takes some star for its dual (Sirius) and revolves around it in
about 24,000 years of our Earth and this (see below image) is what
causes the apparent backward movement of the equinoctial points
around the zodiac.
the same time, the Sun also has another motion by which it revolves
round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the
creative power of the universe, Bramha.
Bramha regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.
When the Sun, in its revolution around its dual (Sirius), comes
to the place nearest to this grand center, (which takes place when
the Autumnal Equinox reaches the First Point of Aries¹, the
star Zeta Piscium²), dharm, the mental virtue, becomes so much
developed that man can easily comprehend all, even the mysteries
of Spirit.

12,000 years, when the Sun goes to the place in its orbit furthest
from Bramha (which takes place when the Autumnal Equinox is on the
First Point of Libra), the mental abilities of man is so reduced
that he cannot grasp anything beyond the gross material creation.
Then in the same manner, the sun begins its advance to return to
the place nearest the grand center and mental virtue begins to develop
again for another 12,000 years and completes the 24,000 year cycle.
Rate of Precession :
science tells us that the present rate of precession is about 1º
in 72 years.
we were at the apopsis of our orbit at around 500 AD when the Autumnal
Equinox reached 0°of Libra. The intellectual power of man was
so diminished that we could not comprehend anything beyond the gross
material matter of creation.
History seems to bear this out as it was one of the darkest periods
of mankind with the fall of the Western Roman Empire just a few
years earlier and the beginning of what was eventually termed the
"Dark Ages".
The Four Yug's :
development of dharma, is gradual and divided into four different
stages or Yug's in an ascending arc of 12,000 years.
The first stage is called Kali Yug during which the Sun passes through
1/20th portion of its entire orbit or 1200 years. The human intellect
cannot comprehend anything beyond gross material creation, the external
world. The next stage or age is called Dwapara Yug which the Sun
passes through 2/20th of its orbit or 2400 years.
The human intellect can comprehend the fine matters or electricity’s
and their attributes which are the creating principles of the external
world. The period of 3600 years which the Sun passes through 3/20th
of its orbit is called Treta Yug.
Our intellect can then comprehend the divine magnetism, the source
of all electrical forces on which creation depends for its existence.
The period of 4800 years during which the Sun passes through the
remaining 4/20th orbit is called Sat Yug.
The mental virtue is in its fourth stage and completes its full
development. Human intellect can comprehend all, even God the Spirit
beyond this visible world and dharm has reached its peak. It now
begins to decline in a descending arc of 12,000 years and mankind
gradually loses dharm as it once again travels through the four
Yug's in reverse order.
following diagram may be helpful :

of Yugs
you can see from the above diagram, the Autumnal Equinox entered
the ascending Dwapar Yug around the year 1700 and so we are currently
just 300 years (or barely 1/8) into this 2400 year Yug which is
scheduled to last until the year 4100 AD.
Obviously the last 300 years has seen a tremendous advance in our
knowledge of the universe. It should also be pointed out that as
you pass from one age to another there is a transitional period
from one to the other that is proportionate to the length of the
age in question.
So the Kal Yug, for instance, that has a total length of 1200 years,
has a transition time of 100 years at its start and end plus the
1000 years sandwiched in between to make the total 1200 years.
In similar fashion Dwapar Yug has a 200 year transition + 2000 years
+ another 200 year transition at its end and Treta has a similar
300 + 3000 + 300 and Satya 400 + 4000 + 400. In this scenario, 1600
AD would mark the beginning of the 100 year transition out of the
last Kali Yug. Therefore, 1700 AD would begin the 200 year transition
into the Dwapar Yug and 1900 would be the start of the actual Dwapaa
Yug proper.
No one can argue that the last 100 years of the 20th century has
seen an unparalleled advance in knowledge throughout the world which
corresponds to our finally entering into the Dwapar Age proper in
1900 AD.
Yug Calculation :

Yug Calculation :
Yug = 4,800
Yug = 3,600
Yug = 2,400
Yug = 1,200
= 12,000
Yug (golden age), Treta Yug (silver age), Dwapar Yug (bronze age)
and Kal Yug (iron age). From Yug to Yug the level of consciousness
Sat Yug was occupied by yogis and mystic powers and evil used to
live on another planet hence they were separated by space. In treta
Yug demons live on another country but on same planet and anything
separating is ocean. Dwapar Yug people live for thousand years,
they have good and bad in the same family. Kal Yug people live for
hundred years and good and bad is in each and every one of us it’s
not separate now it’s in us and we have to become conscious
of our deeds if we are serious and want to move out of planet earth.
We might like planet earth but it’s a prison.
We move from Sat Yug -> Treta Yug-> Dwapar Yug -> Kal Yug
-> Dwapar Yug -> Treta Yug -> Sat Yug.

