inside the central canal of the spinal cord.
The Chakras are sometimes referred to as lotuses, since they open
and close like a flower, and in the yogic system they are represented
with varied number of petals, ranging from four at the base Chakra
to 1000 at the crown. They can be stimulating and awakened by
yogic practices like asanas (Yog postures), breathing, and meditation.
When motivated, they create latent forces, which awaken the power
to triumph over disease, decay and finally, according to the ancient
yogis, death as well.
seven upper chakras, from lowest to highest :
• Base Chakra / Mooladhar chakra (base of spine):
memory, time and space;
• Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthan chakra (below navel): reason;
• Solar plexus / Manipur chakra (solar plexus): willpower;
• Heart Chakra / anahat chakra (heart center): direct cognition;
• Throat Chakra / Vishuddh chakra (throat): divine love;
• minds eye / ajna chakra (third eye): divine sight;
• crown chakra / Sahastrar chakra (crown of head): illumination,
seven lower chakras, from highest to lowest :
• atal chakra (hips): fear and lust;
• vital chakra (thighs): raging anger;
• sutal chakra (knees): retaliatory jealousy;
• talatal chakra (calves): prolonged mental confusion;
• rasatal chakra (ankles): selfishness;
• mahatal chakra (feet): absence of conscience;
• Patal chakra (located in the soles of the feet): murder
and malice
The Mooladhara Chakra :
The Mooladhara is the first primary chakra according
to Hindu and Yog tradition. The Mooladhar Chakra is the seat of
the coiled Kundalini, the vital Shakti, or Female energy force.
This foundation chakra is the root of all growth and awareness
of the divinity of man. Mooladhar is positioned just below the
tip of the tailbone, just above the anus.
known as the root chakra it is associated with Physical identity,
oriented to self-preservation. This chakra forms our foundation.
It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our
survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection
to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings
us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. Mooladhar
is the chakra that draws down spiritual energy, causing it to
assume a physical existence.
is the base from which the 3 main psychic channels or nadis- ida,
pingala and Sushumna, emerge. Within this chakra resides/sleeps
the Kundalini Shakti, the great spiritual potential, waiting to
be aroused and brought back up to the source from which it originated,
associated with this chakra are red, yellow, and golden. It could
be considered the bliss centre for physical body.
Svadhishthana chakra :
This is the second chakra, also called the Jupiter Chakra
or Sacral Chakra. It is located on the spine near the genitals.
It is the center of sexuality, passion, and the creation of life.
Chakra is located within the Sushumna Nadi at the root of the
reproductory organ. This corresponds to Bhuvar Loka. This has
control over the lower abdomen, kidneys, etc., in the physical
body. The Jala Mandal or the region of water-Apa Tattva resides
in this chakra. Within this Chakra there is a space like a crescent
moon or the form of a conch or Kund flower. The presiding deity
of this chakra is Lord Brahma and Devata is Goddess Rakini. The
colour of the Chakra is pure blood-like red or the colour of Sindur
(vermilion). From this centre six Yog Nadis emanate, which appear
like the petals of a lotus.
who concentrates at this Chakra and meditates on the Devta has
no fear of water. He has perfect control over the water element.
He gets many psychic powers, intuitional knowledge and a perfect
control over his senses. He has full knowledge of the astral entities.
Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moha, Mad, Matsary and other impure qualities
are completely annihilated. The Yogi becomes the conqueror of
death (Mrityunjay).
Manipura Chakra :
The third chakra is the Manipura chakra or Nabhi. It
means Lusterous Gem or "the city of jewels" in Sanskrit.
According to Hindu tradition it is positioned at the naval region.
It has ten petals, which match the vrittis of spiritual ignorance,
thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness
and sadness. This Chakra is yellow in color.
chakra plays an important role both in the physical and spiritual
realm. It functions as an Auric energy generator. It`s function
is Will and Power. The verb associated with the 3rd chakra is
"I can". The Shakti in this chakra is Lakshmi Maa. Lakshmi
Ma is the goddess of spiritual prosperity. Manipur chakra has
ten major nadis, functioning at different levels to help the Sadhaka
to achieve his or her goals. These nadis have dual role to play,
one on the physical level and the other at the psychic and spiritual
the chakra is activated, it provides many psychic powers like
the Knowledge of subtle energies, and eradication of phobias like
the fear of fire, it evokes the knowledge of the cosmic plane,
and the power to understand the physical problems of others, provides
knowledge of stars and the world beyond, and also balanced inner
elements, such as Water, Earth and Fire, it acts as a Healing
touch, and knowledge of the body and provides the power to control
hunger and thirst.
Anahata Chakra :
Anahata or the Heart Chakra is the fourth primary chakra
according to the Hindu and the Tantric traditions. The word anahata,
in Sanskrit, means unhurt, un-struck and unbeaten. Anahata Nad
refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound, the sound of the
celestial realm. The function of this chakra is Love. It`s element
is Air.
at the heart region, this chakra is represented as a green flower
with twelve petals of red or white hue, while the central part
is a smoky color, which match the vrittis of lust, fraud, indecision,
repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence,
discrimination and defiance.
fourth centre, the anahat, is very significant, because it is
in the heart that for the first time you were related to your
mother. It was through the heart that you were related to your
mother, not through the head. In deep love, in deep orgasm, again
you are related through the heart, not through the head. In meditation,
in prayer, the same happens: you are related with existence through
the heart - heart-to-heart.
Kundalini Yog, anahata is awoken and balanced through practices
including asanas, pranayam, and the practice of Ajap Jap or repetition
of a sacred mantra.
Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance, this chakra is called
the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven.
It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the
psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego
and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel
compassion, and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness -
our heart and our love.
Vishuddh Chakra :
The Yantra of Vishuddh Chakra is a silver crescent within
a white circle shining as a full moon surrounded by sixteen petals.
The silver crescent is the symbol of nada, pure cosmic sound.
The crescent is symbolic of purity, and purification is a vital
aspect of Vishuddh Chakra.
known as the Vishuddhi, it is the fifth primary chakra according
to Hindu tradition. Vishuddh is positioned at the neck region
and it has sixteen petals. It is associated with the faculty of
higher discrimination, between choosing what is right and wrong,
and it is associated with creativity and self-expression. It is
known as the `poison and nectar` centre, closely related to the
Bindu chakra. The secret of immortality is said to reside there.
When Vishuddh is closed, we undergo decay and death. When it is
open, negative experience is transformed into wisdom and learning.
In Kundalini yog, Vishuddh can be opened and balanced through
practices including asanas, pranayam and various mudraas.
the psychic level, Vishuddh governs expression, inspiration in
speech eloquence and perception of archetypal models. On a physical
level, it controls the activity of the vocal cords, of the hearings,
of the pharynx. This chakra is the symbol of sound, dreams and
effects of meditating on this chakra are: calmness, serenity,
pleasant voice, awakening of the artistic inspiration, capacity
to interpret correctly, understanding the secret language of the
messages in ones dreams.
Ajna Chakra :
The word Ajna means, "Command". It is the chakra
of intuitive wisdom. It challenges us to open the mind, develop
an impersonal mind and avoid artificial or false truths. Ajna
or Bow chakra has two petals and is associated with the tattwa
of Manas or Mind, which is beyond even the subtlest elements.
It is said to be white in colour.
sixth primary chakra according to the Hindu tradition is positioned
at the eyebrow region. Ajna chakra is the location of the third
eye, which is the conscience. The two physical eyes see the past
and the present, while the third eye reveals the insight of the
future. Ajna is considered the chakra of the mind. When something
is seen in the mind`s eye, or in a dream, it is being `seen` by
kundalini Yog, different practices are said to stimulate the Ajna
chakra, including Trataka (steady gazing), Shambhavi Mudra (gazing
at the space between the eyebrows), and some forms of Pranayam
(breath exercises).
is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion. Forgiveness is the
power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover,
in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. It is
the one that dissolves all our conditionings, ego, habits, false
ideas of racialism, and all our misidentifications.
the sixth chakra is active, consciousness and unconsciousness
merge and whatever gulf there was beforehand is permanently abolished.
Integration becomes complete and a person sees himself as the
union of selves.
Sahastrar Chakra :
Sahastrar, meaning thousand, is the "Lotus of the
Thousand Petals", located four fingerbreadths above the crown
of the head. It is also called Brahma-randhra. It is the meeting
place of Kundalini Shakti and Shiv. Immortality is achieved within
Sahastrar Chakra. Before attaining to this chakra the yogi is
unable to reach the unconscious conscious state called asama-prajnata-samadhi.
Blockage manifests as psychological problems.
is the most sublime chakra, relating to pure consciousness, of
the Hindu tradition. Sahastrar chakra symbolizes detachment from
illusion; an essential element in obtaining supramental consciousness
of the truth that one is all and all is one. It is from this chakra
that all the other chakras emanate. When a yogi is able to raise
his or her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point,
the state of samadhi, or union with god, is experienced.
fire, or sight in its finest essence, the yogi becomes illuminated
like the sun. His aura of light is continually radiant. The yogi
attains supremacy over prana, which becomes so subtle that all
of the prana (life force) within his body is said to be thumb-sized.
Happiness: Arises when a proper balance in body, psyche, and mind
is established.
is attained within Sahastrar Chakra. When the Kundalini is raised
up to Sahastrar Chakra, the illusion of "individual self"
is dissolved. The yogi becomes realized, one with the cosmic principles
that govern the entire universe within the body. When developed,
this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual
connection, and bliss.
seven principal chakras can be seen psychically as colorful, multi-petaled
wheels or lotuses. They are situated along the spinal cord from
the base to the cranial chamber.
Chakras :
There are seven chakras, barely visible, exist below
the spine. They are seats of instinctive consciousness, the origin
of jealousy, hatred, envy, guilt, sorrow, etc. They constitute
the lower or hellish world, called Narak or Patal. These are Atal
Chakra, Vital Chakra, Sutal Chakra, Talatal Chakra, Rasatal Chakra,
Mahatal Chakra, Patal Chakra etc.
lower three Chakras are for the ordinary, the Adhibhautik; the
upper three are for the spiritual, the Adhyatmika. These three
Chakras are within the head, and they permit the immortals to
remain in their bodies, if they can retain the Almighty`s grace.
They can only be experienced after the Kundalini is fully awakened.
The above-mentioned six Chakras are known as the Mooladhar, in
the perineum. Then comes the Svadhishthan in the pubic region,
the Manipur at the navel, the Anahata near the heart, the Vishuddh
in the throat, and the Ajna in the center of the forehead and
then to the Sahastrar.
lotus is used as a symbol for purity in regard to the Nine Chakras,
because despite of living in mud it is not soiled by the mud but
rises above it. Thus the lotus justifies the theory of Maya Shakti.
Each petal of the lotus is a separate Bij Mantra for that particular
Chakra. The concept of Nine Chakras is closely associated with
the practice of Kundalini Yog and raising awareness above each
of the Chakras make a difference in the spiritual status of the