1990 Air National Guard pilot Bill Miller noticed a strange formation
on an Oregon dry lake bed that the Air National Guard frequently
flew over on training missions. The massive formation is a quarter
mile wide and is located 70 miles southeast of Burns, Oregon, in
an area known as Mickey Basin.
The design is a Hindu Sri Yantra symbol consisting of 13.3 miles
of lines, each 10 inches wide and scored to a depth of three inches
in the hardpan. Four people claimed to have made the formation but
could not repeat the operation by which they claimed to do it. They
could only produce a score of a half inch in the hardpan. Moreoever,
there were no signs of human activity around the site and the formation
simply appeared one day, without pilots noticing any ongoing activity
as part of its creation.
Our galactic family has used crop circles that contain “photos”
of themselves, responses to the Voyager message, elaborate formulas,
astronomical conjunctions, and every other device to get our attention.

This massive 780-foot (238 meters) crop circle appeared in 2001
in the remote area of Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England. The elaborate
design is composed of 409 circles that form a pattern called a double,
or six-sided, triskelion, which is a motif consisting of three interlocking
crop circle made news because it happened in the middle of a rain
storm. It was the largest ever to occur.
How it started :
Arecibo is on the northern coast of Puerto Rico and contains a natural
disc-shaped hole in the rock. Inside this bowl was constructed the
world's largest radio-telescope, with a diameter of 1000 feet.
In 1974 a number of modifications had been carried out to the transmitter,
enabling it to broadcast signals at a power of up to 20 terawatts
(1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts) and as an inaugural test of these
improvements it was decided by SETI to transmit an encoded message
to the heavens. This signal was aimed towards the globular star
cluster M13, some 25,000 light years away and consisting of some
300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules.
message was actually transmitted on November 16th 1974 and consisted
of 1679 pulses of binary code (0's and 1's) - which took a little
under three minutes to transmit. It was transmitted on a frequency
of 2380MHz.
1679 digits :
reason for this is down to mathematics. 1679 is the unique product
of two prime numbers; 23 and 73. Any sufficiently intelligent lifeform
would no doubt look for unique, universal constructs such as prime
numbers, chemical element frequencies and binary digits. Don't forget
that because we could be trying to communicate with an intelligence
completely different to our own, we cannot talk in terms of 'human'
systems, such as centimetres, feet, decimal numbers etc.
ONLY the two prime numbers 23 and 73, when multiplied together,
produce 1679 there can only be a single way to arrange the signal,
if you were converting it into a matrix grid - 23 squares by 73

Transmission of 1679 Pulses Binary Code

converting the original transmission of binary pulses into 23 columns
of 73 rows we get a matrix.

of Message Sent
can now see a graphical pattern depicted by the 1's and 0's of the
code. For clarity black squares (representing 1's) and white (empty)
squares (representing 0's).
the original message :
original message was comprised of several 'sections', each depicting
a particular aspect of 'our civilization'. At the top are binary
representations of the numbers one through to ten, interestingly
showing the numbers eight, nine and ten as two columns. This shows
anyone decoding the message that we can specify that numbers too
large to be written on a single line can be 'carried over'.
next section contains the binary values 1,6,7,8 and 15 which indicate
the atomic numbers of the primary elements for life on Earth are
Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus respectively.

