Black & White Colors? Is Black a Color? Is White a Color?
answer to the question - "Are black and white colors?"
- is one of the most debated issues about color. Ask a scientist
and you'll get a reply based on physics: “Black is not a color,
white is a color.” Ask an artist or a child with crayons and
you'll get another: “Black is a color, white is not a color.”
are four sections on this page that present the best answers :
Colors Exist :
1 - The First Answer : Color Theory 1 - Color as Light
Black is not a color. White is a color.
2 - The Second Answer : Color Theory 2 - Color as Pigment or Molecular
Coloring Agents
Black is a color. White is not a color
3 - The Third and Most Complete Answer : Vision and Reflection
from color pros: More about black & white
basic understanding of how colors are created is the first step
in providing correct answers :
color of a tangible object is the result of pigments or molecular
coloring agents. For example, the color of a red apple (in the illustration
at the left) is the result of molecular coloring agents on the surface
of the apple. Also, a painting of a red apple is the result of red
pigments used to create the image.
colors of objects viewed on a television set or on a computer monitor
are the result of colored light (in the illustration at the right).
If you're not familiar with how colors are created by light, look
at your monitor or television screen close up. Put your eye right
up against the screen. A small magnifying glass might help. This
is what you will see :
simplified way to explain it is that the color of a red apple on
a computer or television is created by photons of red light that
are transmitted within the electronic system.
Primary Colors :
also important to understand the concept of "primary"
colors. The fundamental rule is that there are three colors that
cannot be made by mixing other colors together. These three, red,
blue, and yellow, are known as the primary colors.
that we've described two different categories of colors (pigment
and light-generated) and have a definition of primary colors, the
answer to whether black and white are colors can be answered.Color
Theory 1 - Color as Light.
Color Theory :
Green, and Blue (The primary colors of light)
question :
Are black and white colors when generated as light?
and white cats generated on a television
These colors are created by light.
answers :
1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)
When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going
into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In
other words, there are no photons of colors.
White is the blending of all colors and is a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is
composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof.
You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions
bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism
to demonstrate this.
: The sum of all the colors of light add up to white. This is additive
color theory.
you're finished with black & white, explore some real colors
at Color Matters: The Meanings of Color
Theory 2 - Color as Pigment or Molecular Coloring Agents
Color Theory :
Red, Yellow, and Blue (The primary colors of pigments in the art
Magenta, and Yellow (The primary colors of inks in the printing
question :
Are black and white colors when they exist as pigments or as molecular
coloring agents?
and white cats created by colored crayons
This is color generated by pigments.
and white cats
colors of the fur is the result of molecules.
The answers :
1. Black is a color. (Chemists will confirm this?)
Here's a simple way to show how black is made :
Combine all three primary colors (red yellow and blue) using a liquid
paint or you even food coloring. You won't get a jet black, but
the point will be clear. The history of black pigments includes
charcoal, iron metals, and other chemicals as the source of black
Resource : History of Pigments
if someone argues that black is the absence of color, you can reply,
“What is in a tube of black paint?” However, you must
add the fact that black is a color when you are referring to the
color of pigments and the coloring agents of tangible objects.
2. White is not a color.
But in some cases you could say that white is a color.
grey area :
pure white is the absence of color. In other words, you can't mix
colors to create white. Therefore, white is the absence of color
in the strictest sense of the definition.
when you examine the pigment chemistry of white, ground-up substances
(such as chalk and bone) or chemicals (such as titanium and zinc)
are used to create the many nuances of white in paint, chalk, crayons
- and even products such as Noxema. It's worth noting that white
paper is made by bleaching tree bark (paper pulp). Therefore, you
could say that white is a color in the context of pigment chemistry.
is a type of energy. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation of
a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye.It is a small
part of the electromagnetic spectrum and radiation given off by
stars like the sun. Animals can also see light. Light exists in
tiny packets called photons. It shows properties of both waves and
particles. The study of light, known as optics, is an important
research area in modern physics.
is electromagnetic radiation that is in the form of a wave. Each
wave has a wavelength or frequency. The human eye sees each frequency
as a different color. Rainbows show the entire spectrum of visible
light. The separate colors, moving in from the outer edges, are
usually listed as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
Other colors can be seen only with special cameras or instruments:
outside of red is infrared, and inside of violet is ultraviolet.
other main properties of light are intensity, polarization, phase
and orbital angular momentum.
In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation
of any wavelength, whether visible or not.
color of light has a different wavelength. The shorter the wavelength,
the more energy the light has. The speed at which light moves does
not depend on its energy. Going through partly clear objects can
slow light down by a very small amount.
Light :
White light is a combination of a spectrum of wavelengths
all of the wavelengths between 780 nm and 390 nm enter our eyes
in roughly equal intensity, we perceive white light. White light
is the sum of all of the colours of a rainbow.
of the most important experiments on light was made by Isaac Newton.
He was the greatest of all English men of science. He discovered
that sunshine (white light) is made up of many colors. Over 300
years ago, Sir Isaac Newton passed a beam of white light through
a prism. A prism is a triangular piece of glass, which allows light
to spread out into a band of six colors. These colors are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue and violet. Newton then sent this light through
a second prism where the light became white once again. What did
Sir Isaac Newton do? He first took the white light apart and then
he put it back together again.
most common example of a spectrum is the rainbow created in nature.
acts as a stream of particles and as waves. It is made of tiny packets
of energy calledphotons. Light is made of various waves, but the
length of these waves determine the color of light. Violet has about
70,000 waves to the inch and red light has about 40,000 waves to
the inch. Where will you find the other colors? All the other colors
are in between the light spectrum.
do not know of anything in our universe that travels faster than
light. The sunlight we see today left the sun 93 million miles away
to reach us about 10 minutes later. Light from stars farther away
may have taken billions of years to reach our eyes. How many times
can light travel around the world while you are saying your name?
More than four times.
are colors which are invisible. These are called infrared and ultraviolet.
The human eye is unable to see these colors, but science has special
photographic films which can see them.
The rainbow is caused by sunshine (white light) shining on water
droplets that are in the air just after a summer shower. Thousands
of these water droplets break up the light, just like Sir Isaac
Newton's prism. Can you make a rainbow? Of course! Make your own
rainbow by turning on the garden hose, which has a nozzle that will
make a fine mist, or spray. Make sure the sunlight is coming over
your shoulder. You have made a rainbow.
Isaac Newton thought that light was made of tiny particles that
flowed in a stream from a light source.