of Yugs
level of consciousness increases then decreases and then again increases
from Yug to Yug. We can with our eyes see only 5 planets but other
4 planets too effect us. In some news papers they also show the
rising of other planets. They are there but few try to eradicate
it because their religion does not accept it but actually they are
the only group that doesn't. All feminine life on planet earth is
governed by moon that’s why we have menstruation from moonstural
cycle another word is lunar cycle. It is now a accepted fact that
when the moon is into its full position it has its effect on people.
Many stupid acts happen during that time.

alignment with the Great Pyramid of Giza. Orion (associated with
the god Osiris) is aligned with the King’s Chamber while Sirius
(associated with the goddess Isis) is aligned with the Queen’s
scientific discoveries relating to the Great Pyramid and its mysterious
“air shafts” have lead researchers to further confirm
the importance of Sirius within the pyramid.
A fascinating aspect of Sirius is the consistency of the symbolism
and meanings attached to it. Several great civilizations have indeed
associated Sirius with a dog-like figure and viewed the star as
either the source or the destination of a mysterious force. In Chinese
and Japanese astronomy, Sirius is known as the “star of the
celestial wolf”. Several aboriginal tribes of North America
referred to the star in canine terms: the Seri and Tohono O’odham
tribes of the southwest describe the Sirius as a “dog that
follows mountain sheep”, while the Blackfoot call it “Dog-face”.
The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of
the “Path of Souls”. The Wolf (Skidi) tribe of Nebraska
knew it as the “Wolf Star”, while other branches of
knew it as the “Coyote Star”. Further north, the Alaskan
Inuit of the Bering Strait called it “Moon Dog”.
our solar system works :
Planets orbit Sirius A (sun) and our Sun orbits Sirius B. Sirius
B being the brightest star in the sky in the sector of Cancer right
in the Gemini and every 24,000 years Sirius A and B go round each
other in clock wise motion. Since last couple of thousands years
both are going far from each other and now they have turned to corner
and heading towards each other.

A and Sirius B

At this moment we are moving away from Kal Yug (iron age) because
Sirius A and B are at corner away from each other. This affects
the consciousness of mankind because we have hundred percent consciousnesses
when the two are near to each other.
Yug = 100% consciousness
Treta Yug = 75
% consciousness
Dwapar Yug = 55
% consciousness
Kal Yug = 25
% consciousness

of Consciousness
We have not enjoyed full consciousness, abilities and powers we
had once before since a long time.
As the Sirius turns corners and heads towards each other we have
turned the corner from the dark period (age) because the sun had
been pulled apart and its influences has been weakened and therefore
our consciousness has dropped and we are in the dark ages and now
they are pulling towards each other bringing us to a higher consciousness
and that’s nature.
We are locked in series of cycles and its duty of every citizen
that when they are ready to discover their awareness and to take
control of themselves.
During this time many will realize the truth and many will just
go into darkness and continue on that path. We are moving away from
Dark Age and those who like it they want to keep it that way. They
do not want to change because they are afraid of light. They are
afraid of people waking up.
During 2012-2014 the bad will use its full force to keep the light
away and those people who wish for darkness will vanish with it.
The biggest weapon used to control people is fear through fear they
make people slaves. If people don’t have freedom they have
to become some sort of slave. What we should not be is slaves of
politicians and media there are only 2 things about news papers
that you can rely on which is price of news paper and the date.
Because this is how they control our consciousness through fear.
Right from our birth we are constantly manipulated and confused
with contradictory information and we are pressured to believe it
otherwise we will be condemned or eradicated.
We are in a time where Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice,
politicians destroy freedom, universities destroy knowledge and
media destroy information that’s where we are.
Politicians don’t want low class people, well educated or
critical thinking people because that’s against their interest,
they just want slaves.
If you are influenced through fear you are relating to the universe
through your ego which is easily controlled and deceived. The main
thing to fear is fear itself.
We are suffering from the effects of Dark Age. Just because we can
choose what color clothes we want to wear that does not mean we
are free because this is an illusion. The main stream media does
not want us to realize that there is a mass awakening taking place.
We people realize that what they are doing is service (job) and
that service is wrong. We are also too blame as much as they are
because we allow it to happen but now it’s time for us to
conquer all this by standing up against it responsibly. Everything
is energy and energy is consciousness.
Sometimes people are in a ride which is of illusion and when consciousness
people come near them and say “don’t worry it’s
just a ride” people kill or shut that person because they
like to be in that ride of illusion.
We are atoms (units of god).
Since 300 years science is based on 2 false assumptions 1. Everything
is separate from everything else and 2. Our experiences of thoughts,
feelings, belief and emotions don’t have any effect on the
world beyond our bodies. This is why scientists are disconnected
from the reality.
Every decision which you take, takes you in a different direction
hence whatever decision you take, take it with consciousness and
everything is changed. Just know who you are.
cycle from Sat Yug to Kal Yug and from Kal Yug to Sat Yug is an
ongoing process which is eventually going to end after 14th Manuvantar.

(end of 14th Manuvantar)