cylinder seal from sometime around 2300 BC or thereabouts depicting
the deities Inanna, Utu, Enki, and Isimud
Anunnaki are a group of deities first attested during the reign
of Gudea (c. 2144 – 2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur.
Originally, the Anunnaki appear to have been heavenly deities with
immense powers, who were believed to "decree the fates of mankind".
Later they became regarded as chthonic Underworld deities. They
are chiefly mentioned in literary texts and very little evidence
to support the existence of any cult of them has yet been unearthed.
This is likely due to the fact that each member of the Anunnaki
had his or her own individual cult, separate from the others. Similarly,
no representations of the Anunnaki as a group have yet been discovered,
although a few depictions of its individual members have been identified.
Another group of deities are the Igigi, who are first attested from
the Old Babylonian Period (c. 1830 BC – c. 1531 BC). The name
Igigi seems to have originally been applied to the ten "great
gods", but it later came to refer to all the gods of Heaven
collectively. In some instances, the terms Anunnaki and Igigi are
used synonymously.
majority of Sumerian deities belonged to a classification called
the Anunna (“[offspring] of An”), whereas seven deities,
including Enlil and Inanna, belonged to a group of “underworld
judges" known as the Anunnaki (“[offspring] of An”
+ Ki). During the
Third Dynasty of Ur, the Sumerian pantheon was said to include sixty
times sixty (3600) deities.
the group of seven deities probably
included the "seven gods who decree": Anu, Enlil, Enki,
Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
afterlife :
Sumerian afterlife was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below
the ground, where inhabitants were believed to continue "a
shadowy version of life on earth". This bleak domain was known
as Kur, and was believed to be ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal.
souls in Kur were believed to eat nothing but dry dust and family
members of the deceased would ritually pour libations into the dead
person's grave through a clay pipe, thereby allowing the dead to
drink. Nonetheless, there are assumptions according to which treasures
in wealthy graves had been intended as offerings for Utu and the
Anunnaki, so that the deceased would receive special favors in the
underworld. During the Third Dynasty of Ur, it was believed that
a person's treatment in the afterlife depended on how he or she
was buried; those that had been given sumptuous burials would be
treated well, but those who had been given poor burials would fare
poorly, and were believed to haunt the living.
entrance to Kur was believed to be located in the Zagros mountains
in the far east. It had seven gates, through which a soul needed
to pass. The god Neti was the gatekeeper. Ereshkigal's sukkal, or
messenger, was the god Namtar. Galla were a class of demons that
were believed to reside in the underworld; their primary purpose
appears to have been to drag unfortunate mortals back to Kur. They
are frequently referenced in magical texts, and some texts describe
them as being seven in number. Several extant poems describe the
galla dragging the god Dumuzid into the underworld. The later Mesopotamians
knew this underworld by its East Semitic name: Irkalla. During the
Akkadian Period, Ereshkigal's role as the ruler of the underworld
was assigned to Nergal, the god of death. The Akkadians attempted
to harmonize this dual rulership of the underworld by making Nergal
Ereshkigal's husband.

of Heaven :
three most important deities in the Mesopotamian pantheon during
all periods were the deities An, Enlil, and Enki. An was identified
with all the stars of the equatorial sky, Enlil with those of the
northern sky, and Enki with those of the southern sky. The path
of Enlil's celestial orbit was a continuous, symmetrical circle
around the north celestial pole, but those of An and Enki were believed
to intersect at various points.
An / Anu :

cult centers : Eanna temple in Uruk
body : Equatorial sky
color : Luludanitu; ensemble of red, white and black
(in Sumerian), later known as Anu or Ilu (in Akkadian), is the supreme
God and "prime mover in creation", embodied by the sky.
He is the first and most distant ancestor, theologically conceived
as the God of Heaven in its "transcendental obscurity".
All the deities were believed to be the offspring of An and his
consort Ki (cf. Anunnaki). While An was the utmost God, at least
by the time of the earliest written records the cult was largely
devoted to Enlil.
Ashnan :
is the goddess of grain. In the Sumerian poem The Dispute between
Cattle and Grain, she and her sister Lahar are created by the Anunnaki
to provide them with food. They produce large amounts of food, but
become drunk with wine and start to quarrel, so Enki and Enlil intervene,
declaring Ashnan the victor.
Lahar :
is a goddess of cattle. In the Sumerian poem The Dispute between
Cattle and Grain, she and her sister Ashnan are created by the Anunnaki
to provide them with food. They produce large amounts of food, but
become drunk with wine and start to quarrel, so Enki and Enlil intervene,
declaring Ashnan the victor.
