The universe is made up of mainly 3 things. Minerals, Gases and Light.


Minerals :


Paul Karason

Paul Karason who turned blue after taking silver for a skin condition died at the age of 62 after suffering from a heart attack before contracting pneumonia and having a severe stroke at a Washington state hospital.


Karason known as "Papa Smurf" became famous in 2008 when he appeared on NBC's "Today" show to talk about his condition, known as argyria.


He had revealed his skin turned blue as a side effect of consuming a silver compound for more than 10 years to treat a bad case of dermatitis on his face.


To try and counteract the color change, he also claimed he had self-medicated doses of colloidal silver, a suspension of silver in a liquid base.


Silver, which has antibacterial properties, was used to fight infection until the 1930s when penicillin was found to be more effective.


The FDA banned it being used in over the counter medicines in 1999 because of its link to argyria, which resulted when the silver reacted with light collected in the skin.


Uses of Silver :

Pharmaceuticals :


Silver is leading a revolution in technology and medicine. The white metal's unique bacteria-fighting qualities are becoming more and more critical in healing conditions ranging from severe burns to Legionnaires Disease. In fact, the most powerful treatment for burns is silver sulfadiazine, which is used in every hospital in North America to promote healing and reduce infection. Everything from surgical threads to bandages and dressings to doctors' coats and catheters are utilizing silver. In hospitals and homes, silver in ductwork provides maximum sterile atmosphere.


Electrical :


Silver is the best electrical conductor of all metals. Because it does not corrode, its use in electrical and motor control switches is universal. A fully-equipped automobile may have over 40 silver-tipped switches to start the engine, activate power steering, brakes, windows, mirrors, locks and other electrical accessories.


Chemical Catalyst :

Silver is also one of the few elements that improve the efficiency of chemical reactions. It is the only catalyst that will oxidize ethylene gas into ethylene oxide, the building block for polyester textiles used for clothing and specialty fabrics, and melded items like computer keyboards, electrical control knobs, domestic appliance components and Mylar tape used for all audio, VCR and recording tapes. Nanotechnology applications using silver are growing in computers, communications, miniature motors and switches.


Reflectants :


Silvered windshields in homes, cars and office buildings reflect away some 70% of the solar energy that would otherwise pass through, thus reducing the load on air conditioners. The U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Star Program has spurred 50% increase in silver-coated glass in past six years, translating to 350 million square feet of glass, or five million ounces of silver per year.


Industrial :


Silver is the ideal industrial material. No other metal has silver's combined strength, malleability and ductility, or facilitates electrical and thermal conductivity as well, or can reflect light and endure such extreme temperature changes. Jet engines of today and tomorrow can depend on silver-coated bearings for their performance and safety. All major jet engine manufacturers utilize these high-performance silver bearings, which provide critical fail-safe lubrication required by the Federal Aviation Administration.


Printed Circuitry :


Printed circuit boards (PCBs) use silver for connecting paths of electronic circuitry. PCBs are essential to the electronics that control the operation of aircraft, automobile engines, electrical appliances, security systems, telecommunication networks, mobile telephones, television receivers. Most computer keyboards use silver membrane switches.


Superconductors :


These low-current switches are also found in control panels of cable television, telephones, and devices using digital electronics. Superconductivity is the power transmission of the future and silver makes it faster and more effective. Silver-jacketed superconducting oxide wires can carry more than 140 times the electric load of copper wire with less than 1 percent of the weight. This wire utilizes about 1,000 ounces of silver per mile. Silver already improves performance at lighter weights and size in cables, motors, generators and transformers. Silver oxide-zinc batteries provide higher voltages and longer life for such consumer goods as quartz watches, cameras, and electronic tools.


Electroplating :


The ease of electrode position of silver accounts for silver's widespread use in coating. The plating thickness of some items, such as fuse caps, is less than one micron although the silver then tarnishes more easily. Coatings of two to seven microns are normal for heavy duty electrical equipment. Silver plating is used in a wide variety of applications from Christmas Tree ornaments to cutlery and hollowware.


