Caste |
Qualities |
predominates and is followed by rajas and
tamas (satva-rajas-tamas). A person with Satva
predominance would be contemplative and with
pious mind that is conductive to learning,
teaching, worshipping and praying. He would
be spiritual person and hence in the Vedic
times this sort of person was classified as
Brahmin. |
predominates and is followed by satva and
tamas (rajas-satva-tamas) and hence the person
is active. Rajas is followed by satva and
hence the activity is likely to be selfless.
He is responsible and sensitive to the needs
of others and feels responsible to the fulfill
them. Kshatriya is a leader practicing and
protecting dharma and leading the society. |
predominate and is followed by tamas and satva
(rajas-tamas-satva) and hence the person is
active but followed by tamas so the activity
is likely to be self-centered so, the person
is called Vaishya belonging to trading or
merchant class. |
predominates here followed by rajas and tamas
(tamas-rajas-satva) and hence the person lacks
motivation and requires guidance this sort
of person is called Shudra. |
person's action and the path that he walks on make him
a Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya or shudra.
Vedic society recognized and organized the obtaining
variations in the people. The functions performed by
all four casts are required for the successful completion
of any endeavor. These four functions are taking place
in our bodies also, the head is the thinking and knowing
faculty, the Brahman, the arms are organs of activity
and protection, kshatriya, the stomach receives, digests
and distributes, vaishya. The lets support entire body
and take it from one place o another, shudra.
part of body cannot be said to be superior to the other
because the contribution of all the organs is required
for the body to function. There is harmony in the body
because all th components perform their roles. There
is unity in diversity. The spirit of co-operation unites
all the organs.
Vedic society was organized around the principle of
co-operation and not competition among different members.
The cast system was required for the functioning of
the society - people to think,, learn and teach; to
lead and protect others; to produce and distribute,
and to provide services. This is how society was organized
in Vedic times.
Ved's teach that it is not what a person does but the
way he does is important. The scriptures further teach
that it is not competition but it is co-operation that
is conductive for inner growth and happiness of person.
division of caste is based on inner disposition and
not on birth. How ever the inner disposition is subjective
and there is no way of measuring or determining that
disposition. In order to judge that birth is accepted
as the closest criterion. The principle of the law of
karma is involVed in this determination.
person is born in a given family, in a environment in
keeping with his past karma. A shudra is born as that
because that is the appropriate place according to his
karma and he will have the disposition of a shudra.
Since we do not have a way to judge the inner disposition
because it is subjective, an objective criterion has
to be accepted. The marriage in the same caste takes
place as there is probability of greater compatibility.
and Karma :
is known as a correct way of living which is described
in Ved's and many other ancient religious books.
means action it can be good or even bad. But, in true
sense Karm means walking on the correct path as described
in the ancient religious books. The theory of karma
also states that what ever a person does either good
or bad he will receive the same in return by nature
are many things written about how to live life but according
to Ved Vyas "paropkarya puniyai papai parpidnam"
which means doing good to some one is punya and harassing
some one or doing bad to some one is paap.
has more importance then Dharma because it is always
easy to preach or show a correct path but to walk on
the path of Dharma is always difficult and is considered
as a test of human character.
make the matter simpler "just be good and do good"
this is good karma.
and Nark (heaven and hell) :
(heaven) :
to ancient books swarg is a place where a person enjoys
the fruits of his good deeds that he has done. A person
is said to be in swarg till his balance of good deeds
is not finished and after his account of good deeds
gets finished a person has to again take birth.
(hell) :
person who does bad deeds goes to a place called nark
where he is tortured according to the bad things he
has done to other people and after he has suffered the
consciences of the sufferings that he has given to others
he again takes birth.
concept of swarg and nark (heaven and hell) can be said
that it is all here on earth. A family or a person who
is walking on the path of Dharma and who is happy, united
and lives a satisfied life in what ever they have are
said to be in swarg.
family or a person inspite of having everything who
is walking on path of Adharma (doing wrong things) and
has fights in family, differences, who is unhappy, etc.
is said to be in hell.
and God :

and God (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv)
H + O2 (H2O) makes water same way due to a process of
nature a body is formed and the work of god (brahma)
is to put in it soul (atma) that is to give life.
(Earth), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air) and Aakash
(Space) are the 5 elements of Nature it is believed
in Hinduism that a human body is made of these 5 elements
and by cremating the body it is believed that the body
finally gets back to original basics which is Nature.
there is any change in environment (nature) its effect
can be seen on body example during winter a person can
catch cold and in hot summer a person can get sunstroke.
when a person is in company of a bad person his thoughts
and action becomes bad and when person is in company
of a good person his thoughts and action becomes good.
we can observe that body and soul are two different
identities. Nature creates body and God (Brahma) puts
soul in the body.
life on this planet whether good or bad has a purpose
and that is the reason why it is created. In general
the purpose of life is to attain God realization while
doing good in the world but specifically if a person
wants to know his/her purpose of life then meditation
is the only way no person can tell you your purpose
of life as its only you who has to find it out.
destination of every journey is self-realization and
in his journey comes many questions which are like locks
and meditation is the key to open these locks when a
person opens these locks he/she comes to know himself/herself
and experiences God and understands the purpose of his/her
your life and it's your journey, saints can guide you
and show you the path but finally it's only you who
has to walk on it and the secret to make your life a
wonderful experience is to know your specific purpose
and when you come to know it you put in all your efforts
to complete it in a useful way to the entire mankind
with grace (grace means the exercise of love, kindness,
mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another;
favor bestowed or privilege conferred).
(salvation) :
means release or to set free from taking birth again
and again.
and death is an on going process due to the law of nature.
The reason why a person takes birth and dies is because
a person's body is part of nature and soul is a part
of god. A human being or any other living thing is not
complete nature or god and hence what all is not complete
has to get destroyed in the end.
a person gets complete is when he/she is free from his/her
worldly desires and that's when he/she gets complete
and attains Moksh (salvation).
path of Moksh (salvation) can be found from Ved's,
various spiritual books, guru, meditation, etc.
journey that starts has an end and the end of a person
journey is moksh through self-realization and this no
one can give you as it is only you who has to earn it
by walking on the path of dharma.
person who plays games with people, lies, cheats and
does many other bad deeds no matter how many times he
goes to a temple and prays he cannot get god or moksh
as he is not walking on the path of dharma.
matter how tough it get to walk on the path of truth
a person should always walk on the path of what is right
because in long run the right is always rewarded.
things are written about moksh and how to attain it
but according to me a person should walk on the right
path as described in Dharma and do daily prayers and
meditation. When a person walks on the path of Karma
and does good deeds he attains moksh automatically.
person can have Moksh even when he is alive that is
when a person is free from all desires and wishes he
is said to have attained Moksh.
is a person who gives knowledge it is not necessary
that only a saint can be a guru even parents can be
guru as they teach their children's, any person who
give true knowledge which enlightens a person is Guru.
instructs about various rituals, various codes of conduct
and how to make our life worshipful, prayerful. It teaches
a way of life based on responsibly, a sense of gratitude,
sensitivity about one's place in universe and the grace
that is enjoyed. It is a beautiful way of life that
Ved's teach us.
word 'Trishul' is derived from the Sanskrut words, 'Tri'
meaning three and 'Shul' meaning a spiked weapon. Indian
mythology has it that this three edged spiked weapon
was a powerful and all pervasive weapon of Lord Shiv
and other Goddesses.
It was effectively used to ward off evil. The 'Trishul'
as a weapon has been used ever since then to symbolize
the victory of truth and righteousness over evil. According
to mythology, surviving the onslaught of the Trishul
is impossible.