traumatic 5th century :
The nobles and Zoroastrian priests gradually increase their power
at the expense of the kings. The Church of the East breaks away
from Orthodox Christianity - and becomes acceptable. The Hephthalites
menace the eastern parts of the empire, and inflict a series of
defeats on king Peroz.
known as the "White Huns" - their precise relation to
previous invading nomadic groups such as the Yuezhi, Chionites and
the Xiongnu is not fully clear. Nor is it even certain whether they
were Iranian or Turkic or Mongolian. Greek writers use "Hun"
as a sort of all-purpose term for nomadic invaders from the steppes
(much as they'd used "Scythian" earlier). So, like the
Greeks, we'll use "Hephthalite" for this latest batch
of "Huns" who now start threatening the Sasanian/Kushan
territories in Bactria and Sogdia, between the Caspian and the Hindu
Huns from about AD 370 had built up a huge empire, and, under Attila
who became their leader in AD 434, were to terrorise the Roman empire.
The approximate extent of the Hun empire of Attila in AD 450
because of the Avestan "kay" meaning king. The Kayanians
had replaced the Achaemenids in Iranian folk-memory since the Parthians.
the Roman empire had been divided between the two sons of Theodosius
I, Arcadius and Honorius, in AD 396, the eastern half became known
as Byzantium, and its people people Byzantines. This was after the
old name of Constantinople, Byzantium. Eastern sources tended to
call it "Rum".
and music :
was invented in Iran - the huge main square in Isfahan was originally
a polo ground. Bahram V is credited by the Shahnameh of introducing
the ancestors of the Gipsies from India to entertain with their
singing and dancing.
support :
as it sounds! Peroz was governor of remote Seistan, and the Hephthalites
in nearby Bactria were doubtless happy to oblige.
Byzantine emperor Zeno supposedly paid for Peroz's ransom: he wanted
Persia to be too weak to attack him, but strong enough to provide
a buffer against the Hephthalites. The Romans, according to a Syrian
chronicle, were playing a dangerous game - even encouraging Hephthalite
Peroz was defeated :
Hephthalite victories may well have been due to technological superiority
- they may have been using stirrups, a new invention spreading westwards
from China.
The Sasanians in the Fifth Century AD
short reigns
investiture of Ardashir II: the king in the centre, with Mithra
on the right and Ahura Mazda on the left. Rock relief from Taq-i
Bustan, Kermanshah (AMW)
the 70-year rule of Shapur II, the rest of the 4th century saw intermittent
chaos during the brief reigns of :
II (379 - 383)
III (382 -388)
IV (388 - 399)
these reigns the nobles, allied with the priests, seem to have been
challenging the Sasanian kings: they deposed Ardashir II for trying
to control them, they killed Shapur III and probably Bahram IV too.
A Hephthalite invasion took place during Bahram IV's reign - despite
the joint defence with the Romans of the Caucasus, supposedly agreed
by Shapur II with emperor Jovian. Around AD 395, the Huns overran
Armenia and Cappadocia, and penetrated Syria as far as Antioch,
looting and slaughtering.
I (399 - 420): a rare interval of peace :
Seeing the fate of his predecessors, Yazdegird I had to face up
to the nobles and do something about their power. There are two
signs that he succeeded: later Sasanian sources call him "the
sinner" - because he wasn't afraid to eliminate some of the
Mazdaean priests who were undermining his authority. Christian sources,
on the contrary celebrate him as a friend. The Church of the East
got official recognition, now that it had separated from the Orthodox
Christians of the Roman empire, and freedom of worship was proclaimed.
At a synod in 410, Yazdegird I confirmed the election of their first
archbishop, who was to be based at Ctesiphon. All bishops in the
Church of the East had to be elected by a democratic process. Yazdegird
(possibly!) married a Jewish lady, and for a time religious tolerance
seemed to be flourishing once again, with Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians
all living in harmony. His coins were inscribed with the word "Ramshahr":
peace keeper.
this desirable state of affairs did not last. A quarrel between
a Christian bishop and a Mazdaean counterpart led to the burning
down of a fire-temple. Yazdegird I authorised the destruction of
Christian churches in revenge, and there followed several years
of renewed persecution.