of Message Sent
larger section of three rows, represents the formulas for the sugars
and bases in the nucleotides of DNA. Beneath this is a graphical
representation of our DNA 'double helix' either side of a 'straight
vertical bar' which indicates the number of nucleotides in DNA.
below the DNA double helix is a small representation of us humans
with a body and two arms and two legs (like a little stick man).
On the left is a binary value of the population of Earth. This can
be calculated as roughly 4.29 billion, which is roughly the population
of the world, back in 1974. On the right of the humanoid form is
a binary code for the height of humans.
we cannot communicate in 'human' measurements (such as feet and
inches) the height is represented in 'wavelength units'. As mentioned
earlier, the actual message was transmitted on 2380MHz. To convert
this into a wavelength we divide into 300, to obtain a wavelength
in meters. 300/2380 = 0.12605042m = 12.6cm. This is our 'wavelength
the code for the height of a human, we can see that the value is
1110 in binary, or 14 in decimal. If we multiply 14 by our wavelength
unit (12.6) we get 176.4cm, or roughly 5'9" - the average height
of humans.
next section is a simplified representation of our Solar System
- where we live. It shows the sun and nine planets, roughly representative
of size. By moving the third planet up slightly it highlights that
something is significant about the third planet from the sun - Earth.
last section depicts the origin of the message itself - the Arecibo
radio telescope, which is the curved structure. Underneath this,
as the last two lines of the message, is another binary number.
This time it's 100101111110 (split onto two lines in the centre)
and equates to 2430 in decimal. Again, using our universal 'wavelength
units' we get 2430*12.6cm which is 30618cm - or approx 1000', the
diameter of the Arecibo radio dish.
Differences between the message sent in 1974 and the one received
in 2001 :

Message Sent and 2001 Message Received

crop circles were the response to Sagen’s message stating
“We are carbon and silicon, we have a big head and small body,
we’re on the 3rd planet of our solar system and the 3rd one
has 4 moons, we have 3 strands of DNA. The other crop circle contained
an alien face.
different in the Crop Formation :

Message Received
numbers 1 to 10 appear exactly the same in the formation.
However the atomic numbers indicating the prevalent elements making
up life on Earth, has an additional value inserted into the binary
sequence. This is precisely added in the correct location, and in
the original binary code (therefore it can't be a mistake). Decoding
from the crop formation, this additional element has an atomic number
of 14 = Silicon.
down, the next change is an obvious one - consisting of an extra
strand on the left side of the DNA double-helix. Another, less obvious,
change is in the binary coding of the number of nucleotides in DNA
itself (in the center).
in Crop Formation
are quite significant changes to the shape of the humanoid, which
becomes almost 'alien-like'.
Either side of what is now an ET, there are changes to both the
'population' figure and also the height value. The latter is now
1000 in binary, or 8. If we multiply this by the original 'wavelength
unit' we get 8*12.6cm = 100.8cm which is roughly 3'4" - interesting,
because this would correlate with ET witness accounts.
this we notice additional changes to the Solar System chart. The
third planet from the sun is not the only one 'highlighted' now.
The fourth and fifth are as well. The fifth even appears to be emphasized
even more, with three additional 'pixels'.
what was representative of the Arecibo transmitter in the original
message is even more cryptic and would imply a diagrammatic version
of the formation which appeared in the same field at Chilbolton
last year, in 2000.
binary code for the size of the transmitter is also altered.
does it all mean :

exactly one year prior to this message, in the same crop, this formation
appeared :

is clearly a representation of their "telescope", as depicted
in the 2001 message.
holding a disc :

Hampshire, England. August 21st, 2002
message within the disk was deciphered using the standard 8 bit
binary code known as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange). The cipher starts at the center of the disk and spirals
outward counter-clockwise, this is also the same read pattern that
a compact disc or DVD uses.
of how lasers read CDs / DVDs :

the Message :


empty spaces represent the binary number of ZERO and the blocks
represent the binary number ONE.
this cipher we get the following message :
the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.
Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there.
We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07"
binary code of 0x07 at the end of the message would produced a bell
sound similar to that of an old typewriter / bell sound (Example:
Construction :
A. Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.
B. Much PAIN but still time.BELIEVE.
C. There is GOOD out there.We OPPPOSE DECEPTION.
D. Conduit CLOSING (Ding)
Is this a friendly message from benevolent beings? The message sounds
friendly enough and it's just what we want to hear.
you notice anything strange? How about the three Stars behind the
Alien? They look like Orion's belt, but do they match its alignment?
are also two prominent constellations mentioned by our ancestors,
and most of the times they are connected to the extraterrestrial
"gods": The Pleiades and Orion's Belt.