Enlil :
was the god of air, wind, and storm. He was also the chief god of
the Sumerian pantheon and the patron deity of the city of Nippur.
His primary consort was Ninlil, the goddess of the south wind, who
was one of the matron deities of Nippur and was believed to reside
in the same temple as Enlil. Ninurta was the son of Enlil and Ninlil.
He was worshipped as the god of war, agriculture, and one of the
Sumerian wind gods. He was the patron deity of Girsu and one of
the patron deities of Lagash.
Enki :
was god of freshwater, male fertility, and knowledge. His most important
cult center was the E-abzu temple in the city of Eridu. He was the
patron and creator of humanity and the sponsor of human culture.
His primary consort was Ninhursag, the Sumerian goddess of the earth.
Ninhursag was worshipped in the cities of Kesh and Adab.
Inanna :
was the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, and warfare. She was the
divine personification of the planet Venus, the morning and evening
star. Her main cult center was the Eanna temple in Uruk, which had
been originally dedicated to An. The Sumerians had more myths about
Inanna than any other deity. Many of the myths involving her revolve
around her attempts to usurp control of the other deities' domains.
Utu :
was god of the sun, whose primary center of worship was the E-babbar
temple in Sippar. Utu was principally regarded as a dispenser of
justice; he was believed to protect the righteous and punish the
wicked. Nanna was god of the moon and of wisdom. He was the father
of Utu and one of the patron deities of Ur.
Ereshkigal :
was the goddess of the Sumerian Underworld, which was known as Kur.
She was Inanna's older sister. The gatekeeper of the underworld
was the god Neti.
Nammu :
was a goddess representing the primeval waters (Engur), who gave
birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first deities; while
she is rarely attested as an object of cult, she likely played a
central role in the early cosmogony of Eridu, and in later periods
continued to appear in texts related to exorcisms. An was the ancient
Sumerian god of the heavens. He was the ancestor of all the other
major deities and the original patron deity of Uruk.
major gods had a so-called sukkal, a minor deity serving as their
vizier, messenger or doorkeeper.
Principal beliefs and Anunnaki :
Yazdâni theologies, an absolute pantheistic force (Hâk
or Haqq) encompasses the whole universe. It binds together the cosmos
with its essence, and has entrused the universe the heft sirr (the
"Heptad", "Seven Mysteries", "Seven Angels"),
who sustain universal life and can incarnate in persons, bâbâ
("Gates" or "Avatar"). These seven emanations
are comparable to the seven Anunnaki aspects of Anu of ancient Mesopotamian
theology, and they include Melek Taus (the "Peacock Angel"
or "King"), who is the same as the ancient god Dumuzi
son of Enki and the main deity in Yazidi theology, and Shaykh Shams
al-Din, "the sun of the faith", who is Mithra.
religions continue the theology of Mesopotamian religions under
a Zoroastrian influence, and expressed through an Arabic and Persianate
Sufi lexicon.
divine beings :
principal feature of Yazdânism is the belief in seven benevolent
divine beings that defend the world from an equal number of malign
entities. While this concept exists in its purest form in Yârsânism
and Yazidism, it evolves into "seven saints/spiritual persons",
which are called "Yedi Ulu Ozan" in Alevism. Another important
feature of these religions is a doctrine of reincarnation. The belief
in reincarnation has been documented among the Nusayri (Shamsi Alawites)
as well.
Yazidis believe in a single God as creator of the world, which he
has placed under the care of these seven “holy beings”
or angels, whose “chief” (archangel) is Melek Taus,
the “Peacock Angel”. The Peacock Angel, as world-ruler,
causes both good and bad to befall individuals, and this ambivalent
character is reflected in myths of his own temporary fall from God’s
favor, before his remorseful tears extinguished the fires of his
hellish prison and he was reconciled with God.
Taus is sometimes identified by Muslims and Christians with Shaitan
(Satan). Yazidis, however, strongly dispute this, considering him
to be the leader of the archangels, not a fallen angel. According
to Christine Allison :
Yazidis of Kurdistan have been called many things, most notoriously
“devil-worshippers”, a term used both by unsympathetic
neighbours and fascinated Westerners. This sensational epithet is
not only deeply offensive to the Yazidis themselves, but quite simply
of this connection to the Sufi Iblis tradition, some followers of
Christianity and Islam equate the Peacock Angel with their own unredeemed
evil spirit Satan, which has incited centuries of persecution of
the Yazidis as ‘devil worshippers’. Persecution of Yazidis
has continued in their home communities within the borders of modern
Iraq. In August 2014 the Yazidis were targeted by the Islamic State
of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, in its campaign to ‘purify’
Iraq and neighboring countries of non-Islamic influences.
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