Dakshin Margi and Colors :
an Aghori Black color is important because according to Aghoris
when all the colors are mixed it forms black color.
Dakshin Margi White color is important because white is considered
pure and black represents ignorace and darkness.
fact is that when it comes to light there is no such thing as black
or white. White is a composit color and Black is dark shade of color.
Intution :
a person sits in meditation and receives intution it is just for
a second and in that fraction of section he receives all knowledge.
person receives intution in the form of white light. What happens
here is that he receives a small part of white light which is of
6 colors, these 6 colors have a frequency. The white light exists
in tiny packets called photons containing various frequency and
the brain then converts these frequency into knowing things.
has vaccume and as we know that in vaccume sound does not travel
but light does. Hence intution is related to light.
Hinduism Lord Shiv says that I am everything and is worshipped by
Demons (black) and Saints (white) this is because he does not have
black or white light he is in the pure form of energy / frequency
/ colors.., etc.
does not matter which color we chose its our feelings which are
of various frequency travelling in space in the form of light containing
various colors related to our feelings.
is no importance of words of eyes because feelings can be expressed
through frequency which is turned into color.
some case a blind person can see things without eyes because every
object has its frequency and he cant convert the frequency of that
object and see things.
mind sees various images and things in dream this is because our
thoughts generates frequency which is then converted into images
or dreams.
portal is a doorway that connects two distant locations separated
by spacetime. It usually consists of two or more gateways, with
an object entering one gateway leaving via the other instantaneously.
Places that a portal will link to include a different spot in the
same universe (in which case it might be an alternative for teleportation);
a parallel world (inter-dimensional portal); the past or the future
(time portal); and other planes of existence, such as heaven, hell
or other afterworlds.
Portals are recently discovered by Nasa. There are millions of portals
which open and close in seconds.
A good portal is a short cut, a guide into the unknown. A NASA funded
researcher at university of IOWA Mr. Jack D. Scudder has figured
out how to find Portals he calls it Electron Diffusion Regions.
Portals open and close dozens of times each day and are located
few tens of thousans of Kilometers away from earth where the geomagnetic
field meets the unrushing solar wind. Most Portals are short and
open for a small time while others are vast and sustained. Energetic
particals can flow through the opening.
portals are invisible and unstable. They open and close without
Death Experience and Portals :
Death Experience
who go through near death exprience have said that they have seen
themselves walking through a tunnel. This tunnel is nothing but
a portal through with a soul travels.
soul is an Energy Partical and travels through this portal to the
other world after death.