is a direct energetic relationship between “consciousness
and matter.” How does this work? Your thoughts, intelligence,
beliefs, behaviour, and emotions are collectively known as your
consciousness (YOU). Your consciousness is energy that feeds directly
into the chakra system. Therefore, your energy signature and status
of your chakras is a direct result of your consciousness. For
most of humanity, their 3D consciousness is not compatible with
the higher frequency (you are not yet thinking & acting 4th
most important principle that underpins personal ascension involves
“expanding your consciousness,” which means once you
have consciously decided to release yourself from the 3rd dimension,
you will take steps to modify your life and change your thought
structure from the old “duality & ego” based thinking
to “unity consciousness.” Right now, your thoughts,
beliefs, feelings, and emotions make up your consciousness are
aligned to the frequency of the 3rd dimension. You are still thinking
and doing things that are 3D in nature. When you shift your consciousness,
you literally increase your ethereal frequency. Therefore, “expanding
your consciousness” is simply repolarising your conscious
energy to produce a positive / high frequency.
the following examples :
a) When you find ways to demonstrate compassion, you have expanded
your consciousness, because that one step is something you have
never done before – you are doing something that is aligned
to new Earth. When you consciously decide to move away from your
old and “regular habits”, those new ways of thinking
and doing things generate a new and higher frequency and b) When
you make changes to your home environment and stop worrying about
your material things and personal possessions, you have expanded
your consciousness. On new Earth, you understand everyone will
be entitled to the same luxuries. That one step creates new conscious
energy, because you understand and have embraced unity consciousness.
step means you are shifting away from your old 3D thoughts &
beliefs towards the principles of new Earth. Each step removes
an energy blockage from your chakras. Each step increases your
ethereal frequency. Personal ascension is simply the expansion
of your consciousness. This means changing your thoughts, attitudes,
& beliefs and removing other blockages from your 3D reality
to generate a higher frequency. The ascension program is designed
to use strategies, which will help you shift or expand your way
of thinking away from your 3D mindset, but those strategies are
actually healing your lower chakras. For example, when you decide
to undertake karmic cord cutting, you understand that you are
taking steps to remove the energy blockages from the sacral plexus
the very act of consciously deciding to carry out this task means
you “understand and are totally self aware” that you
must complete this activity to lift your frequency. As a result,
you have now “expanded your consciousness.” Your intent
to shift to new Earth means you become more conscious of your
energy signature, and become more dedicated to do whatever is
necessary to remove those blockages. Hence, the term “Ascension”
(progress/move upwards) because every step you consciously undertake
raises your energy signature.
is why expanding your consciousness is critical to ascension,
because your 3D consciousness is currently out of alignment with
the 4th dimensional frequency. Therefore, you must firstly set
your conscious intent to manifest your new energy signature and
then take full control of your consciousness during the ascension
your new frequency must be aligned to the heart chakra and to
manifest your new 4D/5D consciousness, you must be willing to
accept the principles of unity consciousness.
regards to consciousness, the most important concepts to remember
are :
• |
body contains your consciousness (this is YOU - thoughts,
intelligence, emotions, memories etc) |
• |
energy signature is the result of your consciousness |
• |
frequency of your consciousness is aligned to the frequency
of this dimension or time/space reality |
• |
the frequency of your consciousness alters the version of
reality you can consciously experience |
• |
shift the frequency of your consciousness, you must change
your existing attitude & change your perception about
what human experience you want and then take steps to make
it happen |
• |
you are responsible for changing the frequency of your consciousness |