Yazdegird was certainly a man of peace when it came to the Romans.
The Roman emperor in the east, Arcadius, even (perhaps!) made him
the guardian of his son, later emperor Theodosius II. He also maintained
friendly relations with Arcadius' brother Honorius, emperor of the
west: there were no confrontations with the Roman empire during
Yazdegird's reign.
V Gur (421 - 438) "The Wild Ass" :
The conservative alliance of nobles and Zoroastrian priests had
not given up. On Yazdegird's death, his son Shapur, who'd been ruling
Armenia, returned and was murdered, and replaced by their choice,
Khusrau. Fortunately, Yazdegird had another son, Bahram, who he'd
sent to be brought up by the LAKHMID ARABS in al-Hira - allies of
the Sasanians since Shapur II's reign. Bahram came home with an
Arab army and made himself king as Bahram V, and presumably made
his peace with the nobles.
palace at Sarvistan, 100 km southeast of Shiraz. It is usually thought
to have been built in the reign of Bahram V. (Photo Juliet Schubart)
V was successful on several fronts. After a brief and indecisive
war with the Byzantines, he signed a 100 year agreement with Theodosius
II: the BYZANTINES would stop persecuting Zoroastrians, if Persia
would would stop persecuting Christians. The Sasanian-ruled part
of Armenia at last became fully part of the Sasanian empire, although
the religious question (Christian or Zoroastrian?) was unsolved.
The Byzantines perhaps agreed to carry on sharing the defence of
the Caucasus passes.
first appearance of the HEPHTHALITES in the east was repulsed, and
their king was killed in a battle at Merv, a signal for much celebration.
But they would be back.
Bahram V became a character in later legends and folk tales: he
was much given to hunting, drinking and women, and he loved POLO
AND MUSIC. He even gets a mention the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (just
after the lines about Jamshid, QUOTED HERE): the lion and the lizard
don't wander just over the scene of Jamshid's revelry, but also
over Bahram's tomb :
Bahram, that great Hunter - the Wild Ass
Stamps o'er his Head, and he lies fast asleep.
V was apparently known as the wild ass (Gur or Gor) because of his
success in hunting them - now wild asses are capering over his grave.
But something about him appealed - no other king is as popular a
subject in art and literature.
not buried at Persepolis of course - legend has it that he fell
into a quicksand out hunting his favorite asses, although RECENT
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE suggests he may have been assassinated.
His popularity and Arab friends would not have endeared him to the
conservative element among the nobles.
II (438 - 457) :
The treaty with the Byzantines was renewed after an outbreak of
fighting caused by Byzantine military activity in Mesopotamia. Both
empires faced deadly threats from beyond their frontiers.
invasions by the Huns (Hephthalites) demanded urgent action. Yazdegird
II spent much of his reign in the east, securing this frontier -
and then as the Huns moved on west to threaten the Caucasus, he
moved with them. It was important to strengthen Armenia, and ensure
its loyalty by re-converting the Armenians from Christianity to
Zoroastrianism. This was met with stiff resistance which Yazdegird
crushed brutally at the Battle of Avarayr in AD 451. It's often
scene as a battle for the soul of Armenia, conflicted bewteen the
Christian nobles, and its pagan Iranian past.
of Yazdegird II showing priests at a fire temple
II was the first Sasanian king who officially linked himself to
the Kayanians, perhaps because he spent so long in the Zoroastrian
homelands of CHORASMIA. The KAYANIANS were a legendary dynasty of
Iranian kings, whose stories are told in the Avesta, and later find
their way into the Shahnameh - one of the reasons why the Achaemenids
were forgotten. Yazdegird's coins call him "Mazdaean majesty
Kay" - but the phrase "whose lineage is from the gods"
no longer appears. The king is both linking himself more strongly
to a Zoroastrian past, and revealing his diminished authority if
he's no longer descended from the gods. One senses the growing power
once more of the Zoroastrian priests and their noble supporters.
