person lives and dies and in-between what he lives is life.
Kindam describes 3 types of debts in Mahabharat :
Life according
to Rishi Kindam is like a river which flows between 2 banks
right and wrong. This
river known as life includes both right and wrong a good person
is a person who takes right and does not let a drop of wrong
fall on his clothes just like a swan who separates milk from
right comes in hands a person realizes that he has some debts
and before leaving this world he has to clear three debts.
three debts are Dev Rin, Rishi Rin and Pitru Rin.
clearing this 3 Rins (debts) a person should not leave this world
and of a person does so then his life get's insulted and wasted.
No. |
Debts |
1. |
Rin is of Lord Vishnu it is cleared by Daan (donation), |
2. |
Rin is of Lord Shiv it is cleared by achieving
knowledge and sharing it and, |
3. |
Rin is of Lord Brahma it is cleared by childrens
by doing Pind Daan after their Ancestors. |
person not clearing these debts is considered to by running
away from Lord Vishnu, Shiv and Brahma. Lord Vishnu, Shiv and
Brahma are supreme truth and where would a person run from them
and go as the end of his journey is supreme truth (god).
Daad and Shraddh is carried out as per the procedures laid down
in the books and shastras written by Maha Rishis. It gives satisfaction
to the Pitrus. Performance of Pind Daan, Shraddh and Tarpan
(libations of water) relieves the hunger and thirst of the departed
soul during its journey to the Pitru Lok. By the offering of
the Shraddh, the son helps his father to dwell in joy with the
ancestors are not only our family members or relatives, but
also our teachers, mentors, role models, friends, and guardians,
who have contributed to our welfare and growth in this or previous
life. This creates an implied obligation on us to respect them
and their parental desires and calls for following good deeds.
If by any chance this is not followed by anyone, it may embarrass
the souls of the ancestors, which, in turn, becomes Pitru Dosh.
How Pitru
Dosh occurs :
are many ways by which Pitru Dosh can occur. According to general
information from various Puran, Pitru Dosh occurs when the soul
of our ancestors and departed forefathers does not get peace
(shanti) due to any of the following main reason, and there
may be others.
No. |
of Pitru Dosh |
1. |
deeds (bad karma) of our ancestors in earlier
life, knowingly or unknowingly, are embarrassing
their souls, |
2. |
deeds (bad karma) of children, knowingly or unknowingly,
are embarrassing the soul of ancestors, |
3. |
of fulfillments of parental desires of our ancestors, |
4. |
sudden and unnatural death of any relative ancestors
in early age, |
5. |
someone fails to remember and honor the ancestors
properly and, |
6. |
certain wishes are remained attached with the
soul of the ancestors, etc. |
is stated in the ancient text that Pitru Dosh occurs if any ancestors
up to the 7th generation on the father side and up to the 4th
generation on the mother side have expired at an early age or
have had an unnatural death.
effect of Pitru Dosh can also be found using the Vedic Astrology.
Vedic Astrology prescribes many remedies for all the problems
from simple to complex and cheapest to costly. There are many
ways available to nullify the effects of Pitru Dosh. Some of the
ways are described below.
is believed that satisfying our ancestors and forefathers, we
can have their blessings for peaceful and happy life. For the
peace of the souls of our ancestors it is advices to perform shraddh.
Shraddh is the ritual and ceremony performed for the departed
souls of our ancestors.
most widely accepted special ritual or puja for Pitru Dosh is
NARAYAN BALI PUJA. This puja is performed only at few prescribed
places such as :
No. |
Places |
1. |
in Nasik, |
2. |
near Dabhoi near Vadodara in Gujarat, |
3. |
Hasti in Tamil Nadu and, |
4. |
Haridwar. |
is very important to note that the puja have to be performed at
the mentioned places.
Daan is just one concept of various hindu rituals but it is covered
here as it is the most important concept.
and Mantras :
profound statement explains the motive behind the Indian rituals
and mantras. If there is a strong evidences in the Veds that there
is only one God, the supreme force why are there so many gods
and goddesses? The answer lies in the functional character of
Hinduism to be symbolical to help an ordinary man understand the
scheme of the cosmos in human terms. Just as different men have
different roles to perform God too has been fragmented into different
entities that perform different roles. It is through these strong
symbols that Hinduism teaches us to learn to respect nature and
its values.
may worship and believe god in any form or shape but he is one
and resides in a concept called faith. It may sound abstract but
the truth is that the supreme force which is the source of all
life exists if you believe that it exists. That is why it is said
that faith can move mountains.
reason why Hindu principles are often misunderstood is that some
Sanskrit words do not have a perfect English translation. For
example the word 'religion' is different from the word 'Dharm'
or 'Dharma'. Dharm means 'righteous path 'the true path. Dharma
is the act of following Dharm.
veds tell us time and again that all that is there to be known
is the human mind. One has to just tap this mind that is an ocean
of information. But most of us search outside ourselves for information
and pleasure. Everything that Hinduism has prescribed has a direct
relation to the human body. The rituals, the hymns chanted in
a particular way, everything has an effect on the body and mind.
and mantras create good vibrations and purify the air. The words
with their vowels and consonants pronounced in the right manner
produce a series of sound waves that have a positive effect on
mind and body. Hindu rituals have always used the body as a physical
medium to reach the intangible mind. This in essence is not very
different from the new age approach to general well being.
we are spirit or soul contained in a physical body. The body is
mere vehicle on terra formal. It is the mind that is crucial.
