In Wadhwan at Dr. Ambashankar's house there is a small open cupboard (Gokhla) near water platform (paniyara) in which there was Mavdi Maa's seat and near it there is Bahuchar Maa's seat.

In memory of Mavdi Maa every year in Mahashankar's family three Gorni and Brahmin's were invited for Lunch. It was a tradition but, no one knew about the time from which she was there but when Trambaklal was about 15 years old in year 1929 Mavdi Maa suddenly appeard and told every one her history.

Once during the evening time Arti was offered to Mata ji and she appeard in Kesar Ba's body and said to every one that today my 100 years are completing in this Pret Yoni (Ghost World) and now because I have been chanting Govinds name for last 100 years I have been appointed as God's Angel and now I am leaving but, you must go to Siddhpur to leave me there and do the necessary rituals.

She said that even though I am going as God's angel I will look after you all and whenever any one is in trouble if that person remembers me and utters Govind I will come to help him/her their problem. At that time she also said that her name was Narmada and she had died within 10 days of her marriage because she had gone to fetch water from a well and her leg got entangled in the rope and she fell in the well and died.


Miracles :

Incident - 1 :


Ambashankar's eldest daughter Rambha Ben lived in Karachi with her husband laxmishankar. The lived in a lohar (blacksmith's) house on rent and that person died and possessed Rambha ben. At that time her father worked in military hospital of Baroda and in Baroda at his place Rambha ben's behavior suddenly changed and she said that (the black smith inside her) I have come from Karachi. I could not cross the sea so, I sat on the shoulder of my Kul Devi Goddess Meldi Maa and have come here and I am going to take life of this lady (Rambha Ben).

A milk man who came to know about this gave her a thread charged with holy mantras and told her to wear it around her neck after wearing that thread the blacksmith's soul could not harass her but, when she came to Wadhwan the thread broke one evening when she was combing her hair. The Ghost of that Blacksmith re-entered her body so, the family called a Muslim Saint (Pir) from Surendranagar to remove the ghost. At that time our neighbor Pachan ji Jhala Taunted that when you have Mataji (Mavdi Maa) in your home and every year you offer her 3 Gorni and Brahmin and still you have to call a Muslim Exhausts then what is your Mataji for? At that time the Muslim Saint Sai Mir said that my power is so great that not only this ghost but, I can even remove Mataji from your house. The moment he said that he himself started to slap himself and taking all his things went away in haste.

On that very day in the evening at the arti time when the Diya Arti was done Mataji possessed Kesar faiba (Ambashankar's sister) and said that it was I who had Slapped the Muslim Pir and the Garasiya had Taunted me so, I have appeard. I have been sitting in this Pret Yoni (Ghost World) and since last 100 years I have been chanting Govind and so, I have got such power that I can remove the Blacksmith's soul and I have appeard to help this daughter so, do not worry and she removed the soul of that Black smith forever and said that the Blacksmith had crossed the river by sitting on the shoulder of Meldi and the Meldi wants to now sit in our home so, she said to every one not to eat any food offered to Meldi (Prasad) if done so then she will again come in the house and sit in the house from that time onwards no one in the family eat's Meldi's Prasad.

She also said that the place (Gokhla) should be closed immediately as in that Gokhla Meldi wanted to sit.

As there was a delay in closing the Gokhla the other person sat inside it who was Morarji's wife and mother of Vadilal, Dr. Ambashankar, Harishankar, Gaurishankar, Keshavlal and Pradyum.

At that time Dr. Ambashankar was on leave and wanted to retire from his job but, Mavdi Maa said that you have a good chance ahead in your service and so don't retire as a result Ambashankar did not retire and in future immediately was given promotion as a Lieutenant and was given 500 Rs. increment and 1000 Rs. for uniform then, he went to Devlali and Trichnapali and after retirement he got pension of Rs. 250.


Incident - 2 :


There was another incident about Vadilal who had come from Africa. In the year 1929 one afternoon he suddenly had loose motion and became very serious. The Doctors had lost the hope, at that time Mavdi Maa possessed Kesar faiba (Ambashankar's sister) and kept on staring at Vadilal. At that time Godaveri Bhabu (Dr. Ambashankar's wife) taunted that your son is suffering and you are just staring at him so, Mataji said that Vadilal does not ask me to save him and so, Godaveri Bhabu said that is it necessary that the Son should ask for help and are you not having pity on him.

At that time Kesar Faiba who was possessed by Mavdi Maa told Rukshmani Ba (Vadilal's Wife) to fetch a glass (loto) of water and told Vadilal to drink it and after that he was saved and enjoyed full live and died at the age of 87.


Incident - 3 :


Mulshankar's mother Bhabu was possessed by a Bhangdi (a female person belonging to schedule caste) and to remove her they had even gone to Miradatar. In Wadhwan they went to Butmata ji's place but, it did not go, at that time our Mavdi Maa saved her.


Incident - 4 :


Labshankar's elder son Ramesh who was in Mumbai while traveling in a local train fell down on railway track and at time another train was passing on the same track at full speed. At that moment he uttered Mavdi Maa save me and the whole train passed on the tracks where he was laying near-by and after the train passed on him he stood up without a scratch and thanked Mavdi Maa for saving his life.

According to Trambaklal V. Vyas when he was 15 years old Mavdi Maa -1 reveled herself and said that she had been uttering God Goving's name since last 100 years. Trambaklal was born on 1914 A.D. hence, the below given calculation shows that in which year the incident had happened and that she was Dallaji's wife.


Assumption :


Approximate Age Difference and Approximate Date Of Birth.

No. Name Approximate Age Difference Approximate Date Of Birth
Dalla ji
Karsan ji
Morar ji
Total Years

Another example is that when Mavdi Maa 1 reviled herself Trambaklal was 15 years old and he was born on 1914 hence 1914 + 15 = 1929 (year when mavdi maa 1 reveled herself) now, if we deduct 100 years (100 years Mavdi Maa 1 uttered Lord Govind's name) we get 1929 - 100 = 1829.

Date of birth of Dalla ji comes to around 1814 now, 1814 - 1829 = 15 so, we assume that Dalla ji got married at the age of 15 to Mavdi Maa 1.

If we again go deep in this theory an important point is that Mahashankar's wife became Sati so, she cant be Mavdi Maa 1 and the above calculations don't match with Mahashankars sons so, it can be said that Dalla ji's wife was Amrut and she was Mavdi Maa 1.