(Firuz) (459 - 484) - a reign of disasters :
On Yazdegird II's death there was another struggle for power. The
son chosen to succeed him (Hurmazd II: 457 - 459) was murdered by
his brother Peroz, who seized the throne with SUPPORT FROM THE HEPHTHALITES.
Things went badly wrong from then on. Plague, drought and famine
and religious persecutions were problems at home, while on the frontiers
... the Huns were back.
official seal of Peroz - Procopius tells how he threw away his pearl
earring so the Hephthalites wouldn't get it. The earring is very
prominent on his seal!
may be unfortunate, twice looks like carelessness, three times ...
In AD 469, Peroz was soundly beaten by the Hephthalites, and forced
to agree to a peace. He had to hand over territory to the south
of the Caspian to them. He was also made to marry his daughter to
the Hun leader, Khushnavaz (the name in the Shahnameh; Akhshunwar
in al-Tabari: believed to be an Iranian name). He tried to send
a lookalike, but was found out - Khushnavaz was not happy. Peroz
was humiliated, but determined not to let it lie.
was a terrible mistake. The Hephthalites had learned a lot in terms
of tactics and weaponry from their defeat by Bahram V. They lured
Peroz and his vast army into a trap, and Peroz himself was surrounded
and captured. To get himself released he had to suffer more humiliation:
to kneel in front of Khushnavaz and apologise to him; to give him
hostages (including a son, Kavad); TO PAY A RANSOM for his release
followed by annual tribute; to swear he'd never challenge them again.
them is exactly what he did, of course, in AD 484. But the Hephthalites
were ready. Peroz and his army were again tricked: thinking the
enemy were retreating they charged off in pursuit - only to fall
into the massive trench (18 metres deep by 9 metres wide) which
Khushnavaz had dug and camouflaged. It was carnage - the Persian
army was annihilated - cavalry, elephants, archers. Peroz, seven
of his sons (30 according to Procopius 1.4.2), and many of his generals
were killed. Peroz's daughter (the real one), and family together
with much treasure were captured by the Hephthalites. It was the
most HUMILIATING DEFEAT suffered by a Persian army since the time
of Alexander - and almost as big a catastrophe for the Persian empire.
Luckily the Byzantine emperor Zeno had his own problems, and was
in no position to take advantage.
Gorgan Wall :
The longest and most impressive wall ever built in ancient times
(excluding walls such as the "Great Wall of China" which
were largely earthworks) stretches for 195 km, between the Caspian
Sea and the mountains to the east. Its built of bricks locally made
(numerous kilns have been found along its length - and this accounts
for one of its names: the "Red Snake"); there's a canal
alongside to transport men and equipment, and forts (33 of them)at
regular intervals. Thousands of men would have been needed to garrison
of the Gorgan Wall, Iran
it's not mentioned in any written sources - and its origin has been
a matter of speculation for over a millennium: was it built by Alexander
(a wall is mentioned in the Shahnameh), or the Parthians, or Khusrau
I? Most recent research suggests the likeliest date is during the
5th or early 6th centuries AD - and possibly during the reign of
constuction of walls was an obvious reaction to the continued invasions
of nomadic peoples from the north-east. They also must have provided
some psychological comfort to the Sasanians and their kings!
were two other walls built during the same period :
Wall of Tammishe :
Is in the same region, and runs from the southeast corner of the
Caspian Sea into the foothills of the Alborz mountains.
Darband Wall :
The third wall is located on the western side of the Caspian Sea,
built by the Sasanians during the reign of Kavad I and later Khusrau
I. The Darband Wall was a joint project with the Romans, who helped
(or were supposed to help) with finance - nomadic raids in the Caucasus
endangered both empires. The Darband Wall was at least 40 km long
passing through forested areas and over mountains. It had seven
gates and some twenty-seven towers. The Arabs considered it as one
of the wonders of the world.