126.22 Hz.
210.42 Hz.
194.71 Hz.
141.27 Hz.
221.23 Hz.
144.72 Hz.
183.58 Hz.
147.85 Hz.
207.36 Hz.
211.44 Hz.
140.25 Hz.

Planet Circumference Correlated to Light and sound :


This data does correspond more or less to standard colors assigned to the planets.

  • Formula: Wavelength (A) = frequency (hz)/ Speed of Light
  • A= Speed of light in Angstroms
  • hz = Frequency of sound in Hertz. 60 hertz is 60 waves per second
  • Speed of light on Earth's Surface 299,727,738 meters per second
  • Color hz is 40 Octaves below the frequency of light
  • Brainwave hz is 46 octaves below Frequency of light

Sidereal Orbit of Planets in Light and Sound :


This is calculated using the time it takes each planet to orbit the Sun. This is heliocentric data, not apparent movement from the earth. Traditional Astrology is based on geocentric (earth based) movements.


Colors here to do not match standard colors associated with planets :

Sumerian Ruling House
Jupiter Light wavelength in A : 7428 A

Audio frequency hz : 183 hz

Brain wave name : Theta

Brain wave Frequency : 5.9

Closest Color : Infra-red
Uranus Light wavelength in A : 6576A

Audio frequency hz : 207

Brain wave name : Theta

Brain wave Frequency : 6.5

Closest Color : Red Orange
Neptune Light wavelength in A : 6446 A

Audio frequency hz : 211

Brain wave name : Theta

Brain wave Frequency : 6.6

Closest Color : Deep Orange
Venus Light wavelength in A : 6161 A

Audio frequency hz : 221

Brain wave name : Theta

Brain wave Frequency : 6.9

Closest Color : Orange
Earth Light wavelength in A : 5007

Audio frequency hz : 272

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 8.5

Closest Color : Green
Pluto Light wavelength in A : 4846

Audio frequency hz : 281

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 8.8

Closest Color : Turquoise
Mercury Light wavelength in A : 4824 A

Audio frequency hz : 283

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 8.8

Closest Color : Turquoise
Mars Light wavelength in A : 4708

Audio frequency hz : 289

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 9.0

Closest Color : Blue green
Saturn Light wavelength in A : 4610 A

Audio frequency hz : 296

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 9.2

Closest Color : Blue
Light wavelength in A : 3714 A

Audio frequency hz : 367 hz

Brain wave name : Alpha

Brain wave Frequency : 11

Closest Color : Ultra Violet

  • Formula: Wavelength (A) = frequency (hz)/ Speed of Light
    • A= Speed of light in Angstroms
    • hz = Frequency of sound in Hertz. 60 hertz is 60 waves per second
    • Speed of light on Earth's Surface 299,727,738 meters per second
    • Color hz is 40 Octaves below the frequency of light
    • Brainwave hz is 46 octaves below Frequency of light

Frequencies, Sounds and Noise :


Loudness is measured in decibels (dB) which is measured by a dBA filter, which closely matches how the human ear absorbs sound. Acousticians sometimes use other scales, such as dBC, which includes low and very high frequencies that human ears cannot register.


Type of sound and Level of Decibels (dB) :


Human threshold of hearing : 0 dB


Very quiet nature sounds : 10 dB


Whisper : 20 dB


Inside a sound-insulated recording studio registers : 20 dB


Living Room : 40 dB


Quiet Office : 40 dB


Lobby of Office Building : 55 dB


Air Conditioning Unit : 60 dB


Conversational Speech : 60 dB


A loud telephone ring : 70 dB


Train Station : 64-75 dB


Riding a Train, rumbling : 75 dB - 86 dB


Alarm Clock (1 Meter) : 80 dB


Hair Dryer : 80 dB


Train Braking : 95 to 98 dB


Full power earphones : 100dB


Front row at Rock Concert : 110 dB


A jet engine : 120 dB


A loud rock concert : 120 dB


Painfully loud : 120 dB


Thunderclap : 130 dB


Air Raid Siren, 1 Meter away : 130 dB


Rocket Launching : 180 dB


Threshold of Death : 180 dB


"The U.S. Army Medical Department ominously lists 180 dB as the threshold of death, the point at which sound can cause fatal injuries. Pressure waves generated by explosions or weapon noise, for instance, can rupture air-filled organs, such as lungs." Protect your ears OSHA Daily Permissible Noise Level Exposure.