Orions Belt

and Orions Belt

and Orions Belt Alignment
you can see it's a perfect match. But what does this mean? Are the
alien visitors positive beings from/around the Orion Constellation.
Did they visit our planet or lived on our planet :
Giant Skeleton
Nephilim are giants believed to be between eight and twelve feet
tall and sometimes described as being as much as 40 feet tall, who
lived during the biblical times of Enoch.
There have been many reported bone and skull findings of Nephilim
giant skeletons throughout the world.
Over the last century, evidence has been found around the world
confirming the past existence of a large race of humanoids. Giant
human skulls and bones, as well as large human footprints, have
been discovered in many places. It is a popular belief now, as it
was in times past, that a race of large, god-men came down from
the heavens in times past and influenced mankind. The ancient literature
from various cultures have very similar stories involving larger-than-life
men. Greek mythology with it’s legends of gods like Zeus and
Hercules are products of this. Strangely enough, the Bible only
confirms the events that serve as the true origin of these stories.
Biblical book of Genesis explains in 6:4 that ‘There were
giants in the earth in those days: and also after that, when the
sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children
to them.
is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca
Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist,
Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 a massive and elaborate
graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals
with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These
have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total,
Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed
to date back around 3,000 years. A DNA analysis has now been conducted
on one of the skulls and expert Brien Foerster has released preliminary
information regarding these enigmatic skulls.
It had MTDNA with mutations unknown in any human, primate or animal
known so far. The data is very sketchy though and a LOT of sequencing
still needs to be done to recover the complete mtDNA sequence. But
a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate
that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like
creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier
than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been
intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also
contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that
the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation
means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been
for decades.
The tests on that sample of hair also showed that these skulls are
not human.
The results of the first DNA tests to ever be performed on the famous
Paracas skulls. The results for one of the skulls are now in, and
the scientist that did the testing is declaring that this skull
represents a “new human-like creature” unlike anything
that has ever been discovered before.

city once believed to be a myth, engulfed by the Mediterranean Sea
and buried far beneath the depths for more than 1,200 years, now
uncovered by archaeologists who have discovered the ancient mysteries
of Heracleion, uncovering well-preserved artifacts that tell an
amazing story.



As you can clearly see in some of the photos, the statue (s) definitely
have the elongated heads, as do the Nephilim skulls.
The finds include 64 ships, 16-foot-tall statues, 700 anchors and
countless gold coins and smaller artifacts.
interesting note is that Flinders Petrie, considered the father
of modern day archaeology, claims to have found a new giant race
in Egypt. In his last report he states :
new race has been found, which had not any object of manufacture
like the Egyptians; their pottery, their statuettes, their beads,
their mode of burial are all unlike any other in Egypt, and not
a single usual Egyptian scarab, or heiroglyph of carving, or amulet,
or bead, or vase has been found in the whole of the remains in question.
we are dealing with something entirely different from any age of
Egyptian civilization yet known, is therefore certain. That this
was not a merely local variety is almost certain, as these strange
remains are found over more than a hundred miles of country, from
Abydos to Gebelen. Our own work was near the middle of this district,
between Ballas and Negada. The race was very tall and powerful,
with strong features: a hooked nose, long pointed beard, and brown
wavy hair, are shown by their carvings and bodily remains. There
was no trace of the Negro type apparent, and in general they seem
closely akin to the allied races of the Libyans and Amorites. Their
burials are always with the body contracted and not mummified.
and flint were both in use by these people. Copper adzes show that
the wood was wrought, and finely carved bulls' legs to a couch illustrates
the work. Copper harpoons were imitated from the form in bone. Copper
needles indicates the use of sewn garments and the multitude of
spinning-wheels in the town proves how common weaving must have
All the above things states that we have been contacted
and God, Aliens or whatever you want to call it has visited our
planet and lived on our planet. Not only this they are giving us
warning about what’s going to happen in future.