Brazing & Soldering :


Silver facilitates the joining of materials (called brazing when done at temperatures above 600oCelsius and soldering when below) and produces naturally smooth, leak-tight and corrosion-resistant joints. Silver brazing alloys are used widely in applications ranging from air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment to power distribution equipment in the electrical engineering sector. It is also used in the automobile and aerospace industries.


Coins :


Silver, being a rare and noble metal, was a more desirable medium of exchange than beads, feathers, shells, and the like. Its use as a medium of exchange is known throughout all recorded history. Coins, in the sense of having an authenticating stamp on them, began to appear in the eastern Mediterranean during 550 B.C. By 269 B.C. Rome adopted silver as part of its standard coinage. Silver became the trading medium for merchants throughout the civilized world. (Gold being reserved for governments and the wealthy.)


Today silver coins continue to be the medium of exchange wherever paper is not acceptable, for example, in parts of Africa and the Middle East. One example of a trade coin is the Empress Maria Theresia Taler, first minted in Austria in 1741. It was standardized in 1780 as 28 grams and 833/1000 silver (the remainder copper). Some 370 million of these 1780 dated coins have been minted up to 1996 and a large proportion remains in circulation today.


Photography :


Although a wide variety of other technology is available, silver-based photography will retain its pre-eminence due to its superior definition and low cost. From it's very outset, silver halide has been the material that records what is to be seen in the photograph. As little as 4 photons of light activate silver halides which amplify that incident light by a factor of one billion times. In today's photography, silver halides are coupled with dyes that bring the color of the world around us into permanent record. An estimated 196 million troy ounces of silver were used worldwide in 2003 for photographic purpose.


Silverware & Jewelry :


Silver possesses working qualities similar to gold but enjoys greater reflectivity and can achieve the most brilliant polish of any metal. To make it durable for jewelry, however, pure silver (999 fineness) is often alloyed with small quantities of copper. In many countries, Sterling Silver (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper) is the standard for silverware and has been since the 14th century.


Mirrors & Coatings :


Silver is also the best reflector of visible light known, but silver mirrors must be given a protective coating to prevent them from tarnishing. Silver's unique optical reflectivity, and its property of being virtually 100% reflective after polishing, allows it to be used both in mirrors and in coatings for glass, cellophane or metals. Everyone is accustomed to silvered mirrors. What is new is invisible silver, a transparent coating of silver on double pane thermal windows. This coating not only rejects the hot summer sun, but also reflects inward internal house heat. A new double layer of silver on glass marketed as "low E squared" is sweeping the window market as it reflects away almost 95% of the hot rays of the sun, creating a new level of household energy savings. Over 250 million square feet of silver- coated glass is used for domestic windows in the U.S. yearly and much more for silver coated polyester sheet for retrofitting windows.

Solar Energy :


Silver paste is used in 90 percent of all crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, which are the most common solar cell, according to the Photovoltaic Technology Division of the U.S. Department of Energy. And all silicon cells used in space to power satellites use silver in the form of evaporated metal to make the electrical contact. The electricity generated by photovoltaic cells is highly reliable. As soon as sunlight strikes, power begins to flow. Sunlight striking silicon cells generates electrons, which the silver conductors collect to become a useful electric current. The conductive silver, which also enhances reflection of the sunlight, is applied in the form of a glass paste with a minimum of 90 percent silver along the top and across the bottom of the silicon crystal. When fired, the silver forms a complete circuit collecting solar energy and conducting it to the power supply line. A group of roofing-tile solar cells can generate sufficient power to provide a house and also fill batteries to supply power after dark. Silver plays yet another role in the collection of solar energy: efficient reflection of solar heat. Silver is the best reflector of thermal energy (after gold).


Water Purification :


An increasing trend is the millions of on-the-counter and under-the-counter water purifiers that are sold each year in the United States to rid drinking water of bacteria, chlorine, trihalo methane’s, lead, particulates, and odor. Here silver is used to prevent the buildup of bacteria and algae in the filters. Of the billions of dollars spent yearly in the U.S. for drinking water purification systems, over half make advantageous use of the bactericidal properties of silver. New research has shown that the catalytic action of silver, in concert with oxygen, provides a powerful sanitizer, virtually eliminating the need for the use of corrosive chlorine.