Hours per day
OSHA Allowed Sound level
NIOSH Daily Exposure (Canada)
90 dB
92 dB
95 dB
97 dB
100 dB
102 dB
105 dB
110 dB
.25 or less
115 dB
100 dB
112 dB

Perceptions of Increases in Decibel Level :

Imperceptible Change : 1 dB

Barely Perceptible Change : 3 dB

Clearly Noticeable Change : 5 dB

About Twice as Loud : 10 dB

About Four Times as Loud : 20 dB

Sound Levels of Music :

Normal piano practice : 60 -70 dB

Fortissimo Singer : 3' 70 dB

Chamber music, small auditorium : 75 - 85 dB

Piano Fortissimo : 84 - 103 dB

Violin : 82 - 92 dB

Cello : 85 -111 dB

Oboe : 95-112 dB

Flute : 92 -103 dB

Piccolo : 90 -106 dB

Clarinet : 85 - 114 dB

French horn : 90 - 106 dB

Trombone : 85 - 114 dB

Tympani & bass drum : 106 dB

Walkman on 5/10 : 94 dB

Symphonic music peak : 120 - 137 dB

Amplifier, rock, 4-6' : 120 dB

Rock music peak : 150 dB

Notes :

  • One-third of the total power of a 75-piece orchestra comes from the bass drum.
  • High frequency sounds of 2-4,000 Hz are the most damaging. The uppermost octave of the piccolo is 2,048-4,096 Hz.
  • Aging causes gradual hearing loss, mostly in the high frequencies.
  • Speech reception is not seriously impaired until there is about 30 dB loss; by that time severe damage may have occurred.
  • The incidence of hearing loss in classical musicians has been estimated at 4-43%, in rock musicians 13-30%.

Energy and Sound :


The energy of a wave is determined by a unit called intensity of a sound wave. "The greater the amplitude of vibrations of the particles of the medium, the greater the rate at which energy is transported through it, and the more intense that the sound wave is * "Intensity is the energy/time/area; and since the energy/time ratio is equivalent to the quantity power, intensity is simply the power/area.

The intensity of a sound drops drops quickly with distance :


We don't hear sounds at the same decibel level the same way. The rumble of a train is a mixed noise spread over many frequencies that blend together and due to the wave patterns, can even cancel each other out - much like ripples in a pond. With a purer tone, the energy is strong strong with much less interference from other noise. "Intense pure-tone sounds are more annoying."


Continuous sounds over about 85 dB can result in hearing loss over time :


Loud sounds put too much pressure on the cochlear hair cells, which can damage or kill them. Once dead, they do not regenerate, so hearing is permanently affected.


About 10% of Americans have some hearing lost, with one in three of them over the age of 65. Deafness can be across all spectrums of sounds or can be deafness only to certain frequencies - including some patterns with deafness to the higher frequencies of children's and women's voices.


"The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50 percent of deafness and hearing impairment is preventable."


The human ear is most attuned to frequencies between 1,000 to 4,000 Hz, the range is from 20-Hz to 20,0000 Hz. Younger people are better at hearing the more extreme frequencies.


Animals highest normal frequency heard :

Humans* : 20,0000

Dogs : 45,000 Hz

Mice : 91,000 Hz

Bats : 110,000 Hz

Dolphins and porpoises : 150,000 Hz

  • Humans hear the best at frequencies of 1,000 to 4,000.
    • People under 20 hear more tones than adults.

Conversion of dB to Hertz :


1 kHz : 0dB  


10 kHz : 2.5 db  


Sound and Health :  


"A sound that is interpreted as noise, as something we don’t want to hear, causes stress which causes problems with the heart, the gut, and other organs."