tablet and its sealed clay envelope. Legal document, listing of
land and their distribution to several sons. From Sippar, Iraq.
Old-Babylonian period. Reign of Nabhas / Sin-Muballit, 1812-1793
BCE (middle chronology). Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany.
was the father of Hammurabi and the fifth Amorite king of the first
dynasty (the Amorite Dynasty) of Babylonia, reigning c. 1748 to
1729 BC. He ruled over a relatively new and minor kingdom; however,
he was the first ruler of Babylon to actually declare himself king
of the city, and the first to expand the territory ruled by the
city, and his son greatly expanded the Babylonian kingdom into the
short lived Babylonian Empire.
Nabhas / Sin-Muballit succeeded his father Nal / Apil-Sin. No inscriptions
for either king are known.
Sin-Muballlit's 13th year, he repelled the army of Larsa, which
was frequently in conflict with Babylon. In the 17th year of his
reign, Sin-Muballit took possession of the city of Isin and his
power grew steadily over time as evidenced by his building and fortifying
a number of towns. He abdicated due to failing health.
note :
There exists disagreement over the dating of the events of the first
dynasty. The short chronology used in this article is the least
accepted by scholars today. The middle chronology is recently the
most preferred chronology and places events 64 years earlier than
given here. There also exists a long chronology which places events
120 years earlier than given here. See
Chronology of the Ancient Near East for details.