Minerals / Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi :


Now, if we observe this carefully the color of Lord Vishnu is considered Blue this means that we can compare him with element silver. His wife is Laxmi which is Goddess of wealth.


Silver and other precious metals and gemstones come under category of minerals.


Gases :


Hydrogen :


Hydrogen and Helium were almost the only types of atoms formed in Big Bang. Hydrogen is the most common and abundant element in the universe. The heavier elements were originally made from hydrogen atoms or from other elements that were originally made from hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen is estimated to make up more than 90 percent of all the atoms, three quarters of the mass of the universe. This element plays an important part in powering the universe through both the proton-proton reaction and carbon-nitrogen cycle. Stellar hydrogen fusion processes release massive amounts of energy by combining hydrogen to form helium.


Helium :


Helium is the second lightest element in the known universe. It is also the second most abundant. According to some estimates helium accounts for as much as 24 percent of the Universe’s mass. This element is also plentiful since it is a prime product of fusion nuclear reactions involving hydrogen.


The problem is that just because an element is common in the universe at large does not mean that it is common on Earth. Helium is an element that fits this scenario. Helium only accounts for 0.00052% of the Earth’s atmosphere and the majority of the helium harvested comes from beneath the ground being extracted from minerals or tapped gas deposits. This makes it one of the rarest elements of any form on the planet.


Hydrogen has 1 electron and Helium has 2.


Approximately 73% of the mass of the visible universe is in the form of hydrogen. Helium makes up about 25% of the mass, and everything else represents only 2%. While the abundance of these more massive ("heavy",A > 4) elements seems quite low, it is important to remember that most of the atoms in our bodies and Earth are a part of this small portion of the matter of the universe. The low-mass elements, hydrogen and helium, were produced in the hot, dense conditions of the birth of the universe itself. The birth, life, and death of a star is described in terms of nuclear reactions. The chemical elements that make up the matter we observe throughout the universe were created in these reactions.


Approximately 15 billion years ago the universe began as an extremely hot and dense region of radiant energy, the Big Bang. Immediately after its formation, it began to expand and cool. The radiant energy produced quark-anti quarks and electron-positrons, and other particle-antiparticle pairs. However, as the particles and antiparticles collided in the high energy gas, they would annihilate back into electromagnetic energy. As the universe expanded the average energy of the radiation became smaller. Particle creation and annihilation continued until the temperature cooled enough that pair creation became no longer energetically possible.


At present Hydrogen Bomb made is the most powerful bomb and can be compared with the destruction form of Lord Shiv.


Hydrogen is made of Hydrogen Isotope (Isotopes of an element have the same atomic number but different atomic mass. This is due to different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. Some isotopes of an element may be stable, others radioactive / An isotope is 2 or more atoms with the same amount of protons, but different amounts of neutrons. They are a differing form of a single element.


For example, Carbon 12 and Carbon 14 are both isotopes of carbon, one with 6 neutrons and one with 8 neutrons (both with 6 protons)) known as Ditirium and has 1 proton and 1 neutron (normal hydrogen has 1 proton). Hydrogen bomb use method known as Fusion which opposite of Fission (splitting atoms) in Fusion you are pushing atoms together to make bigger atoms. When Hydrogen is Super heated to millions of degrees Celsius atoms go crazy and fly around hitting each other and when they do they fuse together to form Helium. This releases a lot of energy this happens very quickly and then it explodes.

Gases / Lord Shiv Goddess Parvati :


Hydrogen and Helium can be called as Shiv (destruction) and Shakti (energy).


Light :


It is only light which travels in vacuum and space is made of vacuum.


Light / Lord Brahma / Cosmic Rays :


High-energy-particles coming from space are known as cosmic rays. This typically includes photons (high-energy light), electrons, protons, and some heavier nuclei, as well as antimatter particles. About 90% of cosmic rays are protons, 9% are alpha particles, and the rest are other particles.


