concepts of Aryans are Scientifically proven and we can also call
it as a way of life.
you are going to read is explained in a very simple manner. I could
have written in deep explaining about the sun, the degrees, other
planets and a lot of things but it would complicate things and my
aim is to put things in front of you in a very simple manner so
that every one can understand.
Before moving further I have kept few photographs so that we can
get a brief idea of our solar system.

is the Image of 27 Nakshatras :

astronomy there are many nakshatras which consists of 7 bright stars.

Ursa Major points towards Polaris which is in Ursa Minor.

Major pointing towards Polaris
Ursa Major is called great bear because its stars are arranged in
such a way that they also seem to form the outline of a great bear.
This constellation consists of seven bright stars arranged in a
pattern resembling somewhat a big bear.

Minor with Polaris

Earth's North Pole and Polaris
This constellation is also a closed group of seven stars. The arrangement
of stars in Ursa Minor is similar to those in Ursa Major, the only
difference being that the stars here are closer together and appear
to form the outline of a little bear. The stars here are less bright
than those of Ursa Major.
At the end of the tail of Ursa Minor is a very important star of
average brightness, which is called the pole star. This constellation
is also sometimes called the pole star constellation. It can be
seen in the northern part of the sky in July during the summer season.

arrangement of stars in the Orion constellation is as shown in the
figure. Orion means hunter. The arrangement of stars here is supposed
to resemble a hunter.
The major stars of Orion shown in the figure are supposed to form
the body of a hunter. The head and limbs of the hunter are formed
from other faint stars, which are not shown in the figure. The constellation
is visible during the winter season.

Scorpio constellation closely resembles a scorpion complete with
tail and pincers. This constellation is usually visible in the summer

constellation looks like a cluster of twinkling gems in the night
sky. This constellation is visible in winter season.
7 bright stars are nothing but Saptarishis (According to Hindu and
Vedic tradition, these seven wise men became practically immortal
because of their penance and good deeds) and they keep on changing
from time to time (Manuvantara).
Out of 7 each Rishi was assigned a star making them immortal. Just
like Shukra (Venus) was assigned to Shukracharya.
The Saptarishis in the extreme north near the Dhruva / Polaris,
only one star in the southern sky has been named during vedic period.
(The Changing North Pole Star) :

Changing North Pole Star (manu)
of the Precession of the Earth, over the period of a Great Year
the north Pole Star changes. This is not because the stars are changing,
but because our Viewpoint of the stars changes very slowly because
of Precession.
Precession can be thought of as the slow movement of the Earth's
axis with respect to the stars. Hence, as the axis is moving, with
time it points to different places in the heavens. The dotted circle
on the figure below shows all the places that the axis will point
to over a complete Great Year. Back in 2700 BC the axis pointed
to the star Thuban, the Snake; now it points to Polaris.
The Changing Pole Star How to understand this star map: Have a look
bottom left, that's the date in years. It starts in 3000 BC, [the
BC years have a minus sign in front] when astrology was just beginning
amongst the Mesopotamian culture, and goes through to 8000 AD. As
the years change the figure is showing you a picture of the night
sky at the time. It stops momentarily at 2000 AD to show you the
sky as it looks now.
Next, have a look at the spot marked Zenith in the center of the
star map. That spot marks the point in the night sky where - over
the centuries - the North Celestial Pole lies. You can see that
as the centuries pass, different stars are the star at the Zenith.
[A dotted circular line has been drawn on the figure so you can
see which stars will become the Pole Star as the centuries pass.]
Currently, the star Polaris, a Ursae Minoris is the Pole Star. Back
in 2700 BC the star Thuban, a Draconis, in the constellation of
the Dragon, was be the Pole Star. This is one of the faintest stars
in the sky to have a name, doubtless because it was of such importance
to our astrological ancestors.
Draconis, Vega, etc is nothing but Manu. Hence, with change in Pole
Star (Manu) Saptarishis also change.
and Shukracharya :

the planets rotate in anti-clockwise motion but its only Venus which
rotates clockwise. This is considered unnatural and thus out of
all the planets only Venus (Shukra) is named after Shukaracharya
and considered as Guru of Rakshash (Demons / Daityaguru).