Throat Chakra (Vishuddh Chakra)

Color :

Sky Blue


Element :

Sky (Akash)


Appearance :

Like a Lotus with sixteen petals


Position :



Functions on Physical Level :


Communication and Representation. In the present world of advertising success of men depends on the efficiency of Throat Chakra. It plays a dominating role on the body muscles as well as on nails. It also controls the functioning of lungs.


Inefficient (Imbalanced) :

Cold, Neural, Sneezing, Lumbago.


Functions at Mental Level :


Efficient (Balanced) :


Grateful, Cheerful, Peaceful, Stable mind, Noble at heart and lives a pure life.


Inefficient (Imbalance) :


Sadness, Regretful, Trembling of body, Instability of mind, Impatient and frequent experiences of attacks and shocks on mental level.