Cosmic rays on the other hand, have nothing to do with the electromagnetic radiation. Cosmic rays are in fact high energy charged particles consisting mainly protons and atomic nuclei (98%) and electrons (about 2%). Some cosmic rays have energies a billion times greater than those that can be achieved in particle accelerators. In general, most cosmic rays reaching the earth are of lower energy. The key to the high energies possessed by cosmic rays are in their high velocities - a very small mass travelling at very high velocity still posses very high kinetic energy.


Cosmic rays are energetic charged subatomic particles, originating from outer space, that impinge on Earth's atmosphere. They may produce secondary particles that may penetrate to the Earth's surface, and deeper. Cosmic rays are the same particles that are stable (non-radioactive) components of the types of atoms that normally occur on Earth, i.e. protons, atomic nuclei, or electrons. Cosmic rays thus resemble the particles that circulate inside particle accelerators, although cosmic ray energies may be far higher. The term ray comes from the early days of radiation research, when a directed stream of any ionizing radiation was termed a "ray" (example, alpha rays).


A cosmic ray is a high speed particle either an atomic nucleus or an electron that travels throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, including the solar system. Some of these particles originate from the Sun, but most come from sources outside the solar system and are known as galactic cosmic rays (GCRs).


The velocity of cosmic rays can go from a small fraction of the speed of light up to about .999999999999 times the speed of light.


The composition of cosmic rays is important because these rays are a direct sample of matter from outside the solar system and contain elements that are much too rare to be seen in spectroscopic lines from other stars. They also provide important information on the chemical evolution of the universe.


Cosmic rays are sub-atomic particles that are moving at a good fraction of the speed of light. If you slow them down to "collect and store" them, they look just like the matter that makes up you, me, and the rest of the Earth. If you want them moving at high velocities, a particle accelerator can generate many more than you could easily capture and store (although cosmic rays can get up to much higher energies than the biggest particle accelerators on Earth can generate).


It is said that Lord Brahma emerged from Navel from Vishnu. If we read above the uses of silver we find “Silver is also the best reflector of visible light known, but silver mirrors must be given a protective coating to prevent them from tarnishing”.


This means Brahma was reflected from the navel of Vishnu. It is said that Brahma created Universe by slowing of cosmic rays and storing them. Hence, God say you are what I am.


Photons / Goddess Saraswati :


Photons are tiny little particles of light, far too small to see individually. All light is made of photons. The earliest photons probably appeared about fifteen billion years ago, during the Big Bang. Unlike electrons and quarks, photons have no mass, so they can travel at the speed of light (about 186,000 miles per second) - that's why we call it the speed of light.


Photons behave in some ways like particles, little bits of stuff, and in other ways like waves. It's not just visible sunlight that is made of photons, but a lot of other kinds of waves like radio waves, television broadcasts, x-rays, and the ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) rays that give you sunburns. The difference between light and these other kinds of waves depends on the size of the wave - the wavelength. Very short waves are x-rays and ultraviolet rays, that cause sunburn. Visible light like sunlight is made of medium-length waves. Radio and television waves are very long waves. But all of these rays are made of photons.


Radioactivity, Ida, Pingla and Shushumna :


Scientists eventually identified several distinct types of radiation, the particles resulting from radioactive decays. The three types of radiation were named after the first three letters of the Greek alphabet: (alpha), (beta), and (gamma).


Alpha particles are helium nuclei (2 p, 2 n).

Beta particles are speedy electrons.

Gamma radiation is a high-energy photon.

These three forms of radiation can be distinguished by a magnetic field since :

• The positively-charged alpha particles curve in one direction,

• The negatively-charged beta particles curve in the opposite direction and

• The electrically-neutral gamma radiation doesn't curve at all.

Alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper, beta particles by aluminum, and gamma radiation by a block of lead. Gamma radiation can penetrate very far into a material, and so it is gamma radiation that poses the most danger when working with radioactive materials, although all types of radiation are very dangerous. Sadly, it took scientists many years to realize the perils of radioactivity.


Ida is female (electrons, beta) energy, pingla is Male energy (protons, alpha) and the kundalini energy travels through shushumna (gamma waves which travels straight).


The speed of Frequency (hertz) is 299 792 458 meters per second.


The speed of Light is 299 792 458 meters per second.