You are what you are because of your mind. The body fools us into
believing that it is the defining element. The duty of the mind
is to realize the link with the rest of the universe. It is this
state of resonance between the entity called "you" and
the universe, that the sages called supreme state of being.
and mantras and yagnas involve creating fire or filling the air
with pleasant smell. All along one have good reasons to believe
that sages were creating pretences for the common man to clean
the air and the area around him. This in turn helps his composure
like how rituals help simple people practice, if not comprehend,
spiritualism, puranic stories and myths do a similar deed. Rituals
and myths teach people to be good human beings. A good thought,
a good story, a good imagination, a good illusion, a good company,
always cause good vibrations, which enhance a good thought or
even create a good thought. The importance of good vibration is
underscored by the fact that we are a magnetic field and everything
around us, positive or negative has a bearing on our cells.
good vibration or a good thought activates our cells and creates
harmony in the body. Vibrations caused by chanting of mantras
or hymns, function as a tonic that the body, mind, soul is in
much need of.
the physical body is merely a container and the soul is the spirit,
what influences us in reality are not physical reactants but spiritual
and intangible.
manifestations of all the gods found in Hinduism, are found in
Man. Man himself is the embodiment of all Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv.
It's Man who is the centre of spirituality, not God. The images
of Gods and heaven create an energy level inside us which take
us closer to greater understanding of the universe.
paths to higher levels of mental growth are often hinted at in
many ways in Hindu mythology. For example Lord Shiva's dance or
thandav, is a form of meditation, which takes the mind to unbelievable
corridors of power.
thoughts, words, consonants, remain in the ether. The aftermath
of a conversation is the lingering sound waves. A good pleasing
wave or a loud jarring one has its own impact. This is not a tall
spiritual theory. In every day life, one can feel the impact of
music or sound.
some music, to some people, is serene, some are like lullabies,
and some makes us dance aggressively. Even pleasant words and
compliments condition our moods. A reprimand, an abuse almost
ruins our spirit. Why do we react this way? It's all because of
the vibrations in the air that hit us and pass through the body,
connecting briefly with the mind within. To understand the mysteries
of human life, one has to observe the obvious first. Strange things
happen right in front of our eyes.
just that our eyes have to be open.
is a victim of his own thoughts and actions. He feels the pangs
of desire, what is desired is seldom achieved, what is not desired
comes to the door steps, and we do not know whether what we desire
is what is good for us. It is in the middle of all this that we
try to understand a supreme force in human terms.

are 'instruments', or more simply 'symbols', usually used to focus
the mind. Traditionally they are used in Eastern mysticism to
balance the mind or focus it on a spiritual concept. The act of
wearing, drawing, or concentrating on a yantra is said to have
spiritual or astrological or magical benefits.
mystic diagram composed of geometric and alphabetic figures -
usually etched on small plates of gold, silver or copper, Sometimes
rendered in three dimensions in stone or metal.
purpose of a yantra is to focus spiritual and mental energies
according to computer-like yantric pattern, be it for health,
wealth, childbearing or the invoking of one God or another. It
is usually installed near or under the temple Deity. Psychically
seen, the temple yantra is a magnificent three-dimensional edifice
of light and sound in which the devas work.
108 beads :
a mala, or set of mantra counting beads, there are generally 108
beads, or some fraction of that number. The question often arises:
Why are there 108 beads on a mala?
are some of the many reasons that have been given for having 108
beads on a mala, as well as a few other points of interest. None
of these reasons are being promoted here as more or less true
than the others. However, you may notice that 108 appears to be
somewhat like a road map of reality in general, and the human
in particular.
of the meaning of 108, it is important that if a mala is used
to count mantras, the mantra be remembered with sincerity, devotion,
feeling, and full attention.
Particulars |
times 12 |
of these numbers have been said to have spiritual
significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is
108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12
equals 108.
of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to
2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3).
is a number which is an integer divisible by the
sum of its digits. |
Desires |
are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.
Lies |
are said to be 108 lies that humans tell. |
are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of
ignorance. |
Chakra |
chakras are the intersections of energy lines,
and there are said to be a total of 108 energy
lines converging to form the heart chakra. One
of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and
is said to be the path to Self-realization. |
alphabet |
are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each
has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti.
54 times 2 is 108. |
Pranayam |
one is able to be so calm in meditation as to
have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment
will come. |
Upanishads |
say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom
of the ancient sages. |
Yantra |
the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines
intersect, and there are 54 such intersections.
Each intersections has masculine and feminine,
shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals
108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the
Sri Yantra as well as the human body. |
Marmas |
or marmasthans are like energy intersections called
chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging
to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas
in the subtle body. |
and Houses |
astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets.
12 times 9 equals 108. |
names |
are said to be 108 Indian goddess names. |
0, and 8 |
say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands
for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice,
and 8 stands for infinity or eternity. |
and Earth |
diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter
of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the
Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. |
and Earth |
average distance of the Moon from the Earth is
108 times the diameter of the Moon. |
to God |
suggest that there are 108 paths to God. |
Breath |
estimates the average number of breaths per day
at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and
10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100
is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.
Meditations |
say there are 108 styles of meditation. |
of the soul |
is said that Atman, the human soul or center goes
through 108 stages on the journey. |