is the image of our Milky Way and Sun. When we look at it we find
it very beautiful but when we observe it carefully we feel scared
and suprised. If you think your problems are much bigger then
what is out there then kindly look at the image below and tell
me where you are.

we gather all the sand on Earth and then take a particle of that
sand that minute millisecond it took to form the universe. If
it was one millisecond more or less than the entire universe would
either contract and form a black hole or expand without control.
is a force beyond our understanding which controls everything
that is out there.
is Pre-decided :
When a child is born certain yogas (pitru dosh, chandal yoga,
angarak yoga, mangal dosh, shani dosh, etc) in his birth chart
these yogas are inherited from his / her parents this we can know
by looking at the parents birth chart.
Medical Science proves that a child is of his / her parents by
DNA test while astrology proves this upto certain extent by looking
at birth chart.
This shows that everything is pre-decided. A couple plans to have
a child but the fact is that the Vimshottari Dasha, Antar Dasha
and Pratyantar Dasha effects the thinking of people and makes
them take decisions.
We have never been in control of anything. Thinking that we have
a choice of what to eat is an illusion of having control. Since
your birth everything is decided. When what is going to happen
and in which areas of life can be seen by Vimshottari Dasha (period)
in our birth chart.
This many make us think that if everything is pre-decided then
it is also pre-decided that during a time what action we will
take. This is right up to certain point because what makes us
take decisions is transition of period in which we are.
These dasha influences our chakras and different parts of brain.
Every planet is related to a particular chakra.
If we are under the influence (dasha) of a bad planet we are going
to take wrong decisions. Now how can we change this?
This simplest way to explain this is that when we are under the
dasha of a bad period thats the time to relax because nothing
is in our control what has to happen will happen the only thing
you can do is get some remedies done to reduce its effect.
The real pressure comes when you are in good dasha because this
is the time when through Jap, Tap, Daan, Bhakti, Meditation, etc
you can cleanse your chakras and balance them to neutralize the
negative vibrations of planets.
When again you are going through the bad dasha of your life your
good deeds done in past helps you make a right choice in life.
There are certain factors that decide in which family
you will take birth :
Meaning of Atma (soul) :
soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire,
nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind."(Bhagwat
Gita: Chapter Two verse 23)
Lord Krishna is referring to is Atma (soul) now remove the word
Atma (soul) and replace it with the word Atom.
of Atom :
irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient
of an element cannot be created, destroyed, broken into smaller
parts or transformed into atoms of another element.
(atma / soul)
meaning of Atma (soul) and Atom is same. What every deeds we do
after our death gets stored in our atom.

of soul
cannot destroy atom but we can modify it and this is what happens.
With our deeds our atoms gets either pure or polluted which in
turn forces us to take re-birth.
birth in a family is not our choice :
if a person has fought with every person in his life and has been
bad to everyone this means that he has quality of Mars (mangal)
planet. His this quality will make him take birth in a family
which is fighting and angry in nature because that family creates
vibrations of mars.
If a person has done neutral deeds then he directly takes re-birth.
A person according to his good or bad deeds has to go to good
or bad lok’s to enjoy or suffer the fruits of his deeds.
There are total 14 loks :
higher worlds (heavens) and seven lower ones (underworlds). The
earth is considered the lowest of the seven higher worlds.
higher worlds are the seven Vyahrtis: Bhu, Bhuva, Svar, Maha, Jan,
Taps, and Satya above.
seven Patal's (lower worlds) are : Atal, Vital, Sutal, Rasatal,
Talatal, Mahatal and Patal lok.
higher worlds :
1. |
lok. Satya-lok planetary system is not eternal. Abode
of Truth or of Brahma, where atman are released from the
necessity of rebirth.
2. |
of tapas or of other deities. Ayohnija devdas live here.
3. |
of the sons of God Brahma.
4. |
abode of great sages and enlightened beings like Markendeya
and other rishies.
5. |
between the sun and polar star, the heaven of the god
Indra. Indra, devatas, Rishies, Gandharvs and Apsaras
live here: a heavenly paradise of pleasure, where all
the 330 million Hindu gods (Dev) reside along with the
king of gods, Indra.
6. |
(aka Pitri lok) :
planets, stars. Space between earth and the sun, inhabited
by semi-divine beings. The a real region, the atmosphere,
the life-force.
7. |
and animals live here. The Vishnu Puran says that the
earth is merely one of thousands of billions of inhabited
worlds like itself to be found in the universe.
realms of Patal are ruled by different demons and Nag's; usually
with the Nag's headed by Vasuki assigned to the lowest realm. Vayu
Puran records each realm of Patal has cities in it.
Seven lower worlds :
1. |
is ruled by Bal - a son of Maya - who possesses mystical
powers. By one yawn, Bal created three types of women
- svairitis ("self-willed"), who like to marry
men from their own group; kamitis ("lustful"),
who marry men from any group, and the putscalis ("whorish"),
who keep changing their partners. When a man enters Atal,
these women enchant him and serve him an intoxicating
cannabis drink that induces sexual energy in the man.
Then, these women enjoy sexual play with the traveller,
who feels to be stronger than ten thousand elephants and
forgets impending death.
2. |
is ruled by the god Har-Bhav - a form of Shiv, who dwells
with attendant ganas including ghosts and goblins as
the master of gold mines. The residents of this realm
are adorned with gold from this region.
3. |
is the kingdom of the pious demon king Bali.
4. |
is the realm of the demon-architect Maya, who is well-versed
in sorcery. Shiv, as Tripurantak, destroyed the three
cities of Maya but was later pleased with Maya and gave
him this realm and promised to protect him.
5. |
is the abode of many-hooded Nags (serpents) - the sons
of Kadru, headed by the Krodhavash (Irascible) band
of Kuhak, Taksshak, Kaliya and Sushen. They live here
with their families in peace but always fear Garud,
the eagle-man.
6. |
is the home of the demons - Danavs and Daityas, who are
mighty but cruel. They are the eternal foes of Devs (the
gods). They live in holes like serpents.
7. |
lowest realm is called Patal or Nagalok, the region of
the Nags, ruled by Vasuki. Here live several Nag's with
many hoods. Each of their hood is decorated by a jewel,
whose light illuminates this realm.
we think as Earth but it is a prison. We live in Bhur-lok which
is Earth this is a warning bell for those people who do actions
without thinking about its consequences.
Sirius B comes near Sirius A (sun) it pushes evil souls down to
7 different worlds according to their deeds.
Our aim in life should be of staying in any of these loks but
to go beyond these loks and attain the Supreme Energy (God) and
merge our energy with his. This is known as Moksh (salvation).
are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual
beings having a human experience.

of atom / soul (moksh)